Why are atheists so easily offended?
Linz ♥ VT
2007-06-28 13:10:30 UTC
I just asked a question where I was looking for interesting answers from both sides of the fence and instead all I got was a bunch of atheists basically telling me what a dumb blond I am and how I should be shunned because I am a newbie to Yahoo Answers. Geez.... thankfully you're not all like that...
48 answers:
ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker
2007-06-28 13:13:18 UTC
Sorry about that linz

Don't take it too personally, unfortunately you posed Pascals Wager in your question, and we get it 40-60 times a day. Sometimes it is hard answering the same question over and over again, and people tend to get touchy.

Welcome aboard, if your experience is anything like mine, you will learn alot, be challenged to think and find some really cool people.

You will also get a tough skin and learn that the world is filled with jerks, but that is a good thing to understand and will help in life.

Have fun and ignore the Haters.
2007-06-28 13:22:54 UTC
I don't care that you're new here. Everyone was a newbie at one point. However, to answer your question. Everyone on yahoo answers is easily offended. Mainly in the religious and political sections. Answering questions like yours and others lights a spark in bored people. Ignore it. Give thumbs down to the answers you don't like and a thumbs up for the ones you do. But also expect some ridicule for your questions about religion. There will always be someone who does not agree with you.

Have a great day.

From a non believer
Don P
2007-06-28 21:38:55 UTC
Linz, I am agnostic, not a Christian or an atheist, and I want to tell you that you are absolutely, postively right on the mark. I am sorry you have been offended and possibly hurt by the comments you have received. If you want to read and write on Yahoo Answers, you will have to develop a thick skin. There are many on here who really want to ask sincere questions, and many who want to help others by providing educated and intelligent answers.

Unfortunately, there is not a separate forum for those of us who fit that category. So you will find many, many people who ask and answer these questions have a very adolescent mentality and don't try to contribute anything other than what they think are "clever" and "funny" answers, or comments, trying to impress others with their comedic skills or with what they think is their advanced knowledge of whatever subject is at hand. And indeed they are funny to others at their own level of maturity, and appear smart to some of those at their own level of education. They cannot understand that to more mature and/or educated people, they are usually not funny or knowledgeable.

They are just being kids, and that's okay! It is just too bad that they don't have a forum of their own in which to show off their adolescent wit and wisdom.

Welcome to Y!A, Newbie! Good luck sorting the wheat from the chaff. With patience it can be done. There are people on here will help you, and I am one of them. Please email me (click my picture, then click "email user") if you'd like whenever you need some help or a sincere answer.
2007-06-28 13:24:47 UTC
Aloha Linz,

I apologize. You unintentionally asked a question that has a long history around here. Trust me when I say nobody was making fun of you because of your hair color.

Without knowing it you inadvertently stumbled across something called Pascal's Wager. You can learn more about it here:

What you thought was atheists being easily offended or thin-skinned, was really just a long running joke that has deep roots on R&S. We literally get asked your question about 2-10 times per day, so you can imagine after a few months people get a little punchy. Please don't take it personally.

Nobody meant to shun you. We want you here. Please stay and play with us. It wouldn't be nearly as fun with just us silly atheists.
2007-06-28 13:14:17 UTC
Basically what happened was you walked into no-man's land and got your head blown off in the crossfire.

That being said, your question was slanted and you basically got what you asked for, although most of the answers were not nearly as venomous as a lot of other stuff I've seen here.

FYI Pascal's Wager is the logic of Belief vs non-belief and existence of God vs non-existence. Essentially, it states that it's better to believe in God just in case God exists, since being wrong if he does is really really bad. Pascal's Wager doesn't take into account any religion other than Christianity and automatically assumes they're all wrong (basically it creates a false dilemma, a choice between christianity and atheism)
God Still Speaks Through His Word!
2007-06-28 13:30:59 UTC
Simply b/c they can't take their own medicine. They are the perfect example of modern-day Pharisees. It's the same spirit.

They think of themselves as judges, jury and executioners, particularly of Christians. They are joyless (notice that doesn't mean they are not happy) and must express their lack of joy with the world.

Really though, it's a heart cry and they don't know how else to cry out to God (since to them, He doesn't exist).

It's also a perfect example that "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".

They can analyze and dissect you. But, according to them, you can't do the same in return.

One word: HYPOCRISY.

Having said all of that, I've asked some questions directly to atheists and I have to admit that there are quite a few who are surprisingly honest. Also, the answers to some of my questions have been quite insightful and have given me lots to think about. Not about denying my faith, mind you, but about how to best answer their objections.

Welcome to the R&S section!
Julia Sugarbaker
2007-06-28 13:13:40 UTC
No, we're not all like that, but before you ask a question, you may want to check and see if a similar one has been asked before. Just a friendly suggestion.

