For Athesists. Why do you believe there is no God?*added more details?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
For Athesists. Why do you believe there is no God?*added more details?
42 answers:
Bob Down
2009-04-22 07:10:19 UTC
1. Atheists don't "believe" there is no god. They don't believe god exists. There is a difference.

2. Never believed, ever!

3. Evolution has nothing to do with my atheism. It may be right. It may be wrong. I don't know and I don't care. As an atheist I say god does not exist (see my profile) and that's the end of that.

4. Creationists have good PR teams that have been pushing the idea that the theory of evolution is based on belief, but that is not true. Scientists say they do have proof --- Also, the only reason Creationists agree that micro-evolution works is to allow themselves to keep a foot in the door. It implies that they will accept any scientific theory if there is proof for it and further implies that, for this reason, their arguments about other parts of the theory are well founded - They are not!

5. If by "purpose of life" you mean some predetermined path towards something specific, I don't think there is one. I was born, I just plod along, and one day I will die. Seems reasonable to me.

6 The theory of evolution (I've been told) does not create anything. It is merely an explanation for what has happened.

7. About fossils - depends how you define "proof"

8. I believe in all sorts of things, but the harder it is to believe, the more evidence I require. Some things I simply do not believe because they sound fantastic and there is not enough proof.
2009-04-22 07:01:54 UTC
Why do I believe there is no god - there's no evidence to suggest there might be one, so why assumer that there is?

Evolution. OK one at a time.

Which scientist? You can't just make a statement and have people argue against it if you've simply made it up on the spot. Show me where a scientist has said this.

1. "Cosmic Evolution" appears to be something you have just made up as well. Big bang has nothing to do with evolution.

2. See 1.

3. See 1.

4. Origin of life is covered by abiogenesis, not evolution. Evolution presupposes the existence of life, and makes no assumptions as to how it arose. It is unknown how life started, but it almost certainly did not arise from "rocks".

5/6 Only creationists make this distinction. What's a kind? Example of speciation - species branching off into separate, distinct groups, are abundant. Is that a different kind? "Kind" in this sort of discussion usually falls back to "a kind is whatever no one has any direct observational evidence of seeing evolution happen between". Pretty dishonest.

Life has no distinct purpose - every individual provides their own. "Evolution" did not create me - my parents created me. Evolution explains how my species, and all others, came about from the initial self-replicating molecule on earth. Fossils can certainly be used as a line of evidence to demonstrate the truth of evolution.

I believe in many things - it just so happens that not one of them is a deity.

The christian arrogance of suggesting they are not a "religion" but a "relationship" is amusing and a bit sad. No one really cares what you call it - everyone else knows it's a religion, because it is. Find a dictionary, look up the word "religion" and see if it applies to christianity.

Frankly, don't much care who's daughter you are, but seems to me that if you were on the right side of god, you'd not need to collect money from people - god would look after you. What good is he if he can't even sustain his own church?
Jabber wock
2009-04-22 07:55:44 UTC
Wow - there's a lot there to handle in one question, but here goes...


I don't believe in any gods because I have no reason to do so. The main reason would be to be convinced, using testable evidence. So far there's no evidence, so I've not been convinced.

Furthermore, the beliefs that go along with the god ideas look like being man-made ideas, as they all regard mankind as somehow 'special'. They were all written at a time when humans didn't have a good means of understanding the universe, hence many erroneous facts, such as geocentrism and a flat earth, found their way into such beliefs.

Growing up, I was subject to both religious teaching and science. Sometimes these conflicted. When I asked the religious side why they thought it was true, they would just quote from a bible or talk about how people 'felt', while the science side would point to actual evidence that could be tested. Belief is not just what you believe but why you believe it, and I found the science route more trustworthy and reliable. I wondered what would be the difference between there being a god and not being one, and realised I couldn't tell any difference. Thus I found the religion side unreliable in my early teens.

Cosmic Evolution:

The Big Bang is a theory which so far meets all the evidence, and the more we find the more it is validated. Theories are made to make predictions, and be tested so they can be falsified or validated. So far, Big Bang gets further validated with every new piece of evidence we find. As the speed of light means we can see faraway objects as they were when they emitted the light we see, we can see back to the beginning of the universe. We can observe the effects of a hot early universe condensing matter, mostly hydrogen but also some helium and lithium. We can see it later forming gravitational clumps, and these clumps forming galaxies.

