the original translation of the story of creation is actually like a poem, with poetic phrasing.
the translation of the english word 'day' is 'when the work is done' in hebrew. in my eyes, the big bang happened, God did it.
I am a Christian, and I cannot sit here and imagine that God magicked up the world just out thin air, and put animals on the earth like dragging clip art onto a word document.
If anyone here is an honest Christian, they can see the poetry in God's word. there is poetic repetition in each day. God looked at what He had made and saw it good. then there was evening. then there was morning. the first day.
God made the big bang happen, and the whole earth came together, and the heavens and the earth were separated when the planet came together as one, and an atmosphere appeared from volcanoes etc. then the sea appeared, and life, which evolved into humans.
In my opinion, this is the sensible way for God to do His fabulous work. How else do people logically expect all these things to appear?
I also do not know how evolutionists, as in who do not believe in God, how they can claim all this happened without someone doing it. They believe that the whole universe came into being, with all it's life from nothing. Why can God not have done this? I believe He did.
Hope this helps.