The word is resonance of your vocal cords, and since all in our universe is resonance only, and held together by gravitational magnetic fields, our human body is such an object made of what we call matter.
The human male is the creator, and without him the woman was useless. Those who write the sacred text where macho man, not women. If a woman had had the right to write in the sacred text, it would have told us that GOD, the male can not create anything, not become father, and his penis, his beloved son, was useless without her.
But, that is ancient stories anyway, we have broken that tradition, made Goddesses to suppress GOD, GOD becomes gay and useless, and we fool it all up. The Muslims fight to go back and make man GOD again, just like it is in there culture, but, once more without telling us the truth about this textual nonsense and ruling by fear and terror where GOD is the driving force. And that is true, it are no women that fight for Allah, but man, real ones with long beards, shorter than mine but I am not a fighter for any GOD, for me it is enough to be god myself and fight injustice and share all I have, even my knowledge that is not fitting in the view of religious bigots.
But, that is the way the world is, there are the ones and the others, and we have to live with that. The word is the departure of all, if it had not been, we could not be humans and communicate our truth and lies to others, we could not enslave them and suck their money, we where just animals, and 65% of humanity show us without any doubt that it is exactly what we are, stupid, brainless, killing and destructing, animals.