Does praying really work?
2006-06-14 09:35:35 UTC
People always say,I'll pray for you, but what does it actually do. I'm not trying to be funny or witty, I just would really like to know how praying helps.
67 answers:
2006-06-14 10:56:04 UTC
last time I prayed it was to the porcelain god and when I was finished it flushed so I guess praying works
Wild Mangie
2006-06-14 09:55:02 UTC
It does really work and here's a story that proves it...

The was this boy from our congregation that had a brain tumor. He didn't look like he was going to make it. So every week our whole congregation prayed for him that he would heel and be well again.

Then a couple weeks later the doctors made a discovey...

The boy was on the road to recovery! He is now walking and testing and things are looking better everyday. The doctors were amazed at how the boy could recover from the brain tumor

-the boy is Justin W. 15 years old

He might not have lived without our prayers

If your prayers aren't answered they will be answered later when God know's it's right or it may be what you are praying for like: cars, money, toys, U know God's not Santa





God bless you
2006-06-14 09:54:24 UTC
Well, I can tell you this. Every Religion know to man has a version of prayer. Doctors have done studies and found that if you have a prayer life, you are more likely to heal faster, than if you do not. The Bible gives hundreds of prayers just in Psalms. Even your recovery programs use prayer. Now from my own experience I have noticed that hopeless situations have miraculiously worked themselves out after prayer. Praying helps not only the person being prayed for, but the person also doing the prayer. I can not explain why it works. I myself have been healed of something while I was on my knees praying for someone else. Does it work? yes. Always? yes, even if the answer is no. My friend is not a christian and she says prayer works for her "because once she has prayed about something, she has given it to, the whatever she calls it, and no longer has to carry the load."
2006-06-14 10:00:36 UTC
I'm familiar with the following articles on this subject,

and recommend them to you ...

Does Praying Do Any Good?

... Why Should You Pray?

The Power of Prayer

... God Does Answer Prayers

Prayers That Are Heard by God

For more information, you can use the links to related articles (top-left of text), or utilize the index/topics/search pages. (Use these lists to turn the page to some of the sub-titles.)


"Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine."

1 Thessalonians 5:21
2006-06-14 09:55:53 UTC
Prayer is our communication with God. At least for me it has worked. If you believe it with all your might that God is real and you know that you worship a real God that listens your prayers will come through. Some prayers go unanswered because it is not to our best interest. James said it best when he said. We ask yet we dont receive because we do not ask right. If you pray to go for something that will destroy your communication with God or will make you distance from you worshipping him, more than likely your prayer will not come to pass. You also should not make any prayers to hurt any one else. God will not allow that prayer. Also Prayer is not something that you do in a quick way. Praying takes time and desire.

There are different types of prayer. The Rushed prayer, similar to the one we make, when we wake up or go to sleep or before we eat.

There is a more powerfull prayer similar to the when Jesus asked his disciples to pray and he went to the other side, he came back and they were asleep, and he asked. "You havent been able to pray at least an hour?" This gives us the understanding that we should pray at least an hour for what we want. Not being selfish in prayer keeping everyone in prayer that pops into our head, leads to a more powerful prayer.
2006-06-14 09:52:09 UTC
You know, that's entirely subjective. I've got a good book you should read sometime - Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. Definitely would not be endorsed by too many churches.

But back to your question, it can go both ways; It can do good, and it can do nothing. A man may pray and his prayer will be answered, but will it be answered the way he wants it? If you're trapped on the roof of a flooded building, and ask God to send help, and you deny the lift from the boat that comes by, God has answered your prayer.

I have a lisp. I asked God to heal my lisp. The local community college offered free speech therapy classes. I took them. Now I no longer have a lisp.

Was this God? I believe so. You could very easily rationalize this and attribute it to something else; I don't like lying to myself, however. While a giant hand from heaven doesn't descend every time someone requests that God kill their mother-in-law, I'm still alive after many opportunities to be dead, so I say yes, it does help.
Shining Ray of Light
2006-06-14 09:44:18 UTC
Of course it works. I pray for people everyday, sometimes all day if the situation is a little more personal to me. I know prayer works cause of the countless miracles I've witnessed. The power of prayer is even stronger when a community of people pray together about the same thing. You can't ask for material items or to be transformed into a beauty queen or anything like that. Prayer is for healing. It's our way of talking to the Lord, through prayer. He is my conscience, so I ask for proper guidance to try my best to do the right thing. Try it!
2006-06-14 10:18:50 UTC
Only with positive thinking.

Someone will hopefully hear you praying and feel sorry, or take pity on you and help your need to be fulfilled.

How do all the bible punching know different ?

