Do you find it hypocritical that the Catholic Church removed a preist for being in a Heterosexual relationship?
2009-05-29 06:19:43 UTC
and yet dozens of gay preists molested little boys and none of them were fired, but simply moved to a new parish.
32 answers:
Knight of Malta
2009-05-29 06:40:55 UTC
Yes, there is some hypocrisy there. But two wrongs don't make a right.

Are you suggesting that since the Church ignored sexual misbehavior in the past, it should just keep doing so and let this wayward priest off the hook, too?

EDIT: Yes there is a connection between pedophelia and homosexuality when it is discovered that some of the "victims" were teenage boys.
2009-05-30 09:50:22 UTC


A man who is single at the time of his ordination to the priesthood CANNOT engage in a romantic relationship, be it hetero or homosexual.


Dozens of such priests have ben defrocked by the Church. If you are remotely interested in following the clergy sex scandal, you should know what it means whenever you hear of a defrocked priest. If you don't know, then you haven't been paying ANY attention, thus you really don't have a clue.



Homosexuality is the disordered inclination towards an ADULT member of the same sex.

Pedophilia is the disordered inclination of an adult towards a child.

Did someone say "imbecile"?
2009-05-29 11:56:11 UTC
1) Do you find it hypocritical that the Catholic Church removed a preist for being in a Heterosexual relationship?

and yet dozens of gay preists molested little boys and none of them were fired, but simply moved to a new parish.

That is only hypocritical if the official responsible for removing the fornicating priest was also responsible for retaining the child-molesting priest.


P.S. Are there really this many people who *really* think that a man sexually molesting a boy is **not** a homosexual act? Here, let me help

Unless a boy is not of the same sex as a man, that is *incontrovertibly* a homosexual act.
James O
2009-05-29 11:11:26 UTC
Where have you been since 2002?

The Catholic bishops are now almost hysterical in their throwing out priests accused of pederasty( sex with teen boys,which over 80 of the accusations were about).

That's priests accused not convicted

Innocent priests are suffering now because of the crimminal negligence and even active covering-up by bishops and their bureaucrats and lawyers in recent years of the molestations by clergy( about 2% of Catholic clergy, living and dead from the last 6 decades, have been accused, which is much smaller percentage than that of state school employees) in the US ,

If the agreed upon rule is no fornication or adultery at all than the heterosexuals must abide as much as the homosexuals

Actually, celibacy for priests is a changeable discipline for the Latin Rite of the Church and most Eastern Rites do have married parish clergy and there is also the Pastoral Provision for married former Anglican and former Lutheran clergy who become Latin Rite Catholic Priests
2016-10-01 11:06:12 UTC
very solid ingredient. i'm in opposition to Catholicism because of the Church's doctrine and historic previous era. individually i do no longer care what faith that is I emphatically disagree with existence long vows of celibacy. existence promotes existence via advent or reproduction. it particularly is everyday regulation. appropriate to the pedophilia difficulty that is asserted that hunters bypass the place the prey is. regrettably because of the gender separation coverage Catholic church homes and Catholic faculties between many different places and companies make suited searching grounds for pedophiles. that is not a knock against the Church in spite of the fact that that is what that is. in spite of the fact that that is previous hypocrisy that is criminal if and whilst the Church covers up those incidents and shield the clergy if accusations of molestation is proved. the relationship between the parish and parishioner is one hinges upon believe and faith. whilst believe is broken justice is so as or faith would be lost.
2009-05-31 22:33:16 UTC
I find it hypocritical to invent such a falsehood. The priest quit. The Church with the help of the courts, have done the laundry. In New York City, public school teachers rape a child on average ONE PER DAY, and it still goes on, and people like you say nothing.

You are on a witch hunt.

2009-05-29 07:03:08 UTC
Heterosexual or Homosexual, A Priest violating his vows is wrong. I see no hypocrisy at all.

Second, you are wrong about dozens of Priests molesting boy keeping their jobs. With $600,000,000 dollars on the line do you not think some low life's falsely accused innocent priests for the money?

The Church moved Priests who were falsely accused to bring peace to that community but I suppose you would have them killed because of your obvious hatred?

I hope God's Peace finds you and converts the hatred and ignorance you hold toward the Catholic Church and her clergy.

2009-06-02 05:49:13 UTC
Those priests that have molested little boys HAVE been removed from public ministry. That was done YEARS ago.
2009-05-29 06:37:17 UTC
Yes, moving abusive priests around was wrong and I don't envy the Bishops who must stand before God and face judgment for shirking their responsibility and ignoring the abuse.

Being in a heterosexual relationship when one has taken a vow of chastity for life is also wrong, and I am glad that in THIS instance the Church removed him from his sacramental duties.

