Ok, lets apply this same *logic* to your assumptions about God shall we ? You are assuming that 1. He does exist 2. that He is responsible for all the atrocities, injustices and unfairness. 3. you are assuming we are *dancing* around falsehoods of faith. .. Now, you tell me , who is the one this most applys to ?? You , are the people you are calling Christian Apologist ????? and now lets apply this *logic* to so called science and there EVER CHANGING theories and basic *facts*, shall we ?? We all KNOW that gravity is a fact of this earth, no theory there, FACT, yet science still refers to it as such, theory that is.. Why is that ? Gravity IS !!! Now, the problem is the *why* is it a fact of earth ..... Science has NO clue how it came about or why it is.... Sure the planet spins and so on and so on, but WHY ???? And what about all this *missing link* stuff ? Lets take a look back in time for few seconds..... Lucy, remember her ? I doubt it.... anyway, hailed as the *missing link*, the TRUE no doubt about it MISSING LINK is found.... I studied that in school...... and now ? ohhhhh, then there was the fully dressed Ice Man, again the Head lines read : Missing Link Found !! and now they KNOW for sure where certain people came from , etc, etc...... again, dah, sure thing there bud !! and what about all this DNA, full proof and *for certain* , positive ID, my bee hind .. DNA testing is a JOKE !!!! yup, science is advancing alright, right into the trash can of JUNK MAIL !!!! There is NOTHING about science that proves anything.. Spout science all you want.. It changes like the wind on the flat lands of Texas....... Again I ask, you tell me, it fits what better ?????????? go in peace...... God bless
*edit* and for the record I make NO apologies for who or what I am in Jesus !!!!! I don't know where some come up with the names and tittles you people like to stick on us.... but , what ever...... rofl......