Christians, what does it mean when people say "God called me into the ministry"?
2007-02-14 20:53:44 UTC
and how do I know if I am called into the ministry?
23 answers:
John O'Keefe
2007-02-14 20:59:10 UTC
it means you know in your heart that that is what God desires of you, and no matter the cost you will do it - you are not doing it for fame, or money,or power - you are doing it because you know you can do nothing else - that is how you know :D
2007-02-14 21:21:51 UTC
All believers are called to minister the word of God. It does not necessarily need to be a pastoral or leadership position. Each Christian should have a ministry centered mindset which simply means placing other's needs before your own.Those that are called to specific church ministries, which I believe you are asking here, know in their knowing or simply have no doubt. The pull to move in that ministry direction is so great that they don't have to think about it - they just respond to the Holy Spirit's prompting by taking the appropriate steps - along with confirmation through prayer and possibly confirmation from others. When God wants something done, He will get it done. Each life is purpose filled. We just need to be willing and open to His guidance.
Rodger G
2007-02-14 21:37:17 UTC
First, if you need to ask "how do I know if I am called into the ministry" you most certainly are not called of God. For God is not quiet even in a whisper, and reveals to those He chooses what they shall do to glorify Him. As it is written: We know in whom we have believed. So also, we understand that it is God that sets the members, everyone of them as it pleases Him. By faith we hear, and know, and learn, and are taught, and receive, and do, and witness a good confession. So simply, when one truly says "God called me into the ministry" they are confessing the power of godliness and an endless life, giving the glory to God, testifying in the hearing of men living truth given from above. For no man can minister grace but they be called of God: for every good gift comes down from the Father of lights. Thus and again, if their witness is truth, that God called them, they are a vessel in His hand, and the things they do in His Name are not of their own mind and invention, rather of the mind of Christ, the will of the Father, unto the manifestation of the Kingdom of God upon the earth. If you would consider these things, I shall tell you that God called me into the ministry. And consider now how it is that one which once did deny the things of holiness, now declares that those things are true. And here is a taste of the ministry God called me into: Judge you if I know I am called into the ministry, or if I yet wonder in a doubt.
2007-02-14 21:24:17 UTC
All Christians are called to a specific function in the church (2Tim. 1:9, 2Peter 1:10). Understand that there are two sides to calling -- in the governmental ministries which normally deals with leadership and administration (pastors, evangelist, teachers, etc.)

Then there is the congregational ministries which are callings for helps, mercy, hospitality, missions or exhortations .

So it depends on where your gifts and talents are which will determine mostly where you are called to participate. But as a Christian all should participate in the activities of the church.

All calls for service are important and necessary for the function of the body of Christ.
caramel brownie
2007-02-14 22:50:09 UTC
When you spend time with God and have a personal relationship with God He will tell you what He has called you to do. If you feel God has called you to the ministry I would say pray about it and ask God to show you what He wants you to do. And whoever your Pastor is I would say talk to him as well about what you feel.
2007-02-14 20:59:09 UTC
I agree with Tree of Jesse. It is by God's Holy Spirit that He puts it on your heart to want to go into the ministry-either as a pastor, or a missionary, or something. Take care.
2007-02-14 21:04:11 UTC
It means that the Lord has laid it on your heart to do some type of ministry, in my case I was praying that if the Lord would give me a van I would pick up little kids my sons age (5) and bring them to sunday school and church, at that time he laid it on my heart that he wanted me to sing for him. I have been singing for the Lord in churches and gatherings for 16 years now. He can speak through circumstances, the word, a preacher, the witness of the Holy Spirit, etc. many many ways.

In my husbands case he was praying if the Lord would have him to mow the church grass etc. and the Lord called him to preach the gospel.