Additionally, the 'what if atheists are wrong and Christians are right' is only logical if Christianity is the only religion. What if it turns out that the Jewish faith is the right one? Or the Muslims?
♫O Praise Him♫
2007-06-28 13:15:01 UTC
Well if you are new to R&S, Welcome!

This isn't your typical question and answer forum. Be prepared for the worst. Most of the regulars here are in the arguing mindset, and will read a question with that intention in mind. Most will become defensive, and some are just plain trolling. Don't take it to seriously =o)
2007-06-28 13:18:53 UTC
before you ask a question, look at the many that have come before... people on both sides of this 24-7 debate forum (lets not kid ourselves... its not so much q&a) have read and responded too just about every question you can think of, especially those that concern "proving" or "disproving" the existence of God, evolution v. creation, and the divine inspiration/historical accuracy of the bible.

oh and look up pascal's wager... also research the arguments against it... some of these folks' livers need a rest.
2007-06-28 13:24:42 UTC
I've been here for over a year. Usually on the Religious section. And sadly it's full of atheists and many are rude. If they had faith, then maybe their rudeness would cease. We can only pray for that. But I do agree with you, in that I started coming here to get answers to my questions about religions. about the Bible, about the Qur'an, about the Torah or about Buddhists, etc. I don't personally care why atheists don't believe and I don't want to hear their words of Christ bashing and such. It's getting old. Believers are here to learn from other believers.

I'm Catholic. Reborn. Returned to the Church 4 yrs ago. I study the Bible and belong to 2 study groups. I have friends that are Jews and Muslims that I have many interesting talks with. I love to learn! If you can't get answers without rudeness here, please feel free to email me. I do have many resources that I use as well. Sorry your first times here have been negative. Yesterday someone told me to never let an unbeliever to upset me. To say a quick pray to them and move on. So I'm giving that suggestion to you as well.

2007-06-28 13:12:57 UTC
LOL. I remind you that you wrote a whiny little rant at the end of your last question, due to the responses you received. WHo was so easily offended then?

Funny - I didnt see a bunch of responses calling you a dumb blond. Why do you read into things stuff that is not there? The argument you used is known as Pascal's Wager. If you do not know who he is, then try using your internet connection to look it up?? Ya know, educate yourself. Or, is that asking too much?

And, for the record, no, yahoo answers is NOT the place to learn - unless learning everyone's unfounded opinions on something is what you call learning... In fact, this is about the worse place you can come if you are seeking to educate yourself.
2007-06-28 13:15:42 UTC
I never called you a dumb blond or asks for you to be shunned from YA.
2007-06-28 13:13:39 UTC
Oh geez. You ask a question that is asked here several times a day. Then you suggested that one side has a reason to share their views and the other side does not. What did you expect?

edit: Hey twinkie! Not all blondes are dumb. I am at least as smart as a Golden Retriever, if not a bit more.
2007-06-28 13:15:47 UTC
The ratio of "reporting" people is about 30-1, with the Fundies in the lead. Case closed.
2007-06-28 21:38:42 UTC
I don't think atheists are easily offended. I just think religious folk have a knack for asking fallacious questions.
2007-06-28 13:19:51 UTC
ever had a really bad day, heard lots of bad news, got yelled at by the boss, someone scraped the car, got cut off in traffic, spilled spaghetti sauce on your shirt, and just generally got slapped over and over again?

well, see, Christians can cry out to God, pray, and maybe seek the fellowship of other believers for encouragement and love.

atheists can get drunk, persecute those smaller or weaker than themselves, beat the wife and kiddies, kick the dog, practice road rage or jump onto yahoo answers.

you were just the deer in the headlights, hon...
2007-06-28 13:19:40 UTC
good god, now you're friggin whining???

you post a STATEMENT, not a question, that basically tells everyone that doesn't believe in the same way you do to shut up. that YOU are the only one who has the right to *educate*or to speak your opinion...

and I NEVER called you a dumb blond, i DID however call you an egotistical, holier than thou, bible basher with a chip on her shoulder and a carrying a bat to make all of us heathens convert by force...
2007-06-28 13:14:43 UTC
Some atheists are going to be naturally defensive because of the amount of Christians who try to force their views on them and condemn them to Hell as a matter of course.

You'll find that many atheists are willing to accept and respect your views if you accord them the same in return.
2007-06-28 13:14:10 UTC
if you take most of these responses to heart, your in for a long and painful haul. Learn to just have some fun while asking or answering. Good luck =)
2007-06-28 13:14:11 UTC
Funny, I'm looking at the answers now and I see only a small handful of people doing so.

