How can you believe in nothing?
2008-09-14 17:06:58 UTC

the belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason what so ever into self replicating hits which then turned into dinosaurs

makes perfect sense.
67 answers:
2008-09-14 17:10:02 UTC
I believe in God !
Metal Dog
2008-09-14 20:36:42 UTC
There are two serious problems to your position:

First, atheism is NOT the belief in 'nothing'. Atheism is the lack of belief in any kind of god or's that simple. No atheist makes the claim that the universe came from nothing; rather, most believe in a naturalistic explanation...research ideas like String Theory, Singularities, etc. to see some scientific ideas on universal formation.

Second, if your position is true-namely, that something cannot come from nothing-then kindly explain where God came from. If God is something, and something has to come from something before it, what was there before God? Please don't cop-out with the answer "God always was and always will be" because I can just as easily claim that energy is eternal-you cannot create or destroy energy- and the universe formed out of this eternal energy.

Think about your position now.
2008-09-17 05:37:10 UTC
First of all if you are so sure about your self why are you even posted a bulletin on here to hear other peoples replys? do you like to make your self look stupid or is it that you think your a doing a good dead so ur mR. God will let you in to heaven more likely?.

Okay so here goes my answer.

Nothing didnt come from nothing cause then there would be nothing.

We all came from something.

It has yet to be explained where planets came from. BUt

If there is a god can you explain to me how he appeared out of no where? He is abolusly nothing at all because he is an Imagination a fictional character that people made up.
2008-09-14 17:13:35 UTC
Most atheists don't believe in nothing, they believe in science, and evolution along with it. Many people who believe in god believe in the same, just that there was a god behind the science that created us.

Just like atheism doesn't make sense to you, god doesn't make sense to a lot of other people.

The problem is that instead of attacking atheism, you should try to see things from their perspective. It will not only help you to reaffirm your own beliefs, but perhaps give you a little more tolerance when dealing with others who think differently than you.

Intolerance is the problem, not the fact we all believe something different, and much of it makes no sense in some way shape or form. It's why we call it a belief.
2008-09-14 17:09:27 UTC
"Straw man argument": The fallacy of redefining a word or position so that the new definition is easier to knock down, so that you can erroneously claim the original definition has been debunked too.

So now that you've proven yourself to be willfully illogical and dishonest, let's move on.

The word "Atheism" means "no belief in deity". That's ALL the word means. That's ALL it has ever meant.

>>the belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to


The notion of "nothing became something" sounds more like creationism to me, not cosmology.

>>and then nothing magically exploded for no


You obviously 1) don't understand what the Big Bang really is (even in layman's terms), 2) haven't made any effort to read up on it, and 3) blindly assume that atheism and acceptance of cosmology are the same thing. It was not a "magical explosion". If you don't know what a "quark" or a "singularity" is, then you have no business pretending to know more than scientists who work in the field.

>>magically rearranged itself for no reason

Like many ignorant religious people, you additionally throw cosmology, abiogenesis, and evolution into the same category. These are 3 completely different branches of science. And they're driving by anything BUT "magical rearrangement" or "random chance". Again, if you actually took the time to research this instead of pretending you knew more about science than scientists, you'd realize how much of a fool you're making of yourself.

But oh no, I'm sure "it had to do with a talking snake and a tree" makes MUCH more sense.
2008-09-14 17:21:44 UTC
I'm sorry, but your statement is the same thing applied to God himself, he just came out of nowhere. There is a lot more proof for the big bang then there is for god, and no "he was always there and you have to believe" is not proof. And yeah Dinosaurs existed LMFAO. Maybe you should hit up a museum and check them out. Also the earth was here way before humans were and created god. Why do all adaptations of god show him being a human and a male?
2008-09-14 17:31:31 UTC
It's easy to believe in nothing.

First you decide you will not do what God wants, then you ignore anything that calls your choice into question. See!? It's easy! Millions of people do it!

The Bible calls this "being wilfuly ignorant".

