You aren't going to get serious answers to this I'm afraid.
Wiccans will 9 times out of 10 tell you what you have already said as biding spells effect free will and this one causes harm so that goes against their fundemental belief system- widely that all universal energies are connected and that essentially what ever energy we give out to others will be some how returned to us be it good or bad.
Other people will probably call you silly or crazy.
Personally, Im not Wiccan so don't adhere to that rule entirely- but as a human being with general compassion, and someone who has performed successfully several non harming binding spells on people who have set out to badly harm myself and my loved ones, don't agree with what you are asking people to do. For one, noone can guarentee it would work, or in the way you expect if it did work. There are ways to deal with such issues without causing such harm to people. Be the better person here.Life deals us crp all the time things like that don't solve anything
sorry to be rude but- as someone who aparently runs a coven, I'd expect you would have thought of that surely? And you wouldn't even be asking question such as how this is done- you'd use your own initiative, or realise it's not the way to go. You should'nt be running covens when you clearly have this attitude. Many pagans and witches take their practices very seriously they are not going to start realiong off Gods and Goddesses you can invoke to play silly games, which by the way is not even required to perform such actions as binding.
There are binding spells you can do that stop people causing any further harm without harming them, you can return their negativity to them or simply just protect yourself from it. or - you could just try talking to them and if that doesn't work learn from it an move on- karma can do wonders all by itself!