Is this proof that God does not exist?
2007-01-30 10:16:51 UTC
Its called the photic sneeze.

I personally suffer from it, occasionally. I look at the sky or a bright light - and I can't help but sneeze. Driving out of a tunnel this could end up costing me my life!

It's because we're wired wrong. Its an unhelpful reaction to sensory data. Like a programming bug in some computer code. So much for Intelligent Design. You have to choose to worship, a dimwitted, clumsy creator or bin the whole god hypothesis and give evolution a go -

What say you? :-)
71 answers:
2007-01-30 10:26:58 UTC
Ha ha ha, I have never thought of it that way, but you are correct. If God was a mechanic, most of his cars would not work properly. Great point.

Love the answers that God purposely created us flawed for us to learn something on this planet. So obviously God is conducting a science experiment, which would be "that if he threatens us enough with going to Hell for eternity, will we all kiss his butt and tell him he is the bestest and most wonderful God ever. That is is super, duper good and good looking and thank you for creating everything and all time and all events that make up time. And thank you for giving us original sin, because guilt makes us feel so good. And thank you for giving us the 'gift' of sex, and being angry at us using it, and thank you for free will and thank you for being pissed that we use that free will and does not follow your will." Not a very good one at all. We are obviously just entertainment for God, or else why not create us perfect and avoid the whole planet thing.

Back to your question, it is amazing how many religious people just do not answer the question, but avoid it and say they will pray for you or your are going to hell or God is blind to you (because parents normally do that to their children), etc, etc, etc. When is a religious monkey going to actually answer a question with anything but fluff and BS?

Oh, and love the comments that God created us but evolution has mutated our genes. How is that God (who is perfect and all knowing) could create something that he knew would have defects in the future? Either he is a jerk or did not know what he was doing, or does not exist?
2007-01-30 11:16:31 UTC
Just imagine you could not sneeze - then you would be in real trouble!

It is very funny that you should choose sneezing of all things to prove the non-existence of God, because there is a religious tradition that the first thing Adam did, after God breathed into him the Divine Spirit, (which - by the way - marked the successful conclusion of evolution) was to sneeze, and then say "Praised be God!".

Since you however are so desperate for proof that God does not exist, I can reassure you that in the direction that you are driving, there won't be a light at the end of the tunnel that might cost you your life, but the bad news is, you are going to die anyway! And the light that you will face at the end of that tunnel, (i.e. when your spirit leaves the darkness of ignorance and denial into which you have driven the vehicle of your terrestrial conveyance - your mind and body) will be proof enough, only then it will be too late to sneeze...

By the way, to look for the proof of any non-existence at all, is far more dim-witted (and clumsy for that matter) than to consider the existence of something meaningful a fairly strong indication that there is an intelligent power that has put it there or caused it to be.

To comprehend this however might be slightly out of the range of your wits...
2007-01-30 10:29:23 UTC
This whole debate is grounded in the tendency to antropomorphize the concept of God. God the creator as you put it reassembles a sculptor, or an engineer. Conceptually, that is not much different from the Greek's Zeus.

More subtle theologians recognize God as something outside the normal range of experience and understanding. The existence of such being does not have to exclude laws of nature as we perceive them, including the idea of evolution.

You may wonder why someone would even want to posit such a God - and I think such a God is simply based on the belief there must be more to this world than meets the eyes. Nor is it a God of brimstone and fire, simply the assurance we have to, at some point, admit to a reality higher than our own.
2007-01-30 10:28:26 UTC
Proving that God does not exist is as futile as trying to prove that God exists. The issue is a matter of faith. There is nothing contradictory about believing that God exists, created the universe, and deliberately chose to allow inhabitants of that universe to be imperfect. Think about it this way: imagine a perfect programmer--one who could ensure that every line of code functioned without error on every machine, and that all user needs can always be fulfilled when needed. Is there anything preventing that programmer from allowing some parts of the code to operate incorrectly, incompletely, or with "error"? No, there isn't. Now one might question the motives of such a programmer who can avoid error but chooses to allow it to exist; but this does not disprove the existence of said programmer.

