I may have not been saved, how can I know for sure?
2009-10-21 16:09:48 UTC
I have prayed many times and I know logically that God has helped me when I have needed it. He also came to me in a dream. I am worried that I was not sorry enough when repenting for my sins during salvation. I think I am saved, but I doubt too. I am extremely depressed. How do I know for sure? The first time I felt the spirit in me and was overwhelmed with tears. Maybe I was sorry enough for what I did to hurt God, maybe I was just sorry that I sinned period. Please can you help?
22 answers:
JJ Bear
2009-10-21 16:40:38 UTC
Our God is indeed an awesome God!

You are going through what most of us experience after believing in Christ. At this point I want to ask you to go to * and do a search on the word believe. After doing this you shall know that all we can do to be saved is to believe what God is telling us in His Word.

As sinners it is difficult for a new Christian to realize that God does not see us as we are. He sees us through Jesus, who paid our sin debts. Debts we could not pay our self, because it took a sinless person to do that, and we are born into sin.

There is also a certain way to pray, and first we must confess our sins for God to hear our prayers. Confession is conditional. If we confess He forgives. If we do not ask, or ask without confessing our sins, He does not hear us.

1 John 1:9 (King James Version)

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Psa 41:4 I said, LORD, be merciful unto me: heal my soul; for I have sinned against thee.

Psa 51:4 Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight:

Psa 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:

Psa 103:10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

Psa 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. [I really like this one]

Psa 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Psa 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

Once you have confessed you are clean and back in fellowship with God.

So now you need faith to believe, right?

1.Romans 10:17

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Now you just get into the Word and begin to learn and apply it to your life on a daily basis.

You have made the mistake of thinking that your feelings [emotions] are the confirmation of your salvation, and that is not true. The Holy Spirit takes residence in us when we believe in Christ, and that does effect our emotions, but that is not confirmation of salvation. Salvation is a spiritual happening and you do not see Him.

Ephesians 2:8, 9

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

These two verses tell us that salvation is a gift to us from God, and that we can not work to earn it. Christ did the work in our place.

Now you just need to ask yourself, "Do I believe what God's Word says about salvation through Christ?" If you can answer yes, then you must not doubt His ability to do exactly what He promises to do for you.

Feel free to email me if you want more information.
2009-10-21 23:43:12 UTC
Well, first of all, you cannot hurt God. God is way to big for little humans to "hurt" him. He loved murderers, adulterers, idolaters, liars, prostitutes- all of them. Your view that you need to be "sorry enough"... whoever told you that... Geesh. God does not want us to feel "sorry". There will never be "enough" you can do. You cannot pray enough, read the Bible enough, volunteer enough... When would it be enough? Never! God is perfect and we are not (period).

It is awesome that He came to you in a dream. You cannot come to God without his Spirit drawing you toward him. And when He starts to draw, He will not stop unless you want Him to. If He as shown you things and brought your heart to tears, He is working on you- and that often takes time. Also, it often comes with a depression. Think about it- God's greatness is so great that when we try to become great for Him, we pale in comparison and get a good look at just how "great" we are which can be depressing. I have been depressed too and still deal with it off and on. Some things we have to just take at face value with God. One of them is that "He works out everything for the GOOD of those that love Him." If that is true, start there and ask, "If whatever is going on is for my own good, what is it that God may want me to adjust in my life? or what is it that He wants me to see that I have not seen before? Is there a desire that God has put within me that going through the current situation may help me to achieve that goal someday?"

Now this is the part that may sound crazy, depending on what you have heard before:

I believe in the Bible. In the book of Acts the disciples and the others knew they were saved (initially) when they received the Holy Spirit from God (Acts 2, 8, 10, 19). The sign that they had received it was that they spoke in tongues. To someone who never has, it sounds a bit crazy because not a lot of people think those signs that happened then still do. All I can say is that the day I truly repented and my heart wailed to God, I spoke in tongues uncontrollably. That is an experience that I cannot deny and can never forget. Whenever I doubt, I can ALWAYS go back to that day and realize that God kept His promise and I was part of the supernatural.

(Those who do not believe this, please show me where in the Bible the Holy Spirit came into someone over time or without some outward sign that the believer and those around him did not notice the exact moment when it happened.)

It sounds like you have experienced the Spirit's movement already in your life. Do you really think that those supernatural signs- the ones that happened all through the Old Testament and the ones that happened in the first Church after Christ was raised and the ones that are prophesied to happen in the future- do you really think that now, the time of Christ's Church is the only time in history in which there are no outward signs and wonders done by God's Spirit? I have a hard time believing that.

You know that there is more of God that is available to experience, despite what anyone says- you have tasted it already. If you want it, pursue it. Tell God that you believe at least in those possibilities. Give God a chance to show you. Please send me a note if you have any questions!
2009-10-21 23:21:47 UTC
Welll, DeBest:

Jesus did not die in vain, but because He loves you. He does not want you to agonize over your past because those sins are buried in the debts of the sea.

