Linz, I am agnostic, not a Christian or an atheist, and I want to tell you that you are absolutely, postively right on the mark. I am sorry you have been offended and possibly hurt by the comments you have received. If you want to read and write on Yahoo Answers, you will have to develop a thick skin. There are many on here who really want to ask sincere questions, and many who want to help others by providing educated and intelligent answers.
Unfortunately, there is not a separate forum for those of us who fit that category. So you will find many, many people who ask and answer these questions have a very adolescent mentality and don't try to contribute anything other than what they think are "clever" and "funny" answers, or comments, trying to impress others with their comedic skills or with what they think is their advanced knowledge of whatever subject is at hand. And indeed they are funny to others at their own level of maturity, and appear smart to some of those at their own level of education. They cannot understand that to more mature and/or educated people, they are usually not funny or knowledgeable.
They are just being kids, and that's okay! It is just too bad that they don't have a forum of their own in which to show off their adolescent wit and wisdom.
Welcome to Y!A, Newbie! Good luck sorting the wheat from the chaff. With patience it can be done. There are people on here will help you, and I am one of them. Please email me (click my picture, then click "email user") if you'd like whenever you need some help or a sincere answer.