Jehovah’s witnesses, do we need anyone or anything to help understand God’s word?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Jehovah’s witnesses, do we need anyone or anything to help understand God’s word?
28 answers:
God's hi†man
2010-12-17 11:30:27 UTC
You need to get rid of your watchtower magazine and stick to the Bible.
Harriet Pilkypoos
2010-12-17 11:34:27 UTC
the five men who '' translated '' the jehovahs version of the bible could neither speak, write, read or understand greek, aramaic, or hebrew. so how the hell could they lay claim to an authoritative version?

the jehovah organisation is not afraid to deny history or lie to ensure its own survival. Its big business.
2010-12-17 11:47:38 UTC
The plowboy reference is pretty good. But it is tempered by the fact that before then, all copies of the Bible were kept in Latin so the church would be able to twist the Bible to say what the clergy wanted it to say for their own greed.

From Wycliffe on, the Bible was in languages the people could understand. Even the reason for lack of education of so many not being able to read can be blamed on the clergy not wanting anyone to know for sure what lies the clergy was telling.

It was all about being able to read the words, not in understanding accurately what the Bible teaches. For that, we do need aids to assist our little minds. I am not afraid to state I need all the help I can get.
Cd Cd
2010-12-19 00:14:44 UTC

Did you say "spirit guided ones"?? Oh my goodness, this is truly sad.... The sad reality is that at one time i also thought this way.....

Do you really think that the Governing body is guided by the spirit? Seriously?

Exactly what bases do you have for that, aside from them telling you so?

Can your tell us of a biblical example of someone who, under guidance of the holy spirit, spoke something that was proved to be incorrect?

I truly long for the day where all JWs on earth start opening their eyes, start following Jehovah instead of a group of a few men.
2010-12-17 17:26:09 UTC
Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe that individuals are able to understand the Bible with the aid of the Holy Spirit alone, as evidenced by the following quote from the 1983 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses:

"A special pioneer making a return visit asked the lady what book teaches us the will of God. ‘The Watchtower, of course,’ she said. Our sister proceeded to explain that it was, rather, the Bible. ‘Yes, but what would I do with my recently obtained Bible if I did not use The Watchtower to understand it?’—Acts 8:31.” (p 21)

Jehovah's Witnesses are therefore expected to study carefully and believe everything that the Watchtower magazine says:

"It is all-important to study the Bible, and since The Watchtower assists in understanding the Bible, its study is also imperative. Private study of the magazine is essential...If we have love for Jehovah and for the organization of his people we shall not be suspicious, but shall, as the Bible says, "believe all things," all things that the Watchtower brings out..." (Qualified to be Ministers, p156)

JW's love to quote Acts 8:30-31 as proof that people are unable to understand the Bible on their own, but they apparently don't read the context through verse 39. Immediately after Philip preached the gospel to the Ethiopian eunuch, the eunuch was baptized (notice he didn't have to correctly answer a battery of questions before baptism); then the Holy Spirit supernaturally snatched Philip away, and "the eunuch no longer saw him, but went on his way rejoicing."

While this passage might illustrate the need for guidance in understanding the gospel of Jesus Christ, it definitely does not prove that some organization exists whose pronouncements on biblical interpretation are beyond challenge. In this passage, one Christian is preaching Christ directly from the Scriptures (not an organization with a publication), and an individual who is baptized upon his confession of faith is sent on his way rejoicing--with no organization to join!

JW's appeal to this and other Bible texts to try and prove that no one can understand the Bible apart from "God's visible organization on earth." Such an argument contradicts the very thing it's supposed to prove! If no one can understand the Bible apart from submitting to the teaching of the organization, then no one can understand these specific texts apart from the organization. But if that is so, then no one can know that these passages teach the necessity of submitting to the organization's teachings unless they are already submitted to it! The argument is self-contradictory and implies circular reasoning as follows:

(1) God's organization says you need it to understand the Bible because (2) the Bible itself says so, and you know the Bible says so because (3) God's organization says so.

Also, IF this is true, then how did the following ever happen, as reported in the July 15, 1960 Watchtower?

