Did I do the right thing?
Christy ☪☮e✡is✝
2007-11-19 05:34:33 UTC
This past Saturday I was told that there was a kitten outside my office that was alone and had a broken leg. Immediately, I drove up to the office and got it. When I got there, some of the workers had left some french fries next to her and she was trying to crawl her way over to eat them but she was dragging her back legs. I picked her up, put her in my coat, and took her to my house and got a cat carrier and a bowl of water and kitten food. She ate and drank very well so I thought this was a sign she was okay.

I took her up to Petsmart to see if the cat adoption lady would take her in and care for her because I knew I couldn't afford it. The adoption lady couldn't take her so I took her to an emergency vet. On the way to the vet the kitten stood up on all fours so I thought this was another good sign that she would be okay. Her stomach was swolen but I thought maybe this was from lack of food.

(More details to come...)
Twenty answers:
2007-11-19 05:52:09 UTC

Oh, you dear, compassionate woman. Of course you did the right thing. I'm so sorry you had to deal with this, but that little kitten went quietly knowing it was loved, for however brief that time may have been. Thank you for showing such kindness to a living creature that may not have ever before felt what love is.
2007-11-19 13:44:20 UTC
Honey it does NOT sound ridiculous. I can completely understand, I would be broken hearted as well. I do think you made the right choice.

Like you said, there was no guarantee she'd make it - at least this way, you guaranteed she wouldn't starve to death outside with broken legs, you ended it kindly - and I'm sure she felt your love til the very end, so she at least knew love in her short life.

You DEFINITELY did the right thing, and kudos to you for doing so.

However, I might recommend taking this question down, because you're going to get a lot of people (if the ones from Pets come over here) telling you you should've done more, should've paid the money, etc. and I'm afraid that'll end up making you feel worse. They're not right, but I know how it is to hear these things in a time like this, whether you know they're right or not.

Try to feel better hun, it will be okay, and I'm sure she's smiling down on you in kitty heaven (if you believe in such a thing...I sure do).
2007-11-19 19:50:44 UTC
Yes, you did. Like you, I love animals but there's a point at which you have to make a practical decision. For a beloved family pet, I would think you have to spend the money and take the chance. But for a found animal, you really have to consider the financial needs of your household first. You made the right decision by saving that kitten from a probable long and painful death.
2007-11-19 13:51:35 UTC
Yes, you indeed made the 'right' decision. You did more than most and I know how you feel. I had a similar experience where the vet gave me the option of taking the cat away with me after telling me that it was in a great deal of pain and would surely die, or pay $35 to have it euthanized. I paid and left feeling kinda like I think you feel right now. Cheer up; you did do the best you could and that is equal to the 'right' thing.
2007-11-19 17:38:50 UTC
The only way to know if you've made a good decision is to test it again - and again and again. By the time you gathered up your first few hundred kittens in distress and had them KILLED... you ought to have the answer.

(Just a dark joke, Honey... but what else could you do but pray ? LOL like that would do any good.)

But while we're on this subject of saving ... I wonder if you'd mind taking our calls and acting on behalf of some of the good and decent God-believers we might happen upon who could be suffering the same illnesses as your little kitten? I'd like to feel secure that someone with your experience and strength of character to do the right thing might be there to care for them, too. Of course, not quite in the way you did for kitty. (Sorry... I couldn't resist.)

[][][] r u randy? [][][]

2007-11-19 13:53:48 UTC
There are alot of options out there, but you had to make a quick decision so that seemed right.I was stuck in the same sort of situation with a dog who needed a hip replacement that would have cost almost $8,000 or more for surgery and medicine and therapy.Anyways we put out an ad and found someone who really loved dogs and agreed to take him.
2007-11-19 13:43:19 UTC
Yes, without a doubt. If you hadn't had it done, the vet would have done it after you left. At least you were there to comfort the kitten and show it some kindness. If it hadn't been put to sleep it would probably have died anyway, but in pain and scared. You chose the best course of action.
2007-11-19 13:42:57 UTC

Wow, that was a tough call. I'm so sorry you had to make it.

But you'd done all you could for the poor thing. I hate to say it, but it would have died if you'd left it at your office. At least you tried.

Don't beat yourself up over this. There was nothing more you could do, and the kitten at least got some love and care.
2007-11-19 13:41:33 UTC
It sounds as if the cat was going to suffer if that is the case then yes you did the right thing, some people wouldn't have even picked her up and fed her so you showed he love prob for the first time in her life she had seen that. So you did right.
2007-11-19 13:42:44 UTC
You did what any loving soul would have done, you helped her go quietly. She was suffering and the alternative if you hadn't picked her up would not have been pleasant. No one knows how long she may have suffered if not for you. I understand you being upset, I would be emotional as well, but you DID do the right thing.
Jesus Chrysler
2007-11-19 22:07:20 UTC
Yes, you did. I think it says a lot about you that you took so much time and effort to help that kitten and that you spared it a lot of needless suffering. Good for you.
ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker
2007-11-19 14:22:42 UTC
You did the right thing Christy.

I have had to live through this with older family pets and it is heart wrenching. Hang in there, you ended the pain for the poor little thing, you didn't create it.

Thanks for your honesty and humanity.
2007-11-19 13:46:45 UTC
Yes, you made the only decision you could. It was the right one. Most people would have just left her to die.
2007-11-19 13:41:44 UTC
Yes, you did. And I am also sad for you and the kitten. But don't blame yourself. Blame the evil rotten person who would abandon a kitten.
Gyspy Soul
2007-11-19 13:43:04 UTC
Sometime you just can't save them, kudos to you for caring...that's all she needed. I loving person to make the choice, animals do not put emotion into death as we do!
2007-11-19 13:40:29 UTC
You made the right decision, at least you cared!
2007-11-19 13:47:00 UTC
Don't worry, that cat will be reincarnated as your next lover and make you very very happy.
2007-11-19 13:43:49 UTC
God Bless you for caring for critters!
2007-11-19 14:05:58 UTC
I know it don't count for much, but I'm terribly proud of you... you did well..
ambulance driver
2007-11-19 13:52:04 UTC
may God bless you sir.....and may your kind continue to flourish,,,

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.