Ask yourself this question: "Did God forgive Moses for killing an Egyptian? Yes, God made him leader of the jews.

And was David forgivfen for killing Uriah, then fornicating with his wife? Of course; in fact, David's son of Uriah's wife became the next king.

Did God forgive that church member for sleeping with his mother? Yes, Paul instructed the Corinth church to receive him into fellowship.

In your new walk with the Lord, DeBest, you will make many error and the fact that you are sorry and make efforts to avert those mistakes tells you that you are saved.

You see, it is only by the Holy Spirit that you have genuine repentance, and if you don't have spiritual discernment, then you are led by Satan. More on this when you break the Bible code at:

Ben Yeshua
2009-10-21 23:26:27 UTC
you have been saved from sin already. right after you accepted that Christ has died on the cross for you.

but salvation does not stop there. every day, sin comes and try to claim us back because of our weaknesses as men. that is why we need to walk with God each day to be closer to him until the day comes.

if you feel depressed or guilty in some way, you can always pray to God to clear your mind and heart and to ease your suffering. Believe me, he always opens the door, when someone knocks.

we do not have to think we are saved, because we already are. i would suggest reading your bible since it will strengthen you.

by the way, have you seen this site? check the fourth video from the top. i found it very encouraging specially these days where many claims to know the truth.

God bless
2009-10-21 23:40:51 UTC
A very important truth we all need to be aware of is that God's Word is the final authority. Don't let your feelings make you feel that you are not saved or make you doubt. feelings are like yo-yo, going up and down and constantly changing. So you need to believe God's word and not your feelings.

Please hold on, I believe everyone struggled with doubt after they got saved. But we need to be persistent and never give up.

About your depression, stop worrying and see a doctor. As for you knowing for sure, my answer is JUST HAVE FAITH.

I hope all works out ok. God bless.
2009-10-21 23:24:51 UTC
That is a question I have asked myself a time or two. I have realized that when we repent, God is very forgiving. Not only does he forgive, but he actually wipes that sin away never to be remembered again. Please don't allow negative thoughts in to 'remind' you of what you have done wrong. We all fall short of the glory. We are far from perfect, and have sinned beyond imagination at times. You are not the only one. This is what Jesus died for. You are that loved by him, regardless of how wrong we have done things in the past.
The Wags
2009-10-21 23:24:42 UTC
you sound saved to me just by what you told me. it can be different for everyone, some feel something, others dont right away, and some of us can feel broken and unsure.

i felt broken and unsure...b/c i became saved in a hard time in my life. When i received salvation and the holy spirit...i didnt realize it, but i noticed that the bad things i was doing really bothered me, made me want to cry, and i began to feel worthless and sad b/c i felt like i couldnt stop and i didnt deserve God's mercy.

a book called "Victory Over the Darkness" by Neil T. Anderson helped a lot and reading the bible.

you have to realize what you are feeling is the spirit convicting you of your sins so that you will repent. repent meaning is referred by the greek meaning of the word in this case and means "to turn away from sin, to change one's mind"

its not there to judge us or make us feel worthless, but to help us live a life that is Christ like, to guide us and comfort us.

another important thing is the enemy is there trying to convince you that you are worthless, that God doesnt forgive you or that he doesnt hear you and you are not saved.

the most important thing to do to combat this is to read your bible, read John or some psalms. Pray for protection and strength for your faith.

read Matt 13 up to verse 23, this is where it tells you how the enemy tries to take this away from you.

know that God forgives you, he accepts you, and has given his gift of grace (unmerrited favor) upon you, upon your acceptence of Christ and your confession of sins. He knows that we are weak, and need him to help us live better lives and bound back from our mistakes.

you have to be willing to let it all go, forgive yourself and accept the gift.

know that you are now a new person in Christ. that is why its called being born again. you are a new creation and the old person has died. so in God's eyes you are blameless, that person doesnt exist anymore. And in its place is the new person you have become with God's spirit with in you.

God Bless.
2009-10-21 23:13:09 UTC
You are saved if you believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only true living God, that he resurrected from the dead, and is therefore alive today (Romans 10:9) and was born of a virgin (indicating his sinless nature). Such a person has the indwelling Holy Spirit [Romans 8:9].
2009-10-21 23:19:13 UTC
You are saved, there is no doubt. Your acceptance of it seems to be the issue. I don't know what you did or said that makes you think you 'hurt' God, but his forgiveness is sure and absolute. It is we humans, who have our own nature and reasoning of right and wrong, that has the problem understanding and accepting God's love and forgiveness. Our emotions and feelings are not God, they are ours. I pray that your mind will be opened to Him, thanks for sharing.
2009-10-21 23:17:45 UTC
First of all, see a medical professional about your depression. Like diabetes, cancer, etc. it is a real disease. But it can be treated quite successfully.

Now when you are once again thinking clearly, embark on a regular study of scripture. many free study guides can be found online. Google for these. Surround yourself with Christians and do good deeds for your fellow men.