Higher elements come about in stars, through fusion. The fusion reactions are well known - that's how an H-bomb works. That's what's happening in the sun, giving us sunlight, where hydrogen fuses into helium, releasing energy. When the hydrogen gets used up, it will fuse helium into carbon, releasing even more energy. At this point the sun will swell up to be a red giant, due to the energy pressure on the outer layers. Stars go through these stages in their lives, converting one element into another. Eventually they will end this life, and shed part of their material into space. Massive stars do this very explosively, in the form of a supernova, while small stars will just splutter a bit. The material they shed contains all sorts of heavier elements created in these fusions. Some only are created in the final explosion, as they are endothemic and need the explosive energy to fuse.

Stars from from such clumps of gas, collapsing under their own gravity. The early clumps were almost all hydrogen, but now there are many clumps that contain the heavy elements from stellar mass shedding. Indeed the shock waves from such explosions can trigger collapse, as the compression forces more material close together, and gravity is stronger for closer objects. The gas collapses to a proto-stellar nebula, dense and rotating. At some point the centre becomes dense enough to be very hot through gravity, kicking off the fusion reaction. This causes a stellar wind, lots of energy pushing out the lighter particles close to the new star. This leaves behind the heavier particles if there are any. These orbiting particles slowly clump together, eventually forming planets that 'sweep up' the loose material in their orbital paths. So, close to the star, small rocky planets will form, while further out there is more lighter particles, so large gas planets will form. Yet further out, things are further apart, so clumping will form comets and iceballs as 'sweeping' is so slow. There are many indications that our own solar system formed this way, and we can observe the process in other places in our galaxy. The recent orbiting telescopes have brought huge advances in that study.

Life from rocks, macro and micro evolution.

I'm in danger of running out of space, this isn't my strongest part of science, and I'm sure that others will give you more detail.


Not enough space, so I've chopped my answer on this part.

Most of the above is a result of knowledge gained using scientific method. This demands permanent open-mindedness; we can never know anything 100%. We can make observations and formulate theories to explain what's happening. The theories make predictions, and the evidence from observation can be used to test these theories. Thus theories can be validated or refuted. Well validated theories can become well accepted, such as gravity or electromagnetism. Others are more tenuous, sometimes with many gaps. Theories can get overturned when new evidence comes along, or further strengthened. Ideas without evidence are called hypotheses, and they remain as speculation unless and until there is evidence.

My purpose in life is to survive, and hopefully flourish. I'm only a visitor on this planet for a short while, so there's a motivation to do worthwhile things and treat fellow humans well. Help advance my species maybe! My goals are the ones I set myself, as a part of a cooperative society I care about.

You might do better to ask this question in parts, as each needs a sizeable answer and Y!A has a space limit! Hope this is a bit useful anyway.
2009-04-22 07:33:23 UTC
No particular reason, it's just my choice to be an atheist. I was a Christian but I discovered I was only in it for the benefits (or for the benefits I thought existed at the time) and never really had it in my heart to believe in a god of any type. I was fairly active in the church but I could never bring myself to talk about it to others as I was aware that it was all a lie and did not want others to be deceived.

It just always felt so wrong to evangelicise and spread "the word" as others encouraged doing. A lot of my viewpoints on evolution, abortion, homosexuality, immigration, environment are the same now as an atheist as they were as a Christian (I was NEVER conservative minded). Being an atheist fits so much better with those liberal viewpoints I've always had, and I am pretty vocal about those hot topics.
Scott M
2009-04-22 06:59:17 UTC
You do not have a "personal relationship with God". You have a personal relationship with your own imagination.

And your money is being used by the church to scam more money out of the church members.

There is no such thing as cosmic evolution, chemecal evolution, stellar or planetary evolution, organic evolution, macro- or -micro evolution. This is a massive straw man that serves as a stand-in for every scientific theory that Creationists don't like. You plainly have no idea what the real definition of evolution is at all.

I do not believe there are any gods because there is no evidence of any. Your personal warm, fuzzy feelings and intuition is not evidence. Unverifiable tales of "miracles" is not evidence. Coincidence is not evidence. Personal incredulity is not evidence. Arguments from authority are not evidence.

Learn what evidence actually is and then present some. Then we'll talk. Otherwise this post of yours is a blathering rant.
2009-04-22 08:09:20 UTC
>For Athesists. Why do you believe there is no God?

