Christians > What was MEANT by the fall of man?
Gods Cowgirl
2009-09-22 14:56:40 UTC
hey yall. i need some imput and some different thoughts! what do you think (biblically) was MEANT by the fall of man. think about it. with the key word MEANT. more than just discribing the fall of man. what was MEANT by it????
Fifteen answers:
2009-09-22 15:28:12 UTC
After each of the first 5 days of creation, God declared what He did to be good. After the 6th day, when He created man, God declared it very good. This implies perfect. The whole creation is connected in the aspect of what it is and what it is for. It was done for the glory of God.

God did not create the world because He was lacking in anyway. His glory is so much that it is actually inclined to overflow. Just like a fountain overflows because of an abundance! not a deficiency. God's glory is magnified by this creation, that was the purpose of it, but that does not mean it was deficient to start with. It is the character of God's glory that inclines it to overflow and want to be shared. So this whole creation is connected in that way. But humans are the pinnacle of this creation. We were created to really magnify God's glory in a special way. The bible says that God created us in His image. Now I don't think that this refers to any physical aspect. The bible says that God is a spirit, not a man with a body. But we were to be the image bearers of God. God created man with a soul and a living spirit. This is different that all other creation. We were created to dwell eternally with God. So God created us with an eternal soul. Our soul is essentially who or what we are. Our soul is housed in our body. We were also created with a living spirit. Our spirit was our connectedness with God. It was our unity and special fellowship that we had with our Creator.

So our Soul, Living Spirit, and our Body is the trinity that makes us up. All of this abiding in the perfection of God is what we were created to be in order to magnify God's glory. But there are deep spiritual truths that are at play here. (These are my words and thoughts, not to be misinterpreted with the truth or God's mind and will. I cannot comprehend God's truths or wisdom, this is just how I try to picture it)

In order to really magnify God's glory He created us like we are. You see, an intelligent, logical, free willed creature can actually love and worship whereas a robot running a computer program of "I love you.... I worship you... I love you... I worship you..." is not real living spiritual love or worship. So we are actually created a living Soul with free will.

And we were given a choice to do this or to rebel and turn from God.

I think that this is the only way to make the love and worship even more spiritually eternally truthful. Now God will not dwell with iniquity. He will not have a close unity and fellowship with corruption. He is eternally Holy, Perfect, and Self Sustaining. It is His very person that makes Him like this. He WILL NOT be compromised. So when man chose to sin, to rebel, to commit iniquity - we became corrupt and God with drew from us. Our close unity and special fellowship was severed. Our spirit died. This is the crux of the whole issue. There are many issues with sin and perfection and good deeds and everything. But the crux of the issue is that we are spiritually dead. There is nothing that we can do to fix this. Now we are still under lots of blessings from God. He has withdrawn from us and our we are spiritually dead, but He still loves us and provides lots of things for us. He is full of grace and mercy towards us. If He wasn't we would all be dead in an instant. We are under certain curses (associated with the fall - and most are actually designed to draw us back to God and to keep us safe) but we are still under God's graces and loving hands. Because of this many people think that they are o.k. by themselves or that they can do good deeds themselves or lots of things to reconsile themselves back to God. This is just not true. Our salvation and Spiritual rebirth is entirerly a work of God. God has provided the perfect and only way of this through Jesus Christ and His death, burial, and resurrection. We only need not reject this in order to partake in it.
2009-09-23 04:12:17 UTC
Adam and Eve were in a sinless and innocent state. Through the fall they became 'mortal' like us. becoming sick and would eventually die. However through this change in their bodies, they became able to create life, in other words have children.

Without the Fall we would not exist. Adam and Eve needed to partake of the fruit, have a physical change in their bodies and be cast out of the garden of Eden. In the Garden they were living in the presense of God. Out in the 'dark and dreary world' they were not in the presense of God. This is what it is meant by the fall.

Some religions say that Adam sinned and that he was bad. I personally am so grateful for the fall because I know that because of his decision I was able to be born, and my friends and my family. And without the fall we would still all be spirits waiting in heaven.
2009-09-22 15:04:21 UTC
When humankind became consciously aware for the first time of the idea of duality.

