Are the Masons satanic, or are they just a harmless social club?
2010-10-19 10:51:34 UTC
I know that it is illogical to presume that sweeping generalizations work in the real world. For example, let's think about Christians. What if I were to say that all Christians are dumb. That is a preposterous idea, because although some Christians may not be Einstein, there are lots of Christians that are very bright. Sir Isaac Newton is one example that disproves the above theory. People also sometimes assume that all gay people are promiscuous. Not true. Yes, some are. That doesn't mean that they all are. People are individuals, and it is narrow minded to use broad generalizations to judge large groups of people.

I know that there are many good Masons out there. I know this for a fact. I really don't know what to believe. I suspect that some Masons may be aware that some of them might be into the occult or satanism. Perhaps even those people who are involved in the evil aspects of spirituality do not even know that they are.

So are the Masons satanic, or is that just a stupid conspiracy theory?
Thirteen answers:
2010-10-19 10:54:28 UTC
They are not Satanic. They are a charitable and fraternal organization. Conspiracy theories abound about Freemasonry, but they've generally been disproven, including the famous Taxil Hoax which anti-Masonic writers still invoke to this day, despite the fact that it was refuted by its own author.
2010-10-19 11:53:03 UTC
I applaud the fact that you are at least thinking...Bravo. Now on to your question.

Your analogies aside you are basically right, to make broad generalization about any group is not smart.

I can tell you that although it is possible, in theory, that a Satanist could be made a Mason it is highly unlikely. Freemasonry, although not a religion, nor a substitute for one, is religious in nature. Many Masons are esoterically inclined. They enjoy investigating what makes themselves tick. So as a result they are generally more open minded them most.

The reason I say it is unlikely is that a Satanist, Lucifarian (Taxil Hoax and no real), or devil worshiper would feel very uncomfortable going through the degrees of Freemasonry and even attending meetings. Although Freemasons are accepting of many faiths there are differences that would exclude some.

As for the occult, I would reference you back to the dictionary to look up the meaning of occult. I know several Mason that 'study' occult religions, because that's what Freemasonry teaches..learn all you can about humanity and educate yourself. These Masons that I know that study these subjects, well that are all devout Christians, not the self avowed kind, but the good church going kind.

I do take slight umbrage with your use of harmless social club' though. There is much more to Freemasonry then the fellowship, much more.

I should actually remind you that Freemasonry is the ORIGINAL social network.

So no Freemasonry is neither Satanic nor a harmless social club. It is a place of learning or fellowship and a place where good men become better men.
2010-10-19 10:54:41 UTC
Well, their "Lodge" is practically down the freaking street, and from what I've heard you can come in and join at any time. I don't think a Illuminati-esque secret society would be that open, so no, I don't think they worship Satan. Also, Masons are free religion, there are Hindu Masons and Christian Masons.
2010-10-19 11:39:12 UTC
The Masonic Lodge is a syncretistic religion in that it believes that irrespective of whatever belief one holds 'all roads lead to the one God.' This interestingly enough is the teaching upon which the New Age Movement has been built. All Masonic's rituals and secrets, whilst veiled in Scripture, are highly anti-scriptural in precept and practice.

The only system of religion that God accepts or ordains is the true Church under the kingship of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Ephesians 1:21-23, that God "hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all." This body, the Church, is the sole institution ordained of God for the proclamation and defence of the Word of God, and has Christ as its supreme ruling Head. Jesus said, "I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matt 16:18). The Bible in I Peter 2:17 commands the committed Christian, "Honour all men, Love the brotherhood, Fear God, Honour the King" The King here is King Jesus. The great theologian John Gill, in expounding this passage, explains, "Love the brotherhood; or 'your brethren'�. the whole company of the brethren in Christ, who are born of God, are members of Christ, and of the same body, and have the same spirit, belong to the same family, and are of the household of faith."
2010-10-19 11:18:23 UTC
There are many kinds of Satansims. The ones I’ve studied are LaVeyan, Theistic/Spiritual, Devil worshipers, Luciferianism, and pseudo Satanism.

