new christian where the best place to start reading the bible?
Maria O
2006-07-18 07:24:53 UTC
i just started to go to church but i dont know where to start
87 answers:
2006-07-18 07:29:06 UTC
first, get a modern translation, one that you will be able to understand easily. I would recommend the Life Application Bible in New Living Translation. A good place to start would be with the gospel of John. if you would like someone to "guide" you through studies, etc. i am available to do that kind of thing online.
Nicholas J
2006-07-20 05:29:04 UTC
The Bible is not a book that is meant to be read from beginning to end, my advice to get a daily study guide like Daily Bread or every day with Jesus. What these do is break the bible into very small chuck and then talks briefly about then in an easy to understand why. Most churches will probably give you one of these for free or any are available from any christian bookshop.

I also suggest reading it with some else who may have more christian experience than you. See if your church has a bible study or house group you could join. It's a lot easier to learn with other people.
2006-07-18 07:48:40 UTC
I've been a Bible scholar for years and much as I adore the Old Testament, it's heavy going past Genesis if you are unfamiliar with the Scriptures, as you get straight into the Old Law - that is the Law of Moses.

As Christ came to fulfil this Law, by being the ultimate 'sacrifical lamb', I would begin with the New Testament to ease you into it so you get familar with the writings and terminology. Not sure if you're reading the King James Version or not - far more closer to the truth as that version hasn't been so diluted as the many others. If you aren't, do try when you have more understanding of the Gospel, to read the KJV, it is beautiful.

Get a good Bible that cross-references the OT and NT as well. Read the Psalms too. They do sometimes get forgotten but are full of prophecies that are shown as being fulfilled in the NT writings. A double witness of the truth. Enjoy your reading. Good tip, before you start, don't forget to ask our Father in Heaven to help you to understand what you're reading and gain a true witness. It works!
2006-07-18 07:34:23 UTC
Start with the bits that were left out, the Mesoptamian origin tales (like Genesis only written hundreds of years earlier and hauntingly almost exactly the same); move on the Book of Jasher, which if you search hard enough online you can find (it gives an alternative view Exodus, including bigger roles for Miriam, half-sister of Aaron and Moses); from there ask about the gospels other than Matthew, Mark etc and finally really ask yourself if the Bible is truly the Word of God, given its revisions and ommissions. Also, check out some alternative views on James, Brother of Jesus, whose position varies according to the historical source material. By all means take your faith seriously, but read wider than just the Bible!
2006-07-18 07:30:05 UTC
1) Get a student study Bible with commentaries in it. This will help you understand the Bible.

2) Genesis is a good place to start, but you cal also start with the New Testament.

3) I would read the historical books in the order they are printed in the Bible. Otherwise your chronology could get confusing.

4) I'd read the latter prophets after the historical books, cause there's information in the histories which will help you understand the prophets.

5) Leviticus and Deuteronomy should be read after Exodus.

6) The other books, read them in whatever order you like.
2006-07-18 07:29:22 UTC
I recommend going to a Walk Thu the Bible seminar you can find their schedule on the Net

Start with the gospels, you will get lost if you start in the begining

but for the Old Testament read these books after the New Testament they will bring you through the Old Testament history



400 years of slavery in Egypt




1 Samual

2 Samual

1 Kings

2 Kings

70 years of captivity in Babylon




read the whole things

go back and read the whole bible after

if you read 3 chapeters a day you can go through it in a year

a chapter is really like a page
Victor ious
2006-07-18 07:39:53 UTC
As a New Christian the appropriate place to start educating yourself about Jesus and your faith is The NEW TESTAMENT contrary to what others will tell you who seem to forget that new one's need spiritual milk so they can grow - (spiritual milk is figurative so don't worry about it being new jargon to learn).

The New Testament is and should be a priority. Then you can read the old Testament. If you are deeply concerned and want as much meat of the Word of God as you can get..... then read a chapter of the Old - then of the New...

Just keep in mind that some things in the Old Testament (requirements of the law in putting people to death and such) have been put away with. The law is used only to identify sins, but thanks to Jesus, we do not have to follow the ceremonial requirements.

Keep your focus on the New Testament however, because this is were the new born learns who saved him, why, how to live and what great rewards await the followers of Christ Jesus.

ALWAYS PRAY before reading your Bible and ask God to help you understand, and show you the Way, In Jesus name, Amen. and He will - little by little so do not expect to understand everything at one time. Some of your brothers and sisters will be excited and try to push too much too fast - but Let the Holy Spirit teach you and guide you with what he will as he will.
2006-07-18 07:30:36 UTC
Ask at your church if they have a "new believers" bible study or some sort of home study that you can join. Sometimes just reading the Bible can get discouraging and confusing and being with others to ask questions and discuss what you read makes it a bit more interesting.

