I am now ashamed to be a part of my religion...?
2009-07-02 11:31:08 UTC
I am well known and respected in my little town for giving advice to people in difficult situation,
and help strengthen peoples faith in God.
I have also used alot of the bible's message of love to inspire people's lives.

I have tried to make people see the bible as guidance and how it should influence their lives.

However, i have had people coming up to me and complaining,
that im not teaching the right things.
I tell people to see that the bible is a message and guidance and not a history book,
because if we take the bible literally and focus to much on the stories, then you cant relate the bible to the peoples lives and it will eventually turn people away from our religion or make them follow it for the wrong reasons.

One person actually called me a heretic because i told one of her children that the bible is a message from God that we should love one another, instead of telling her things like jesus condemned homosexuals to hell, because i told her daughter that God loves everyone regardless of what they have done and everyone can seek his forgiveness.

why must we drive people away from our religion?

btw when i say ashamed of my religion
i meant in the same group as the people in it
39 answers:
Johnny Mac
2009-07-02 12:02:24 UTC
I'm glad that you clarified what you meant at the end. Remember, though, not to think of yourself and others as being in any sort of hierarchy. Falling into that line of thinking can be easy. Remember to love your fellow human being, even those who believe you to be a heretic.

God is loving and compassionate. We can see that throughout the Bible. Recall, if you will, that even though God punished Adam and Eve, the Bible also tells us that God clothed them. Even in punishment He still cared for them. Recall that God still looked after Cain after he had killed his brother.

Genesis 3:21;&version=50;

Genesis 4:13-16;&version=31;

God's compassion is expressed throughout the entire Bible. Anyway, some folks, as you have seen, choose to interpret the Bible and the teachings of Jesus from a legalistic mindset. Jesus, if you will recall, taught against it (e.g., questions about dietary laws, work on the Sabbath, and so on). That is, some of us get so caught up in following the Bible as a rule book, so to speak, that we forget about what's most important: our *relationship* with God.

Some people, sadly, are able to adjust their "theologies" to compensate for the hatred of others that they have in their own hearts. As Jesus said, you can tell a tree by its fruit.

In both instances, you are likely to be considered a heretic of sorts, especially by - but not limited to - fundamentalists. Please don't take their insults personally. They may even tell you that you are going to hell. If they do, remember that the Bible teaches us that God has entrusted judgment only to the Son, Jesus. No one can speculate who Jesus will judge to share eternal life because no one except for Jesus is purely righteous and completely free of bias.

John 5:19-23;&version=50;

I, personally, disagree with the "you're going to hell" message of a lot of Christians. I've never known anyone to want to come home to God after being told that he or she is going to hell. Considering the joy in heaven when even one sinner comes home, I believe that taking the time to have an inviting message is well worth the effort.

I hope this helps.

God bless.


@ hatchingananswer: That's a very thoughtful and nicely stated answer.
2009-07-02 11:38:57 UTC
Hey I'm with you.

How many stupid and ill advised religions are still floating around even today because someone took one passage from the bible and most people are to damn lazy to educate themselves.

If you are teaching, practicing and advising the way of love then even if it not biblical you just can not go wrong.

Doesn't the bible say something about God is love?.....

Ignore the war grubbers. Ignore those that are content to sit in their nasty little flesh. You outgrow them. Let the fallen stay down.

Besides what better way for the Father of all Lies win a battle but that he prevents someone from spreading the works of love huh?
2009-07-02 13:37:05 UTC
I don't understand . . . Why are you ashamed of the people *in* your religious group, &, *not the religion itself* which teaches that our Creator spends a lot of his time & energy in torturing *anyone* forever---or, even for a *little* while??? Why not be ashamed that its teachings actually *go against* what God's Word itself teaches, which is that:

“The wages sin pays is death.” --Romans 6:23

“He who has died has been *acquitted* from his sin.” --Romans 6:7

'Acquitted' = "declared not guilty; legally blameless!

“Far be it from the true God to act wickedly, and the Almighty to act unjustly!” --Job 34:10

". . . With evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone." --James 1:13

"What Has Happened to Hellfire?"

- What Really Is Hell?

Why not get involved with the religion that already teaches what you are---that God's Word is full of the wisest guidance, that has very positive influence on those who apply its counsel & principles . . . ?

"The Bible—Just a Good Book?" :

- A Textbook for Modern Living :

--- A Book That Gives Purpose

--- Adding Stability to a Troubled Life

--- Help in Overcoming Emotional Problems

--- Practical Counsel on Family Life

--- Counsel That Endures!