Again, don't bother with teleogical proofs for or against the existence of God--they all fail at one point or another.
Mike K
2007-01-30 10:39:13 UTC
Well all organic life is rather sloppily put together, and everything is far too ****** up to be the work of a supreme being. I do agree with you that intelligent design is a load of crap (but then again, even the pope and almost every intelligent religious person realizes id is crap), and evolutionists have repeatedly demolished all their points (in fact it's sad that most christians don't get their information from research but from the distorted views of their pastors or christian apologists sites - so they don't know this).

Evolution itself has disproven intelligent design, the only issue is that most average people don't even understand what evolution really is, so they mistakenly think ID has merit.

Unfortunately, your condition is not "proof" against any god. You could consider it evidence, but it's not enough on its own to prove anything.

It's also not enough to make the brainwashed question their faith. You're better off asking why God only "heals" people who might get better anyway, and why he never magically heals anybody who's lost a limb.
2007-01-30 10:33:24 UTC
To answer your question succinctly; no.

There are numerous "quirks" in the natural world, and can be interpreted many ways. For example, the human eye serves no purpose without the complex clump of cells sitting behind it. During the evolutionary process this would have been a hindrance rather than an advantage, yet it prevailed. Similarly, the wing of a bird was a hindrance long before it evolved into an advantage. Simple ideas like Survival of the Fittest, and Creation do not do justice to the complexity of the Universe, nor do they explain every detail.

My point is, the Universe is not so simple as to be lumped into two categories, viz. God/Evolution.

They are not mutually exclusive.

Evidence that we are imperfect hardly proves nor disproves the existence of an omnipotent power.
2007-01-30 10:27:03 UTC
Neither this, nor anything else is proof that god does not exist. It is impossible in principle to refute an existential statement, although it is of course possible to demonstrate the truth of one by showing the existence of the thing claimed -- but that is not the case here. On the other hand, nothing in the way of proof of god's existence has ever been proposed, nor is thare any evidence either one way or the other. It follows from this that no theory of god can have any use or significance in the real world.
2007-01-30 10:35:55 UTC
That sounds like a spirit to me. Maybe you need an exorcism, God really does exist sweety, if you tried to find out for yourself maybe you'll see, you may not be able to see Him but you sure can feel Him and hear Him when He speaks to your spirit, when you develop a relationship with Him you can have the same wonderful experiences. When Jesus was here in the flesh and performed all the medicals He did for people there were people who still didn't believe. That's why He said to one of His disciples oh, ye of little faith, you only believed because you have seen but blessed are they who believe and have not seen your faith may only be on what you see and you have to be careful with that because what you see may not always be what you think you saw you know you felt somewhere in your heart that He does exist science it's self could not have make such a great creation that each and every single one of us has a unique finger print not a single one of us has the same finger print! You know you will leave this earth one day and you are going to have to face Him whether you believe in Him or not you can't say that it's unfair because I'm quite sure He's given you plenty of opportunities to accept Him into your heart and you rejected Him don't do it again or that may be your last time breathing I mean you just never know so be careful and I will be praying for you
2014-10-09 14:06:42 UTC
wow you guys are really stooping to great lows to disprove God's existance . I'm still waiting on the answer to where the materials for the "Big Bang " came from and also for that one braniac to wrap their mind completely around the concept of infinity , at least well enough to explain to me it doesn't exist either. And you , my friend are working on the Photic sneeze argument to Gods existance .... Good luck with that .