Doing the wrong thing in the past (i.e. allowing abusers to go to another parish) doesn't mean the Church should keep doing the wrong thing.

The ship is finally turning around, and for the better.

Peace be to you all+
2009-05-29 06:36:31 UTC
The allegations against married former Anglican priest, now Catholic priest Father John Fleming are disturbing.,22606,24268233-2682,00.html
2009-05-29 06:29:31 UTC
Yea, I do..... and what really pisses me off is if they allowed priests to marry women they wouldn't have all these pedophiles becoming priests.... that's the big problem in my opinion... pedophiles are very manipulative intelligent people and gravitate towards professions that have access to children.... the catholic priesthood is a magnet.... I mean really, what hot blooded man is going to deny himself a nice woman or any sexual satisfaction without becoming a Eunuch..... maybe that is what they should do as part of the priesthood... cut it off!

By the way homosexuality and pedophile should not be used in the same sentence... there is no relation. I could care less about priests who are gay... its the ones who do kids that make me sick... I am just saying if the job allowed priests to marry then that would pretty much end the free for all for the pedophiles.......

added: Homosexual pedophiles are a rarity idiot.... just because a guy molests a young boy doesn't mean he wont molest a young girl.... its opportunity that works for them.. its all about kids... it really doesn't have a lot to do with being gay.

So now not only do we have christian haters here we have homophobics... nice....
Armor Of Light
2009-05-29 10:25:29 UTC
you know I think the Catholic as I know it to be is just weird I don't understand it. I feel like they have added extra rules "man" made that do not need to be there. I understand you are supposed to strive to be sin free but I don't think its fair for their church to impose rules that they came up with its ridiculous to me.
2009-05-29 06:29:54 UTC
Yes, I do.

I find the whole "priests must be celibate" idea to be ridiculous and also asking for trouble, which obviously, it has done. Now the Catholic church has a shortage of priests and a ton of scandal to deal with.

There's nothing Biblical about priests not being allowed to marry. Peter had a mother-in-law, so obviously even he married.
2009-05-29 21:54:07 UTC
The church did not remove him he removed himself.
big red
2009-05-29 10:38:22 UTC
That priest did it to himself. He broke his vows.He left on his own his choice.
2009-05-29 07:07:23 UTC
The Priest removed his self. Pedophilia is not Homosexual,your the idiot.
2009-05-29 06:26:02 UTC 1 Timothy 4:1-3

However, the inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons,

2 by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, marked in their conscience as with a branding iron;

3 FORBIDDING TO MARRY, commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be partaken of with thanksgiving by those who have faith and accurately know the truth.
2009-05-29 06:25:56 UTC
wide spread immorality is reported from among the catholic priest.and the church is paying the fine .but if a priest is not favorable among the bishops then he will be made as scapegoats
2009-05-29 06:25:55 UTC
For whatever reason the Catholic church does not think that priest should marry. Funny though, they say that Peter was the first "pope"- and he had a wife. It does say that in scripture because they were talking about Peter's mother-in-law at one point. I know that both Catholics and Episcopalians hire gay priests/fathers. I cannot understand how they can do that, when they know full well, that God condemns homosexuality.
2009-05-29 06:27:24 UTC
The priests who molested the little boys were not gay, they were pedophiles. Calling a priest who molests little boys "a gay priest" is like calling a priest who molests little girls "a straight priest".

And yes, I agree it's hypocritical.
2009-05-29 09:05:01 UTC


2009-05-29 06:23:41 UTC
Ain't religion grand?? Not. Most hypocritical organization known to man = Religion & Church.
2009-05-29 06:26:43 UTC
Where are the Catholics to answer this question? This hypocrisy should make decent and moral Catholics cringe.
2009-05-29 06:23:08 UTC
I have found that over the last 1600 years, the catholic church has done very little to be considered rightful.
2009-05-29 06:37:30 UTC
Wow. I'll go with an emphatic "Yes!"
how dare I
2009-05-29 06:35:19 UTC
I find it very hypocritical
Jessica D
2009-05-29 06:26:56 UTC
Homosexuality and Pedophilia are NOT RELATED.
2009-05-29 06:27:05 UTC
Yep -- but so what?

Their club, their rules.

It has nothing to do with me.
2009-05-29 06:22:36 UTC
Yup. It shows their real colors.
2009-05-29 06:22:26 UTC
2009-05-29 06:23:07 UTC

The bible says a priest needs to be married with kids!!!
Anglo-Catholic Socialism
2009-05-29 06:24:27 UTC
Er... no.

Do you know what "celibacy" means?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.