I'm totally comfortable around that and about everything else in this world and can excuse myself politely if I'm not comfortable - I'm comfortable being uncomfortable.
I did not grow up in the church, I've been around alcohol my entire life and the only thing that bugs me about alcohol is it changes peoples' behavior - I used to be a police officer and that smell of alcohol when people have had a few brings back bad memories.
LDS-ily speaking:
It's not the alcohol that bugs me for religious reasons - I know the overwhelming majority of this world is not LDS and I am perfectly fine with that - but it's the shallow conversation and obnoxiousness and people thinking they are clever or witty or who stop caring what they are saying or doing after they've had a few, and the repeated stories, or talking very loud to make sure I understand before they have an emotional breakdown telling me over and over "....I love you man.....I love you...." that bugs me. Or the hypersensitivity that occurs after a few drinks.
It really isn't the alcohol. I can see it change people and it bugs me how people can't socialize without it when they are good friends of mine.
But I can just excuse myself or listen quietly and psychoanalyze drunk or tipsy while I'm there.
It really depends not on whether there's alcohol but on how much people have before it bugs me.
I haven't been LDS all my life, most of my friends aren't LDS, my familiy isn't LDS, my co-workers aren't LDS - and I enjoy THEM and their company.
Forgive the quasi-rant but it really pains me that so many of my fellow saints struggle on this aspect in the world when so many people aren't malicious drinkers- but maybe they are right to be uncomfortable - I don't know. I just know I'm not a big fan of it, but can fit in with it as well and will drop in to be sociable and make THEM feel comfortable that I care enough to show up.