He is able to lead us in the right direction, we must just be willing to do whatever he ask.
2007-02-14 21:01:48 UTC
Many are called few are chosen. God has as many different ways of calling his elect in the ministry as their are people.
Antique Silver Buttons
2007-02-14 21:01:29 UTC
Near as I can tell, you're supposed to hear a voice inside your head saying, "Hey you! Go into the ministry, it's a great job with great benefits!" or something like that. Or, I dunno, you could just train for the ministry and then PRETEND you heard the voice in your head. Nobody will know the difference because there isn't any.
The Pope
2007-02-14 21:00:16 UTC
It means that those 'called' to be in the ministry feel that that is what they are supposed to do with their lives. You know if you are called if you feel strongly about it, if you want to commit yourself to it for the rest of your life. It's like teaching, or dedicating yourself to being a CEO.
2007-02-14 20:59:35 UTC
It means that if you follow the will of GOD for your life. You will be a servant. The best way to explain the role of a minister is a term Paul uses a couple of times. It's. Bottom rower. Like the guys with the paddles in the bottom of the boats.

Have no fear, you can't mess it up or miss it unless you just flat out refuse to do it.
2007-02-14 20:57:49 UTC
A person who is called into ministry knows because they have spent many hours in prayer and they have a hearts desire to preach the gospel to those who are lost.
2007-02-14 21:14:03 UTC
It is a natural proclivity or talent coupled with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to enable the person to exercise that now, spiritual gift to instruct people in the way of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is a "calling" .
2016-11-03 16:08:17 UTC
you at the on the spot are not nicely recommended on Christian theology. No Christian translates Messiah to advise Son of God. All Christians recognize Messiah advise's the anointed one. Christians call Jesus the Son of God because that's what He called Himself. He noted Himself as Son of guy and on an identical time because the Son of God. even as Jesus replaced into baptized, God spoke from heaven putting forward "that's my in elementary words begotten son, in whom i'm nicely extremely joyful." All beings created by technique of a supernatural act of introduction by technique of God declare this call. in the e book of pastime, the angels are called the "sons of God", and Adam is likewise called a son of God. So by technique of distinctive feature of His impressive start from a virgin (God led to her to be with newborn by technique of a miracle) Jesus' humanity replaced into generated by technique of the hand of God. subsequently, he's the Son of God. Christians have not in any respect altered or twisted the which technique of the know-how Messiah.
Evan LeDoux
2007-02-14 21:14:39 UTC
Grace and peace be yours in abundance. It means that God has called you to serve him in a special way. Like a minister or pastor. Or in other denominations, a Priest or other things that you help feed His sheep (the Church) or "geting the word out" to non-christians.
2007-02-14 21:06:56 UTC
since no one here obviously knows anything about the topic,i will answer your question. if you have been saved you know what that felt like,right? kind of like a tugging on your heart that would not subside until you did something about it?? to my understanding it is the same kind of feeling to an extent, and if you know you are doing everything you need to be doing to please god, then you will know that this feeling is about a little something more that god wants you to do for him. if you have this feeling do not turn away from it as it will continue to grow stronger until he realizes that you are not willing to spread his word. my advice would be to talk to a preacher that you know and trust about your feelings. perhaps he will able to shed a little more light. good luck with everything and i'm sure everyone is praying for you!!!
2007-02-14 21:03:01 UTC
Avoid epistomological language. Smarts? Then study. Teach when you've more authority than an uneducated banshee howling out the name of JESUS to cure someone's dandruff.
2007-02-14 20:57:29 UTC
I think we are called to serve....wherever that leads you. I think folks get hung up on being a shepard when they need to worry about being a servant. God can bless anything you decide to do.
Tree of Jesse
2007-02-14 20:57:16 UTC
They mean that something in their lives pushed them towards the ministry. However. Do things properly and join the seminary.

Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.
2007-02-14 20:58:26 UTC
It is a feeling,a desire,they believe that is the reason God put them here.
2007-02-14 21:18:58 UTC
It means that they felt that God's will or calling was for them to go into the area of ministry, be it a missionary or just a pastor. If you would like to know God's will for your life, make sure you seek that goal with all your heart. Pray to God, and ask him to give you guidance into what he wants for your life. It should be every Christian's goal to fulfill God's will for your life, and sometimes that means breaking away from our own.