They also might have the daily bread book which will give you a chapter or theme of the day to read.
2006-07-18 07:41:48 UTC
If you are Catholic get a Lectionary from your parish priest. It will include every reading for every Sunday. So you can read ahead of follow up after Mass. You can also read what was read if you ever miss mass. Many other Christians use a similar guide modelled after the Catholics.So ask at your parish. The BEST way to read the bible is in the company of other Christians. You'll get much more when discussing it with others.
2006-07-18 07:37:03 UTC
Recommend that you begin with the gospel of John. It is the fourth book of the New Testament. It is one of the four accounts of the live of Jesus. John wrote it with new Christians in mind, at a time when 99% of the world knew nothing at all about Jesus. So he gives additional background detail and commentary on a lot of the events.

Also, find the book of Psalms in the Old Testament. If you open your Bible to the middle you will proabaly hit Psalms. It is a collections of the lyrics for 150 songs of praise. You find one form almost any situation you can think of. They are excellent to read one or two of a day. Help you learn to love and worship God.

Welcome to the family. You will be in my prayers...
2006-07-18 07:31:10 UTC
You can buy a guide to the bible which will give you an overview then you can start reading the bits that you think are most relevant to you now.

I would recommend however that you buy a bible in modern english and quite large print. Most people own a king james bible but the language is so outdated that they are really hard to read. Its a big book so dont make things harder for your self than you need to.
2006-07-18 12:32:10 UTC
Start reading the book of John (the 4th book in the new testament).

You might want to consider the TRANSLATIONION of the Bible you read. I happen to like the NEW LIVING Bible. It is written in a more modern way of speaking. The MOST modern version of the Bible (by my opinion) is THE MESSAGE translation. I like it, yet it seems sometimes as if I am reading a novel instead of an actual Bible.

Different people will give you different suggestions about translations.. that's mine.

God Bless you on your journey to walk with Christ. Congratulations on welcoming Him into your heart.
2006-07-18 07:57:33 UTC
The best place to start reading the Bible is Genesis. Before you start reading simply ask the Lord to help you read with understanding. The Bible is very interesing and is truly our history. So read it Word for Word knowing and believing that it is real . read it completely through, asking each time before you read for understanding. There will be parts you will find boring or do not understand at times but just read it in context of what came before it or after it. To really gain understanding you should find a Bible study group, that believes that the Bible is the Holy inspired Word of God and that Jesus truly arose from the grave and is our only hope of salvation.May God richly bless you in your study is my sincere prayer for you.
2006-07-18 07:35:01 UTC
Start in the NT and read it through 3 times before going to the OT. Learn the Laws of Jesus then go back and learn the Laws of the OT. You will find then that they are one in the same. I understand you to say you are a new Christian, please do not be afraid to ask someone that has more knowledge about the Bible, when you run into something that you don't understand. Do not try a understand it in your own knowledge until you become more mature in the Word. Also ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in your learning
2006-07-18 07:34:43 UTC
I have always loved the Psalms. Baby Christians need all of the love and re assurance they can get and there is nothing more beautiful in the Bible than King David's Praises, songs and poetry to His Lord. Even today when I get down, when I get too jaded and angry at the world, I always go back to Psalms. I liken it to laying in your mom's lap as a child when she would stroke your head and make you feel like the world was all okay again.

The story of King david is quite beautiful in and of itself. Always read the bible with a concordence and a refrence guide.

"Create in me a clean heart, oh God and renew a right spirit within me, cast me not away from they presence oh lord and take not they Holy Spirit from me, restore unto me, the joy of my salvation and renew a right spirit within me." Psalms

Get into the meat of the bible at church where you have some guidence. and stay as far away from Revelations as you can get, if you don't read the rest of it first, with a good understanding of what you are reading any why. You'll become an atheist!
2006-07-18 07:31:06 UTC
Mathew (new testament) for many reasons, I wouldn't read through the whoel bible as a book If I were you, find a study source or buy a bible which will tell you about where to find different subjects that should help. Psalms would also be a good place to start
2006-07-18 07:37:38 UTC
I have found that a very good "jumping off" point is to take the scriptures that you pastor is teaching from that Sunday and read above and below them for the next week.

For instance, he is preaching and teaching from Matthew chaper 3, then you get home armed with a bit of knowledge from that chaper, read it again and again, keep repeating with each weeks sermon and teaching.