Mostly lack of evidence. Occam's Razor says that if there isn't enough evidence to suggest something is there, it makes more sense to believe it isn't there. However there is also some positive evidence against God's existence, including the nature and distribution of the world's religions, the Problem of Evil, and evidence from computation theory and emergence.

>When you did believe in God, if you ever did...

I didn't.

>If EVOLUTION IS REAL... Why have many Scienctists, have said, that evolution is also "An act of blind faith?"

I'm not sure what you mean by 'many scientists'. The law of evolution is universal and immutable by definition. The theory that the state of modern life on Earth is a result of evolutionary processes is less certain, but is still supported by the vast majority of the academic community, and has a very solid scientific foundation.

Furthermore, the first four items in your list are not actually examples of evolution at all, since as far as we know there is no process of self-perpetuation and selection pressure involved. They are merely changes due to physical processes occurring in the Universe without any selection pressure that we know of.

>ONLY the last one has been oberved and can be called science, and the first five are believed by faith.

Wrong. What creationists call 'microevolution' and 'macroevolution' are actually exactly the same thing, just on different timescales. A species of fish does not change into a species of lizard over a few generations by some mystical guiding force. Rather, it changes into a very slightly different species of fish, and then a very slightly different species of fish again, and so on until at some point it is no longer a species of fish, and eventually becomes a species of lizard. Note that just because we say there is a sharp dividing line between 'fish' and 'not fish' does not mean there would be any sharp dividing line actually observed; the first non-fish individuals would actually be almost exactly like their parents and their grandparents, and the line they cross over is more arbitrary than it sounds.

In any event, it is evident that the creationist claim about macroevolution being 'a change from one kind to another' is an obvious example of trying to avoid the possibility of being falsified. It relies on the poorly defined concept of a 'kind', which is not used in any biological taxonomy system and exists purely in order to be redefined, as new changes are discovered, in an attempt to retain some shred of credibility and to keep open some kind of gap in which to fit God. For example, right now creationists claim that dogs are a 'kind' and cats are a 'kind' and one will never evolve into another, but the word 'kind' is so mutable that if ten million years passed and dogs DID evolve into cats, creationists could just say that mammals are a 'kind' and insects are a 'kind' and one will never evolve into another, and thus simply push their claim farther back. This is not proper science, in fact it is a ridiculous argumentative fallacy and people who use it are only making themselves look silly.

>What is the Purpose of your life?

No one's life has any special cosmic purpose set forth for it by a higher authority. We are all conscious beings, and we have the ability to set our own goals, define our own purposes.

>Do you think that Evolution actually created to what you are now?!

No. Evolution does not create anything. It is natural selection that creates things, evolution merely describes what it is that natural selection does.

>Do Fossils prove EVOLUTION?

No. Science does not deal in proof, it deals in evidence and probability. Fossils are strong evidence for evolution, they are not proof.


Lots of things. God just isn't one of them.


The things I do believe in, I believe in because I am aware of sufficient evidence to suggest that those things exist. The things I don't believe in, I don't believe in because I have not yet seen convincing evidence that they exist, or because the evidence against them outweighs the evidence in favor of them.
2009-04-22 08:00:06 UTC
No horrible experiences, I am in college but that has nothing to do with it, I don't believe any gods exist because I don't see any evidence for his/her/it's existence. I was raised a Catholic and started to question Catholic teachings along with the general Christian teachings. After I abandoned Christianity I began looking at other religions, from Judaism to ancient pagan and on the bases of no evidence I've rejected the claims that any gods exist. It's probably a bit more complicated than that but this is all I feel like typing.

When scientists and most educated people speak about evolution they refer to the process after the formation of life. Elements don't evolve from lower elements. The process I suspect you are referring to is atomic fusion (like what happens inside the sun). Evolution has nothing to do with your points 1-4 and all those points are explained with alternate theories and laws.

So the only way for something to be called science is for us to have actually observed it? What about tectonic plate theory? We have never seen California separate from the continent. Atomic theory? We have never actually seen an atom. The thing is that we don't need to have witnessed the events but we do see the evidence left behind.

The purpose of my life is to inform people. This is why I am becoming a teacher. Of course however this is the meaning I've applied to it and does not apply to human life as a whole.

