Where is God when bad things happen? Where is He when it hurts?
♥ Scorpio X
2007-02-06 21:20:59 UTC
I've tried to keep my faith in God alive.. Just as much as I've tried to keep my hopes up and head held high. Each time I think things are going the way they should be, another bad thing happens to me. It's like one bad thing after the other - I'm beginning to get used to the pain, it's just another thing I cross off my list of all the jacked up things that have happened to me.

It's like I can't every get anything right. I pray, I get on my knees and beg for God's help. And what do I get? Nothing. Complete NOTHING.

Does He even CARE about the bad things that are happening to His children? Does he weep when we feel pain and sadness? Where is He when I'm crying? He's not wiping my tears away. Where is He when I need answers? He's not there to reassure me.

There are only so many tears you can cry before it drains the light from your eyes, and there is only so much a soul can bear before it starts to die inside.
39 answers:
The Notorious Doctor Zoom Zoom
2007-02-06 21:33:02 UTC
For one thing, you need to get out of Astrology. God can't bless you as long as your in it. You're worshipping the "Host of Heaven" instead of Him. Num 23:23 Duet. 4:19 (astrology). Isaiah 2:6-8 (fortune tellers, idol worship condemned), 8:19-22, 29:14, 47:11-15 (astrology). and you've turned made Astrology your source instead of God.

When people have the occult in their lives, they will never be happy. Just look at these occultists

Believe me, I know the occult only brings misfortune and prevents God's blessigs in a person's life. I'm an ex-occultist.
2007-02-06 21:35:49 UTC
In all seriousness, I've been exactly where you're at and I've asked the same questions. I also got the same answers that you did. None. Very disheartening. I know some will tell you God has a plan, yada yada yada. That may very well be true but in the meantime, you'd just like for something, just ONE thing, to go your way.

You have to retrain your thinking. I'm not saying give up your faith, that is your personal choice. Just realize no deity is going to help you out. We're all going to experience pain & suffering. No one is immune from that.

Get out of praying for what you want. Take time out once a day to focus on yourself and ask the universe (totally hippy, I know!) to send some good things your way. Nothing huge, just something small like finding $10 on the sidewalk. Stop thinking negatively. What you put out, you get back.

Accept the bad stuff as it comes. That's the only choice you have or you'll go batty. Rely on yourself, not God only, to get yourself out of bad situations. There is always a way. Focus on guidance to a better path. You don't have to pray for that, just focus on you finding a happier place to be. Imagine it over and over and your brain will finally start seeing what the best thing for you really is.

Life is tough, I know. I won't give you lip service and say you're not faithful enough. From this question, I can tell you are. I like to think God does care. I like to think God listens. I really would love to think that. My logic tells me otherwise so I rationalize my non answered prayers as God basically telling me that whatever it is that I think I can't overcome, I can. The answer is somewhere, I'm just too blinded by my pain to realize it. It's all about using your logic along with faith. Once you apply logic, I truly believe your faith is stronger. God isn't a quick fix, He's there for when you can't cope. I mean truly at your wits end.

All you can do is keep your head up and talk to people that will listen and be supportive of you. You're the master of your own fate. You can change things. Step outside of your problem long enough to find a better path.
2016-05-24 05:59:53 UTC
I've pondered this one for a while, and here is what I came up with. God is real, and this is why. All life began somewhere. That is all the proof you need. Now, I am not saying he or she is Jesus, Allah, or any of that nonsense. I just believe a creative force started the universe. Life does not appear from non-life. Rocks do not produce living cells. Period. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying religion is right. Those people are so full of contradictions and hate, and their 'bible'' is about as logical as a comic book. Being good, as cliche as it sounds, keeps us alive and sane. If everyone felt as it seems like you do, we would live in an anarchic, chaotic society where only the strong survive and the innocent are only as safe as their hiding places. So, to sum it up, 'god' does not allow good things or bad things to happen. Religion is a deadly fabrication, but 'god' (the creative force behind it all) logically has to be real - we just cannot understand or explain him or her (or it, I guess). We create our own good and evil, and the only way humanity will continue to survive is if we do more good than evil. Late
2007-02-07 15:25:41 UTC
Of course he cares about you, Scorpio X. What God does is knock you down everytime you're up to keep you humble. If you always got what you wanted and everything went your way, you would start to become conceded and God doesn't admire that quality. He also will put you through hard times so that the bad things don't seem so bad when they do happen. It's really a blessing. Bad things are a part of life and God is preparing you to face them head on with as little pain as possible. Don't give up faith. Even if he isn't real, the belief that he is has gotten you through some hard times in your life. Believeing in something is good.
2007-02-06 21:38:21 UTC
There are bad things that happen that we cannot control, like illnesses, accidents, and natural disasters. We wish the Guardian of the Universe would do something about these things, but there is no such conscious entity. There is only nature and its physical properties, as in when the clouds condense it's going to rain.