Your pastor may refer to old testament chapters and verses to explain a reference that is made in the new testament to the old. Write down the passages that he refers to and read them above and below on your own during the week.

Its a wonderful way to start out on your bible journey, and a great way to compare mans word with the living word of GOD.

This is how I started and it kept frustration levels from not understanding quite low. During the week, if you have questions, write them down, and remember to ask the pastor or anyone else in the church , then go back to the bible and compare the answer to Gods word.

May God BLess you and keep you.
2006-07-18 07:34:55 UTC
Honestly there is not a begging or an end.. You can start anywhere you want.. But if you want to know how a christian should be, start reading James, it is a short book but very deep. Then continue with the gospels and the Holy Spirit will guide you.

Welcome to the Body of Christ.

God Bless you
2006-07-18 07:32:49 UTC
1 John. Get the basics down first, then go wherever your interest lies. I went to the books on Prophecy, but that's not normal. After being born again, I started at Matthew and worked my way to Revelation. Then I began jumping back and forth through the Old Testament. Never could read all the way through from Genesis to Revelation. I usually get bogged down between Leviticus and 2 Chronicles. Just go where the Lord leads.
Tonya in TX - Duck
2006-07-18 07:34:40 UTC
I agree with "I don't know" - Start in the Book of Mormon.

There's a great site that will send you reminders of what to read based on a schedule you create and you can start anywhere. You can choose from any of the scriptures including the Bible, for all you non-Mormons out there. It's great. You can set up invitation only reading groups too.
Dead Man Walking
2006-07-19 14:31:17 UTC
The Gospel of John first the the other 3 Gospels, then Acts and Romans. Build your foundation first so you will understand what being a Christian truly is, then start reading where ever you feel like.

You will find out that is much different from what you might think.
2006-07-18 07:29:52 UTC
John's Gospel in the New Testament is a great start. Try and get hold of the New Living Bible which is an easy to read translation.

If you would like to join a Christian group online go to
2006-07-18 07:37:08 UTC
I think you might enjoy reading the New Testament first. Then the Old. If you don't really want to follow a storyline and don't have a lot of time read proverbs and psalms during free time. I would also consider reading The Book of Mormon, another witness of Jesus Christ, Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Good Luck and Godspeed.
2016-10-15 02:20:07 UTC
study Torah as if it were poetry. Hebrew is structurally diverse from English, so there is no thanks to capture it appropriately in translation. "Yom", the word translated as day CAN recommend a unmarried 24 hour era - notwithstanding it would not might want to. it ought to also recommend an indefinite era of time. interior the eleventh century, all of us comprehend that Jewish scholars were already calculating that to furnish an age for the universe in words of billions of years. a number of them were given remarkably on the point of modern estimates. "Tov" is an engaging word. to call it only 'good' is unnecessarily proscribing. The word also implies function. So one thanks to study those strains is 'And G-d noted that it worked'. Our international works. it is cool, even if you ascribe it to a unmarried author or a cosmic singularity. If mild comes before the solar and the moon, than it ought to nicely recommend some thing except solar. The moon only reflects mild - mild has to exist one at a time for the moon to polish. changed into the first mild some style of primordial mild which served for the first 3 days? Or following Jewish mysticism, does it factor out the contraction of divine mild which created the gap for some thing else? (do not problem in case you won't be able to keep on with that, it is complicated and talk of that is previous area limits the following.) or perchance Rashi's advice that the solar and moon were created on day one yet set into position on the fourth. This the skill of mythic narrative and poetry. It would not supply us a tidy schematic drawing with each little thing defined. It stressful circumstances us to think about its images intently and ask questions. that is how Jews study Torah.
2006-07-18 07:28:32 UTC
1 John is the best place. Its a book to the new Christian
2006-07-18 07:29:09 UTC
Start with the New Testament. That is the part that is most relevant for Christians. The Old Testament can be read later when you want to know what is being referred to in the New.
2006-07-18 07:38:23 UTC
Congratulations Maria. The Lord bless you and keep you. I would suggest starting with the Gospels, start with any of them, Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. Then move onto Acts and 1 John.

While you are doing this read Psalms and Proverbs. I always read one Psalm, one proverb and then a chapter out of one other book.
2006-07-18 07:40:04 UTC
The traditional answer is the Gospel of John. I suggest perhaps then Galatians (variety and to warn you against being religious) then maybe another gospel (Mathew/Mark/Luke).