People who choose this, have every right to do so. God grants them that right. The ones I feel for are the ones who were taught the evolution lie in school and never realize it is an intentional deception. Even today, they are not allowed to see the overwhelming scientific evidence that disproves evolution beyond all doubt. But the scientists who have seen it, are abandoning evolution in droves.

Be of good cheer. God is working in the fields of science. Scientists are coming to God in droves in the last few years. The public just isn't being allowed to see it.

"Academic Freedom"! HA!

"Free press" Pffft!
2008-09-14 17:21:25 UTC
You could not be more wrong if you had tried as hard as you could, to make a more ignorant and addled claim.

ALL of your attempt as describing from The Big Bang to the present state of life on Earth is absurd, ignorant and a bad pastiche of the sort that moronic IDiots create as their Straw Men.

You were home schooled, weren't you ? It would be truly frightening to imagine that you took science classes and learned... NOTHING at all.

The Big Bang is well supported by evidence, and so is abiogenesis, and Evolution. Your "goddidit" rant is supported by... NOTHING.

Read *another* book, this time from the NON fiction section.
2008-09-14 17:32:33 UTC
"How can you believe in nothing?"

No atheist has ever said he believes in nothing.

"the belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason what so ever into self replicating hits which then turned into dinosaurs"

Nah; that's what fundie says.

God came outa nowhere and *poofed* alla this outa nothing.

Atheists are NOT stupid; we KNOW nothing from nowhere is stupid.

The whole invisible-sky-critter scam is childish nonsense not too dissimilar to bogeymen under the bed; it was invented by crafty old men as a management tool to scare and or control peasants and small children.

aka Mrs S
2008-09-14 17:19:13 UTC
how is that ^^^ related to atheism?

I'm an atheist, and i believe in several things - for example, i believe that you should try to live your life in a way that brings no harm to others, i believe that you should respect other people, i believe my children are far more attractive than anyone else's, that my old jeans will fit me again if i just lose a couple more pounds, that gravity exists. I certainly don't believe in nothing!

Your question seems to tie in two entirely separate and distinct concepts:

1) non-belief in a "creator" - which is a philosophical/sociological/religious argument

2) evolution - which is a scientific theory proposed in the late C19th and thus far not disproved

please can you define which of these you are actually asking about?
2008-09-14 17:13:25 UTC
It's simple, some people don't like having their hopes proven false and alot of people do not like having restraints and rules in their lives that they believe they only have one of. Death is a scary thing, perhaps the scariest and people have different ways of dealing with it, whether that be believing in something or not. Hope that helped, I think in the end it is just how a person chooses to deal with life and the big questions.
2008-09-14 17:18:41 UTC
Why can't fundies ever come up with something original? That same idiotic quote has appeared all over the net in the last few months.

I'd point out that it's not what atheists believe but I'm sure my time would be wasted. You've already decided you know all the answers so you're not interested in facts.
Pirate AM™
2008-09-14 17:16:26 UTC
Anything sounds unreasonable if you state it that way. Of course, many things that sound unreasonable actually are true, for instance it does not seem reasonable that a thing could be a particle and a wave, and yet that's the way that light works.

Just to be clear, atheists do not believe in a god or gods. Nothing less, nothing more. If you wish to argue with scientific findings, I suggest you get your doctorate in those fields.
2008-09-14 17:20:18 UTC
By the words you use in that statement it is very apparent that you know nothing of Genetics, Evolution, Physics, Astronomy and basic common sense.

As you say: "nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason" it brought me laughter, thank you for telling a great joke.

Good Luck.
Regalstrickland [KATSURA DA!]
2008-09-14 17:23:23 UTC
I answered this question several days ago, so you believe a magical being came from nothing to make something from nothing? Way to go you are the epitome of intelligence.
2008-09-14 17:14:14 UTC
I don't believe in 'nothing.' I believe in what I see, like the sun and the moon.