Like most diseases, depression has both a physical and a spiritual component and so you must treat both aspects.

God bless - am praying for you.
peanut =)
2009-10-21 23:21:00 UTC
i heard someone say the heaven is the life to love
Averell A
2009-10-21 23:14:13 UTC
"The Spirit bears witness with our spirits that we are the children of God."
2009-10-21 23:14:45 UTC
nothing to be saved from, please do not waste your one life worrying about this. Just be a good person, it doesn't matter if you have a religion or not.

I don't believe in a god but trust me NO god would give one about what mere mortals believed and what religion they are!
2009-10-21 23:54:51 UTC
God must be a God of His Word to you for the Word to have preeminence. If your feelings and emotions dictate what is truth, than satan has stolen your helmet of salvation. Not really, because it is secure with christ , but you can only go forward with believing God at His Word.

Did God say that Christ was the brightness of His glory, the express image of His person, upholding all things by the Word of His power, after that He had purged, not only forgiven you but remitted purged you and i of all sin, than sat down at the right hand of God, Hebrews 1: 3.

Does it say What John said in John 1: 3? "All things were made by Him, Him who? The Word, that is being the same Word, who was in the beginning with God, and was God, that same Word, verse one and two. The word Word is the subject;

Now this word, in reference to the WORD, the Logos of God, is the same Word (Logos) That through which all things were made, and without Him, the Logos, was not anything made that was made" John 1: 1-3.

Now lets go to Hebrews and see what the Spirit has revealed about the Logos of God, Hebrews 4: 12-13 "The Logos (the Word of God) is quick and powerful, dividing asunder, able to scrutinize and make distinction between spirit and soul, discerning the thoughts and the intents of the heart, now notice; Neither is there any thing that is created that is hidden from His sight; all things are opened and exposed before the eyes of Him, now notice; Before the eyes of Him " with whom we have to reckon"

Now did God say that: "All things were made by Him the Logos, and without Him the logos, was not anything made thatwas made" ? That same Logos which was in the beginning and was with God, and was God is the same Logos, through which all things were made.

Now did you believe the witness of God that this Logos having become a man, hearld the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, who was declared to be the Son of God by the Father, and that He the Logos who is Jesus Christ now having become flesh, a man, took your place on the cross of Calvary bearing all your sins, died and was buried, and then God raised Him from the dead after that He the Logos had met the claims against outlaw man, to justify them who would believe, unto eternal life, 1 Corinthians 15: 1-5, Romans 3: 21-27, 4: 25

Now remember that Christ upholds all things by the Logos of His power, after that He purged you from sin, sat down att he right hand of the Majesty on High?

Well? Are you going to let Him uphold you, by the Logos of God? Now we are speaking of your mind here. The warfare started when you were saved, the devil isn't about to let you just skate on by under the free gift of grace, God will because it is His will to save you using His power and His ability, and that is what grace is, and He freely gave it because He loves you.

Now did you know that faith woks by Love? Then do you know God loves you and has given the faith of His Son to you as a gift of His love?

Whose word will you allow to win the battle waging in your mind? Now youare sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, so satan's temptations and trials and persecutions won't enter the mind of you heart, but he wil attack your mind, to keep it from being renewed. He knows what your reasonable service is to God is and will keep you under his thumb as long as you let him build a nest in your head.

So then now knowing more than ever before the concept of god who upholds all things by the Word the Logos of His Power, now let's ask what is the power?

The Holy Spirit of promise. find some seed any seed and go plant it in some super dry earth, and don't water it, and see if it will grow. It won't, But the Word of God is designed to prosper wherto He sent it, and He has sent it into your heart, and because you believ in His Son, He through His Son has sealed you with the Holy Spirit of promise. Now you have in you the Word and the pwoer of God in you, in the Spirit you and I have living Water to make the Logos grow effectually, 1 Thessalonians 2: 13, now the Spirit wil bring into fruition the believed for thing of your heart of the Logos the Word of God, so then believe, go to the Word and beleive, and if you beleive you will sound like 2 Corinthians 4: 13
2009-10-21 23:13:17 UTC
Study Islam and ask God, the One True God for guidance and the path leading towards him... Insha-Allah you will be guided to the right path.
netbook (suspended)
2009-10-21 23:23:34 UTC
Act 16'30-34. "What must I do to be saved?" "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved!"
2009-10-21 23:13:39 UTC
lol it would be nice if god can give you some kind of receipt to let you know that you are saved. I would not waste my time.
2009-10-21 23:14:05 UTC
I get could get you the number of a friend of mine who's a shrink to help you out.
2009-10-21 23:13:40 UTC
check to see if the file is on the hard disk
2009-10-21 23:13:25 UTC
When you die, if you go to Heaven you were saved.
2009-10-21 23:15:55 UTC
You don't need to be one is lost!
2009-10-21 23:12:39 UTC
if you ahve to ask, you're not saved

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.