I strongly suggest against buying a bible guide or commentary. This will just tell you what the writer believes. If God is real he can teach you himself. Listen to Christ in you.

Don't make the bible an idol it is not the word of God that is clearly Jesus himself (opening verses of John).
Mr Bingo
2006-07-18 07:40:31 UTC
There are plenty of places on line that help you with the bible.

One is,


Check it out, it is a great site.

There you can look up subjects and it tells you where to find out about them. You can also read different versions of the bible there and they have daily devotions.

Take your time and explore the site. It is great.

God Bless You,

2006-07-18 07:34:31 UTC
Ask the vicar/priest at the church if they have a bible class that you can attend, that way you will have the answers to your questions and will probably feel much more a part of the church.
2006-07-18 07:31:45 UTC
Try getting to know Jesus in the New Testament , and read the Acts and Paul's Letters as though they were written to you , because they were,"if you are a believer". Then you can go back and see why there was so much need for a New Testament.
2006-07-18 07:30:02 UTC
The best place to start is with the New testament. Start with the book of Matthew. The new testament is more relevant to current times than the old. Psalms, Proverbs, and especially Ecclesiastes have some great relevant information for life, as well. And welcome aboard and God Bless!
k b
2006-07-18 07:29:26 UTC
maybe Matthew....learning about Jesus would be more important than learning history (to a new Christian). The old Testament is HIstory...Matthew, Mark, Luke, John..tell Jesus' story. Then, try gives a guideline of what we believe and how we are expected to act. Congrats on being a new Christian...welcome to the family.
2006-07-18 07:29:13 UTC
Start by reading Judges and then 1st and 2nd Kings from the Old Testament. If you're going to embrace Christianity, you should learn it's dark underpinnings first to see if you really want to associate yourself with that.
God's Servant
2006-07-18 08:05:09 UTC
I have been told and did do it this way... Start with the New Testament. Then go back and read Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, then read the Prophetic books. Starting with Isaiah and reading up to the New Testament then go back and start with, Joshua and read up to Isaiah.
Dr Freund
2006-07-18 07:56:45 UTC
Book of John. After that, find one of those guides that help you to read the whole Bible in one year (I think Bible Gateway has one). They usually intersperse New Testament readings with Old Testament readings, which I think is helpful.
2006-07-18 07:35:03 UTC
When reading the Bible, like many books, only the ending is important. Open to the back, read the final sentence, then close it and put it back on the shelf.
Toya J
2006-07-18 07:28:12 UTC
Genesis 1 and 1
2006-07-18 07:29:06 UTC
Get a King James Version and start at the beginning in Genisis.
2006-07-18 07:37:52 UTC
Any book is formatted and aligned so that it is the first page whch you have to start to read.

Creation is more diffcult than destruction (not for god) and involves more energy (even for god).Operation takes more energy than both but there is no operation without creation.

Hence start at Genisis 1.1 that speaks about creation of universe
2006-07-18 07:35:21 UTC
I think it's out on DVD, Robert Powell, the guy off Holby City plays Jesus, he's quite good.

Must read The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, eye opener!
Ryan T
2006-07-18 07:28:41 UTC
The beginning. Read it from start to finish. It may take you a year, maybe 10. But it is something that you will always love that you did.
Mary E S
2006-07-20 08:49:09 UTC
Actually, what I'd like to know is which BIBLE to start with. (My boyfriend is new to Christianity, having been an athiest, and I'd like to get him a Bible. Which one should I buy?) He's a very "intellectual" sort so nothing too "dumbed down."
cindy j
2006-07-18 07:33:19 UTC
New testament would teach you what Jesus expects of us. John is a wonderful book. I love Matthew myself. Pray to The Lord for HIs guidance in understanding The Word and read daily. Jesus loves you and may God bless you.
2006-07-18 07:32:11 UTC
START in the New Testament: the book of John and Romans are my favorite.

God bless you. How did you come to know the Lord?
2006-07-18 07:29:00 UTC
Maria, how exciting! The book of John goes through the life of Christ. It is a great place to start!
2006-07-18 07:36:51 UTC
I think a good place to start is the Book of John, and then Romans and Psalms.
2006-07-18 07:29:44 UTC
The synoptic gospels (matt, mark, luke and john) are a good place to start. They tell of Jesus life and death. You may also find it useful to get a study guide along side it, but they aren't necessary.