Deborah W.nothing personal, is a point in case how does she know what she says to be true ? She Can't.

Because she is delusional it is imposable to know, how does she know that God is not a Genie, or for that matter, the next person that you meet, or even our own consciousness, she does not, if she is honest, and that's what Christians and all believers claim to be, with the help of delusion and in most cases, lies. I wish they would just come back to reality and see things as they really are.
2006-06-14 11:32:54 UTC
Praying is a direct contact with God.Praying for others is called intercessionary praying - this is where you appeal to God on behalf of others.

Why does this work - this works on the principle of joint effort. If someone is dear to God then God has no problems listening to their prayers interceding for someone else.

Does it work - yes if the intermediaries are themselves strong/devout people. If the intermediaries are merely "showbottle" then their prayers will be similar.

The best way to find the effectiveness or otherwise is to try it for yourself. Others may say that yes it's effective but they may have ulterior motives for saying that- you never can tell. If you choose to have someone pray for you then try to make sure they practice what they preach,e.g. The Bhagavad-Gita gives the qualities of someone who is meant to be devout :

Ch2: v21, v41-44, v56-72.

Ch3: v3-7

Ch4: 34

Ch5: v18-22

Ch7: v17

Ch10: v4-5, v9

Ch12: v13-20

Ch14: v21-25

Ch16: All

Ch17: v5-28,

Ch18: v51-53.
2006-06-14 10:17:02 UTC
Praying helps me in a great many ways. When I talk things over with God, it helps me to get my thoughts straight, and to put my priorities in order. It helps me to understand things from a wider perspective.

However, selfish prayer never works. God is not a genie in a lamp who will grant your every wish, it doesn't work like that. Think about it.

I know that, a great many times, someone will say "I'll pray for you", and then promptly forget all about it. And that's OK. Just the fact that they had that desire, even if only for that moment, is enough for God to hear and to act. God knows our needs better than we do.
2006-06-14 10:05:50 UTC
No matter what your religion, I think that most people agree praying helps on some level. Personally I think that when we tell God our worries, He will help us. He knows what is right for us, and if we pray for something that will be detrimental to us, He may not grant it, but if we keep praying for it He will give it to us, and He will be there for us.

My parents are Pagan and they still think that prayer can help - they say that it's all the positive energy being given out by people that helps.

Personally i've had prayers answered, I think most people have at one time or another!
2006-06-14 09:48:12 UTC
No, prayer does not work. Every single time anyone prays for something that couldn't just happen by chance, like an amputated leg spontaneously re-growing for example, it never happens. Never, ever. Anytime someone prays for something and it *does* happen, it would have happened anyway, just in the natural order of things, i.e. it's a coincidence.
2014-09-27 10:27:05 UTC
If you can be pregnant or if you have infertility problems I reccomend to follow this method

Many factors can cause a couple trouble in conceiving a baby, I'll list a few of the most common ones in women:

Anorexia or other dietary dysfunctions

Lacking amounts of FSH and LH are produced, so ovaries aren't as functional as they could be, and so not many eggs are produced

Stress, causing periods to become irregular

Medications such as cancer treatments,antidepressants, hormone therapy, pain killers, and antipsychotic drugs can all cause temporary infertility.

With the method that I posted above you will be able to get pregnant!
Candice H
2006-06-14 09:52:00 UTC
It really depends on what you mean by "Does Praying Really Work?" For example, do you mean if I pray for something it will definitely happen? Because sometimes what we pray for isn't what God has intended for us. Most people don't pray for guidance or what God wants, they pray for what they specifically want. So if you pray for God's guidance in your decision or life events, prayer will always "work". But if you pray "Please God, let me win the lottery", that may not be in God's plan for you so praying like that will bring you a lot of dissapointment.
Des M
2006-06-14 12:48:12 UTC
There are many gods worshipped in the world today, and you may have noticed that some of them are made of wood or stone or whatever. The Bible identifies the true God by name. If you really want to know then check out Psalm 83 v 18. Then you can be sure you will be heard. As to answers - it is necessary for your prayers to be in harmony with God's will.
2015-07-31 05:56:39 UTC

Does praying really work?