“From the 1870’s onward the thin line of true Christians began to come to historic view again as in the days of the first century. A decided move was made by many of the wheat group to disassociate themselves from the many weedlike sects of Christendom. This gathered group of Christians from many parts of the earth formed a new association that later came to be known as Jehovah’s Witnesses." (p435)

Now, the Watchtower Society also teaches: “How clear it is that, as in times past, Jehovah God has a visible organization today! ... However, WE CANNOT BE PART OF GOD'S ORGANIZATION AND, AT THE SAME TIME, BE PART OF FALSE RELIGION … for what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? ... we could not be obeying that command by remaining a part of, or of giving support to, a religious organization other than the one Jehovah is using." (You Can Live Forever in Paradise, p202)

So how is it that these INDIVIDUALS who were GATHERED out of many "WEEDLIKE SECTS OF CHRISTENDOM" ever become the faithful and discreet slave in the first place, if they couldn't understand the Bible apart from the organization (when there obviously was NO organization)???
2010-12-17 15:22:44 UTC
Reading is one thing, understanding is another. The individuals you referto only made the bible easier to read. The Ethiopian Eunuch could read, but an angel sent a representative of the Christian cong. to help him understand what he was reading. Interestingly, not a Pharisee or a Saducee, despite thir supposed expertise.
2010-12-17 13:13:48 UTC
Acts 8:30 & 31 gives more information on this. It states:'Philip ran alongside and heard him reading aloud Isaiah the prophet, and he said: “Do you actually know what you are reading?”  He said: “Really, how could I ever do so, unless someone guided me?” And he entreated Philip to get on and sit down with him."

A requirement for understanding the Bible is a right heart condition, a sincere desire to learn, a ‘consciousness of one’s spiritual need.’ That is why Jesus spoke in parables or illustrations, to separate the casual and curious listener from the sincere inquirer. The latter would heed Jesus’ words: “Let him that has ears listen,” that is, remain to hear more.—Matthew 5:3; 13:9-16.

The very fact that Jesus Christ gave his congregation “some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers, some as shepherds and teachers,” shows that more is needed than Bibles.

More food for thought.

Have a nice day.
2010-12-17 22:01:35 UTC
those five men didn't know latin, greek or hebrew. they just winged it and wrote the " new world translation of the holy bible".

the watchtower and awake is used as a " steering wheel" to change theology as the elders of the watchtower decided.

if the watchtower in Brooklyn decided that the sky is purple with orange dots, they will publish it in the watchtower and the congregations would believe it.

much like the prediction of 1975 being the beginning of Armageddon.

still waiting on that one............
Big Guy 360
2010-12-17 21:55:39 UTC
A Jehovah's Witness must understand that everything that he/she has ever learned from Christendom must be foregotten and must understand that the Watchtower is God's chosen Organization and therefore will teach and instruct you in the Truth.

As a Jehovah's Witness you have been taught from the Bible and the Watchtower organization. You’ve attended numerous meetings, and are convinced that what you believe is the truth. You also believe the Trinity is a demonic doctrine and that Christendom is an apostate group preaching a false gospel. Additionally, you are taught the Watchtower organization is the true channel of God’s revelation to His church on earth. You are taught that you are in "The Truth."

But believing it does not make it so. I am sure you agree with this and respond by saying that your beliefs are in agreement with the Bible. After all, you study it deeply and often and have validated your beliefs with the word of God. I don’t deny that you study. But when you study, you study under the Watchtower's guidance and allow it to shape your understanding and thinking of the Bible and its doctrines.

Please consider these quotes from the Watchtower Magazine that verify what I am saying:

•"All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah's channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave."

•"Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible."

In short, you are led by what the Watchtower says the Bible says. But if the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is from God, then...

•Why has it made false prophecies?

•Why has it altered the translation of the Bible?

•Why does the Watchtower say you will fall into apostasy if you read the Bible without the Watchtower? See their quotes

•Why are you not allowed to examine your own organization and its problems?

•Why does it tell you what to think and do?