LaVeyan Satanism

This is atheistic. They see Satan as a symbol. In the torah, "Satan" means the adversary. LaVeyan Satanism challenges the status quo. They do not believe Satan is an actual being. He is a symbol to them that represents different things.

1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!

2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!

3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!

4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!

5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!

6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!

7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!

8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!

9. Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!

The basic philosophies LaVey came up with is very good. But he was a power hungry, sell out fraud. Most of his 'history' about Satan is fake. Baphomet was NOT worshiped as Satan, the yezids do NOT worship Satan, and the Al-Jiwah is NOT the black book of Satan. Decent philosophy, scam religion.

The religion has a lot of hate in it. In The Satanic Bible, the first chapter (the book of Satan), it says “I gaze into the glassy eye of your fearsome Jehovah, and pluck him by the beard. I uplift a broad axe and split open his worm eaten skull.” Now this is symbolic, like the whole religion, but still very violent. Also, the religion promotes use of black magick as if there is nothing wrong with it.

Theistic/Spiritual Satanism is what Joy of Satan is but they are a bad example. They encourage Nazism and a self mutilation ritual to give your soul to Satan. Once again, most of their 'history' is false to make you believe more. In this case, the deity/deities being worshiped is not the Christian Satan. They believe the god is the true creator god. In a lot of cases, the belief is that Satan is some kind of extraterrestrial being. Most Theistic/Spiritual Satanists are polytheistic and believe. It is usually rare that they believe in the Christian god at all. When they do, They believe that the Christian god stole Satan’s credit for creating the world. They use god’s horrible deeds in the bible to prove he is not all loving like religions claim. Other Theistic/Spiritual Satanist have their own unique beliefs. Most belief, whatever god they think the creator god is was perverted into Satan to hide the god’s identity. They call him Satan because people are not worthy to know his identity. In this case, many people could be considered Theistic/Spiritual Satanists.

Devil Worshipers are extremely rare. They worship the Christian Satan. They believe god is ALL forgiving and Satan is ruler of this world. So, they feel they have to please Satan. This can be done through self mutilation, vandalism, and in extreme rare cases even animal sacrifice. Nothing like Satanic Ritual Abuse though. It is not like they are holding kidnapped women hostage to have babies to sacrifice. The Satanic Ritual Abuse was proved false. If they do not please Satan they fear they will go to hell.

Luciferianism is the Satanism I know least about. They believe Lucifer is the bearer of light and can bring them infinite knowledge. They believe in the positive aspects of Satan. There are several groups of Luciferians (I think that is what you would call them.)

Last, Pseudo Satanists are just posers. They have really no religious connection to any kind of Satanism. They just get off on trying to scare people with carving pentagrams into churches and stuff.

Last I would like to state that, as far as I know, there has never been a confirmed case of a human Satanic ritual murder in the United States.
2010-10-19 10:55:56 UTC
The freemasons are a group of (somewhat older) men that is heavily invested in symbolism and good deeds. They build children's hospitals, donate substantial amounts of money to charity, etc.

There are some things that are somewhat spooky about them. But at the end of the day they're harmless, albeit somewhat quirky.
2010-10-19 11:02:26 UTC
Nobody knows but the masons.
2010-10-19 10:55:33 UTC
I am a Mason and a Christian and no, there is nothing Satanic about it. If there was then I would not be one.
Actual Answer Illuminatus
2010-10-19 10:54:45 UTC
They're basically a bunch of guys who like to drink at a secret club house and then do charity work. That's all there is to it.
2010-10-19 10:59:50 UTC
They will except any God into their society and they have secret handshakes and oaths, that must be adhered to, they also have the Goat of mendez which is basically Satan. Jeus never had secret handshakes and oaths he performed in the temple. My dad was a mormon mason thanks to him I saw demons in our house until i was 13 and had all kinds of psychic powers.
2010-10-19 10:56:56 UTC
harmless social club
Van Bo
2010-10-19 11:07:48 UTC
It is a devious and Satanic secret society.
Karl P
2010-10-19 10:53:03 UTC
they are a Cult, yes. you also need to define 'good'. ;)

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