First we have to understand who we are and why we are here. We are
'human persons" with a physical body and a soul. We were created by God with the "free will" option to know, love, and serve Him.
If we choose to live merely in the carnal natural state and ignore the spiritual we will have only that end and the physical, psychological, and social challenges of that choice.
If we choose to acknowledge the spiritual in our lives we will have Gods assistance in living in a physical world.
Jesus Christ came to us as a "Divine Person", so yes He, being God, is without sin. His mother Mary was sinless in order to be His mother. She is not Divine, but rather a "Human Person". She was sinless throughout her life.
We have a loving God. And the more we learn about Him, the more we love Him, and the more we love Him the more we desire to serve Him. Many seem to be studying ways to hate God and only seek out means of remaining ignorant about God.
Very sad to be so voluntarily mentally handicapped. The wise person seeks to prove both sides before deciding to choose sides on issues.
It is not a curse to have a sinful nature. It is a blessing. We have a free will to choose between sinful acts that are destructive to us and charitable acts that help us and others.
If we make a bad choice God forgives us if we repent (change our ways). He loves us so much that He keeps on forgiving us even if we keep making the same mistakes.
The Commandments of God are not some sort of tyrannical set of rules set forth by a tormenting ruler or King.
Look at the teachings in the Old and New Covenants and see them from a viewpoint of a Father concerned about the welfare of His children.
There is no Paradox in a Father loving His children enough to set some rules and guidelines for safe and healthy living, and forgiving the child who realizes his mistake and says "I'm sorry".
The list of sins are hurtful to, not just the sinner, but, those around the sinner as well. Forget about religion fo a moment, if you can.
Is it good for society if I run around killing people for no good reason at all?
Is it good for society if I grab any woman I want and make her have relations with me?
Is it good for society if I am rude and disobedient toward my parents?
We could go on and on, but if you don't get it by now, you have some lessons yet to learn the hard way in life. I hope you are a quick study. Take care.