You speak of evolution as an entity which performs acts. This isn't right, evolution didn't create me (sounding as if you speak of an intentional act), I am a product of this long process.

Fossils don't prove (science doesn't work in proofs for that you want math and logic) anything. Fossils do provide evidence supporting the theory.

I believe in treating people fairly and with respect if you treat me the same way (hell I'd probably treat you with respect if you don't to me) I believe human suffering is wrong and don't like to see people get hurt.

I would never assume that you are getting rich from Christianity but a number of people have gotten rich from it, this you cannot deny.

Hope this helps. If you want to shoot me an email if you have any questions I didn't answer
Dreamstuff Entity
2009-04-22 07:00:01 UTC
over the course of history, thousands of gods ( ) have been dreamed up.

Most people think the only one that's real is the one their parents told them was real. Coincidence?

Nobody has ever provided any evidence that any gods, much less a specific god, exist. People believe in specific gods because of indoctrination from an early age, tradition, apophenia, hallucinations, fear of torture (for gods sadistic enough to threaten it) and other similarly illogical reasons. But no gods exist in reality; these are all stories, created for people who were scared of the world long before we understood it. Now we have no more reason for these superstitions.

And religious belief has caused more misery than any other idea throughout history.

Oh, somebody's been lying to you about evolution. It's a fact; deal with it.
2009-04-22 07:03:12 UTC many questions, so little time, and what a freaking mess this wall of text is.

1. There's no evidence for the existence of god.

2. No horrible experience.

3. Never did believe in god so I didn't blame him since I didn't believe in him.

4. There's a ridiculous mountain of evidence for evolution. Evidence you seem to prefer to ignore, close your ears, and scream lalalaalalala

5. My purpose in life is to eat, drink, and be happy.

6. Yes

7. Not alone, but they do help provide a lot of scientific information and evidence.

8. I believe in myself, my friends, family.

9. Because I've known them all my life and confirm their existence.

Now go to class little girl. It's a school day and you REALLY need the education.
Let Me Think
2009-04-22 06:58:21 UTC
My lack of belief in God has nothing at all to do with science in general or evolution specifically.

It wasn't caused by a traumatic event or events. I certainly don't blame God for anything bad that might have happened to me.

Like many others here, I was raised in a religious tradition and was taught to pray, to read the bible, to go to church, to fast, to take communion. And I really wanted to believe. I tried hard to do all of those things with all of my heart.

But I could never escape the feeling that none of that made me feel closer to God, and that I'd never felt a sense that God was there no matter how hard I tried, nor how sincere I was in my efforts. Any story I ever heard from anyone else about their experience of God seemed better explained with alternative explanations.
2009-04-22 06:53:49 UTC
maybe there is a god. But as most Christians behave as their god is irrelevant in their personal life, why should I behave like there is a god which is relevant to my personal life? It's not like anything meaningful would change in my life by being Christian. This is obvious from my life's experience. So what's the point?

And sorry, I can't be bothered to discuss about evolution with somebody who doesn't even know what it is and knows nothing about science either. Particularly as you are most likely just trolling.
2009-04-22 07:02:09 UTC
For me the total concept of a bearded man on a cloud who knows what everyone thinks and does is ridiculous. you base your life on a book that was written hundreds of years after the events supposedly happened and by lots of different people. the printing press wasn't even invented then so its silly to think that these stories people refer to as fact wouldn't have been altered to suit the purposes of whoever was writing them. in the bible your 'merciful' godis an ethnic cleanser, infant murderer, racist,homophobic, he advocates slavery- what a fine example of someone to worship. Also why would someone want the whole world to praise them? is your god insecure? for these and many more reasons (too many to list here) i've always been an atheist.
2009-04-22 06:58:32 UTC
There is no evidence for any god whatsoever. I used to believe and have had plenty of experiences, but they all can be explained through rational means, it was more of my ignorance at the moment that I could only accredit them to a higher being.

I blamed the 'devil' at first (due to my upbringing), then I found the inconsistency that the omnipresent and omnipotent cannot be both if it could be replaced.

Haven't heard of any respected scientist said that. your points don't make any sense, the theory evolution can only be applied to living organisms since they can reproduce, adapt, and mutate. Inanimate and non-living organisms can't.