Then there are bad things that we bring upon ourselves or others do to us. These are caused by the VOLITION of people. People can choose to do harm or good to each other and to themselves.

They are responsible to avoid suffering or to create suffering in the world. Reason is the tool that helps us distinguish what is good from what is bad. No amount of praying or faith in magical beings can change reality. Reality has its rules. Francis Bacon said: "Nature to be commanded must be obeyed." Simply stated, think before you act because everything we do has consequences. Nature has no consciousness, therefore it has no preferences, is indifferent to human wishes, and doesn't care. It simply works by cause and effect. The more we understand how natural laws operate, the more control we can gain over it and improve our lives. If prayer was all we could do, we would be still living in caves, dancing around the fire.
2007-02-06 21:36:26 UTC
I can reverse the question back to you, where is God in your life when things are going right? When you are happy? Do you ever thank him everyday, do you remember him everyday? Is He your first and last each day? It's easy to blame God when things aren't going right but most of the times we are to blame.

You said you get down on your knees and beg? A child of God is not to beg, you are just to ask him and if you want to "corner" him quote a scripture, for example, God you said, "By HIs stripes we're healed", and God will heal you. God wants a relationship with you, a communion with you and if you have no confidence when you're praying, you're doubting that He will answer you prayers and when you blame HIm then God will not move when you want him to move. God does not deny us anything at all, He answers at his own pace but that does not mean he will not answer us.

Most of the times when bad things happen it's because thru that hardship we grow stronger and we become closer to him and that's if you endure hardship the right way. Do not and I mean never let the devil convince you that God is worthless and he doesn't care for you because remember the Devil is here to "steal, kill and destroy".

When ever you feel hardship rejoice and say it's not going to spoil your day or mood or shake your faith and before you know it the devil will start backing off. God bless. How you tackle a problem determines whether you're a winner or a loser and do not let your problem be the winner. Have faith in God.
2007-02-06 21:56:51 UTC
Oh! Honey. I do feel for you and I hope this reply helps. I believe we are all Angels having an Earthly experience. We're here to sort out things that we didn't get right before. I believe people come into our lives to help us and we them,sort out things so we deal and overcome fears character floors etc and become more fulfilled people who find love with the right people because we ask more of ourselves and others. We don't react out of fear and loneliness. I think people come into our lives for a certain time 5weeks months years 50years depending on why. Yes You are heard always and you do have Guardian Angels and guides who came with you and some more when times are really tough. A site I like is "llewellyns Web Tarot". it's free and you can do your own readings it's very accurate. This may help you see how things are going and if patience is needed. I feel with this much upheaval that you are in a state of change a new beginning will come after you've shed the old unnecessary things. This can be so hard as it can involve material, relationships that you are comfortable with. Believe me the journey is worth it , You'll be stronger, more confident fulfilled person with the knowledge that you are special and you overcame something that you've feared for along time. Material and spiritual benifits come too. So Honey, continue along your Path, try meditating. This opens you up to receive the guidance you need through feelings , voices with messages. he! he! no not the T.V. you'll recognize the difference between wishful thinking and messages from your guides. look for signs too. If you're not sure just ask your Guides, angels etc.,and if the feeling is a comfortable happy one then it's right , if it makes your jaw stiffen etc then it's wrong . That goes for everything. Especially relationships .I know I'm just coming through the end of this phase and I can tell you it's been a nightmare but I've also known I've had help from them to keep me safe and knowing why this is so. Good Luck and Yes God does hear you and help is there if you listen to your inner voice. Not the negative one get rid of that one that says things like you're useless, no one likes love you, you're too fat, thin , stupid , everything happends to me etc. Tell that voice YOU HEAR IT, YOU DON'T AGREE, BUZZ OFF! or stronger. This will happen for a little while week month etc. but it will go and then you'll have a sense of purpose and you'll tackle life head on.

Besides Meditation, writing your fears down and burning it , or flushing it and saying .I GIVE THIS TO THE UNIVERSE TO DEAL WITH. Releases you eases the hurt worry and fears . Keep doing this everytime. Then write down in a diary what you would like the outcome to be. The best you can think of. You'll get what you need not always what you want. Another saying is What's yours comes to you and that is in all things.