See , the intelligent thing to do would be to wear sunglasses but maybe you just aren't DESIGNED that way !
2016-11-23 19:16:23 UTC
there is actual data of a God that exists or existed. That data is us. Now seem at it this way: we are right here, alive and respiratory. some style of existence source had to of created our existence rigidity. whether God is a potential in area or another being, he does exist. human beings like want to assert it grew to become into the enormous bang that created each and every thing. yet how approximately this: What if the enormous bang grew to become into God? easy rely and dark rely colliding, might reason the creation of each and every thing. in spite of the undeniable fact that it is going previous our comprehension. existence can no longer come from something that would not incorporate existence. If there grew to become into no existence, then there could be no existence. Our physique is made out of potential and that's what God is made out of. it quite is how we are in his photograph. that must be how he's with each and every physique in any respect time. as quickly as we die, our soul (potential) can no longer die. It might desire to the two bypass into yet another existence (Reincarnation) or lower back to the main substantial source. potential might desire to stay shifting because of the fact lifeless products do no longer incorporate potential.
2007-01-30 10:27:58 UTC
Why would this prove that God doesn't exist? Furthermore, we are not "wired" wrong. This photic sneeze is a strange reaction, but its not the end of the world and I don't blame God. If you want solid proof that God does (or does not) exist, when you die you'll find out.
2007-01-30 10:27:51 UTC
A photic sneeze .... wow you guys are really stooping to great lows to disprove God's existance . I'm still waiting on the answer to where the materials for the "Big Bang " came from and also for that one braniac to wrap their mind completely around the concept of infinity , at least well enough to explain to me it doesn't exist either. And you , my friend are working on the Photic sneeze argument to Gods existance .... Good luck with that .

See , the intelligent thing to do would be to wear sunglasses but maybe you just aren't DESIGNED that way !
2007-01-30 10:29:23 UTC
Sneezing?.. no.. sorry..

honestly i'll tell you what I think...

I honestly don't understand why people choose to believe in evolution. It doesn't make sense... while creation.. it just seems more realistic rather than a big "boom"...

I mean really, when has anything boomed into creation?..

Creation really makes a lot more sense once you get to know about it a little bit more... God created the heavens and the earth.. and he created us, animals, the oceans... I mean when you look at a piece of artwork, there has to be a creater or an artist behind it all.. it can't just BOOM and appear.. does that kind of make sense?. I hope that helps..

If you want to talk more about it feel free to email me anytime..
2007-01-30 10:27:43 UTC
No, this is God's way of playing a little practical joke on you. Here are some other ones that he has played on people...

God caused the shade vine to grow to shade Jonah after he got thrown up by the whale and then when Jonah got to like it, God caused it to die and Jonah said he was angry enough to die about all this stuff God was pulling on him ...Jonah 4:6-8

God made Ezekiel eat food cooked over a human manure fire. When Ezekiel protested that he didn't deserve to be treated that way, God said Okay, then you can cook your food over a cow manure fire....Ezekiel 4:12-15

So all in all I think you got the lesser end of the practical jokes of the three cases...
2014-10-02 23:48:46 UTC
intelligent design, the only issue is that most average people don't even understand what evolution really is, so they mistakenly think ID has merit.

Unfortunately, your condition is not "proof" against any god. You could consider it evidence, but it's not enough on its own to prove anything.
Victor ious
2007-01-30 10:34:03 UTC
I had an uncle who for all of his life suffered from narcalepsy.., not really sure about the technical name there, and would fall asleep at ANY time, any place, and not on purpose.

The man could fall asleep standing on his feet! He often fell asleep at the wheel of his car! Now these for the most part were like for mere seconds at a time. You could be talking to him and his head would lop down for about 3 to 5 seconds then he was alert and never aware he went to sleep. He knew he had the condition however.

Now consider - the man was in his 70's when he dropped dead of heart failure on the supermarket parking lot. The man has been driving for almost all his life. NEVER had one car wreck despite his constant nodding off for a full 3 to 5 seconds at a whack.

Are you seriously going to say there is no God? My Uncle knew there is a God and never once blamed him for his condition. He attributed his life was a gift from God and it was God who kept him safe.