Have you checked the documentation from the Watchtower Magazine? How do you know that the Watchtower is correct? Because it says it is?

Please don’t be offended by this. But when a group claims to be the prophet of God, yet mistranslates the Bible, takes verses out of context, makes false prophecies, and misquotes authorities all to make its position valid, its credibility is lost. It cannot be from God.

But you will never know that unless you "examine ALL things." Unfortunately, as a Jehovah's Witness, you are only encouraged to study what the Watchtower and Awake magazines tell you to study. That means you can't really check up on its false prophecies on your own. Instead, you must trust what it tells you about its own false prophecies. In addition, you are instructed to not take any literature from "apostate Christendom." This way, you will have far less opportunity to be challenged, something the Watchtower organization doesn't want to happen.

The Watchtower Magazine teaches by asking the questions and giving the answers. Sometimes it even uses a Bible reference (often out of context) to back up what it says. It all looks good and sounds good from your perspective. But it is a false method of study. The Watchtower organization tells you what to think and what to do; if you say that isn't true and that the Watchtower Organization is God's organization on earth, then you are simply repeating what the Watchtower tells you.

The Bible alone is sufficient. But the Watchtower denies this:

"From time to time, there have arisen from among the ranks of Jehovah's people those who, like the original Satan, have adopted an independent, faultfinding attitude...They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such 'Bible reading,' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom's clergy were teaching 100 years ago..."

What are the apostate doctrines: Trinity? Hell? Jesus is God? Funny thing is that, according to the Watchtower, if you study the Bible by itself, you will come to believe these things! Could it be that apart from the selected questions, answers, scripture quotes, and direction of the Watchtower teaching, that the Bible actually does teach these "apostate doctrines"? If you don't check for yourself, and only believe the Watchtower, you'll never know.

Do you want to trust your eternal soul to the teachings of several men headquartered in Brooklyn, New York who claim to be the directors of God's organization on earth? Do you? Eternity is a long time to be wrong.
2010-12-17 04:55:28 UTC
Do we need anyone or anything to help understand God's word? Yes, we need the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 2:6-16 explains how the wisdom of God was revealed to the early Christians by God's Spirit: "The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God... no-one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us... The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned... But we have the mind of Christ."

While it is true that God has seen fit to use men like Wycliffe and Tyndale to translate the Bible into language that ordinary people can read, the unregenerate cannot discern the meaning of God's wisdom. You have to be born-again by the Holy Spirit, be indwelt by the Holy Spirit, if your eyes are to be opened, your ears unstopped and your heart softened so that you may understand the true gospel.
Abernathy the Dull
2010-12-18 02:25:32 UTC
The quotes in no way indicate that there is no need to have a secondary body to interpret God's word - the article isn't commenting on that at all. The point of the quotes was to show that, where once the average person couldn't learn from the Bible on their own, now they could.

"Another thing I noticed in the article was that it took Wycliffe, fluent in Latin with a team of helpers, 20 years to translate the bible from the Latin Vulgate to English."

Ok, so it took them 20 years. Since you seem to love Watchtower quotes, what about this one?

"Two years later, Almeida was ready for a more ambitious undertaking—the translation of the complete Christian Greek Scriptures from the Latin Vulgate. This he completed in less than a year, a remarkable achievement for a 16-year-old!" w07/7/1 p.19
2010-12-18 05:33:10 UTC

The reason why there are so many denominations is because the majority of people feel like they have to follow someone else. They want to be told what to do.

The bible was written for the common man to use. There might be passages that are harder to understand, BUT i will say this..... the worse thing you can do, is to force an interpretation of it, despite not knowing, or not being sure, and additionally makes others follow that wrong interpretation.

The watchtower keeps doing this, despite not having the full understanding of the bible. So they guess, and what happens when you guess at the bible? you fail......
2010-12-18 01:52:25 UTC
You need what you believe you need.

If someone else convinces you of what you need, you are in their power.