People always say,I'll pray for you, but what does it actually do. I'm not trying to be funny or witty, I just would really like to know how praying helps.
kizzy m
2006-06-14 09:50:20 UTC
There are many opinions on this.!! I don't consider myself to be religious but i do feel praying can help you feel better there is a force which listens and prayers have been awn sered for millions of people so i guess it dose work, especially when you carn't make scence of things happening to you or if something bad happens.

kizzy m
2006-06-14 09:41:24 UTC
I don't know... I have prayed and recieved help although I don't know if that is down to a divine source or just they way things would have worked out anyway... I am not a Christian but I keep an open mind.
2014-07-24 16:57:10 UTC
Prayer to me is a way to communicate with God. But you can pray to Jesus too. Some people who are outside of Christianity think prayer is useless and has meaningful value. Well they're sincerely wrong. From a Catholic point of view, my prayers with God are alive and active.
2016-04-13 02:50:21 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

While it is true that the return of Jesus will make it better for the few of us that Believe, It will become much worse for those that don't. those that are praying for the Lord to come quickly, are looking for an escape clause. Instead of looking to get out of this mess, we need to be looking at how we can make this world a better place for everyone.
2006-06-14 09:44:09 UTC
prayer is communication to God. When someone says they will pray for you, they mean that i will personally talk to God to ask him to help you in every way possible. If many people are praying for you or just one person prays for you every day, it helps. God listens to everyones prayers, no matter how big or how small.
2006-06-14 09:38:25 UTC
Well, it can help because if you know people are praying for you, at the least it is a sign that people care for you want you to be better, so it makes you feel better just knowing that information.
2006-06-14 09:40:44 UTC
It really does work baby. If you pray from your heart and you really mean it and you believe in Him whom you are praying, he will answer. God is not a joke, He's real. All you gotta do is talk to him. You want me to pray for you? You can email me or instant message me: chocolatepeach15.
2006-06-14 09:40:03 UTC
It can just get you through or it can actually produce miracles. Example: I was trying to get pregnant, going to a fertility specialist, so far without luck. I then was in the hospital for pancreatitis. I had just been told by the fertility doc that I was not pregnant. The priest chaplain came in to anoint me and I asked if he would say a prayer that I'd get pregnant. He did. The very next day, the fertility doc told me he was wrong--I was pregnant.
Evil J.Twin
2006-06-14 14:04:31 UTC
Some people believe it works but I reckon it is more about the meditive aspects of it. Your body and mind are calmed when you are praying. Probably has the same effect as yoga. It might help someone else, as I think someone mentioned, because knowing someone cares does help.
purple p
2006-06-14 09:52:38 UTC
any time someone talks to God it helps. It may not help in the way you want it to. Like if you pray for someone to get better and they don't get better for a few day's (or never) your prayer was still answered just not in they way you wanted it to. When you pray you should pray JOY Jesus Others You. Pray that Jesus's will is done in the lives of the ones you are praying for, not our will. Maybe it's best for that person you prayed for to not get better maybe God is dealing in their life in way's we don't eaven know about. So the next time you feel your question's arn't getting answered just remember that it's God's will not our own that is important and that God will answer you just not in the way you always want.
2006-06-14 09:44:31 UTC
Praying makes people feel better. Does it actually cause a change in anything. No!
2006-06-14 09:50:29 UTC
Of course praying works! Why wouldn't it?
2006-06-14 11:00:25 UTC
Look at the answers, how many of them says that prayers really work? It does and just yesterday God answered my prayer and I am now having peace of mind because I've got what I need.
Net Bear
2006-06-14 09:40:13 UTC
You might as well ask, does hope really work? They two are exactly the same. If praying makes you feel better, then it is working. Hope gives you a higher goal to strive toward.
2006-06-14 09:39:37 UTC
it really works! Have faith that what you are praying for will come to pass! there have been times when i've prayed and things turned around right after i prayed...believe in Him...
2016-11-03 04:04:16 UTC
Do Prayers Work
Mister Bob the Tomato
2006-06-14 09:40:49 UTC
Yes it does work.

For example, I've prayed for healing three times in my life. Once for a toe injury (should've been broken but was miraculously healed instead), second for my wife's car accident injuries (leg healed through doctors' hands...unborn child unharmed and born 5 weeks later) and third for my mom (she died from complications due to breast cancer...her death IS the healing as she is now in Heaven with God and feeling no more pain).
2006-06-14 09:39:43 UTC
Yes, praying helps.

I know I pray frequently just to clear my thoughts and assemble them in a manner I can deal with them better. Praying for God to work with you and asking for his assistance never hurts.
2015-02-15 10:31:49 UTC
When you can't get pregnant, and things look good from the outside, it can be extremely frustrating.

