2008-05-19 14:08:55 UTC
public desplays of fornication, abortions, gay rights none of these are of God and a real christian a nation who believes in God should knows this.
*But what seems to be evident is that we are built apon Free Mason( a secret society, with ungodly rituals and symbols and beliefs) beliefs. We are american but on the back of our one dollar bill none of our symbols are! an eye, an uncomplete pyramid, and the eagle is suppose to be the egyptian sun god not the american eagle. the stars above the bird when connected make out the star of david( w/ no intention to be related in that way) take the star and align it with the eye above the pyramid. write down the letters that the 6 points on the star point to unscramble and it reads MASONS ??? the inscription around the pyrmid reads new world order. 300 million exist