Edit: Based on the Watchtower stuff I looked up, they allegedly started around 1946 and started releasing the NWT Christian Greek Scriptures (New Testament) in 1950. By 1961, they released a completed volume including the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). Whether or not there were five translators, they had a team of proofreaders and print production staff assigned to the project as well.
2010-12-18 16:54:15 UTC
I'm glad to see you are reading the Watchtower regularly too.
Sub Zero:)
2010-12-18 03:18:41 UTC
The same reason the Bible was translated to start with, to make it easier to understand for all.

The Jehovah's Witnesses don't get paid to do any of their preaching work and the Watchtower is a Bible based aid. It's also doing quite well with over 40,000,000 issues being printed each month, in 180 languages for distribution in 236 country's. That makes it the most widely read publication in the world. Do you honestly think this could ever happen on this magnitude without the help of Gods Holy spirit? Remember no plates being passed, all is from the heart, Even Gray Tower should be honest with herself in this matter. You can keep trying to fault, that is your choice, but with it comes accountability. God knows the heart. Take care.
Question With Boldness, Speak Without Fear
2010-12-18 07:05:01 UTC
Of course at times people may need help understanding the bible. But NEVER should they turn to an organization, but instead pray to God. The bible clearly tells us that the bible is what we need, and if we pray to God for understanding, in His time, we will. there is nothing wrong with talking about bible meaning with others, or asking for opinion on the matter.

But what The Watchtower does is wrong. Over and over again, Witnesses are told that the ONLY people who understand the bible are themselves, that the Watchtower publications are the only publications that hold the truth, they discourage one from reading anything critical of Watchtower teachings or written by former JWs, anyone who looks into past and present publications can find this out. It is also this, among other things, hearing this repeated over and over again that sent me running to find the truth.

The Watchtower indoctrinates its readers into believeing the only way they will ever understand the bible is by allowing the "faithful and discreet slave" to guide their thoughts. The bible says you need the holy Spirit, but since the Watchtower teaches tha tthey are the ONLY ones with the Holy Spirit, it only makes sense their followers would believe all this hooey. the Watchtower has effectively placed itself in between the people and God, making themselves the only path to God...something the bible never suggests. Rather the bible encourages PERSONAL relationships with God, and an individual coming to CHRIST for salvation NOT and organization.

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that their doctrine is the only one that is correct, and unless you believe THEM, you do not understand the bible. They like to point out "look at all the different denominations! there is no unity!"

They do not understand that true unity is unity in Christ. Many churches differ, not on consequential biblical doctrine but on smaller issues, like whether or not women should wear skirts for example... And when there ARE substantial doctrinal differences, MANY many churches engage in interfaith activities, to discuss differences. MANY churches and interfaith organizations UNITE to organize things as small as food drives or as large as repairing homes destroyed in disasters.

Ask yourself why the Watchtower discourages interfaith activivites??

the Watchtower just completely disregards any and all religious opinions differing from their own...

In short you DONT need Watchtower publications to understand the bible. Or any publications. I have NEVER heard this repeated in the church I belong to now, the emphaisis always is placed on prayer to God for HIS assistance, not taking the word of any man or organization and THIER understanding... Always be suspicious of someone who tells you, "you can't understand this unless I tell you what it means" be it something as important as the bible or as small as a legal document...

Anyone who tells you that you are too stupid to figure something out obviously has something to hide.

The biggest obstacle in reaching Christ is a closed mind...
Swarm of Locusts
2010-12-17 15:18:22 UTC
First it was Tyndale not God that said the plowboy could understand his translation. I wonder if he ever proved that. Anyone one that understands the language can "read" the Bible, but obviously all those who can read it don't understand it. As Daniel said, Interpretation is left to God, and Jesus said this would be recalled to our minds by the Holy spirit. The Watchtower is one instrument that is used by his people to interpret scripture. To be noted also was the fact that Tyndale had to do his translation in hiding and on the run from catholic persecution. So he wasn't sitting at the same table for 20 years. And he was very limited in his resources so it would have taken longer.
2010-12-18 16:46:52 UTC
Do we need assistance to help us understand the Bible or Holy Scriptures?

The answer is an absolute YES!

