Just because you are SEEING it more, doesn't mean it is HAPPENING more.
It used to be that people never talked about (or came forward about) sexual molestation, child abuse, spousal abuse, etc.
Even today, sociologists find it difficult to know just how often men are being physically abused by their wives, since it is so "unmanly" to complain about your wife beating you, and therefore men keep quiet about it.
So, is it that priests are molesting children more often, or that people are now coming forward about it more often?
This is a question you can't answer. And the social science disciplines are very aware of this problem in tracking trends.
Now that you know, you too can use your brain intelligently. There is no excuse for not using your brain, or for sloppy illogical thinking. Things are not always what they appear and all things (especially human and social behavior) are very complex and have multiple factors affecting things.
As for priests molesting ... non-priests molest too. The difference between the two groups is that most non-priest have "approved" avenues for sexual contact (girlfriends, spouses), so they are less likely to go after children.
The problem is not with the priesthood itself, but with some individuals who are priests. In any group of people (cultural groups, religious groups etc) you will find that some individuals give everyone a bad name.
I am not a Catholic. My husband (an ex-Catholic) of 15 years was brought up Catholic and had relatives who were priests and nuns. You know what? Priests and nuns CAN be really good people. And some of them are.