Hi Leviathan,
For now, I want you to imagine that God does exist, just so you can hear me out.
Now If God is God, and he created all things and is the source of all knowledge and wisdom that governs our universe, then it can be assumed that he created all this for a reason, right?
It can also be assumed that an omni-present being of unimaginable magnitude knowing good and evil wouldn't just create all of this because he was bored, would he?
Now if God knows all things, then it could also be assumed that he would obviously know what is best for his creation, right?
Of course I'm basing these things on only assumptions, but I'm sure you can agree that if there truly is a God, then these would most likely have to apply.
Well, I hope you bare with me......I going to list some foundational principles that govern the ways we live and grow during our lives here on earth, and then I will tie them with the point I'm trying to make.
* In life we will find that the harder we work and the more we endure, the more we will typically gain. *
We take a test in school; if we study hard, we might get an "A", or a "B".......but if we choose to waste our time on less important things rather than study for the test, we'll probably get a "C", "D", or even an "F".......obviously.
Now lets take a look at what choice was easier. The first choice (to study) was harder, because it takes time, effort and sacrifice. To choose to study can mean missing a favorite TV show, or not being able to go on a date with a gorgeous girl you just met, or you're extremely tired and would rather take a nap, or whatever.
The second choice seems easier and definatly a lot more desirable.......you get to relax, go out and do something really fun, get some sleep, or whatever else makes you happy.
So the first choice is typically harder because it involves personal sacrifice; you have to give up things you enjoy so you can do well in school. The second choice is typically easier because you can basically do what makes you happy, but that lack of personal sacrifice will cause you to do bad in school or even completely fail.
What I'm getting at is that in whatever we choose to do in life, we will, at some degree, have to make personal sacrifices in order to be ultimately succesful.
- A father will have to give up time with his friends so he can be with his child.
- A boxer will have to train physically and mentally every day if he wants to be great....jogging instead of playing his playstation, eating vegetables instead of candy and snacks, spending more time with his trainer, and less with his girlfriend....and so on.
- The list goes on and on, but I'm sure you get the point.
From this perspective you can see that the better things in life always seem to come from things such as labour, pain, sacrifice, and etc. And through these hard things we can truly understand and appreciate the good things in life.
Without knowing what it's like to lose, how can we understand what it means to win? If we did not know pain, how could we know the meaning of joy?
How could one be truly happy, if they never experienced sadness........isn't part of being happy because you have no reason to be sad?
The important lesson here is that only through both the good AND the bad things in life can we grow into stronger and wiser people. Key word, "Grow". In life we will either grow through facing the goods and the bads, or we will whither by refusing to eccept them both as equal tools of living.
Now back to God.
As I mentioned before, if God is God, with all the wisdom of good and bad, knowing all principles that govern how we mature as humans, would he not create us for a reason? Would it not make sense that God would NOT make us perfect beings knowing only joy and happiness? If we were made perfect with nothing to grow from or to gain, why then would he create us?
Wouldn't it make more sense for God to create us for more a growing purpose? So we can mature through facing and learning from ALL the things in life and not just one aspect that feels or looks better? If God is the source of all wisdom, do you really think we would just spoil us with peace and love for no reason? Or do you think he would give us a chance to EARN our keep?
Look at it this way.
Life is like a test at school.
If we work hard, pay attention, make sacrifices, and deal with the hardships of studying....we WILL succeed.
If we choose to just try and make ourselves happy by doing what we want, we WON'T succeed.
So, if life is school.
Then God must be the one giving the grades.
Some students will choose to study,
others will take the easier route.
Who do you think God will give the "A"s too?
Millions of people around the world experience bad and even tragic things that they never asked for, nor probably deserved. But none the less, God gave them those experiences for a purpose.....they might not know the purpose, but if they can face the bad things and trust that God is in control, then they CANNOT lose. And through those experiences they can truly understand the joys that God has to offer. And if they decide to be the ones who are willing to give up what they hold dear, and press on..........what more shall God reward them then the ones who just complained and decided life isn't fair and gave up?
Life wasn't meant to be easy, but in the end, we reape what we sow.