The early translators like those quoted in the question and others had limited resources at their disposal.

Their translations were made mainly from the Latin Vulgate translation which in itself contained many errors and spurious verses added by later hands to prove the Catholic Churches teachings.

One the most flagrant of there was the scripture at 1 John 5:7:

The original KJ renders this scripture as :

"For there are three that bade witness in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." meaning that the Trinity exists.

Newly discovered mss. have proven this scripture to have been falsely inserted. Only with the assistance of others would we know this.

This is one example as to why we need spirit guided ones to assist us in the correct understanding of the Scriptures.

When we read the bible, how do we understand what Jesus meant from the word "WORLD"

John 1 : 9 - 13 The true light that gives light to every sort of man was about to come into the WORLD. 10 He was in the WORLD, and the world came into existence through him, but the WORLD did not know him. 11 He came to his own home, but his own people did not take him in. 12 However, as many as did receive him, to them he gave authority to become God’s children, because they were exercising faith in his name; 13 and they were born, not from blood or from a fleshly will or from man’s will, but from God.

Matt 25:34 “Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, YOU who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for YOU from the founding of the WORLD.

John 17:22 - 25 .I in union with them and you in union with me, in order that they may be perfected into one, that the world may have the knowledge that you sent me forth and that you loved them just as you loved me. 24 Father, as to what you have given me, I wish that, where I am, they also may be with me, in order to behold my glory that you have given me, because you loved me BEFORE THE FOUNDING OF THE WORLD. 25 Righteous Father, the WORLD has, indeed, not come to know you; but I have come to know you, and these have come to know that you sent me forth

34 “Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, YOU who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for YOU FROM THE FOUNDING OF THE WORLD.

41 “Then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, ‘Be on YOUR way from me, YOU who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.

Without the aid of others who have excellent memories and thoroughly understood the languages the Holy Scriptures were written in, we may easily thin that the word WORLD meant the same as the word EARTH.

However with the assistance of more educated men, guided by Holy Spirit we correctly understand this word to refer to people.

Righteous people who were born - or founded - after Adam had sinned.
בַר אֱנָשׁ (bar_enosh)
2010-12-17 20:44:37 UTC
Look at the facts. Everyone who reads the Bible does not come to the same understanding of what is read. That's why there are hundreds of denominations and religions all claiming to be Christian, but disagreeing with one another.

Because "every plowboy could now read God's word" does not mean that "every plowboy" can properly understand it.

What does Tyndale of the 16th century have to do with Bible scholarship in the 20th century. Modern Bible translators have resources that were not available to Tyndale, including the discovery of Bible manuscripts that Tyndale never knew about.

There is a man mentioned in the Bible who read a portion of Scripture but did not understand what he had read.

He was humble enough to accept help. (Acts 8:26-36)

Reading and understanding can be two different things. And understanding correctly may be still another thing.
robert C
2010-12-17 20:26:10 UTC
the authority to interpret scripture is in the hands of the catholic church and the magisterium, as laid down in matthew, 16:19
2010-12-18 03:00:52 UTC
I find it interesting that you learned so much from that article. Are you not thankful for such useful and historical facts that can build you r faith?Hmmmmm. Mark
Waiting For Paradise
2010-12-17 17:49:56 UTC
(2 Peter 3:15-16) . . .Paul according to the wisdom given him also wrote YOU... in all [his] letters. In them, however, are SOME THINGS HARD TO UNDERSTAND, which the untaught and unsteady are twisting, as [they do] also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction.

(Acts 8:30-31) . . .Philip ran alongside and heard him reading aloud Isaiah the prophet, and he said: “Do you actually know what you are reading?” 31 He said: “Really, how could I ever do so, UNLESS SOMEONE GUIDED ME?” And he entreated Philip to get on and sit down with him.

(Nehemiah 8:7-8) . . .even the Levites, were explaining the law to the people, while the people were in a standing position. 8 And they continued reading aloud from the book, from the law of the [true] God, IT BEING EXPOUNDED, and there being a PUTTING OF MEANING [into it]; and they continued GIVING UNDERSTANDING in the reading.