Good Luck and be positive it will work out but you have to help yourself too, sometimes by just being patient and have Faith. Ciao.
2007-02-06 21:35:45 UTC
Sorry to hear you are hurting. I wish none of us had to hurt. The truth is, we all do at some point. I have heard about more people being hurt in the past year than in the post 5 years of my life.

We could actually blame all of this on God. Of oucrse, that would be taking away the blame from ourselves. Most of what happens is caused by someone else. The weather is somewhat caused by us (i.e. global warming) , but overall it was already in His plan.;&version=31;;&version=31;

I know these verses won't make you feel better, but I wanted to try to explain. I experience moments of tested faith as well . . and quite frankly it sucks. The difference between my pain and the world's pain is, mine is temporary.
Thumbs down me now
2007-02-06 21:48:05 UTC
hon i understand the stress that these bad things are doing to you i wont even go into the things that happened before Jan. of 06, but at the end of Jan i misscaried a baby because of my choice in birth control. then i almost bled to death after they did the DNC, i almost bled to death. i spent a week and a half in ICU, and another week in a room under constant care.then in sept. my father died a brutaly painful death that happed because of a lethal mix of a major heart attack with three seisures and an anurism. his last words were to my brother. he said darrick it hurts so much then he died. then in dec. my grand mother had a minor heart attack. and we were worried that it would trigger another stroke or another anurism (she had a double stroke and an anurism 7 years ago). then also in dec. my grand father found out that he has a throat cancer that is slowly choking him to death. and in Jan. of 07 i had another miscarraige. again i almost bled to death. my poor husband missed alot of work to care for me and our other three kids till i was able to walk on my own again. i am currently going through a depression that would make brutal torture by hitler look like a cakewalk. my faith in God is the only thing that keeps me from drowning. i am hurting so bad right now that i cant seem to stop the tears. and more than anything i wish i could just feel numb for a while. but if i didnt know that God had a plan for me, and that even though all the bad things do not make sense, he has a purpose for me. and what ever that is, eventualy it will shine through. and i will be rewarded for my faith. my point is dont loose your faith. ther is always someone out there that has worse problems. and maybeyou will have a chance to give them strength to hold on to thier faith. i hope this helps.
2007-02-06 21:29:11 UTC
First you need to care for yourself and others than you'll see the true light. God if there is one doesn't answer and isn't at our beckoned call. It's unfortunate that so many place their faith in the unseen, unkown force of God rather than that which is in front of them daily. In other words have some faith in humanity instead of placing it with God. Live your life loving, caring, and empathizing with others and you'll see that light you refer too. Don't place too much stock in the idea that God is goinjg to rescue you from whatever it is that is causing you pain and sadness. Only through common understanding and communication with other people can one overcome their anguish regardless of what the subject may/might be. PEACE!
Phoenix, Wise Guru
2007-02-06 21:31:48 UTC
I know how you feel, except that I never turned to God.

All I can tell you is that everyone has sh*t. EVERYONE has sh*t. You aren't going through any more than anyone else. Less, in fact, if you have internet access. What you cry about, I learn from. As you dwell on all the things that you didn't get, I appreciate all the things that I am lucky enough to have.

Only YOU can determine what your life holds in store for you. I guarantee this attitude will not get you far.
2007-02-06 21:29:40 UTC
Yes he does care. All of this started in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned. Satan questioned God's right to rule, whether he had his subjects best interests at heart, and said that God was a liar. God could have just destroyed Adam and Eve and started from scratch, but keep in mind that the angels were watching to see what he would do. If he had done that they might have thought that Satan was right. So he had to prove that humans could not effectively rule themselves. He has his own timetable, and soon he will do away with human rule. Please email me for more specifics.
Wisdom in Faith
2007-02-06 21:31:15 UTC
I believe the Hindus call it karma. The Gnostics had a similar belief. They believed that each person's spirit is reincarnated into a new life. The new life that you receive is based on what you did in the last life. If you caused someone constant pain in your previous life, then you feel constant pain in your next life. The purpose is to cause growth and learning in the spirit. Once the spirit reaches Gnosis, or perfect knowledge, then that perfected spirit can return to the realm of light.
2007-02-06 21:43:36 UTC
God is only a belief for some people.