Knowing my Uncle if you were to ask him about his sudden death that day - he would have said..,"God decided it was time for me to come home".
2007-01-30 10:24:25 UTC
Either it's a clumbsy creator or a flaw in your evolution theory... either way this isn't proof of anything except that we are imperfect human beings - which is more accurate with the Creation theory.
2007-01-30 10:22:37 UTC
It is not evidence that God does not exsist.

Just because one sneezes when photons are recieved by their eyes does not mean that God is stupid. There are a lot of people with different "miswirings" so to speak.

Why you ask? Well I guess its just something that goes wrong in the whole DNA setup or something. But that doesn't mean that whole design isn't pretty awesome.


Those who say its because of "sin" have a major misunderstanding. God created the world with both CHOAS and ORDER and this can be seen with the creation of our bodies. I won't go into much explanation here. But DARKNESS, THE SEA, THE SERPENT, all things God created all ancient mythological symbols of CHAOS. Yet God created LIGHT as well and created ORDER as well.
2007-01-30 10:36:32 UTC
Please tell me you're you actually believe that the fact you sneeze as a reaction to bright light (as does my wife, who is a devout Christian) proves that God is either a) dimwitted, or b) non-existent?? And as for evolution, and the whole Darwin fiasco, Darwin himself debunked his own theory on his deathbed. Albert Einstein felt that the sheer force of design represented by the universe made it clear that the idea it was all created 'by accident' in some cataclysmic BIG BANG is patently ridiculous. Look around you, can you think that everything you see happened by chance, with no intelligent thought behind it? Talk about a leap of faith!
2007-01-30 10:31:12 UTC
* I see you are getting hateful answers. That happens when you challenge one's belief and they are not secure in that beleif.

I have had this since birth and that was in 1952, but it does not bother me simply because when I need to sneeze and can't, I look at light and it comes out every time.

I did not know it was a disorder that had a name though. *
2007-01-30 10:22:16 UTC
Hmmm, I think you have just given me a possible reason why I sneeze a few times when I wake up...

If there was intelligent design, many things about being a female would be a lot different...
2007-01-30 10:37:04 UTC
God created the world perfect. It is man who screwed it up. It is not His fault that people sneeze. I sneeze when I see the sun as well. Everything that is bad in the world comes from the original sin of man. And from the other things you are saying I would not want to be standing near you if a thunderstorm is near!
2007-01-30 10:24:06 UTC
Personally, I'm a Satanist. I was an Atheist for 2 years and when that happened I came to the conclusion that the thought of God just didn't click. You pray, nothing happens. You worship, what for? There's no reward in worshiping false idols, you gain no knowledge or love but of fairy tales and a non-existant ghost. Use your head and if you see something that makes you think about questioning something like that, think long and hard. Put your whole mind into it and look deep inside to come to your final conclusion.
2007-01-30 10:26:52 UTC
I don't see what you having this problem has anything to do with whether or not god exists. Although I must say that the bible doesn't make much sense at all if you ask me or other smart people. Just read the stupid thing.
6th Finger
2007-01-30 10:23:35 UTC
For the love of god, just because evolution is true does not negate the existence of god. The study of science was once understood as being in harmony with understanding creation. god and evolution are not polar opposites.
2007-01-30 10:23:27 UTC
No, it's not proof. There will never be proof that a Supreme Being either exists or does not. We have to find our own truth rather than depending on scientific method to instruct us in this area. For some, their sense of meaning in the Universe requires the existence of a God, a Goddess, or both, or many Gods and Goddesses, or Something; for others, that sense of meaning requires them not to hold such a belief.
Big D
2007-01-30 10:26:21 UTC
On the contrary. Sneezing is tantamount to a religious experience. It's an orgasm of the sense of smell.
Ariel G
2007-01-30 10:26:45 UTC
No, it's proof that you have a condition that causes you discomfort. Don't waste time looking for ways to discount a belief, it's like trying prove a negative.
2007-01-30 10:25:48 UTC
uhh, have you ever thought you're not supposed to be perfect. Earth is a place for learning and growth how are you supposed to do either of those if everything is perfect. Heaven is the place that perfection exists and a sneeze is an example of how Earth is not perfect nor was it ever intended to be.
2007-01-30 10:26:39 UTC
If you are looking for proof that HE doesnt exist then you will find someway to do it, but you are ignoring all the wonders around you that in fact prove that HE is all around. We have been around for many years and HE gave us free choice, in that free choice we have done many things that have impacted the world around us which also impacted our beings, HE gives us the choice, and we dont always make the right ones.
2007-01-30 10:25:58 UTC
I'm an agnostic, always looking for some sort of evidence either way so how does this say anything about God?
2007-01-30 10:24:29 UTC
I would say that it is one of many many examples. It would be nice if these things happened to evil people though, like every time they even thought about harming some innocent child.
2007-01-30 10:23:11 UTC
That doesn't mean anything. God/Christ loved the lepers that He healed.