I hold no belief at the moment.
Hazi Fantazi
2009-04-22 07:06:27 UTC
For me personally i don't believe in god because i don't have any evidence what so ever that that supports he/she/it exists. The big bang theory makes a little more sense to me, though to be honest i still need to do research in to it. But knowing that the christian bible has been changed so much since it was originally written to accommodate the religious change overs of the druids etc, has made it difficult for me to believe that it could have been written by truthful and honest people.
2009-04-22 06:53:26 UTC
I have no reason to believe in ANY deities. My life has no ultimate purpose, just the one I give it.

You need a source for what those supposed scientists have said, and if it's the Discovery institute, please spare me.

Yes, evolution is responsible for humans and the rest of the creatures out there. The evidence is over-whelming.

College education? Do you find that to be a bad thing?

Oh, and BTW, most theists accept evolution and the Big Bang. The Big Bang theory was developed by a Catholic priest.
richard m
2009-04-22 07:07:03 UTC
ok, firstly why don't i believe in god- i have never seen any evidence of the existence of a god or any gods,with regard to your christian god it would seem that most of the hypothisis used to prove his existence comes from the bible which i consider to be very flawed for example, i have totalconfidence in things such as carbon dating (it uses the half life of decomposition of carbon12 atoms that are radioactive unlike standard carbon 14 atoms) and when i was having my monthly debate with local jw's one time they claimed it was inaccurate due to "the great flood". it seems that often ridiculous claims are made about proven scientific methods need to be used to support the bible.water does not affect radioactive decomposition. regard evolution i don't know everything about it (lets face it nor do scientists-evolution is a theory) but to me its the most feasable theory i've heard to date.

purpose of my life is to procreate and prolong the species the same as all animals and plants. i try to add something positive to other peoples lives and respect them. i wish you luck and happiness whatever you believe, that is your right
2009-04-22 07:07:26 UTC
I would be remiss in my duties as a fellow human being if I failed to point out that your knowledge of science is one great big gaping hole. You haven't read the material. You got that list from the uneducated. Go to the source, read it.

But even if evolution is proven wrong, the deity described in the

Bible is silly, barbarous, and wholly unfit to be God. Demand a better class of deity.
2009-04-22 06:53:27 UTC
Evolution is real. There's your nice answer and evolution is evolution. Micro-macro evolution is a creationist term they made up. Please stop associating Evolution with Atheism.

Please read Spencer Wells book- The Journey of Man: a Genetic odyssey.

Here are some websites, you have a lot of reading and studying to do. Do not waste time talking to us.
2009-04-22 06:58:22 UTC
So, because you are a pastor's daughter, does that mean you demand respect in lieu of your father's profession? I'm sorry, but respect is earned, and you have not earned mine.

Evolution can be easily studied from unbiased, credible sources. It is up to you to research it, no matter what we may tell you, our stance on life gives you a biased view.
2009-04-22 06:54:37 UTC
I don't give a rats backside for evolution. It has no barring at all on my views or opinions about god.

I simply see no reason to think that there is a god. It's that simple.

I'm terribly sorry you lack the ability to respect other people's views.
2009-04-22 08:46:56 UTC
I understand that atheism has been my family tradition for countless generations back.

We are Hindus. Hinduism permits atheism. Actually contrary to popular belief, at the core there is only a pure awareness in Hinduism.
2009-04-22 06:53:50 UTC
"1. Cosmic evolution

-Big bang makes hydrogen.

2. Chemical evolution.

-Higher elements evolve

3.Evolution of stars and planets from gas.

4.Organic evolution; life from rocks

5. Macro evolution

- changes between types and kinds of animals

6. Micro evolution

-changes within kinds."

Protip: Do not site Hovind as a reliable source on evolution considering the guy is a dishonest pric and has no experience in any related field.
2009-04-22 06:55:35 UTC
I don't believe in God because my education and experiences have led me to the conclusion that, in all likelihood, there is probably no god that actually exists, especially not as described by any human religion. When I did believe in God, I didn't really blame any of my problems on it.

You ask people not to "trail off" and defend evolution, and yet you spent half of your details reciting a flawed argument which attempts to refute evolution. Therefore, I must respond as follows: 1) There is no such thing as "micro" evolution and "macro" evolution. Evolution is simply change between generations of organisms. Many instances of "micro-evolution" compound over time to become substantial changes, or "macro-evolution." 2) Evolution only applies to biological organisms. The formation of the universe, galaxies, stars and planets is not a component of the theory of evolution. 3) We have observed the formation of stars elsewhere in the universe. So please don't repeat that discredited argument attacking evolution again.
2009-04-22 06:58:28 UTC
Wow. Just wow.