God does not really exist.

nothing really bad happens to anybody.

it is how they react to it. my sister went blind. she accepts the fact that she is blind and makes the best of it. she does not put blame on anything or anyone or a god.she chooses to find some good value in her blindness. look at Stevie Wonder. he chooses to deal with his misfortune in a very positive way.

if you want change , you have to choose to make the change

grow up and take responsibility for your life. live your life with integrity, and you will never need a god.

remember. praying and a dollar will get you a ride on the subway.

or maybe its $2 now.
Clemen D
2007-02-06 22:12:00 UTC
Yes He cares about you,more than you know...He let things happens for you to grow deeper in your faith and to be strong...He knows that you can overcome all those pain..He will not give us trials beyond our strength...He is there when you are crying, beside you... He carry more pain than yours...When His dying body carry the cross and fell many times for our sins (your sins) he is hurt..When He is looking at His Mom Mary crying He is hurt,when people slap His face and do all horrible things to Him He is Hurt....He knows and understand what you feel...Your not alone when you have all those trials and pains..God is with you.....I'm not telling you through my knowledge coz im just an ordinary person..Its the Holy Spirit who guide me to say it to you...God Loves You and He wants you to stay with Him no matter what happen....
2007-02-06 21:35:09 UTC
You definitely want God on your side and He is calling to you in a very loud way from what you've just said. Perhaps take a step back in the process and ask Jesus to cleanse you of your sins, so that you might be perfect in God's eyes. Everything will be alright, but you have to work with Jesus everyday and very carefully try to understand Him.
2007-02-06 21:32:31 UTC
This answers your question and others like:

A baby was born and died in two days....a terriorist bombed 13 people and my best friend was one of those, a car fell off a bridge and killed somebody below, a train wrecked and all aboard died, 9/11 happenned and many innocent lives were lost.

I believe and many people do, that we choose our life before our birth. We pick our parents, our eye color, our nationality, our defects, our friends, our spouses, we choose our entire life plan before we are concieved. This includes heartache, education, income, and the lessons that our soul needs to learn for this time in order to grow.

So, you picked your order for your soul to evolve. Earth is a school, one of the hardest...we choose it to get our spirit to a higher level.

The sadness you feel, is becuase you chose it before you were born. It is for you to grow. You will survive it and be better for it. Believe and pray for the strength to live out the life that you chose tto live.

Be strong. You will make it through. write a poem.
2007-02-06 21:28:53 UTC
I am so sorry you feel that way. I was a Catholic and praying never did anything for me. No results no change of mind. Ever. Only thing you can do is find ways to solve your problems. No matter how hard it is dont give up and look for a solution. I am now an Atheist and i have a clear mind to face the world. GOOD LUCK!
2007-02-06 22:10:49 UTC
He is always their. It sounds like doubt get's in the way of your belief in Him when you truely need him the most. God will never leave you or forsake you. That is the time when you need to read the Bible and that is the time He will Reassure you. He is always around you just can't always see him. Faith is the evidence of thing's Not Seen.
2007-02-06 21:39:55 UTC
I used to reason out like the way you do now, but do you now what i found out? that i was concentrating more on the negative side than on the positive side of things, try to open your eyes, pray that your spiritual eyes will be opned for you to see in awesome wonder how He is working on you, within you and for you. If you pray for God's help, make sure that you are more than willing to entrust everything to HIM totally.Because it's only through His grace that we could surpass any trial or pain. we couldn't do anything by ourselves..If He doesn't care for you or e, how could He possibly allow His only Son to die in the cross just to save us?Don't you think that is great(moe than enuf as an indication that he really love us?) If He did not allow Christ's blood ransom us from sin, neither of us could have lived and we could never been entitled to His promise of eternal life.

In times of troubles, trials and pains, it is the very time that i feel most His love and concern to me, He is carrying me, and i know that He is also carrying you-only, you fail to acknowledge it.

I challenge you to pray by the time you read this message, ask Him to restore your being-your spirit. Ask Him to have your spiritual eyes be opened for you to see His wondrous deeds in your life. pray to Him that He'll guard your spirit with peace in the name of Jesus!

God bless. I'll be praying for you.
2007-02-06 21:31:46 UTC
BY far this is the most touching thing I HAVE EVER read on Yahoo

Sister, when Jesus went to go see his dead freind Lazurus, the Bible tells us he cried (john 11:35). Fully knowing he was going to raise him up again. He feels your pain and constantly reminds you and me that he doesnt conqure in spite of the pain and darkeness, he conquers Through it.

Does God care?

He would rather give up his only Son before He would give up on you sweetheart.

