Have you christians ever thought how jesus "dying for our sins" made the slightest bit of difference?
2010-05-17 19:11:51 UTC
let's say I killed a man for no good reason. this is a sin.

what is the difference between someone doing it before jesus was born, and me doing it now?
is the murder which I do now forgiven because of jesus, and i will go to heaven according to christianity?

If I have to still pray and atone, did that not used to work before jesus?
would the man doing it before jesus was born, no be able to be forgiven?

so what actual difference did Jesus's death make?
I'm just curious.

In Islam, God has always been very forgiving from the very beginning (He forgave Adam and Eve after they were banished from Heaven.) Islam makes MORE sense to me.
I just wanna hear your answers since my christian family couldnt really answer.
Thirteen answers:
2010-05-17 19:28:31 UTC
Lmao at "Got Jesus".

Why don't you answer me this:

Where did Jesus say he is god?

WITHOUT quoting from the Bible.

See, anyone can play this **** game.
2010-05-17 19:23:49 UTC
Before Jesus, one would offer a sacrifice if they sinned. They would offer a perfect lamb or something. This didn't really do anything because God was in control of the entire planet and could at any time kill a lamb. When people sinned before Jesus, God looked the other way and forgave them. When Jesus died for our sins, all sin would be thrown onto Him so the sin would be forgiven. Jesus relieves the burden of sin upon us. Before Him, the burden was still there.
2010-05-17 19:22:52 UTC
Before Jesus came blood sacrifice was necessary for atonement of sin along with a repentant heart. Jesus was the final blood sacrifice among many other things. From Adam's time until Jesus, followers of God sacrificed animals.
The Former Dr. Bob
2010-05-17 19:25:41 UTC
When Adam and Eve sinned, God made them clothes from animal skins. That's the very first sin, and the very first time that a blood sacrifice had to be made as a result of sin.

It has been that way ever since. The Jewish people had to make a yearly sin offering; in it, a lamb was slaughtered and its blood offered as a sacrifice for the sins of the people.

It was predicted that a Messiah would come and make the sacrifice permanent. Jesus was that Messiah, and he himself was the sacrifice, his blood shed for the sin of men. As an innocent, sinless man (even the Qur'an agrees with this), he was a sufficient sacrifice. As an all-powerful God, his sacrifice was powerful enough to be propitiated to all men for all time.

At the time of Jesus' sacrifice, the very thick veil that separated men from the inner part of the Jewish temple was rent in two, from top to bottom. This signified that man was able to come into God's presence; he no longer needed a high priest. Jesus is that priest that makes intercession between us and God the Father.

Islam says that Allah is forgiving, but there are no guarantees. Furthermore, it teaches that those who are good enough go to paradise, and those who aren't are punished in fire. But that means there's an arbitrary line separating "good enough" from "not good enough." That hardly seems fair, especially to the person who needed just one more good deed to avoid torment. It's also not fair because although Allah may indeed be forgiving, he cannot be just if he does not punish wrongdoing.

What of the person who makes a mistake and in a fit of rage or even by accident does harm to another person? Let's say that someone accidentally kills a mother and their child. Can their one sinful life be enough to pay for the two lives they've taken? Such a person can NEVER pay their debt on their own. And how about the person that lives their life for themselves, acting selfishly, and then later has a change of heart? Although they are sincere in wanting to serve Allah, they'll never be able to overcome the bad they've done; they're destined to be burned. Paradise has to be earned in Islam; it's a pay-off, a wage.

God is just. He punishes all wrongdoing, and does so fairly. There is no arbitrary cut off for those who are forgiven and those who are not. There's no need to "work off" our debt of sin. We can all -- each and every one of us -- be forgiven for our sins if we simply allow Jesus to pay the penalty for them on our behalf. That's grace!
2016-06-03 02:54:02 UTC
You make a good point, this one aspect of Christianity never sat well with me (though it was not my reason for leaving), but in reading both the Christian and Muslim responses, I see the same thing, both (mostly) claiming either superiority and/or exclusivity. For Christians, God may have spoken before, but all of that is superseded by Jesus; for Muslims it stops with Muhammad. How can any of you image that God is so limited? If you would read your books and understand, you would see that revelation never ends, that God does not abandon us to these petty squabbles. The world does not work as you imagine it.
2010-05-17 19:21:41 UTC
murder is murder, regardless of the time frame.

