2009-09-22 17:10:42 UTC
There are 3 questions that we must answer.
1. Did the universe come from nothing, which is impossible.
2. Did the universe come from something, that's the logical answer.
3. IF question 2 is is correct, could the universe have been that something that always existed. I'm going to prove to you that the universe could have not always existed.
We all know that this universe is finite in space, time, and matter. How do we know, well the science community agrees that the big bang is about 13 billion light years old. Nothing, not even the best telescope will see anything beyond 13 billion light years. There is no matter to see, so time did not exist. How can we prove it.
Well think of it this way. Everything in this universe is made up of matter, time and space.
Time is finite no one can argue that it is infinite. Time is simply a measure of changes in matter. IF time is infinite it had no beginning and no end. IF time had no beginning and no end, then there would be no changes and everything would cease to exist. Time is motion of molecules if time is infinite then matter and space cease to exist. Example if i tell you that after you run for infinite miles, I will give you a billion dollars. Would you ever get the prize. NO!
Matter is the same finite. By definition matter is anything that has mass. Can you have infinite mass? No you cannot because that would mean our universe would never have an end, and it also contradicts time. Since time is the measure of changes in matter, and time had a beginning, than matter had a beginning thus matter is finite.
What is space. Space is simply the measure length/width/height of two objects made of matter/mass. If matter is finite than space is finite.
So all the properties of the universe are finite then they had to come from something, otherwise we would make a fallacious statement that something came from nothing.
Lets bring god into equation. God has the following properties. He does not have matter, no space, and no time, he is eternal meaning he has always been there.
Can something made of finite properties create finite properties no because you have to be outside the finite dimension or eternal/infinite in order to create finite things such as time, space and matter.
God is not bound to space, time and matter thus he crated everything. You cannot argue otherwise because if all the properties of the universe are finite than they require an infinite property. Otherwise you would make the wrong conclusion that everything came from nothing.
Here is another way of looking at it. An intelligent design requires an intelligent creator. Chance does not explain perfection. One could say infinite chances do explain perfection, well you cannot have infinite chances in a finite enviroment.
Lets look at some intelligent designs. The DNA itself is a miracle. One single cell can hold a library's worth of information. Well the DNA is full of codes and symbols in the billions. By nature patterns occur naturally, codes or symbols do not occur without a designer. If you argue that the code of DNA was spontaneous than lets look it from a different perspective.
Lets say that the order of code in the DNA was spontaneous, Where did the language system and translation system come from. Scientists have not been able to show the origin of the information in cells. A code system is always the result of a mental process it requires an intelligent origin. Ex: in the hieroglyphic inscription there was an intelligent agent behind it. Cognition and creativity was required. There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise to information.
I can give you thousands of examples of how perfection does not come by chance, but i think i've made my point. I hope to hear some opinions.