In all seriousness, I've been exactly where you're at and I've asked the same questions. I also got the same answers that you did. None. Very disheartening. I know some will tell you God has a plan, yada yada yada. That may very well be true but in the meantime, you'd just like for something, just ONE thing, to go your way.
You have to retrain your thinking. I'm not saying give up your faith, that is your personal choice. Just realize no deity is going to help you out. We're all going to experience pain & suffering. No one is immune from that.
Get out of praying for what you want. Take time out once a day to focus on yourself and ask the universe (totally hippy, I know!) to send some good things your way. Nothing huge, just something small like finding $10 on the sidewalk. Stop thinking negatively. What you put out, you get back.
Accept the bad stuff as it comes. That's the only choice you have or you'll go batty. Rely on yourself, not God only, to get yourself out of bad situations. There is always a way. Focus on guidance to a better path. You don't have to pray for that, just focus on you finding a happier place to be. Imagine it over and over and your brain will finally start seeing what the best thing for you really is.
Life is tough, I know. I won't give you lip service and say you're not faithful enough. From this question, I can tell you are. I like to think God does care. I like to think God listens. I really would love to think that. My logic tells me otherwise so I rationalize my non answered prayers as God basically telling me that whatever it is that I think I can't overcome, I can. The answer is somewhere, I'm just too blinded by my pain to realize it. It's all about using your logic along with faith. Once you apply logic, I truly believe your faith is stronger. God isn't a quick fix, He's there for when you can't cope. I mean truly at your wits end.
All you can do is keep your head up and talk to people that will listen and be supportive of you. You're the master of your own fate. You can change things. Step outside of your problem long enough to find a better path.