I, myself, suffer from a 40% hearing loss in both ears and I've had it since I was born (I'm 25 now). That doesn't mean that God makes mistakes.
2007-01-30 10:28:54 UTC
- maybe god hates you and wants you dead to go to hell

- maybe god loves you and wants you dead to go to heaven

- maybe your sinful life has lead to this condition

- maybe god just started the universe and has left things to run their course

- a million other excuses.

I'm an atheist but I can see them wiggling out of that one
2007-01-30 10:30:19 UTC
You do NOT make any sense...!!!!!!

If you öccasionally sneeze while looking at the sky,bright light,..etc....I would say it is JUST coincidence. You say we are

wired ¨wrong¨...BUT we have a body that can withstand

extreme trauma (cold,heat,fast food..!!) and still

keep on going. I believe that anything given (money,car,air and water..etc) which is not earned thru always taken for granted....!!!!!!! Thus, you ignore the important stuff that

pertains to life and ¨cry¨about the insignificant things....!!!!!!!!
Philip Kiriakis
2007-01-30 10:23:36 UTC
This is not proof, but an argument among many against the idea of God as "Perfect Creator." Personally, I rather enjoy this argument, originally made famous by Hume, when I believe he said it was possible that "God" had made and bungled many worlds before he made ours....
2007-01-30 10:23:09 UTC
i believe that there is got to be a good religious answer for this and i cant wait to see what someone pulls out of there butt. as for me i think that god and science are not mutual exclusive. i think they can coexist together i think god just set in motion events like the big bang and let mathematics and physics take care of the rest
2007-01-30 10:26:24 UTC
People always want to blame God for problems. If i prick myself with a needle I don't blame God because I'm bleeding. There is such things as consequences. I don't blame you for having your symptons and nor does God. Why are they people that are born with disease? But who are we to say how we are born.
2007-01-30 15:21:10 UTC
hahahahaha. It's so easy to get Christians riled up!!
2007-01-30 10:28:26 UTC
Thanks for taking your best shot, hmm.....let me consider the implication of your suggestion.........okay, nope it's a faulty mutation of the evolution ( limited to natural selection) process on your part. Sorry, it has no bearing on weather God exists.

Love ya.
sword of light
2007-01-30 12:16:10 UTC
Hi Leviathan,

For now, I want you to imagine that God does exist, just so you can hear me out.

Now If God is God, and he created all things and is the source of all knowledge and wisdom that governs our universe, then it can be assumed that he created all this for a reason, right?

It can also be assumed that an omni-present being of unimaginable magnitude knowing good and evil wouldn't just create all of this because he was bored, would he?

Now if God knows all things, then it could also be assumed that he would obviously know what is best for his creation, right?

Of course I'm basing these things on only assumptions, but I'm sure you can agree that if there truly is a God, then these would most likely have to apply.

