Read Genesis 1 and 2 agains sometime. God did not create man first. DOes not say that anywhere. Says he created Adam. Then he caused a sleep to full on Adam, and took from him the genetic material that became the woman. While that material was in Adam, he was neither male or female. He became male at the same time the female was created.
Paul's rule about women speaking in church was addressed to one particular church. If you read about that church (in Corinth), they were having problems with people getting drunk at the church potlucks (using the communion wine), a guy sleeping with his mother, and two women in particular interrupting the church services. It is those women - not all women - who Paul tells to shut up during the services and if they have any problems with the service to talk to their husbands about it at home.
The major of the time God speaks to people, it is to man, and is recorded by them for a simple reason. In the culture of that day, women where not taught to read or write. (God never told them not to teach women to read. It was a cultural thing, not a God rule). Had he talked to women, they could not have written it down. So the record we have come from the people who could write - the men.
Why is God referred to as "he"? Both the Hebrew and the Greek language are desgined so that every "thing" is referred to with a one of three genders, male, female, or "not living, so has no gender - it". Since God is "living", God has to be either male or female. In both languages, the default is "male". So that is what is used. Same is true of the English language. If someones gender is unknown, it is always referred to as "male".
Assuming that gender even applies to God, he has to be either male or female. Being male does not mean he hates women or sees them as second class. It appears from your question that you are male. Does that automatically mean you see women as second class? Your reasoning on that arguement (God is male so he hates females) is faulty.
Besides, when God did appear in human form, it was as a male (Jesus).
So I am not seeing anything in the Bible examples you mentioned that state (or even impy) that God prefers men over women. According to the scriptures, "there is neither male or female in Christ". The scriptures clearly state that he does love each equally.