Theists are the ones who believe everything materialized magically through the work of some invisible man, or an invisible man made of three people.

I feel sorry for people like you though. You get all upset that others don't think like you do. Then you challenge them or attack them instead of just living your life.
2008-09-14 17:13:08 UTC

the belief that some man who popped up before man existed crated everything in a week and now sits up there and decides that the serial killer gets to spend life in prison get free meals everyday and a place to sleep while the mother of three and nicest woman in the world gets to die of cancer at a young age.

makes perfect sense.
2008-09-14 17:12:38 UTC
I don't think athiests believe in "nothing". Athiests usually believe in science as a better explanation of the universe than religion. Your computer is a product of science, not religion. Somebody used the scientific method to come up with the inventions that created your computer. Nobody prayed it into existence. Same with your car, your TV, the clothes you wear, the food you by your life choices, you actually accept science over religion, don't you?
The Walkin' Dude
2008-09-14 17:19:12 UTC

The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...yeah makes perfect sense.
2008-09-14 17:12:41 UTC
Wow, where did you learn what Atheism was? What you described sounds more like something a very angry Catholic priest would use to describe atheism. You'll be more able to understand it if you begin with an appropriate knowledge base, fight the ignorance.

Check out: for a real in depth look at atheism.
My intelligence > yours
2008-09-14 17:10:42 UTC
You're so ignorant it hurts. Atheist don't believe there was nothing. Atheist believe in science. Since matter can be neither created nor destroyed, there was one original ball of matter that exploded forming smaller bits of matter and over a period of billions of years the universe was created.
2008-09-14 17:18:52 UTC
yea and when Jesus turn water into wine it made sense huh I wouldn't go into this direction because Christianity has more holes then a old leather shoe.

ps most of evolution is proven fact by the way just got to open your eye and see if for your self.
2008-09-14 17:15:01 UTC
You're retarded...thats NIHILISM not Atheism.

Get your **** straight.

And if you wanna talk about MAGIC...I got a bunch of questions about the various religious books in this world. Starting with Noah's Ark from Genesis, my all-time favourite comedy.
Zebra Princess
2008-09-14 17:12:47 UTC
you should watch.... Before We Ruled the Earth: Hunt or Be Hunted

Before We Ruled the Earth: Mastering the Beasts

ON the discovery channel and I promise you! You will think differently.
2008-09-14 17:10:11 UTC

The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

makes perfect sense
2008-09-14 17:10:09 UTC
Why do you people keep dragging out that tired bit of nonsense?

No one says the universe came from nothing except theists trying to make a feeble strawman argument.
2008-09-14 17:12:19 UTC
It's like believing in Santa... and then realizing that Santa is just a cute story your parents tell you. As a more intelligent growing human you learn how the "magic" of the holiday really comes about.
What? Me Worry?
2008-09-14 17:10:28 UTC
What you describe has nothing to do with atheism.

I believe that there is insufficient empirical evidence to support the hypothesis of a god and/or gods.
2008-09-14 17:09:51 UTC
No-one believes in nothing. Atheists believe in everything - we just don't add all sorts of imaginary nonsense to our beliefs.

Your question is rude, ignorant, and arrogant. If I were as poorly informed as you, I hope I'd be a lot better behaved, and keep my mouth shut.
2008-09-14 17:10:37 UTC
How can you believe in something - I mean specifically.

The earth and it's creatures are so dynamic, but pale in comparison to the vast universe. How can you be sure you know what God is and how to get to him?
sǝıʞooɔ sɐɥ ǝpısʞɹɐp ǝɥʇ
2008-09-14 17:25:05 UTC
Well, I say because scientific evidence proves so. But, everyone is titled to their opinions.
Doug O
2008-09-14 17:09:28 UTC
"the belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason"

I don't believe there was nothing before the big bang, just that there's no way of looking back farther than that.
Jade | My Brain is My Shepherd
2008-09-14 17:09:28 UTC