Well, I hope you bare with me......I going to list some foundational principles that govern the ways we live and grow during our lives here on earth, and then I will tie them with the point I'm trying to make.

* In life we will find that the harder we work and the more we endure, the more we will typically gain. *

We take a test in school; if we study hard, we might get an "A", or a "B".......but if we choose to waste our time on less important things rather than study for the test, we'll probably get a "C", "D", or even an "F".......obviously.

Now lets take a look at what choice was easier. The first choice (to study) was harder, because it takes time, effort and sacrifice. To choose to study can mean missing a favorite TV show, or not being able to go on a date with a gorgeous girl you just met, or you're extremely tired and would rather take a nap, or whatever.

The second choice seems easier and definatly a lot more get to relax, go out and do something really fun, get some sleep, or whatever else makes you happy.

So the first choice is typically harder because it involves personal sacrifice; you have to give up things you enjoy so you can do well in school. The second choice is typically easier because you can basically do what makes you happy, but that lack of personal sacrifice will cause you to do bad in school or even completely fail.

What I'm getting at is that in whatever we choose to do in life, we will, at some degree, have to make personal sacrifices in order to be ultimately succesful.

- A father will have to give up time with his friends so he can be with his child.

- A boxer will have to train physically and mentally every day if he wants to be great....jogging instead of playing his playstation, eating vegetables instead of candy and snacks, spending more time with his trainer, and less with his girlfriend....and so on.

- The list goes on and on, but I'm sure you get the point.

From this perspective you can see that the better things in life always seem to come from things such as labour, pain, sacrifice, and etc. And through these hard things we can truly understand and appreciate the good things in life.

Without knowing what it's like to lose, how can we understand what it means to win? If we did not know pain, how could we know the meaning of joy?

How could one be truly happy, if they never experienced sadness........isn't part of being happy because you have no reason to be sad?

The important lesson here is that only through both the good AND the bad things in life can we grow into stronger and wiser people. Key word, "Grow". In life we will either grow through facing the goods and the bads, or we will whither by refusing to eccept them both as equal tools of living.

Now back to God.

As I mentioned before, if God is God, with all the wisdom of good and bad, knowing all principles that govern how we mature as humans, would he not create us for a reason? Would it not make sense that God would NOT make us perfect beings knowing only joy and happiness? If we were made perfect with nothing to grow from or to gain, why then would he create us?

Wouldn't it make more sense for God to create us for more a growing purpose? So we can mature through facing and learning from ALL the things in life and not just one aspect that feels or looks better? If God is the source of all wisdom, do you really think we would just spoil us with peace and love for no reason? Or do you think he would give us a chance to EARN our keep?

Look at it this way.

Life is like a test at school.

If we work hard, pay attention, make sacrifices, and deal with the hardships of studying....we WILL succeed.

If we choose to just try and make ourselves happy by doing what we want, we WON'T succeed.

So, if life is school.

Then God must be the one giving the grades.

Some students will choose to study,

others will take the easier route.

Who do you think God will give the "A"s too?

Millions of people around the world experience bad and even tragic things that they never asked for, nor probably deserved. But none the less, God gave them those experiences for a purpose.....they might not know the purpose, but if they can face the bad things and trust that God is in control, then they CANNOT lose. And through those experiences they can truly understand the joys that God has to offer. And if they decide to be the ones who are willing to give up what they hold dear, and press on..........what more shall God reward them then the ones who just complained and decided life isn't fair and gave up?

Life wasn't meant to be easy, but in the end, we reape what we sow.
2007-01-30 10:49:15 UTC
u cant make me not believe in God.God created us.and thats all.its the only thing that makes sense.No man can prove that GOD doesnt exist.because theyre a creation not GOD.
2007-01-30 10:27:10 UTC
I dunno if it disproves the Intelligent Design theory. I have a genetic mutation that makes me walk like a drunk person. Does that make me imperfect? A mutant?