Do not interpret the drinking game as an insult. When you've been here a few months, you'll not only understand, you'll probably play it too.
Soccer Maniac
2007-06-28 13:20:51 UTC
It doesn't matter if you're Athiest, Christian, Jewish, Catholic or whatever. If someone challenges your beliefs and they do it arrogantly, you have the right to be offended. Religous debates are ok but when you challenge someones beliefs, do it respectfully. You don't have to agreee with them, just respect their right to believe what they wnat to believe.
2007-06-28 13:14:59 UTC
Wait, were you the one who dragged out Pascal's wager and acted like it was new?

I ask you, in sincerity, why you are refusing to worship your ancestral gods when they were good enough for your kin folk for OVER 3000 years? Don't you want to be in paradise with the ancestors? Follow their gods, then, not a new comer from the middle east.

(disregard if you are Jewish, and stick with YHWH)
2007-06-28 13:13:58 UTC
Congratulations, you've just experienced R&S. Either get a thicker skin or find another place to hang out. It's a war zone here.

Not all of your answers were disrespectful.. your question itself was intended to incite. You got what you asked for. Either stop whining when you don't get the answers you like or stop asking inflammatory questions.

You're the one offended. The atheists simply gave their opinions.
2007-06-28 13:14:42 UTC
I think that's a generalization, there are plenty of people that are easily offended and plenty of people that aren't, Atheists and non-Atheists alike!
2007-06-28 13:14:38 UTC
You are an annoying whiney gal. I imagine a lot of people seem easily offended to you.
Armless Joe, Bipedal Foe
2007-06-28 13:14:42 UTC
Pascal's Wager:'s_Wager

Comes up at least once a day, don't take offense to the responses.
2007-06-28 13:13:08 UTC
Eyyyyyy Newbie.

So How's Your Summer Been?
2007-06-28 13:42:43 UTC
Funny, I read the actual WORDS ON THE SCREEN, and that's NOT what they said. Are you sure you were reading carefully?
2007-06-28 13:13:47 UTC
I'm atheist and don't get offended easily. Sometimes people can be mean, sometimes they just want to make a point, and sometimes people are to sensitive.
2007-06-28 13:14:19 UTC
We never called you a dumb "blond." I don't remember anyone saying anything about your hair.
2007-06-28 18:49:18 UTC
welcome and fasten your will get all kinds here, so try to ask your questions with respect to all. Remember, if one is offended, it usually is a sign of stupidity, because being offended is a CHOICE.
2007-06-28 13:21:40 UTC
You threw out Pascal's Wager - what do you expect?
2007-06-28 13:14:23 UTC
don't worry about it. Some people on here are just looking for a battle
2007-06-28 13:27:19 UTC
Trust me, my fiance` is an athiest and he gets offended easily...I think deep down inside he's just unsure.
2007-06-28 13:14:07 UTC
Don't let others get to you, ask your questions as you see fit. Those who answer with a bit of thought should be your friends those that make fun of you should be even closer.

Remember the God Father, keep your friends close but your enemies even closer.


best of luck to you and welcome.
2007-06-28 13:13:26 UTC
Think before you ask. This is another question that gets asked a lot. Use the Search function.
2007-06-28 13:13:25 UTC
Hmmm maybe random assumptions like the one I just read? Maybe.
2007-06-28 13:13:11 UTC
Maybe it's because your name is Linz...

I don't know, just a guess.


Wow, this girl is sensitive. Hey Linz, lighten up. You don't know any of these people anyway.

You're not crying for real, are you? Oh my god, that's hilarious!
2007-06-28 13:13:07 UTC
You made the mistake of asking Pascal's Wager!

I wasn't offended, I was amused. And I needed an excuse to drink. Cheers! *drink*
2007-06-28 18:19:59 UTC
easy Linz you'll get used to it.
я℮ḋ αтℏ℮їṧṫ
2007-06-28 13:13:57 UTC
Irony anyone?
2007-06-28 13:17:19 UTC
2007-06-28 13:13:10 UTC
Q. What do you call a smart blonde?

A. Golden Retriever.
2007-06-28 13:13:00 UTC
why are christians so easily offended????
2007-06-28 13:14:18 UTC
Sorry for the bad experience. They do seem to be a hostile bunch aren't they? Perhaps it's the depression they're stuck in. I'll pray for them. Lord God, open their eyes that they may see the beauty of Your Word. In Jesus name, Amen!
2007-06-28 13:13:15 UTC
Easily offend???? You must be new here?

and I hate you.
2007-06-28 13:16:23 UTC
Did you read my additional comments to you on my question? Please do, if you haven't. Thanks.
Patrick the Carpathian, CaFO
2007-06-28 13:13:01 UTC
Its not what you say, its how you say it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.