But that also probably doesn't mean giving up what you love. It may be that God's will is something that you love and/or have always loved. This is where free will comes into play. Some doors may open for you, but it can be very hard to know which doors are the ones God has opened, or doors that are simply there because of chance. Many times, more time to think about which door is the right one to follow is not a luxury. Therefore, when doors open, God wants us to be ready to step through, sometimes immediately.

To get ready for these opportunities, it is important to pray to God about this. If you feel like reading the Bible one day, go for it. I wouldn't force yourself to do anything you don't like in your life, because God also doesn't want you to be unhappy with life choices. God does want you to be sacrificial. We can't do everything. Perhaps God has led you to one major opportunity, but you'll have to give another one up for this.

I still don't know God's exact will for my life. But I am sure it involves Japanese. How do I know? I was able to produce $4269 literally in a matter of hours for me to go to Japan. It was the last day for me to pay for my trip to Japan. I knew I had to go because I had not seen a Japanese friend for two years. I hosted him (as in home stay) two years prior, and we wrote back every so often. I prayed for a long time because I thought it was over. I thought that that was it. I asked God without bias, which was hard because I was passionate about Japan, that if he did not have it in his will for me to go, then I should not go.

Through my tears and prayers I came up with a solution. My grandma could front the money, and I could get a job to pay it off. I never wanted a job during school, but I knew I had to go. Let’s get this straight-she doesn’t loan anyone money. Ever. Frankly, she doesn’t really like Japan. But I just told her it was on her, and she did say no for about an hour. She did give in, but that was after I myself had thought that it was truly over. She fronted the money. Literally, as the tour company was calling me to say she had to cancel my reservation permanently, I picked up the phone and arranged it. We even had to overnight the money because they wouldn’t take Discover.

Okay, long story. What’s my point? I had been studying Japanese in high school for three years, going on four. It was an absolute blast, and my Japanese friend and I are best friends. I know through all this that God had it in his will for me to go to Japan. The tour company let me delay my payment for over a month pas the due date, and two weeks after the late date, and even two more days after we had promised some payment. They waited that long, and my grandma said yes to an impossible question. If I had brushed those odds off, I would be stupid. It was literally impossible without God opening my grandma’s heart to let her front the money. It was clearly God's will. I know that God has it in his will that I do something in Japan. My point is that God would shove aside all human willpower and pave this road for me. He wouldn’t do it if his will was for me to make video games or be a teacher in Mexico. These are obviously not me. God will use your talents to help you achieve his will. Maybe that’s why people call it ‘God-given’ for talents.

God made you unique so that you could fulfill his will in your own way. For many, that is not ministry. Not being in ministry doesn’t mean you can’t continue practicing Christianity and spreading the Gospel. You can do it in your own subtle way, with the people you interact with everyday. So my suggestion is to look for obvious signs. And please take this one seriously-don’t ignore the world around you. For example, when it comes to colleges, if a college is rejecting you or not giving you a lot of money or maybe just not giving you attention, then it’s probably not in God’s will. There is a difference between difficulty and conscious logic. It wouldn’t make sense for Got to want you to go to College A when College B is overall better for you. The same goes with major life choices, like what you want to do.

God is calling you to do something big with your life. You have that potential. Seriously, ministry is not for everyone. If it was, we’d all be pastors. You can spread the morals, values and even the practicalities of Christianity just by being yourself. And by being yourself, you can discover what God has in store for you. I can’t emphasize prayer, and that simply means talking to God. Talk to God. He will answer.
2007-02-14 20:56:31 UTC
It means that God loves you and wanted you to be a part of preaching his word to his followers.

2007-02-14 20:56:05 UTC
It means you need money....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.