(Proverbs 1:5) . . .A wise person will listen and take in more instruction, and a man of understanding is the one who acquires skillful direction. . .

While many things in God's word are easy to understand there are some things hard to understand. One definitely needs help from others to understand these. The Ethiopian Eunuch, quoted above in Acts 8, was humble enough to recognize this. Incidentally, that account teaches us some valuable lessons:

He was reading one of the prophecies in Isaiah pertaining to the Messiah, Jesus. What if he reasoned to himself: "I don't need any man to explain this to me -- I should be able to figure it out myself." Would he have figured out that this prophecy pertained to Jesus; that Jesus is the Messiah -- all of which is critical for his salvation?

Secondly, what if he sought understanding of this reading from the wrong source -- the Jewish religious leaders who rejected Jesus -- would he have gained insight into the identity of the one spoken of in that passage?

These points illustrate that anyone wanting to learn the truth of God's word need the help of God's true servants on Earth today to grow in ACCURATE knowledge and understanding of God's word.

God's true representative "body of men" on Earth back in the time of that Ethiopian was the apostles and older men in Jerusalem. They clarified doctrinal matters and gave such clarifications to all the congregations as Acts chapter 15 demonstrates (members of the congregations (like Phillip) in turn, preached to others).

Why is it so hard to accept that God would also have an organized body of men on Earth in these last days to perform a similar role? (Matthew 24:44-46) Doesn't that make sense since the Bible warns against teaching "different doctrine" and since Christians are supposed to be united? How does everyone thinking up his own different ideas over difficult passages of the Bible promote unity? (1Timothy 1:3; 1Corinthians 1:10)

Yes we can learn a lot on our own -- but not everything. And would we be doing the best we can if we reject help from the organized body being used by God? The pride of the 'independent disciple' is his own undoing.
2010-12-17 13:02:20 UTC
The Holy Spirit will open the eyes of our understanding when we are born-again of the Holy Spirit, but He isn't going to change the Bible like the Watchtower Comic Book Company did.

The translation of the New World Magazine took about 2 years. Funny though, that is exactly how much time Franz had spent in state college learning about the ancient languages. Out of the 5 men who tranlsated it, he is the only one that had any knowledge, and that was just beginner's Hebrew and Aramaic. So basically he just learned what the numbers are and the greek alphabet.
in the truth
2010-12-17 23:38:34 UTC
The truth will always be the truth, whether or not you choose to believe it
2010-12-17 22:45:18 UTC
JWs format was wrong from day 1 (pyramid scam). Many CONFUSE telling TRUTH (offends many) with HATE. Many ways seem right but its end = death. JWs replaced Jesus with the WTO (aids [why NT was written] r already in the Bible)/taught 2 believe JWs r the true church - criticize WT claims ur against God (claim persecution). Sadly JWs dont know the Spirit of truth must precede the truth or u cant see real truth vs error (why JWs only see few truths not Jesus). Many churches/JWs know about cleaning the outside of a cup (like not honoring holidays) but dont know how the Spirit of God thru Jesus cleans the inside of a cup (no1 can live w/o breaking God's eternal Law).

The Bible severely warns not 2 trust humans/us, clergy/churches/scholars, scientists/TV (Jer 10:2-5,23; Is 2:22; Job 12:11; Prov 14:12; Acts 17:11). Carefully think over what I say. Dont just believe/dismiss what I write - might save u from being snagged by religions who dont know who God is (poisoned tree/fruit).

NWT bible/WT books r slanted 2 fit JW's false gospel (1914/1975 false prophecies etc cancel all JW claims - Bring it up & JWs just keep saying thats not exactly what we meant like the serpent did 2 Eve [Satan was expelled b4 Adam's creation, not about 1914], all true Christians go 2 Heaven not just 144,000. Hell is real - no 2nd chance after death. Sadly, JWs r good @ gathering carnal "head" info about the Bible but lack a real relationship with God thru Jesus.