And what about the duck billed platypus? This proves my theory that the Creator created marijuana...
Ron P
2007-01-30 10:28:20 UTC
He, the one who designed us, said that we were cursed; thus, we are imperfect, finite and mortal. Now what's the question. You're not perfect; I realized that when I read your question.
2007-01-30 10:27:52 UTC
man was created with a perfect body.... when mankind rejected God and got kicked out ot TheGarden the effects of sin began to weaken mankind... the genetic code was corrupted and all manner of ills now plague mankind... God did not do it...mankind did it to themselves.
credo quia est absurdum
2007-01-30 10:28:42 UTC

Per our operations manual, "Only fools say in their hearts,

“There is no God.”

They are corrupt, and their actions are evil;

not one of them does good!"
free 1 indeed
2007-01-30 10:24:16 UTC
If you need to ask for proof, then you obviously don't know the truth and you are blinded from seeing it.

God loves you anyway.
2007-01-30 10:37:11 UTC
Man has created his own developmental problems. End of story.
2007-01-30 10:32:28 UTC
not sure of that . but i do have something for you to think about.

if you know anything about the bible then you know that the earth belongs to the devil. and he is in rebellion of the son.

Jesus takes them to GOD and the devil takes them to death .

did you know the world flys around the sun at 666,666.666 miles per hr. just something to think about
2007-01-30 10:22:21 UTC
I think its funny that with all the infirmities and birth deffects that occur, you pick this one as "proof there is no God"

I have Leukemia and I COULD claim there is no God because I have it. But, I dont, I have learned through this experience that there IS a God and there is also a Satan who tries to destroy what God creates.

Im sorry about your defect... but its not even evidence, let alone proof. Sorry.
Da Great 1
2007-01-30 10:28:22 UTC
I really don't get it and no it doesn't prove anything.
Princess Shai
2007-01-30 10:27:58 UTC
no, because everybody has a defect. If not we would be perfect. and if we are perfect who needs GOD?
2007-01-30 10:23:34 UTC
No. It could be proof that God wants you to die while driving out of a tunnel.
2007-01-30 10:22:21 UTC
I say you have too much time on your hands. Get off the net and get real.

Sneezing is a natural phenomena and there's nothing wrong with you, it's normal.
2007-01-30 10:23:42 UTC
It's not a bug; it's an easter egg.

2007-01-30 10:26:21 UTC
You're a moron, and you can hash it out in hell for all eternity if you don't let Alvis into your heart. He killed for your sins.
onyx maiden
2007-01-30 10:23:46 UTC
2007-01-30 10:21:21 UTC
How does the fact that you have this condition prove or disprove God?
2007-01-30 10:24:37 UTC
Everything is proof that God does not exist. Absolutely everything.
The man in the back
2007-01-30 10:23:50 UTC
It can not be proven that something doesn't exist.
Tachus Ischus
2007-01-30 10:21:28 UTC
doesn't matter to me, I believe in a God who created us perfect and then we humans messed stuff up.
2007-01-30 10:23:09 UTC
No, unfortunately it isn't. You had my hopes up for a second there.
2007-01-30 10:22:20 UTC
You don't have to look at the light to feel its warmth.
user name
2007-01-30 10:24:08 UTC
sounds like someone didn't get enough hugs as a child.
2007-01-30 10:26:23 UTC
2007-01-30 10:23:05 UTC
the bible just look n that
2007-01-30 10:24:13 UTC
No, Photic sneeze reflex is not proof that God does not exist, thanks for playing, try again.

Please deposit another .50 cents.
2007-01-30 10:22:15 UTC
you could have refered to disfigured babies or disease, but you picked a sneeze, thats just lame
2007-01-30 10:21:13 UTC
Maybe it's just proof you really are damned and going to hell.
2007-01-30 10:23:13 UTC
2007-01-30 10:21:00 UTC
I will pray for you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.