After each of the first 5 days of creation, God declared what He did to be good. After the 6th day, when He created man, God declared it very good. This implies perfect. The whole creation is connected in the aspect of what it is and what it is for. It was done for the glory of God.
God did not create the world because He was lacking in anyway. His glory is so much that it is actually inclined to overflow. Just like a fountain overflows because of an abundance! not a deficiency. God's glory is magnified by this creation, that was the purpose of it, but that does not mean it was deficient to start with. It is the character of God's glory that inclines it to overflow and want to be shared. So this whole creation is connected in that way. But humans are the pinnacle of this creation. We were created to really magnify God's glory in a special way. The bible says that God created us in His image. Now I don't think that this refers to any physical aspect. The bible says that God is a spirit, not a man with a body. But we were to be the image bearers of God. God created man with a soul and a living spirit. This is different that all other creation. We were created to dwell eternally with God. So God created us with an eternal soul. Our soul is essentially who or what we are. Our soul is housed in our body. We were also created with a living spirit. Our spirit was our connectedness with God. It was our unity and special fellowship that we had with our Creator.
So our Soul, Living Spirit, and our Body is the trinity that makes us up. All of this abiding in the perfection of God is what we were created to be in order to magnify God's glory. But there are deep spiritual truths that are at play here. (These are my words and thoughts, not to be misinterpreted with the truth or God's mind and will. I cannot comprehend God's truths or wisdom, this is just how I try to picture it)
In order to really magnify God's glory He created us like we are. You see, an intelligent, logical, free willed creature can actually love and worship whereas a robot running a computer program of "I love you.... I worship you... I love you... I worship you..." is not real living spiritual love or worship. So we are actually created a living Soul with free will.
And we were given a choice to do this or to rebel and turn from God.
I think that this is the only way to make the love and worship even more spiritually eternally truthful. Now God will not dwell with iniquity. He will not have a close unity and fellowship with corruption. He is eternally Holy, Perfect, and Self Sustaining. It is His very person that makes Him like this. He WILL NOT be compromised. So when man chose to sin, to rebel, to commit iniquity - we became corrupt and God with drew from us. Our close unity and special fellowship was severed. Our spirit died. This is the crux of the whole issue. There are many issues with sin and perfection and good deeds and everything. But the crux of the issue is that we are spiritually dead. There is nothing that we can do to fix this. Now we are still under lots of blessings from God. He has withdrawn from us and our we are spiritually dead, but He still loves us and provides lots of things for us. He is full of grace and mercy towards us. If He wasn't we would all be dead in an instant. We are under certain curses (associated with the fall - and most are actually designed to draw us back to God and to keep us safe) but we are still under God's graces and loving hands. Because of this many people think that they are o.k. by themselves or that they can do good deeds themselves or lots of things to reconsile themselves back to God. This is just not true. Our salvation and Spiritual rebirth is entirerly a work of God. God has provided the perfect and only way of this through Jesus Christ and His death, burial, and resurrection. We only need not reject this in order to partake in it.