Why is it that Anti-Gay views always seem so.....?
2012-07-18 21:44:34 UTC
Hateful, Discriminatory, Ignorant, Bigoted, And just plain Wrong? does that mean that being against gay people makes you all of these things? i think so. I have never heard of any anti-gay argument that didn't fit the description of any of these terms. why can't people stop the hate. It doesn't matter if a 2000 year old book says it's wrong or you just think it's gross and don't agree with it. don't you people see that you are no different than racists or sexists? also, i'm asking this in this section since religious people tend to oppose it the most
23 answers:
2012-07-18 21:52:07 UTC
They're also really stupid - I don't mean that in an insulting sense, I mean it in a purely objective sense. Literally EVERY argument I've heard from an anti-gay person is illogical at best, and usually just downright moronic at worst.

1. They insist being gay is a choice, DESPITE having zero evidence or firsthand experience to verify that

2. They insist it is "unnatural" (without explaining why "unnatural" is bad), despite undeniable evidence that homosexuality occurs in many other species (species not capable of sin, according to the religious themselves)

And I could go on forever. Point is, I have no come across a single challenge to homosexuality that has been intelligently and logically constructed.
2012-07-19 04:53:48 UTC
I think that as with most issues, the reason they seem this way is the people who are against it that you always see in the news,ect. are the over exaggerated version of everyone else.

I am a conservative Christian, and I do think homosexuality is a sin, and unnatural, but I would never call myself anti-gay. I do not dislike gay people any more than I dislike my best friend when they lie to me. It is a sin, like many others, but I still love them; I am a sinner too! And the Bible definitely does NOT tell us to hate gay people

There are people out there who are against homosexuality who are not hateful, discriminatory, ignorant, bigoted, or plain wrong! There are more people than the ones you hear about (that is of course WHY we hear about them-it stirs things up)
2012-07-19 05:12:49 UTC
Don't worry, they will get a good dose of their own medicine - and then they will understand.

“There is a difference between wrongdoing with no premeditated desire to hurt someone and intentional evil. The degrees of harm to others from mischief to malevolence are carefully evaluated. A guiding principle in the spirit world is that wrongdoing, intentional or unintentional, on the part of all souls will need to be redressed in some form in a future life. This is not considered punishment as much as an opportunity for karmic growth. There is no hell for souls, except perhaps on Earth.”

Destiny of Souls - Michael Newton

"We have no right to abruptly halt peoples' lives before they have lived out their karma. They will suffer greater retribution if we let them live. When they die and go to the next dimension, they will SUFFER there. They will be left in a VERY RESTLESS STATE and they will be sent back, but THEIR LIVES WILL BE VERY HARD. They will have to make up to those people that they hurt for the injustices that they did against them.”

Many Lives Many Masters - Dr Brian Weiss
Akira O
2012-07-19 05:01:02 UTC
Ha we're not hateful. We stand for what we believe in just like you do. Sadly some "Christians" can be hateful. But I'm Christian and I know a lot of others who are too and we don't support hate crimes against gays, or any other kind of loathing. But the Bible is a lot more than a 2000 year old book to us (mind you it's a lot older than that.) It's the written word of the living God and for a Christian, what God says, goes. It doesn't matter what you (no offense) or the world thinks because the Bible says that man's ways are foolish but God's are not. He says man and man and woman and woman is wrong and it goes against the way He created things. End of story.

So when you see Christians defending what we believe is right, we aren't being hateful, ignorant, bigoted, discriminatory or anything else you can think of. We don't hate gay people. We hate the sin. And there are plenty of Scriptures against the sin of homosexuality. Yes some people are born with certain tendencies, but it's the Christian belief that it is something that can be overcome if you love Jesus enough, even if it's the most difficult thing ever. You don't have to like it or agree but it's what we believe.