So much ignorance. So many questions. So many foolish conclusions. So much false information.

How about seperating these into multiple questions so they can be answered individually? That would make vastly more logical sense.
2009-04-22 06:56:48 UTC
I'm not being insulting when I suggest you ask only one, or at most two, questions at a time. This is just too many questions. IMHO.
Sirensong sunshine
2009-04-22 06:57:56 UTC
Martha, if you really want answers, break this into a number of questions. No-one will bother to answer all this

(and would you read it anyway?)
2009-04-22 06:57:02 UTC
wow wow, hold on there,

"If EVOLUTION IS REAL... Why have many Scienctists, have said, that evolution is also 'An act of blind faith?' "

Please check your facts here.

98% to 99% of scientists never said it's an act of faith. unless you meant creation scientists.
2009-04-22 06:52:13 UTC
Same reason you believe there is no Santa.

And yeah, 99% of scientists accept evolution. How you manage to make an appeal to authority with a quote from the remaining 1% is anyone's guess.
2009-04-22 06:54:16 UTC
Same reason i don't believe in the invisible pink unicorn, no evidence.
2009-04-22 06:54:58 UTC
First you copied all that crap off the jick tracks

And secondly even if there was a God why should we worship him
2009-04-22 07:44:09 UTC
lol..first show me one miracle of biblical proportion that has happened outside of the bible. did god fall asleep? i seem to recall some parents a while back whose son died of an allergic reaction to bees because they refused to take him to the hospital and decided to pray. He Died.

after god says himself multiple times in the bible he heals those who call out his name in faith.

most of the stories in the bible are repackaged myths passed down from generations PRE-DATING the bible.such as the flood,the creation story,resurrection,etc.

things like this in the bible make it seem like god has some issues..

2 Kings 2 these kids didnt deserve to be torn to peices by bears..

:23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.

2:24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

Lot's wife turns her head and poof..shes salt?

19:24 Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;

19:25 And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

19:26 But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.

God is pro abortion?

Hosea 9:11-16 Hosea prays for God’s intervention. “Ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murderer. Give them, 0 Lord: what wilt thou give? Give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts. . .Ephraim is smitten, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit: yea though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb

Psalm 137:9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

Romans- predestination..god already chose who are his followers.

8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

8:30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

so yeah..theres so many more reasons to not believe.
donutkid: hammer of Thor
2009-04-22 06:52:55 UTC
I'm not reading that wall of text. I'm an atheist because I use logic and live in reality.
2009-04-22 07:51:23 UTC
"When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

---Stephen F. Roberts
2009-04-22 06:59:59 UTC
martha, you aren't going to get many nice answers from atheists on here. but no matter, just keep believing what you believe in and let these people do the same. to each his own
2009-04-22 06:53:40 UTC
"could it be college education?"

lol - uh yes.
2009-04-22 06:53:36 UTC
Because you failed spelling.
Forgive & Share
2009-04-22 07:01:40 UTC

Good question.

When you know the truth and not dwell in fear and superstition, a great peace and joy comes over you. Freedom and Truth are one in the mind. Without freedom you can never know the reality that is truth.

The problem is that religions are but superstition. No superstition is true. Without truth the mind cannot trust, nor soar. It must live in the dark cave of a faith, imprisoned by fear of hell and want of salvation (saving) from that fiery torture. The emotionally weak are quick to submit to this emotional trauma, and are enslaved. That is not freedom.

I was once superstitious about spirits and demons. I was indoctrinated as a child into the Christian belief system. Then I discovered that my father's sperm met my mother's ovary, like the virus meets the cell. The result was a transformed biological entity that leached on my mother and began to split and grow till it popped out 9 months later.

I never began to live as from a lifeless state. I am the life from my father and the life from my mother, the life that left those entities to meet, react, evolve and exist independently, and continue the legacy that dates back more that a billion years of uninterrupted replication and evolution of life on earth.

I am that who I am, a biological entity in the evolution of the tree of life. I am the sum of my parents, who are the sum of theirs. Life from the first simplest form through which I have descended, is in my constitution. The whole is in the one. The one is from the whole. I didn't begin life at birth or at conception. My life began in the primordial soup, in a continuous process of countless transformations. I came from energy reactions. I am energy. All is energy. Energy is all. All this, science has shown.