"How Can You Benefit From *Godly* Principles?" :

- Your Choice of Principles

- Godly Principles Can Benefit You

- Some Helpful Bible Principles

"The Golden Rule—Is It Still Practical?"

- A Universal Teaching

- It *Is* Practical!

"Why Study the Bible?"

- The Key to a Meaningful Life

- What the Fear of God Means

- Fear and Love Work Together

"What Does the Future Hold for Christianity?"

- A Sneak Attack on Christianity

- Christianity Subverted

- True Christians Shining in the Darkness

2008 Report of Jehovah's Witnesses Worldwide

Jehovah's Witnesses: Where & How We Worship

Even Jesus Christ is not just one of --but, the foremost-- of Jehovah's Witnesses . . . Compare together: Isaiah 43:10-12 with Revelation 1:5


2009-07-02 11:39:12 UTC
There is an easy solution. Cut out the middle man and simply present the messages you have intepreted from the Bible as a legitimate secularised philosophy, supported by evidence and valid arguments.

No sense including the Bible if you are not going to follow its literal meaning. Which, by the way, is bigoted sado-masachistic babble.

Like it or not, liberal Christians are not proper Christians. The Bible was clearly meant to be interpreted literally. Liberal Christians may believe in God, but not the same God that stalks the pages of the Bible.
2009-07-02 11:50:26 UTC
If I might suggest "No More Goodbyes: Circling the Wagons Around Our Gay Loved Ones." I don't believe that Jesus condemns anyone to hell, since the bible doesn't support belief in a hell. However, I do believe that homosexual behavior is a sin, and that when you repent of something to Christ then you need to "sin no more" according to what Christ said. Yeah, it's pretty much impossible to sin no more, but that means you try to sin no more. That means someone who fully embraces that homosexuality is fine isn't doing what Christ said.

However, it's very wrong to tell people they're going to hell. It's wrong in my opinion to drive someone to suicide through hateful actions (I don't mean things like passing laws, I mean things like yelling, attacking, or basically being a jerk towards homosexuals). I consider murder a worse sin than sexual sin.

However... it's also VERY wrong for you to teach someone's child something they may not agree with.
Amma's Child
2009-07-02 14:18:06 UTC
You don't need to be ashamed of your religion. These are people that do not like to see change and prefer that Jesus teachings are twisted to suit their selfish views of the world. They do not wish to change themselves, so they twist His teachings to allow them to continue to separate themselves from others.

Just continue what you do and believe is true from your heart. They are just ignorant and do know any better. It may seem like there are so many of them turning against you. The fact that they are acting like this is proof enough of how much they do not truly understand Jesus's message of love for all. He said that what we do for others we do to Him too because He exists in everyone of us.

Do not worry, God knows you best and knows how to best use you as His instrument. Do it with real faith and love of Him, then it will draw the right people into your life that need to hear what you share.

If people are continuously fighting against you and not appreciating you, then go where others WANT to listen to you. God will lead you on that if you have faith on that.

Just forgive them for their ignorance, complaints and judgments. They just don't want to listen from their heart and change. Focus your energy on those that listen to you with an open heart.
2009-07-02 11:39:10 UTC
Now you kind of see what atheism is becoming more "popular" ( or more accuratly why people are turing away from relgion)

"One person actually called me a heretic because i told one of her children that the bible is a message from God that we should love one another"

Well clearly you didnt read the old testement
2009-07-02 12:16:57 UTC
Dear Hi,

Here's my story, hope it helps:

My grandfather, great-grandfather and cousin were/are Lutheran ministers; a cousin on other side is a Catholic priest. I have lots of Christian people on both sides of the family, but I am not one of them--I lost all faith in the Bible at age 9 when my sister died, and I realized that the Bible things people were telling me didn't make sense.

Quite frankly, hard-core Christians are notorious about cherry picking what they want to believe.

The truth, Hi, is that YOU are correct--the Bible IS just a history book, and one that is not wholly (or even half-way) accurate at that. It was written by MEN, NOT by God, and only a mere 2,000 years ago--not long in the history of man--at a time when few people could read or write at all. Only a small number of religious scholars were capable of recording history in those times and they, not surprisingly, had a religious bias on what they wrote.

They also wrote about things that happened before they were born--like the creation of the universe they wrote about, the origin being something that they could only guess at.