So no, real Christians don't and won't condone gay marriage, etc. etc. no matter how beneficial it would be, or what the legal possibilities would be for same sex families because our God is against it and we don't capitulate for anyone. Racism and sexism lend themselves to the belief that people of a certain ethnicity or gender are inferior and sub human, not worthy to live. Christians don't feel that way about gay people at all. We love everyone the same, we just know that the lifestyle is sinful so we aren't going to condone more sin. Period. Sorry if you don't like it but we believe what's in the Bible :)
2012-07-19 04:48:08 UTC
Yes. Anti-gay people are "Hateful, Discriminatory, Ignorant, Bigoted, And just plain Wrong". It does not matter if a persons religious beliefs makes them bigoted, they are still bigoted!
The Merovingian
2012-07-19 04:49:58 UTC
What's worse, is there is a supposed "christian" way of dealing with issues that christians disagree with. But in regards to homosexualism, christians come out and show their true colors of outright hatred, discrimination, bigotedness, you nailed it on the dot. Homosexuals are not evil people, but just the argument behind homosexuality turns even christians into evil people with their incredible built up hatred.

Why do christians come here to say they are just defending their beliefs? Why is it a defense? Homosexuality is not an attack on christianity. Most of homosexuals aren't christian, they don't belong to your faith. Yet, you think the archaic laws of your god should apply to these people. You think you have the god given right to say people that aren't a part of your faith system aren't allowed to get married, or be a part of an organization. That's absolutely ridiculous. Homosexuals don't affect christians in any way, what goes on in the bedroom does not affect christians, yet christians think they have a divine authority to impede on homosexuals lives like this...and be incredibly hateful in the process. "Oh, it's an attack on my belief system!" No it's not, but your hatred is an attack on humanity. Period.
Flying Penguins.
2012-07-19 04:47:58 UTC
There is no difference between the people that discriminate today than those who discriminated against blacks and women in the past. We all know that those bigots were vilified and I see no reason we should not vilify the modern bigots today.
Mr. Me
2012-07-19 04:49:38 UTC
Christians believe that sex should only be done of you are trying to reproduce. Which isn't the case with pretty much all relationships; gay or straight. They have a one sided view on things. But yea, Christians are idiots.
2012-07-19 04:47:53 UTC
The Bible is no excuse for discrimination against gays because it is only forbidden in the old testament, which was written for the jewish people. So yes, they fit into all of those category's, especially the 'Ignorant' category because they don't know what their own Bible is saying.
2012-07-19 04:47:40 UTC
The religious people are conditioned to hate whatever their religious leaders tell them to hate. Furthermore they hate people who are different from them and do not agree with them on the same issues.

Religion has and continues to encourage hate
Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed!
2012-07-19 04:46:57 UTC
Because the anti-gay activists who espouse these views are angry. The anger comes from guilt, because they know in their hearts that homophobia is wrong and sinful.
2012-07-19 04:47:33 UTC
I agree with you completely. Those who oppose civil rights will be remembered poorly by history.
2012-07-19 04:47:06 UTC
Christians feel that showing hate makes them seem full of love. Go figure.
2012-07-19 04:46:55 UTC
because those views are discriminatory, ignorant, bigoted and just plain wrong
2012-07-19 04:47:05 UTC
trying to reason with a bigot is like trying to reason with a baby, whilst you rely on logic and reason, they rely on pure emotion
God's Canvas
2012-07-19 04:52:16 UTC
Perhaps because the sinful nature within the human being shrivels up at the fact that it is GOD who holds a monopoly on truth and it just so happens He disagrees with you...
2012-07-19 04:47:37 UTC
I have never heard an argument against gays that didn't include "It makes my imaginary friend mad".
2012-07-19 04:49:27 UTC
Ya i dont why people should care let them be happy
2012-07-19 04:49:04 UTC
Because it's mostly hatred of what they see in themselves.
2012-07-19 04:49:15 UTC
They seem like that because they are like that.
2012-07-19 04:46:00 UTC
They seem so hateful because they are
Tigerex-the lonely archer
2012-07-19 04:45:52 UTC
i could hug you right now
2012-07-19 04:46:28 UTC
If men were meant to date other men then men would be able to get pregnant! End of story, it isnt natural sorry to break the news to you. However I guess its a good form of population control

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