Peace, and Namaste!
2009-09-22 14:59:42 UTC
a man was walking and fell in a manhole.
2016-03-17 08:26:04 UTC
All those who ARE true Christians have the responsibility of praying for their leaders, country, family, and those around them. If we pray according to II Chronicles 7:14, this will have an impact. Prayer works. We don't always know who the true or false Christians are. The Lord could give us a sign if we are wondering and pray about it concerning a loved one or friend. Quite often those who were raised in Christian families and still go to Christian activities and even said the prayer of salvation will think they are Christians, but I said the prayer of salvation when I was 12 and might have said it before at Vacation Bible school. I believed in and loved God, but didn't have any power in my life, and had a great deal of fear, just happy if the circumstances were going my way, and miserable if everything was going against me in those days. It's important to review II Chron. 7:14 and apply it to our lives. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (King James Version) 14If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. As for falling for anything----that could be true if you don't have a lot of common sense. A weak Christian can fall for anything because the devil knows what they are weak about, and he will bring the temptation on. This is supposed to wake us up and start us praying and calling on the Lord and spending more time meditating on the word, but then it might not. There are too many very weak Christians who don't know anything about walking in the spirit and crucifying the flesh, and this is likely to cause them to make friends who will pull them down the wrong path.
2009-09-24 23:18:23 UTC
Fall of man means committing sins. sin means missing the mark

2009-09-22 15:09:36 UTC
In the beginning, the plan for the soul included experiencing all of creation, but it did not necessarily mean participating in all forms and substance. Nor did it mean that souls can interfere with the creation. Nor did it mean that souls are to spin their own little worlds, twisting and bending laws to make images of their dreams.

But these things could happen. The soul was the greatest thing that God made because it has free will. Once free will was given, God did nothing to curb it. However it acted, it had to act within God's reality. By whatever route, the soul will return to God.

At first there was little difference between the consciousness of the new individual (i.e., soul) and its consciousness of identity with God (i.e., spirit). Souls merely watched the flow of the Mind, somewhat as people daydreaming, marveling at its power and versatility. Then souls began to act itself, imitating and paralleling what Mind was doing. Gradually souls acquired experience, becoming a complementary rather than an imitative force. It helped to extend, modify, and regulate creation.

Certain souls became aggressive with their own power and began to experiment with it. They mingled with the dust of the stars and the winds of the spheres - feeling them - and becoming part of them. One result of this was an imbalance between the positive and negative forces. To feel things demanded the negative force. To express through things (and directing and managing them) required the positive force. Another result of souls becoming aggressive with their own power was the gradual weakening of the link between the two states of consciousness (i.e., spirit and the soul). Some souls became more concerned with and aware of their own creations rather than God's. This resulted in the fall of certain souls to an even lower consciousness. The Bible allegorically refers to this event as the Fall in the Garden of Eden and the revolt of the angels in the Book of Revelation. This event is also the basis for the cosmology of Christian Gnosticism and Jewish mysticism.
2009-09-22 15:03:33 UTC
If you believe Genesis it wasn't the fall of man, it was the enlightment of man. The text says man was ignorant, and then his eyes became open. The serpent actually told the truth. The Bible is messed up because it acts like humans gaining intelligence and awareness is a sin
2009-09-22 15:01:41 UTC
well when a country overtakes another country we would say they 'fell' to them. so i think it means that man was overtaken by sin and went from his original state of perfection to a lower state of sin.
2009-09-22 15:00:30 UTC
i think it means like the defeat of man we was deafeated
2009-09-22 15:01:11 UTC
Once upon a time a man was walking along the top of a cliff . Oh you can guess the rest. He fell off. THE END.
2009-09-22 15:10:38 UTC
God said to Adam and Eve you may eat from any of the fruit within the garden except from the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge between good and evil. He said to them if they eat the forbidden fruit they will die. Well Eve was tempted by the serpent and ate the fruit (disobeyed God), then she deceived Adam into eating the forbidden fruit. This was the fall of man.
Traveling Viking Immortal
2009-09-22 15:00:20 UTC
It meant that humans are going to have a big fall from a wall
2009-09-22 15:00:03 UTC
There is only one definition of the fall of man that is accurate, and that is when Adam and Eve, and all the rest of us, fell from grace, and sinned and fell short of His glory.
2009-09-24 01:14:19 UTC
your own sins

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.