And even Matthew, Mark, Luke and John only wrote about Jesus decades after his death (yes, death. Jesus allegedly "rose from the dead"--but ultimately Jesus DID DIE. Why do Christians never mention that? Jesus died of old age just like the rest of us). And in fact, Matthew Mark Luke and John all give different versions of what Jesus said and did--clearly at least 3 of them had to have gotten stuff wrong.

STICK TO YOUR BELIEFS, HI, because Thinking People will ultimately realize that the Bible is NOT literal or accurate.

Even my cousin Rob, the priest, says that the stories in the Bible just serve as parables (ie., God NEVER turned that lady into a pillar of salt)--and the parables were for people who lived 2,000 years ago at that--they don't translate well into the modern world.

Your church WILL lose members if they stick to hard-core, illogical thinking--just as churches everywhere are losing members if they're inflexible. Polls show that younger citizens in the US are pro-gay rights--your church is going to lose people if they try to pretend that "The Bible says homosexuality is wrong." [WHERE does it say that!]

So stick to your guns and know in your heart that you are right to teach that God is a loving God.

TELL YOUR CRITICS that even clergymen like my cousin Rob, the Catholic priest, does not believe the Bible was written by God--that the Bible was a book written by a handful of scholars 2,000 years ago who had limited knowledge of the world and no access to information beyond the desert they lived in. They had no encyclopedias to read, no Internet to do searches on, no foreigners to talk to......

Tell them that they WILL lose members if they call them 'heretics,' or do not accept gays as 'equals.' Or otherwise pass harsh, unloving judgment on others. If they can't accept your loving beliefs, find yourself a new church to go to. They'll be sorry they lost you.

ONE LAST point to mention: It would be wiser, I think, to speak of God's love without referring at all to the Bible--just leave the word "Bible" out completely. The Bible is full of human contradictions--to refer people to it will only create doubt in Those Who Think.

SO SPEAK OF GOD'S LOVE WITHOUT ANY REFERENCE TO THE BIBLE AT ALL. That way people won't have any reason to be angry at you for mis-representing the Bible.
2009-07-02 11:50:47 UTC
You are being persecuted for your belief.

You are right in saying God loves everyone because God is love.

The Bible is a history book but it is also a book of guidance. It contains stories in the form of parables but it also contains history, the beginning of Christianity, the history of the Jewish people etc.

If more Christians focused on the Love of Christ instead of the sins of people I believe we would see such an influx of people devoting their own lives to the Lord. It is not our place to change people, that is the job of the Holy Spirit. Our place is to reach out in love. For some people the only Christ they will ever know is the one Christians show them. Do you want them to see an angry Christ, pointing His finger saying you are going to hell or do you want to show them A Loving Christ whose arms are open and ready to embrace them? Maybe that is a question for those who are quick to judge you.

John 15:20

Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.

John 15:19-21 (in Context) John 15 (Whole Chapter)
2009-07-02 11:39:11 UTC
Well, it sounds like your a kind Christian whose heart is in the right place. Maybe a change of location would do you good? Try finding a town with less focus on what the Bible tells people not to do, and more so on the positive messages.

Its terrible they lecture you like that...
2009-07-02 11:46:10 UTC
I wonder in what circumstances you talk to children about the Bible. Religious views are true to some and false to others, even to people in different sects within the same religion.

I don't believe in God and I don't take part in religion. But when I was a scout-leader I decided that my business was to support the children in what they believed; and I took them to services and activities in local churches and liaised with local Jewish and muslim organisations. All of the clerics within these religions knew that I personally had no religious beliefs, but we co-operated. And I consulted parents a lot as well.

Of course this part of the activities was a small part of scouting, but I think I've learned to help people in ways that make sense and seem right to them; not necessarily in ways that make sense or seem right to me. It never happened to me, but I wouldn't have supported persecution of gay people.
2009-07-02 11:53:56 UTC
To Jonahs surprise, God really wanted to save the people of Nineveh, even though in Jonahs estimation they were beyond redemption. When Jonah was angry God told him

Jonah 4:11

"But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?"

The goal of our faith is to refine and purify us. You are surrounded by danger constantly. Yet the Lord will protect you.

Romans 5:2 - 5

"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."

God has entrusted His sheep to your care. It is a great blessing that He has placed you among these people whose consciences have been seared and who cannot understand the purpose and meaning of the scriptures. Share your understanding with them.

John 21:16

Again Jesus said, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me?"