Welcome to the journey, I hope you enjoy it!
Classy Granny
2006-07-18 07:29:08 UTC
The entire book of John is a great place for new Christains. My Aunt told me this many years ago.
2006-07-18 07:28:39 UTC
Start reading the new testament--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John...if you get confused, have someone read it with you--a preacher or someone at church who can answer any questions you have
2006-07-18 11:22:21 UTC
At home, start with John, if you dont understand something, close your eyes and pray for holy spirit to come teach you, wait and things will become clearer, write down the answer and ask a pastor if he agrees and to explain further. blessings
2006-07-18 07:37:54 UTC
I have heard it recommended to read The Gospel of John first, the the Book of Romans. Then pray and ask God to lead you to the next readings.

And, no, please do not read the Book of Mormon. It is edited, based on many beliefs opposed to core Christian beliefs, and God only needed one book and wrote it once.
love HB
2006-07-18 07:34:48 UTC
two options,

1. from the begginning as it is technically like a story book

2. get a biblie calender, which suggests a part of the bible to read each day
2006-07-18 07:30:26 UTC
dont start in genesis. it is different for every person where they should start reading. find things that apply to you. a good place to start would be john, or just the gospels in general.
2006-07-18 07:37:08 UTC
I think Mark is good. It's sorta like the action packed version of the other gospels. Mark goes from one action event to the next, so is pretty easy to read I think.
Jim Darwin's Adversary
2006-07-18 07:30:28 UTC
Start at the beginning and work your way to the end.
2006-07-18 07:35:19 UTC
I would suggest to start from the Gospel according to John and move on. But the best suggestion will come from God Himself, so it is better to just prayerfully ask Him. God bless you.
some one
2006-07-18 07:30:10 UTC
start to read it from any point but don't forget to think about the words very carefully. there are many conflicts in the text and components. think and compare with other religions like Islam.
2006-07-18 07:39:47 UTC
For in my house there are many mansions,so start in the pub.

After the first couple of pints you will find there's more to life than bashing a bible

Hope this helps and please have a couple for me and remember there's loads of room at the inn
2006-07-18 07:28:41 UTC
Start at the beginning-with Genesis.
2006-07-18 07:28:28 UTC
I heard if you start reading from Genesis you'll fall asleep by Leviticus.
2006-07-18 17:40:04 UTC
Start with the DaVinci Code!!
peter gunn
2006-07-18 07:35:45 UTC
start at the back: revelations if you're still a christian by the time you finish that good luck to you
2006-07-18 07:27:19 UTC
at the VERY beginning, after the contents page and such.

at genesis 1:1.

and go from there.
2006-07-18 07:35:24 UTC
The book of John , in the new testament God be with you and bless you
2006-07-18 07:28:26 UTC
Start in the Book of Mormon.
2006-07-18 07:33:51 UTC
John 3;16, then read the book of John
2006-07-18 13:42:10 UTC
Try Jonah - it is a very easy to follow book and may speak to your condition.
2006-07-18 07:28:46 UTC
the best place to start any new thing is from the beginning....... personnally, i find the old testiment to be very boring, until you get to the proverbs
2006-07-18 08:33:36 UTC
That is a very complex question. I would say that it depends on what you want to find. Better ask your priest
2006-07-19 12:29:14 UTC
Open at random and you might find a message just for you.

May your God go with you!
2006-07-18 07:31:31 UTC
New Testament, do not start with the old.
2006-07-18 07:30:17 UTC
just go straight to the end its so damn boring if you start at the begining you're never get to the end.
2006-07-18 10:02:27 UTC
From the beginning.....also get some suggestions from your minister
paralyzed nomad
2006-07-18 07:54:21 UTC
the gospel of luke

my personal has all the stories you've probably heard all your life, so it's no tooooooo deep.

happy reading...

2006-07-18 07:33:39 UTC
Visit this wonderful site for guidance,
2006-07-18 07:32:02 UTC
page 1 would be sufficient
2006-07-18 07:29:06 UTC
Find out what Jesus wants you to do:
2006-07-19 15:14:41 UTC
Revelations is the most fun.
2006-07-18 07:31:04 UTC
To me it was the book of Revelations, that's just me.
2006-07-18 08:03:32 UTC
start with the gospel of barnabas.
Sweetchild Danielle
2006-07-18 07:28:29 UTC
2006-07-18 07:29:38 UTC
start in the bathroom. you will have more peace and privacy.
2006-07-18 07:35:35 UTC
"in the beginning" as someone once wrote ; )
2006-07-18 07:29:07 UTC
In the beginning.......
2006-07-18 07:33:42 UTC
page one...
2006-07-18 07:36:22 UTC
Welcome MARIA... welcome to Yahoo Answers. May I say that your first question is excellent !

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