the difference is that with Christ's sacrifice, we have the chance to be forgiven of the "sin"...

there is no difference between you as a killer today and that person doing it in ancient times, if neither of you had any knowledge of Christ or a beast, you kill because you can...

and the murder you commit is not "automatically" forgiven just because Christ died. if you have no relationship or personal acceptance of Him and His sacrifice, you cannot be forgiven...

in islam, you claim that God forgave adam and eve, but did he let them come back? there's your answer. you don't get to just say "oops, my bad" and everything is okay...Jesus is not a "get out of jail free" card...
2010-05-17 19:33:58 UTC
sin is sin, and separates us from God. we aren't worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, but the blood of Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice, is what covers us and makes us worthy. however, accepting Christ means trying very hard to not sin anymore. we are all human, and things happen, so we repent and ask forgiveness. I think Christianity makes more sense to me, because we truly are so lost from God because of sin, but when we accept CHRIST, we are secure in the Lord and His forgiveness. really this whole savior thing is all about forgiveness. I truly wish i could explain this in more depth, but it is hard to here. May you be kept in grace and peace by God's hand. Jesus saves <3
2010-05-17 19:20:43 UTC
yes it makes a big difference

before jesus a person would have to be jewish and go to the temple and offer a sacrifice for their sin and for god to forgive them

gentiles could not be forgiven of sin unless they chose to convert to judaism.

and offer the same sacrifice

salvation in jesus allowed the gentiles to receive salvation.

after jesus we just as for jesus to save us and believe he rose from the dead and we will be saved and all our sins are forgiven. no need to make the sin offering jesus was the offering god provided for sinners to have their sins removed and cleansed of sin and forgiven

allah is not jehovah god
2010-05-17 19:37:53 UTC
"so what actual difference did Jesus' death make?"

You could never atone for your own sin. The only hope any sinner has is Christ. The bible says that we are all sinners, and to sin against a holy God is a fearful thing. He says evil cannot dwell with Him, and the soul that sins shall die. Our sin severed our relationship with God. When we indulge in darkness and impurity, according to our own sinful desires instead of according to His righteous standards it is outright rebellion and enmity against God. Scripture says that we are all naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account. Because He is good He will show perfect justice and the sentence for our rebellion and sin is death.

This is why Christ came! God in His mercy and goodness and love toward sinners, even us His own enemies, sent His own Son to die for the ungodly. God the Father sent God the Son into the world to take our death sentence. Christ endured the fury and wrath of God the Father that was directed toward sinners for anyone who would believe on Him. Christ, the King of Kings, God the Son humbled Himself to become flesh to live the righteous life that God required in our place, and then take on the guilt for sin He did not commit and be crushed by God under His wrath on the cross in our place, and then He rose from the dead, conquering sin and the penalty which is death. And anyone who trusts in the only Savior, the only one who can bring us back to God can know Him, the living God and be reconciled to Him and washed clean and be made new to love and obey God from the heart. Jesus says Repent and believe in this good news of the gospel. Turn from your life of sin and come clean to God, there is no other hope. There is no other way. God will not accept your best religious devotion, nothing removes sin but the Son of God Himself. He is the only Savior and the only way to be free from the bondage of sin. By the power of His cross He delivers from the power of sin. And by surrendering your entire life to Him, who has right over your life anyway since He made you, you will truly live as intended, with God and knowing His Son Jesus as your life and your all.
Mr. Agnostican
2010-05-17 19:24:02 UTC
1) Does satan deceive people?

2) Does God deceive people

3) Did God deceive people into thinking Jesus was crucified?

4) According to the Koran, who is the GREATEST deceiver?

5) If Allah is a deceiver, how can you trust him?

Please answer in you own words without quoting the Koran.
2010-05-17 19:22:55 UTC
When Jesus died and went to hell for our sins....He also set the captives free...those who were in hell before Jesus died. Those people were also redeemed.

We must ask Jesus for forgiveness and REPENT.
2010-05-17 19:18:57 UTC
And how can a serial killer or a rapist go to heaven without any punishment???

How can a person who spent his/her life doing good be equal to one who did nothing but destruction???

In Islam, every person will be asked what they did, and every action they made will be the good would be in heaven and the bad will be in hell. That makes sense!!
Witness of He Causes to Become
2010-05-17 19:13:11 UTC
Before Jesus' death, nobody ascended to heaven. Now they do.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.