Wow...did you read this question?? Let's look at your criterion for proof. Well, many of the things you want proven are historical, and historical things can't be proven scientifically, so I guess that means Shakespeare and Caesar weren't real, because all we have are a bunch of historical documents, and no scientific proof. Secondly, you want statistical proof...of what?? Life after death? You want statistics on historical events? Now look who's being illogical. Now, logical arguments? We can do that.
First of all, atheists believe there is no God, nothing supernatural, no eternal, uncreated, timeless, all-powerful being outside of time and space. Correct? Now, we know that the universe had a beginning, and the Kalam proposition tells us that what had a beginning must have a cause, a reason for it's beginning to exist. With me so far? Things don't begin to exist without a cause. So we know (thanks to philosophy, physics, the Big Bang) that the universe had a beginning, and that means it had to have had a cause. Now, what was the nature of that cause? Well, if it caused the universe to be, it has to be outside the universe, because the universe can't create the universe, that's illogical. We know this cause must be uncaused, MUST be uncaused, because an infinite regression of causes is impossible. We know this cause must have had a tremendous amount of power, because it created the universe from nothing. Occam's razor tells us this being is more likely one than many. And logic tells us it is most likely a personal cause. Why? Because a lump of rock does not change into an ax head by itself, it must be acted upon. For nothing to become something, it must have been acted upon. So, by using very simple logic, we have determined that the universe had a cause, and that this cause must be uncaused, all-powerful, and outside space-time. It is most likely a personal being, at it is most likely one being. Now, who does that sound like? God. Although this doesn't prove the Bible or the Christian God, it does logically prove that there is an eternal, uncuased, all-powerful being, which atheism says does not exist.
Keep in mind that the laws of logic state that, if the premises are irrefutable, then you must accept the conclusion, no matter how much you dislike it. I challenge any atheist on here to refute these premises.