Questions for Christians?
2013-07-16 08:31:59 UTC
Hey Folks,

Can some 'Christians' answer me the following:

1) Why did God need to Rest after 7 days? I find it hard to believe that God gets tired?
2) Why did God put the tree in the Garden? Why did he let Satan tempt eve?
3) Is God really all knowing as putting the Tree in the Garden he would know what Adam and Eve would do thus rendering them to eternal torment so how can he 'Love' them.
4) Why would a loving God send people to eternal torment! It makes absolutely no sense. (If he sent his son to die for us surely God would be better removing the concept of hell)
5) The Lake of Fire was made by God - Why would he make such a thing? I never asked to be born so if I dont believe its somehow fair that God will punish me for using the free will he gave me.

Jesus death does not seam like a free Gift. If I return a Christmas Gift the person I return it too wont cast me to hell for it? So why would a just God do it?

6) Why do Christians stray away from hard topics and use the line 'You need faith' - When I was a christian I asked questions like the above but never had an answer.

7) Why are christians so Judgemental - I asked questions like the above and I lost many Christian friends because of these questions how is that fair to learn more about my God but I am only allowed to learn in certain constraints.

8) Is it true that not All Christians will goto Heaven, Jesus said that many will say 'Lord Lord' to me thats Jesus saying that people will believe they are Christians wont get eternal life so the odds even when believing in Christ are 50/50.

9) John said that anyone who believes in Christ will have eternal life. Yet when the rich man asked Jesus - Jesus said to give up all posessions, To another man he said that he must follow the commandments and yet to another person said they had to be like Children.

Each time Jesus mentioned a way to get to heaven it contradicted the other ways he previously mentioned so how the heck with 7 - 8 ways to get to heaven which are all exclusive can one actually get to heaven?

I was a Christian I am very passive - The Church burned me - Then the Unforgivable Sin pushed me away from God. Seriously I worried I committed it and as a Christian at the time that was torment that I loved God yet he would send a faithful believer to Hell because they did this sin? Jesus said anyone who speaks against - to me thats literally it.

So I've decided that a God who would torture Christians for that sin and cast them out of the kingdom for thinking things or discussing things with people Is no God worth worshiping.

The fear of hell is with me but at the same time I am so angry with God that hell seams better right now than kissing God's *** for eternity when I know what and who he is.
Four answers:
2013-07-16 09:59:49 UTC
1 - He didn't. He "rested" - that is, he "paused" or "ceased" from creation. (Look up the word "rest" in a dictionary.)

2 - God didn't tell us why, so we don't know why.

3 - In the normal way.

4 - To save the Universe from the deadly effects of sin.

5 - As a place to secure the Universe from the effects of the sinful wicked.

6 - Ask the Christians who do so.

7 - Ask the Christians who are so.

8 - Yes, it is true.

9 - There is no contradiction between the passages mentioned except that you have imagined in your own mind. You have illogically conglomerated - in your mind - several different Bible teachings in a contradictory way. The Bible passages that you have mentioned themselves do not contradict each other (and if you evaluate each passage and compare them honestly and objectively and *logically*, you can see that clearly for yourself). You are introducing contradiction where none exists.

- Jim,
2013-07-16 08:49:51 UTC
1) God did this as an example of a work week, as He says in Deuteronomy.

2) This is a war on a lower level. We have the responsibility and right to be created by a good God, but to follow the god of evil if we wish. God did not create Satan but they are diametrically opposed deity. Each has their own kingdom, language (lies or truth) actions (love or hate) and outcome (life or death).

3) Yes, God is all knowing, but we have free will and what we are going to do, He does not know. We, as well as God and Satan, live in the now, not the past or the future. IF Adam and Eve had just followed God, we would not be in this war.

4) A loving God has done everything He can to make sure we never go to Hell, even at great pain and suffering of His own Son. God never sends anyone to Hell, they choose to follow the lies of Satan or the truth of God. Period.

5) Hell is where God is not. Heaven is where God is and all who are there will be locked in His character and way of thinking, so will not sin. Those in Hell will be locked in Satan's character and thinking yet have known good and so will burn in their hearts and spirit for what they could have had. But still it is their choice.

6) Because they misdefine faith. Faith is the action based on a belief. The belief is the evidences and yes, the belief can be a lie and so the actions then are of Satan, not God. All people have faith. You go to work in faith you will be paid. We work and do as God says in faith of the future promises based on the character of God which is for us, not against us.

7) If one does not know the answer because they do not study but just follow what others say, they get defensive about this and must stop the discussion.

8) Those who pretend to be Christians, whose hearts are not for God and are actively changing their minds daily to be as God has commanded say to Christ "Lord, Lord". They want a Savior, but not a Lord who commands and they must obey.

9) When Jesus told the rich young ruler to give up his wealth it was because his wealth was who he was, not God. God has to be where we find our worth. Not in power (which wealth represents) or ability, but in the truth of God alone. Jesus said it this way, "Blessed is he who is poor in spirit" meaning one who realizes that he is bankrupt in the ability to know what is true in his life and must turn to God for that truth.

Before you give up on God, stop listening to those who do not study and get to the church of Christ as it is exampled and commanded in the Bible, not a denomination.
2013-07-17 17:15:17 UTC
As a christian its critical to our relationship with God to get answers to questions relating to the bible. God himself assures us that there are answers, we can find them. The bible says at Proverbs 2:3-5 "if, moreover, you call out for understanding itself and you give forth your voice for discernment itself,  if you keep seeking for it as for silver, and as for hid treasures you keep searching for it,  in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very knowledge of God.

To answer one of your questions (#4) Notice what the bible ACTUALLY teaches:

“For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, . . . for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.”—Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10, Revised Standard Version.

The Hebrew word Sheol, which referred to the “abode of the dead,” is translated “hell” in some versions of the Bible. What does this passage reveal about the condition of the dead? Do they suffer in Sheol in order to atone for their errors? No, for they “know nothing.” That is why the patriarch Job, when suffering terribly because of a severe illness, begged God: “Protect me in hell [Hebrew, Sheol].” (Job 14:13; Douay-Rheims Version) What meaning would his request have had if Sheol was a place of eternal torment? Hell, in the Biblical sense, is simply the common grave of mankind, where all activity has ceased.

Is not this definition of hell more logical and in harmony with Scripture? What crime, however horrible, could cause a God of love to torture a person endlessly? (1 John 4:8) But if hellfire is a myth, what about heaven?

Compare these Bible verses: Psalm 146:3, 4; Acts 2:25-27; Romans 6:7, 23

FACT: God does not punish people in hell

Like yourself I've had many questions about God, the Bible, Heaven, Holy Spirit, etc. etc. I've found this site really helpful in answering any question I've had. And the answers were always bible based. I can use my own bible and read it for myself.

Check it out, I'm sure it'll help you get the answers you've been searching for:
2013-07-16 08:39:07 UTC
The Church burned you? No you have burned yourself.

I don't feel like answering questions a hater wouldn't even start understanding.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.