He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you."

Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep."

Don't worry about it. Just keep doing Gods work. You have a very special purpose and your reward is waiting for you.
Holly Golightly
2009-07-02 12:06:29 UTC
It will be really easy for people who hate evangelists to take pot shots at you right now. But your question seems sincere, and you seem on the verge of discovering the key to why nobody cares what evangelicals have to say except themselves.

So the most important question is this: What is your goal? To regain the respect of people you say don't know God? Or to find your true, Godly path?

The truth is, what you're discovering is humility, namely, that your cohorts have none—and perhaps you're lacking a little, too. (I don't mean this as an insult. This is a learning process, and it's events like these that teach us humility.)

You are blessed with a level of awareness that shows you that Christian faith is supposed to be about love, not about these modern political condemnations.

Now you have a difficult choice. Are you strong enough to stand alone against the crowd?

Because you find yourself in a no-man's land. You're stuck between "Christians" who have missed the point on one side and, on the other, what evangelicals call "non-believers."

Who will you preach to?

Will you seek to show the erroneous Christians their ways? You're discovering that these are not people who see themselves honestly. They are driven by ego, a thirst to right, not to be holy. When one of their own respected leaders, like you, challenges them to see their shortcomings and change, they reject the truth and the truth-teller—much as the Pharisees rejected Christ.

Or will you seek to preach to the non-believers, who will treat you the same way they treat the arrogant Christians you describe—and for good reason, because even a blind man can smell the hypocrisy of evangelicalism.

This is why it's a lesson in humility. You may be about to discover—if you truly open your mind—that you are the student, not the teacher.

Perhaps you'll discover that in seeking to learn from others, they more willingly learn from you. Your willingness to admit that you don't know things, your distance from the arrogance of giving advice, and your desire to learn more will BE the example you set. But you will genuinely have to put yourself in the position of student. You can't do it with the hidden purpose of gaining trust so you can then push your agenda on others.

It's a humbling experience, and it's a trial keeping yourself that honest.

Perhaps you'll discover that being LIKE other people is what draws them to you, rather than seeing yourself as above them to begin with.

But it will be a long, difficult road, because in the beginning, you're going to find yourself alone. It sounds like you're already losing the respect of people you thought respected you. Can your ego live with that? Can you distance yourself from these people, knowing they'll be calling you a failure, an apostate? Your goal cannot be to reinstate yourself in a position of authority with them. What's the point of having authority over people who will not see the truth? You will have to accept that whatever your new position is, it will not be one these people will respect.

In the end, if you embrace the struggle, you may discover that in the future, when you speak to people who are suffering, you'll be speaking from shared experience rather than from a self-imposed pulpit. And they will sense your genuine nature instead of sensing an air of superiority that drives them away. THAT is the effect of humility.

Good luck.
2016-11-04 02:07:39 UTC
i do no longer think of that maximum issues in the Bible (and specific the Qur`an as properly) would desire to be taken actually or you ultimately finally end up believing that the earth became into created 6000 years in the past, it is evidently nonsense. I watched a television software a while in the past, i think of it became into stated as "Did Darwin Kill God" (would have this incorrect) the place a non secular pupil made the component that contradictory passages in the Bible oftentimes have a hidden meaning. My component being that the Bible desires recommended and knowledgeable interpretation.
2009-07-02 12:16:46 UTC
Your brain/mind is slowly waking up to the absurdity of religious dogma

which I just call Organised Psychosis....

Religion gives a lot of comfort to a lot of people, some need that, but some use it to attack anything they are too weak to attack on their own without a Bible to thump !

Without wishing to sound immodest, I found reading the Bible an insult to my intelligence. It may have splinters of history but is Mumbo Jumbo

Dogma is religion's weakness, but it's fear of death that people can't come to terms with that props it up. (Sad)
2009-07-02 11:37:23 UTC
I feel that way too sometimes. Obviously God loves everyone regardless of what they do or what their sexual orientation is. People like to hide behind religion and use it to justify their own biases and bigotry. It's amazing how much more harm they do than good.
2009-07-02 11:40:58 UTC
It is not the religion someone is following but their own ignorance that causes problems. People use faith as an excuse to hate and isolate people.
Salim Gohar
2009-07-02 11:46:05 UTC
cause if every one even Muslim read holly book and find true .so its hard job.