The first thing to consider is how long have you been trying. About 80% of couples will get pregnant after six months of trying, and about 90% will be pregnant after 12 months of trying to get pregnant. Anyway this is a great methid to get pregnant fast
Paul S
2006-06-14 09:51:38 UTC
Well, to answer your questions yes prayer does work, but it depends on the way you live your life. If you say have lung cancer and pray for it to go alway you would have to stop smoking to help fix the problem. Also, if your doing the will of God and follow in the path of life that he wants us to have then if it can work.
2006-06-14 09:45:01 UTC
I believe that prayer is based on faith. If there is no proof that prayer works, there is certainly proof that praying doesn't hurt anything. I just remember that sometimes it is not my turn for my prayer to be answered.
2006-06-14 09:42:34 UTC
Praying works. You get an answer every time.
Otha D
2014-10-11 18:34:11 UTC
I'm going through something now and praying about it i will let you know?
2016-05-19 02:26:18 UTC
Do you desire to understand one of the factors typical Law of attractionproduct doesn't work for so many individuals?Believe of it like a diet. If you wish to lose weight and you work hard to lose it
2006-06-14 21:29:12 UTC
prayer really requires faith.the bible says you have to believe that God has already already given you what you are are askin for.many times though God will not answer your prayers coz of various reasons such as,selfishness and praying for the wrong thing.the bible encourages us to pray for one another as it says 'the prayer of of a righteous man availath much'.meaning somebody's prayer who has more faith can actually help another persons life.
2006-06-14 09:43:13 UTC
If you expect things you must expect disappointment. If you are talking about having supportive, compassionate thoughts for others then that is probably very good for you, but don't nurture delusion that they have any magical effect on the world outside your mind
2006-06-14 09:45:05 UTC
Prayer is communication with God. It only works if we understand the principles upon which we are praying. It is God's will that answers our prayers and if we are in a loving relationship, constantly communicationg with God then many prayers are answered. It is the selfish prayers when you dont necessarily listen to God that very often go unanswered.
2006-06-14 09:39:27 UTC
Prayer is the ultimate thing a person can rely on. It can help you with practical things (as in getting a job or something!), but also it can reassure you when nothing else can.

Prayers aren't always answered, or not in the way you would expect, but they are always listened to.

I really believe that putting your faith in God helps, whatever the problem.
2006-06-14 09:38:57 UTC
This all depends on your beliefs. Some people really think this work, some people don't. Either way, it does help to get your feelings, concerns, and fears out and it lets you know that people care for you.
2006-06-14 10:39:31 UTC
No .

Same thing as magic spells anything which does is placebo effect like dumbos magic feather. Or luck
2006-06-14 09:40:04 UTC
If u pray correctly as GOD require, u will get what u want..
Jane Doe
2006-06-14 09:42:56 UTC
our world ( all of it) created from energy. our thinks is energy too. when you pray ( special when you believe in some thing) you will send an energy for some one or some thing.

if your beliefs be strong then the energy you send by the pray is strong too but if your beliefes is weak the energy you will send will be weak too.
James C
2006-06-14 09:44:13 UTC
Praying does work, but you have to realize God is above us nad loves us. But, He will do things according to His plan.
2006-06-14 09:38:17 UTC
It does NUTHIN ive prayed aLL my life n nuthin happens! life gets worser n worser!! so ye they DONT work
2006-06-14 09:38:09 UTC
It helps them to think that they are doing something for you. Some of them may not even follow through on that promise.
Jody G
2006-06-14 09:46:48 UTC
You bet it does! Even scientific studies say it does with sick people.
2006-06-14 09:56:06 UTC
Definitely! You can find proof of this in the bible and everyday life. We must first become 'saved' as in John 3:16 in order for our prayers to be heard.
2006-06-14 22:19:30 UTC
i think, it should be

"supplicate for me" before God, Allah.

concerning Pray, religious wise, our prayers to Him.

that's what i can contribute, if am right Thanks to God.

if am wrong i crave; for forgive me,
2006-06-14 09:43:10 UTC
yes - it definitely does but sometimes it takes longer then others to be answered.
2006-06-14 09:39:28 UTC
it most certainly does work. not all prayers are answered the way we would like them to be but they are answered, many of mine have been answered but you do have to have faith, good luck

i'v had many miracles too.
2006-06-14 09:40:19 UTC
Yes works, but you also need to have faith
2006-06-14 09:40:54 UTC
some of gods greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.
2006-06-14 09:38:11 UTC
2006-06-14 11:08:35 UTC
2006-06-14 09:51:43 UTC
If you believe it
2006-06-14 12:00:24 UTC
Try it. It doesn't.
2006-06-14 10:27:41 UTC
It does if you believe in it
Joe Shmoe
2006-06-14 09:42:20 UTC
Probably not.
2006-06-14 09:37:44 UTC
you can only hope to god that it does
2006-06-14 09:46:31 UTC
Yes it least about 70% of the time.. Dont worry keep tryin...
2006-06-14 09:38:31 UTC
yes, it does

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.