JWs, like most Catholics/Mormons/many Protestants, SDA/Islam/moonies, Buddhists/Hindus/C Scientists/Scientology/others, begun in error added even more error. Neither a label/title/name, its history/amount of time it existed or claims about them (or persecution) means anything - the practices behind them makes it the whole truth or a lie (calling a dog god doesnt make it God - U can name anything anything - Using a Christian label doesnt make it the truth - Mt 7:21-23). A dictionary definition doesnt necessarily encompass God's full definition/usage of a word or His exceptions thereof - no Biblical prophets were ever muslims.

Many dont take seriously God's Word. God outsmarted man - Only the Bible cant b properly understood w/o going 2 Jesus (Jn 14:6; 5:39; II Cor 3:14, Is 29:11-12 - If Jewish ppl cant pierce the veil over the OT w/o Jesus all gentiles cant - why theres many interpretations/many thinking its fairy tales. Religions r built on what man wants God 2 b - cant all b right (only 1 Bible - why so many interpretations? II Pet 1:*19-21). Religion cant teach much about God (cant teach what u don't know). Who knows more about a house, the Builder or ppl moving in later? In history only Jesus said He's the way/truth/life & no1 gets 2 God except by Him (Jn 14:6; Acts 4:12) - fully true or its a lie = no God (knows all or not God).

Jesus is only way 2 know God - whole truth was complete/finished by Jesus - all claimed new teaching/other beliefs/from self-proclaimed prophets r invalid/cant lead 2 God = false gospels. Jesus couldnt hv done/said all He did w/o fully knowing the whole OT (NT didnt exist in Jesus' time - only way Jesus couldve known the whole OT is if God sent Him) - Apostles couldnt write the NT unless Jesus made them know/remember His purpose (Lk 24:25-27,45). Only God could cause it.

JW's/others' teachings r so diff from Jesus' real teachings theres no way 2 patch the errors even with borrowed truths. My advice: get out while u can - more u allow the WTO 2 program u the greater ur chance of never finding our real Jesus & u should warn others. Rewriting Bible verses & calling it a new world translation doesnt make it any more true - cancels all JW's claims. Jesus wasnt an angel/rose from the dead physically not just Spiritually/no earthly religious org is infallible, only the truth standing unchanged 4ever is. Ur approach/methodology/purpose & attitude (in)directly affect what u learn from God/Jesus/Bible (why debating JWs on verses is useless). Jws r so in2 arguing word usage/meaning they cant find Jesus' true Godly message.

if u hv a good meal thats poisoned adding better quality food (patching it) wont cure the problem - may prolong ur inevitable death but u'll die anyway - still part of the poisoned tree - useless 2 try 2 patch a tire full of holes (adding truth [usually stolen] 2 a lie only makes it a bigger lie). Jesus existed b4 creation even 4 His body. The wise avoid religion & seek God's Son. If ur foundation is built on sand so is the house no matter what u do 2 it. If the sand gives way the whole thing collapses. Whats coming shall b more ruthless than any event in history. NT is about God's Spirit/physical bond 2 full Spiritual truth [NT explains OT/OT shows NT validity] not mechanical rituals/practices/human traditions. Machines can b programmed 2 do repetitive rituals - God isnt in2 robots.

2010-12-17 15:28:21 UTC
After doing it the JW way for 22 years it took The Holy Spirit of God to take the Scales off of my eyes to be able to understand the Gospel.

That and a few well educated Pastors.

In other words: Everything I knew was Wrong
2010-12-17 11:30:12 UTC
How about a brain
2010-12-17 11:48:44 UTC
The Bible's writing was inspired by God's holy spirit, and to understand it, requires we ask God for his spirit (which he freely will give) and it will help us understand.

The translating of the NWT understandably took a great deal of time. The exact amount of time, we do not know. Why don't you ask the men themselves who translated it? Or better yet, why don't you go back in time and ask the translators of the KJV why they felt the need to insert words into the Bible in order to try and support the false doctrine of the trinity?

(YAWN)......more hate group propaganda from ITry and his cult.

*** Unsilenced was NEVER one of Jehovah's Witnesses or connected to Jehovah's Witnesses at any time.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.