Cause no one can find without a friend of God

your soul want light of God then you can't feel shame after having light of God in your soul and heart.

try to get light first then you read book that time you see that all book going to your heart and you can understand this book whole
Little K
2009-07-02 11:38:08 UTC
Do not be ashamed , im a christian and I have felt that before it just brings everyone down. Believe what you want to be believe not what others tell you. And if they can't exept that then forget about them, I know it's hard but it's what god would want.
2009-07-02 11:50:09 UTC
First of all, if you are not a qualified teacher, it is not wise to try to teach others outside of your own circle, especially to children. Second, if you do decide to teach outside of your circle, be prepared to come under fire for those things that you say because people will see your teachings as your own opinion.
2009-07-02 11:41:32 UTC
Ask them to point out the verse where it says you have to believe every word in the Bible.

Better yet, ask them to point out to you where it says the word Bible, aside from the cover.

And if you disagree with me, you sir are worse than Hitler.
2009-07-02 11:50:03 UTC
The fact fact about your story is one woman condemned the act of homosexual which is act for real because its an act no body is a homosexual,that woman can put her view in the world news where the whole world can hear her,believe me nothing bad will come to her because her personal view about act of homosexualizm is nothing but the only truth.
2009-07-02 11:38:23 UTC
Do you think that someone who says Jesus condemned homosexuals to hell is actually a member of your religion? I would argue that maybe they are not. If you think they are, then you should change religions.
2009-07-02 11:37:56 UTC
That is the problem with religion, people are stupid, bitter, and angry. They don't want a message of peace. As a matter of fact when messengers of peace appear the people kill them.Marten Luther King Jr., Jesus, John Lennon,. They want permission to hate. They want someone to blame, they want someone to punish.
2009-07-02 11:39:21 UTC
The people just don't like the way the bible and its rules. Homosexuals to hell? It's the truth, and it's not encouraging anyone to join. It's just the religion you're in.
2009-07-02 11:41:36 UTC
Are you and 'newly born' the Troll Twins of Y-answers?

One fills the bowl with oatmeal and the other throws in the hand grenade....metaphorically speaking,of course...
2009-07-02 11:39:35 UTC
everybody is going to believe what they are going to believe regardless of anything or anyone. you keep on keeping on, but maybe not counsel

the kids... if the parent wants to fill the child's head with crap like

gay people are going to hell- thats thier own business.

as sad as it is..

all you can do is beautify your corner of this life.

gold stars for you!!
2009-07-02 11:45:49 UTC
' because i told her daughter that God loves everyone regardless of what they have done and everyone can seek his forgiveness. '

you should have clarified that God's unconditional love is based on His death on the cross. I think your statement doesn't carry this message. Rather, it says God loves sinners but not their sins. This is heretical, i'm afraid.

We know God hates sin and He destroys those who sin. How then can He love sinners outside of His death on the cross? Unconditional love refers to His death on the cross to save all sinners. However, this in no way can be translated to say that God love sinners but hate the sin = twisted, heretical teaching.

by not standing against homosexuality and homosexuals, you are really sending a message of condoning the evil act. We do not judge homosexuals to be sinners. God does that. But we stand WITH God AGAINST sin ... especially blatant, shameless sin. The bible states categorically we cannot sit on the fence. We MUST take sides ... either with or against God.

the bible states clearly ... if we are not against them, then we are with them. Are you so deceived by satan ... or perhaps your bible knowledge just isn't up to standard.
2009-07-02 11:45:59 UTC
Most religions are shameful

don't forget, your problem is with people, not God
James W
2009-07-02 11:38:47 UTC
I think it is more of a problem with how people are understanding your teaching than in what you are teaching.
2009-07-02 11:37:38 UTC
listen, all you can do is make sure The Word gets out. you cant make ppl belive it, you just have to let them know the truth. if they dont take it, its between that person and God. never be ashamed of God.
2009-07-02 11:37:11 UTC
You don't need to drive people away from your religion, 21st century education will do it more successfully of its own accord. Thanks for helping though.
2009-07-02 11:37:26 UTC
It's unfortunate, but sadly not unusual.
2009-07-02 11:36:34 UTC
I'm afraid I don't understand exactly what the question here is.
English Patriot ¸.•*´`*♥ ♥*´`*•.
2009-07-02 12:28:22 UTC
I've seen this 'question' here before. ZZZZzzzzzzz...........
2009-07-02 11:38:01 UTC
so you base your beliefs on others opinions and reactions to your thoughts huh?
2009-07-02 11:36:01 UTC
Your not the first christian to do this lol
2009-07-02 11:36:16 UTC
Yes, the problem is that people don't like to read the Bible!