We simply believe in no god. Not all the nonsense you are talking about. Nice try though. I guess it makes more sense to blame your misdeeds on the devil and all good on an invisible being. Do you believe in Santa clause too?

btw, your rant is old. Do you want to try again with something original?
2014-03-22 19:40:09 UTC
In the same way I don't believe in dragons.
2008-09-14 17:11:52 UTC
Take a good look at the something christians believe in. The longer you look, the more it becomes nothing.
2008-09-14 17:16:10 UTC
Anyone so intellectually bankrupt that they have to *steal* from *Kent Hovind* is not in a position to be asking anyone anything.
Jared, QED
2008-09-14 17:11:01 UTC
Yes, we've all seen that retarded image. God, don't you people ever come up with anything that can be seen as more than a lame troll attempt?
2008-09-14 17:09:11 UTC
It makes more sense then a magical being creating the earth with his magic powers.
2008-09-14 17:09:48 UTC
God coming from nothing makes perfect sense to.

BTW all of your beliefs are wrong.
2008-09-14 17:11:45 UTC
School should be 7 days a week for you.
2008-09-14 17:10:00 UTC
I believe in a great number of things; I simply don't believe in a diety.
2008-09-14 17:20:18 UTC
Please don't take your hate out on us, it just shows how selfish you are about your beliefs. Also, a dictionary can come in handy so here's a link.
2008-09-14 17:12:58 UTC
Nobody believes in nothing...people worship themselves.
2008-09-14 17:09:30 UTC
Then what created god? Or is that the exception to your rule?
I'm naked on the floor
2008-09-14 17:11:27 UTC
Just shut up. Did it take all your brain power to write that.
2008-09-14 17:09:15 UTC

The belief that god came out of nowhere and decided to make everything out of nothing than send his son to die for us even though he could have just made it differentely. And we eat jesus

Makes perfect sense
2008-09-16 21:23:01 UTC
There is a god and jesus christ
Cristina S
2008-09-14 17:11:50 UTC
i think that people that choose to believe in that type of stuff is because it's easier. They are not seekers of the truth.
2008-09-14 17:10:11 UTC
haha... learn some more about what you're talking about, then post a new question.
doris p
2008-09-14 17:10:01 UTC
well some people (atheism) believe that we are made o protiens and stuff like that but im christian so i believe that everything hapens for a legit reason and we were made from the big man upstairs
2008-09-14 17:10:00 UTC
Wow, you are incredibly ignorant.
2008-09-14 17:09:17 UTC
Congrats you stole that whole sentence, do you feel proud?
2008-09-14 17:09:57 UTC
atheism and nihilism are two different things. and that quote is very dumb.
2008-09-14 17:09:28 UTC
how can you believe in something that you can never know exists?
2008-09-14 17:09:59 UTC
sure why not you can believe whatever you want
2008-09-14 17:22:25 UTC
LOL ~ and they call us silly ~
2008-09-14 17:10:30 UTC
atheism is wrong.

The Torah Says It Loud And Clear

Several Times .

For Example It Says

"I Am The Lord Your God"

Several Times.
2008-09-14 17:10:14 UTC
Gosh, I don't understand it either, they claim there was something so densely packed that it question is how did that get there in the first place!??!?!
2008-09-14 17:09:49 UTC
how do you believe in SOMETHING, when there's no proof?

no proof, no god.

2008-09-14 17:09:17 UTC
not sure your point. isn't that what god did?
2008-09-14 17:08:49 UTC
remember what it was like before you were's kinda like that
2008-09-14 17:10:43 UTC
Good point
spunky rabbit
2008-09-14 17:09:51 UTC
its intellectually bankrupt to think its all because of chance...

but the worse part is....and this is my favorite..even if they are right ...they will never get to say"told ya so"..

2008-09-14 17:09:36 UTC
beats me
2008-09-14 17:10:38 UTC
go to this site if u wanna find out wat religion is about
2008-09-14 17:09:14 UTC

2008-09-14 17:08:36 UTC
i dont know

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