God must be a God of His Word to you for the Word to have preeminence. If your feelings and emotions dictate what is truth, than satan has stolen your helmet of salvation. Not really, because it is secure with christ , but you can only go forward with believing God at His Word.
Did God say that Christ was the brightness of His glory, the express image of His person, upholding all things by the Word of His power, after that He had purged, not only forgiven you but remitted purged you and i of all sin, than sat down at the right hand of God, Hebrews 1: 3.
Does it say What John said in John 1: 3? "All things were made by Him, Him who? The Word, that is being the same Word, who was in the beginning with God, and was God, that same Word, verse one and two. The word Word is the subject;
Now this word, in reference to the WORD, the Logos of God, is the same Word (Logos) That through which all things were made, and without Him, the Logos, was not anything made that was made" John 1: 1-3.
Now lets go to Hebrews and see what the Spirit has revealed about the Logos of God, Hebrews 4: 12-13 "The Logos (the Word of God) is quick and powerful, dividing asunder, able to scrutinize and make distinction between spirit and soul, discerning the thoughts and the intents of the heart, now notice; Neither is there any thing that is created that is hidden from His sight; all things are opened and exposed before the eyes of Him, now notice; Before the eyes of Him " with whom we have to reckon"
Now did God say that: "All things were made by Him the Logos, and without Him the logos, was not anything made thatwas made" ? That same Logos which was in the beginning and was with God, and was God is the same Logos, through which all things were made.
Now did you believe the witness of God that this Logos having become a man, hearld the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, who was declared to be the Son of God by the Father, and that He the Logos who is Jesus Christ now having become flesh, a man, took your place on the cross of Calvary bearing all your sins, died and was buried, and then God raised Him from the dead after that He the Logos had met the claims against outlaw man, to justify them who would believe, unto eternal life, 1 Corinthians 15: 1-5, Romans 3: 21-27, 4: 25
Now remember that Christ upholds all things by the Logos of His power, after that He purged you from sin, sat down att he right hand of the Majesty on High?
Well? Are you going to let Him uphold you, by the Logos of God? Now we are speaking of your mind here. The warfare started when you were saved, the devil isn't about to let you just skate on by under the free gift of grace, God will because it is His will to save you using His power and His ability, and that is what grace is, and He freely gave it because He loves you.
Now did you know that faith woks by Love? Then do you know God loves you and has given the faith of His Son to you as a gift of His love?
Whose word will you allow to win the battle waging in your mind? Now youare sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, so satan's temptations and trials and persecutions won't enter the mind of you heart, but he wil attack your mind, to keep it from being renewed. He knows what your reasonable service is to God is and will keep you under his thumb as long as you let him build a nest in your head.
So then now knowing more than ever before the concept of god who upholds all things by the Word the Logos of His Power, now let's ask what is the power?
The Holy Spirit of promise. find some seed any seed and go plant it in some super dry earth, and don't water it, and see if it will grow. It won't, But the Word of God is designed to prosper wherto He sent it, and He has sent it into your heart, and because you believ in His Son, He through His Son has sealed you with the Holy Spirit of promise. Now you have in you the Word and the pwoer of God in you, in the Spirit you and I have living Water to make the Logos grow effectually, 1 Thessalonians 2: 13, now the Spirit wil bring into fruition the believed for thing of your heart of the Logos the Word of God, so then believe, go to the Word and beleive, and if you beleive you will sound like 2 Corinthians 4: 13