It wasnt nails that held Him to the cross, it was Love.
healing wings
2007-02-06 22:05:29 UTC
What helps me during really bad times is to turn to God with an attitude of gratitude to thank Him for what I do have, for His presence, and for an experience that will lead me to know His love in an even greater way, like new doors being opened.
2007-02-06 21:27:19 UTC
someday God will wipe every tear away... but not yet...

I really liked some of the talks at the National Conference on Suffering and the Sovereignty of God. You might like to listen to quadriplegic Joni Erickson Tada in this conference I think she is just wonderful to listen to and well acquainted with suffering. You can freely down load and listen here
sweet lady
2007-02-06 21:29:26 UTC
Without pain and suffering there can be no compassion or appreciation for the good things in life. If bad things never happen to people then we wouldn't appreciate the good things that we are given.
2007-02-06 21:39:37 UTC
Getting on your knees and crying and praying isn't what God wants.He is always there but when life is good do you seek him out?Do you read his words?Do you love him with all your heart?Is your treasures in heaven or in your home,car,work,friends ect...!Never doubt God does hear he answers but Satan comes to rob,steal and harm us any way he can!This is his world!Its Gods footstool.Find peace in God and with your life the way it is and give thanks always.Find something to give praise about instead of finding all the bad look for the light the good its there but Satan tries to blind you to seeing the good.

Hang in there really seek him and his love.In good times and bad times give him praise!!
2007-02-06 21:30:36 UTC
Then the devil did his job well. He got your weak mind and you surrendered to darkness. The thing is Christians don't know the original teachings of Christ which teach karma and reincarnation and hell is only temporary. God is in your heart and you have to go deep and talk with Him. But We have karma. We keep committing sinful activities day after day. It is a sin to support animal slaughter yet you eat animal flesh day after day and don't even think how that animal suffered for your sense gratification. You don't even know it's a sin because of what they told you. go to gospelofthenazirenes.c for the original teachings of Christ and then you will have more faith and learn how to follow Christ properly. Don't give in to maya (illusion) That is the test. to never give up.
2007-02-06 21:24:35 UTC
What you're asking for is a theodicy. A theodicy is a 'vindication of God's goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil.' There is no satisfying answer to your question because there is no theodicy that works, not even the popular "free will" one.

God is supposed to be all powerful and all knowing. This means he could have created a world with absolutely no evil, suffering, pain, or harm whatsoever. Because suffering obviously exists, we can come to one of the following conclusions:

1. God is evil/immoral/doesn't care

2. God doesn't exist

3. God does not have the power to stop evil (which means he's not god, which means god doesn't exist)

“Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to... If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked... If, as they say, God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?”

- Epicurus

Good luck, I hope things get better for you.
2007-02-06 21:26:31 UTC
I personally believe there is no god. But if there was, do you really think he would just be focused on the human race. Out of the billions of civilization that probably exist in the universe, why would he just focus on humans.
2007-02-06 21:47:29 UTC
He is hiding so you can give him credit when things begin to look good for you. Makes believing in him kind of pointless wouldn't you say?
2007-02-06 21:28:20 UTC
Try finding God on your own, without a religous notion, and you'll find the heart of everything. God does not answer prayer, but can bring great comfort. You are being dissapointed because you expect certain things to happen.
2007-02-06 21:36:26 UTC
2007-02-06 21:24:48 UTC
there are two types of the will of God

permissive and direct

direct he causes

permisive he allows

he does not cause bad thing to happen

he allows them

it may be to help you

hindsight is 20-20

he knows what he is doing

it is all a part of his plan

if you need more help or support, email me
2007-02-06 21:26:05 UTC
And it was this very crisis of faith that turned my wife into an ahteist

At a time when she needed God, there was no reply
2007-02-06 22:04:38 UTC
God does all things according to his will! Maybe

he is preparing you for something you cannot see "YET".
Hate Boy!
2007-02-06 21:26:54 UTC
God has better things to do. Do you really think He created mankind so that each could follow each person around and wipe their runny noses for them? He helps those who help themselves.
Laurel W
2007-02-06 21:25:18 UTC
God suffered all things. Are you greater than he is?
2007-02-06 21:27:23 UTC
Yes he hears your prayers and loves you
Thomas A
2007-02-06 21:26:29 UTC
maybe you should figure out where god is first. then ask where he is when this or that happens. thomas
Lost. at. Sea.
2007-02-06 21:25:11 UTC
Sorry, God is imaginary and If is real is sadist.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.