iam surprised
you said
I am not a muslim. I would never convert to that evil death cult. Muslims have stupid beliefs that have no EVICENCE. Therefore, they are not true
and you said
Evolution is a fact. However, even the Qu'ran supports it, as well as the big bang, AND days 7-24 of embyrology (see Quran 23:14).
dear asker
Quran makes the clear challenge, that if you are in doubt about it - then bring a book like it. Also, to bring ten chapters like it and then finally, to bring one single chapter like it. 1,400 years - and no one has been able to duplicate it's beauty, recitation, miracles and ease of memorization. Another challenge for the unbelievers to consider; "If this (Quran) were from other than GOD, you would find within it many contradictions
Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah , they would have found within it much contradiction
regarding scientific Miracles in Quran
The scientific miracles of the Quran could not have been understood at that time, yet today we take for granted the many things included in the revelation of the Quran. Some include mentioning: The formation of embryo in the womb of the mother (surah 98); deep seas partitions; waters that do not mix; clouds and how they make rain and how lightning is caused by ice crystals; formation of the earth's mountains deep underground; big bang and origin of universe;orbits of planets and stars and moons - and even the mention of space travel (surah 55:33).
Watch videos of world's top scientists commenting on the "Miracle of Science in Quran"
Quran does not demand belief - the Quran invites belief, and here is the fundamental difference. It is not simply delivered as: Here is what you are to believe, but throughout the Quran the statements are always: Have you O man thought of such and such, have you considered so and so. It is always an invitation for you to look at the evidence; it is an invitation to the truth
The most important thing to take into consideration is that fact that it is only Allah who guides and it is only Allah who misguides. So, if you desire guidance to all truth, the One to ask is the One Above. If you are sincere, and honest with Him, then there can be no doubt that He will always guide the sincere to the Right Path.
There are some who do not want to be guided. Rather, they prefer to make up their own way or religion that suits them and makes them feel all warm and fuzzy. Naturally, that would not be acceptable to the One who is to be worshiped (Almighty God). That would be someone making up what they like and expecting the Lord of the Universe to accept it even though He has already ordained what it is that He wants from the people as worship to Him without partners
Or do they say, "He has invented it?" Say, "If I have invented it, you will not possess for me [the power of protection] from GOD at all. He is most knowing of that in which you are involved. Sufficient is He as Witness between me and you, and He is the Forgiving the Merciful."
Say, "I am not something original among the messengers, nor do I know what will be done with me or with you. I only follow that which is revealed to me, and I am not but a clear warner."
Say, "Have you considered: if the Qur'an was from GOD , and you disbelieved in it while a witness from the Children of Israel has testified to something similar and believed while you were arrogant... ?" Indeed, GOD does not guide the wrongdoing people.
Thanks so much for your kind question and may GOD guide all of us to the straight path to be with Him in the Next Life, ameen.
dont hesitate to contact me if you need anything