2012-04-13 12:56:37 UTC
Paul did not replace Judas and he was a self-proclaimed apostle that all the Christ churches of his day rejected. He was a Roman citizen who pleaded to Cesar for his life and he was not a martyr. He preached against what Christ had taught and he told the gentiles they did not have to follow God's laws. He never knew Jesus, never met him, never saw/heard him; he simply claimed to have had a vision and was converted. Everything he did and said was not as Christ had taught; especially as Jesus respected all women as his Sisters and Mother and always had women with him and at every occasion when men were not present (even his resurrection) yet Paul said many things against women that are nothing like the way Christ regarded them. All in all there is so much to support that Paul was false and the original corrupter of the true Christian faith that Rome adopted as the State religion. You'll find tons of supporting evidence with Bible quotations online if you search for Paul being the false apostle.
So why do you support and believe Paulist Christianity, which was never endorsed by Christ in prophesy? I'd really like you to search your mind and heart and think why it is - could it simply be that it's because your church tells you to do so? Perhaps it is wrong to do so. Perhaps Paul was false and corrupted the faith? For your soul's sake please think about that - because there is nothing in the entire Bible to foretell his coming to lead the religion, or to change it in a good way; there is only prophesy that the original Christ faith would be led astray along with the majority of its followers. Please read your Bibles and you will see the truth.
Now please tell me why you follow the Paulist version of Christianity? Thank you.