You probably heard the name of "SLAUGHTER HOUSE RELIGION" given to Christianity. ALL Christians need to snack God the Son Jesus Christ in some way as part of the “salvation” package. Jesus talked about eating his meat and drinking his blood to go to Heaven when you die!

John 6:53 (KJV) Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you (DUCK!), Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you* (*Relax, Jesus is spiritually speaking into the future, when the Roman soldiers were going to cover him in spit, and when he was going to sweat tears of blood crying in desperation not to be nailed to the Holy Cross!).

It takes years of Christian and Catholic schooling to learn how to serve the Holy Communion just right, or Christians can get real sick and die! Protestants have relaxed this warning, but Catholics still believe that the Host* (*wafer) and Wine is magically transformed into the ACTUAL Meat and sweaty Blood of Jesus so in some parishes extraordinary measures are taken after Mass to monitor that no trace of the body of Jesus Christ is found in any spent chewing gum stuck under the Church pews, or anywhere else!

1 Corinthians 1:29-30 (KJV) For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many SLEEP* (*have died. More Mafia talk! Low IQ Christians who are sick are screwing up the Holy Communion, or how else can they get sick? Spiritually speaking, of course!).

The Christian writers of the NT were delighted to declare that in fulfillment of Bible prophecies Jesus Christ’s flesh was beaten to a pulp, thoroughly tenderized, and heavily marinated in Roman soldiers’ spit, as the “spotless Lamb of God taking away the sins of the world” while hanging totally naked nailed to a Holy Cross!

Job 17:6 (NIV) God has made me a byword to everyone, A MAN IN WHOSE FACE PEOPLE SPIT* (*this is about the most dominant prophecy about Jesus!).

Many years after God the Son Jesus Christ died, the Christian NT Bible writers run amok highlighting the events in Jesus life that fulfill Bible prophecies, and this is one of them!

Matthew 26:67 (NIV) Then they SPIT IN HIS FACE and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him.

Matthew 27:30 (NIV) They SPIT ON HIM, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again.

Mark 14:65 (NIV) Then some began to SPIT AT HIM; they blindfolded him, struck him with their fists, and said, "Prophesy!" And the guards took him and beat him.

Mark 15:19a (NIV) Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and SPIT ON HIM.

That’s just about a Gallon of Goy spit, not Jewish, but Gentile spit! The preachers go wild announcing that the Jews rejected Jesus, but the ultimate form of the most humiliating rejection ever put together comes from the Romans, not from the Jews! There was something very obvious about Jesus’ personality that invited a lot of Roman spit! It is all documented in the Bible. I get email calling me a blasphemer!

There is no historical record at all that the Roman soldiers ever let their victims take a shower after a heavy dose of spitting! There is no record, either that the Romans dressed any of their victim’s genital area in a white diaper before nailing them to any cross no matter how holy! In fact, there is no record that the Romans crucified anybody in Jerusalem. The Romans were much better known to IMPALE their victims driving a thick pole into their victim’s rectum and forcing them to stand on it until the pole would eventually pierce the heart or lung killing them by their own body weight! The thicker the pole, the longer it took to kill the victim. Jesus hardly suffered a sissy’s death hanging down so placidly from his 2 nailed hands that can’t possibly hold anybody hanging in there for any length of time! Christians are brainwashed to believe that crucifixion is the most tormenting death ever invented! Not so! Impalement would have been a real pain in Jesus anal cavity and still fulfill Bible prophecy about “hanging on a tree!” If Jesus had a pole stuck up into his anus he would have had his eyes popping out of their orbit, and he would be crying for his Daddy God up in the Sky like a charm! According to the Christian Bible writers, Jesus Christ was able to conduct a long heated conversation with his peers nailed to the other crosses, and with some of the guests at the crucifixion site, and with the Roman soldiers that crucified him!

About 500 years ago, the Protestants wised up and removed the hanging corpse of Jesus Christ from the Holy Cross. Now, only Catholics display a dead body nailed to the Holy Cross, and ALL Christians and Catholics must snack on Jesus’ spit flavored Meat and drink his sweaty blood in the Sacrament of the Holy Communion, aka “The Lord’s Supper” to go to “Heaven” when they die! Christianity is a very primitive religion. Most people in America are unable to function without it!
2009-07-02 11:37:39 UTC
I don't blame you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.