Science has shown that energy can neither be created, nor destroyed. It has always existed in many forms as matter and dark matter, energy and dark energy, in ways we have yet to discover. The Big Bang was nothing more than a behavior of this always existent energy. We come from energy. We are energy. We take in and expel energy. We will return to energy. Science has revealed all this. There is no need for a god to create that which has always existed, not created, indestructible. So why stick our heads in the sand and say "I'm alive. God is the explanation?" What are you, if not energy? All the universe, see and unseen, is energy. You are a part of that whole. After you die, you will live on, in different dispersed forms of energy. And if maggots crawl out of your dead carcass, it is reasonable for a primitive man to conclude that you have reincarnated. But your perceived god has no power aside from energy. What then is greater, energy or the perceived god. What is an invisible god without the power? All that we see, all we know is energy.

Then how did life begin? Abiogenesis. It "is the study of how life on Earth could have arisen from inanimate matter. It should not be confused with evolution, which is the study of how groups of living things change over time. Amino acids, often called "the building blocks of life", occur naturally, due to chemical reactions unrelated to life. In all living things, these amino acids are organized into proteins, and the construction of these proteins is mediated by nucleic acids. Thus the question of how life on Earth originated is a question of how the first nucleic acids arose." (Wikipedia)

Amino acids are sometimes called proteins that are sometimes called enzymes. These enzymes are catalysts with the ability to cause reaction and therefore do work. We are bags of working, collaborating enzymes, their environments and their products. It's not exactly that simple, but that's where evolution plays it's part in developing complexity over billions of years and unimaginable number of iterations. We don't know everything, but in a few years, we will know more. Not knowing everything should not mean we fabricate or accept primitive superstition to control our thoughts and turn our backs on science. We need to continue our exploration, discovery, learning, build our knowledge base, and help humanity live longer and prosper through science and research. To live in the dark cave of superstition with 100% certainty of a gods doing, is not better that walking towards the light of truth with hard work and diligence, that we leave behind our efforts as our legacy for our children.

Why do we have to condemn people to hell? It is but a hateful response with intent to terrorize and curse others who reject their superstitions.

Superstition is foolish because it is governed by emotions like fear, love, desire, hope, security, comfort, etc. These emotions never make for good science or truth, but most of humanity is weak and easily surrenders to emotions, like an addiction. They can't control their emotions. Their emotions control them. That is the reality of the religious indoctrination. If it wasn't religion, it would be called brainwashing. Note that you are never born knowing about gods. It has to be drilled into you. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus - it all works the same way.

Superstition is big money (power), and money is a game changer. That explains why we have so many different faiths.

What is the purpose of any life form? To prosper the species in it's lifetime to the extent it can. Thus, we copulate and do the best we can for our off-spring and community. Like ants we die, leaving behind our legacy in the anthill we constructively build.

I no longer live in the dark cave of god fearing superstition and ignorance. Now I walk towards the light of truth in my quest to explore, discover, learn, prosper and share, without hallucinations or other such mental baggage. We also do this in our scientific endeavors to uplift humanity in every way, from finding new cures to more productive farming and enhanced education and communication, that we may live long and prosper.

There is no evidence that the gods exist, let alone that they create or influence anything. But science and immunization has done much to let you survive those deadly childhood diseases and illnesses that in the past meant plagues and death by angry, vengeful, cursing gods. And there will be new diseases that only science will save us from, not some godly superstition. Even in this modern age, children have died from curable diseases because parents believed god and prayer could cure, rather than doctors and medicine. It is not that gods sent plagues. It is that the godly superstitions are the plague in need of cure.

The primitive and emotional superstition of spirits and demons has no part in this our humanity, except to retard human development and perpetuate human strife and suffering. That is our cross. The cross we must shed of our backs.

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2009-04-22 06:51:53 UTC
What's an athesist?
2009-04-22 06:52:49 UTC
did it worth to type all that?
2009-04-22 06:52:11 UTC
Because there's no evidence to suggest any gods exist.

And I defy you to name a single scientist (and their credentials that make them QUALIFIED to make such a pronouncement) who have said any of those things.
Jesus loves me & not u.
2009-04-22 06:52:38 UTC
Not again.
2009-04-22 06:51:53 UTC

/▌ <--- LOL

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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.