Agree or disagree? World peace would require abolishing organized religion.?
2016-09-17 04:34:08 UTC
Agree or disagree? World peace would require abolishing organized religion.?
112 answers:
2016-09-18 05:25:56 UTC
Disagree atheism should not be forced on every single person in the world. Religion does no harm anybody, most wars in the world have nothing to do with religion just a really tiny few wars do. You need to understand that atheists lie. Ending organized religion will not bring world peace or bring us any closer to world peace. Modern atheism has become a cult. There are some crazy delusional atheists who actually believe humans would be living in a space age utopia if religion never existed. I think people like this are mentally ill and should not be taken seriously
2016-09-17 13:35:03 UTC
A famous singer sang "Imagine no religion see if you can no greed or hunger a brotherhood of man." World peace by man will never come about. Man has too many agendas. Look whats happening now in the political world. Its the only alternative to abolishing religion and ITS NOT THE SOLUTION EITHER.

There will come a time when there will be only one religion. The one that started in the beginning with our first human parents. Before everything went pear shaped. Imagine Adam was given work to do observing and naming the animals, live and enjoy perfect life. When Eve was made the work was to be more, to have children, extend the boundaries of their perfect home to the rest of the undeveloped earth. Spread out. They were naked and were as children of God. When they sinned a great change came about. Sin and death entered. Rom 5:12 6:23

With the need now for the redeemer he pointed to Matt 6:9,10 Gods Kingdom. Dan 2:44 This is the only way to world peace. 6000 years man tried and just failed.
2016-09-19 00:52:23 UTC
disagree. Human can have world peace some day, but it can not be achieved by abolishing organized religion. Why?

1. Religion play a important role in the life all over the world

Religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods and a cultural system of behaviors and practices, world views, sacred texts, holy places, ethics and societal organization. In the past, human created religion to explain what they didn't know about the world and a God in their mind can cancel their fear about the mystery of unknowable, of unexplainable such as natural disasters . They believe in gods, so they will follow the gods' saying to build a better world. Religion control people by spirit and belief to make them do something voluntarily, while laws enforce them by violence . Religion have appeared and developed continually in the human's history up to now.

Nowadays, we live in a modern society that means we discovered so many new things about the world. An science and technology seems to take place religion completely; in contrast, religion carry on affecting all aspects of our life. As we all know, almost wars now are caused by the conflicts between different religions.

2. We can not abolish organized religion, but can harmonize various religions as well as make people respect the differences between each other.

No matter you believe in Jesus or Gautama Buddha, you must know that all the gods hope people live happily, so let's build world peace together, firstly by mutual understanding and sympathy about religion.
2016-09-17 17:51:12 UTC
Agree or disagree? World peace will require abolishing organized religion.?

World peace is impossible.

Absence of religion would certainly bring us closer though.

But It has to happen on it's own. Banning or actively trying to abolish religion would only make things worse. Religion needs to die on its own.
2016-09-19 11:04:02 UTC
Disagree. Theoretically, I think peace can exist with religion, but only if everyone was the same religion. As it stands, with multiple large factions of various organized religions I do not think world peace is possible.

To be clear, I'm not advocating or supporting an "everyone should be one religion" idea. Im only claiming that this is the only way I can see religion existing with world peace.

To be doubly clear, I would be against such a world. I enjoy diversity and I think it's one of the ways humanity learns and grows.
David at Your Service
2016-09-17 04:52:17 UTC

The former Soviet Union already tried that, even destroying churches and arresting Christians and Jews. They made it illegal to even own a gun (other than for hunting). So what happened? The country had one of the highest homicide rates in the world. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, the Russian people begged for missionaries and Bibles into their country. Even today, Putin courts favor with religious leaders. Those people know first hand what life is like when you abolish religion, organized or disorganized.

Update for Question Mark commenter:

I think there are a lot of Christians like myself who would just love to see this claimed utopia that would result if a community or nation were all atheists. As mentioned above, the closest thing we have to go on of such a paradise is the former Soviet Union where atheism was the official position of the government and even taught in schools. Bibles were banned and churches destroyed. After the Iron Curtain finally fell, the populace begged for Christian missionaries, Bibles and biblical literature. They not only started teaching Christianity in public schools, but in universities too. There is also the tale of Liberal, MO. From accounts of the 19th century experiment, the atheist town didn’t seem to be the utopia atheists thought it would be. (See the link below.)

Based on what little we do know, it appears that such a community would quickly deteriorate into mass misery where everyone basically is fearful, distrustful and hateful toward everyone else. It’s people like atheists in this forum that give the most credence to the conjecture. Many if not most are apparently incapable of disagreeing without including an insult or similar ad hominem. With everyone having that same attitude, the constant insults would escalate to either violence, and/or everyone just avoiding everyone and being suspicious of one another.

That’s what happened in the former Soviet Union. It was so prevalent, when the Iron Curtain finally fell, in order to try to break the impasse for the next generation, community leaders, as mentioned, begged missionaries to come into their communities to teach Christianity, especially to the children, because of its focus on loving one another. Those people are intimately familiar with the claimed “Utopia” of pure atheism.
2016-09-18 12:42:11 UTC
Even as an atheist, I have to disagree. Not because I believe religion makes the world a better and more peaceful place, but because I think a world without religion would look very much the same as this one does.

Humans are social animals, and our genetic predisposition is toward family and tribe. Religion is an excellent example of the concepts of community, tribe, and family. (If you look at the rhetoric religions use, "Family" is a common concept, because they want you to feel like the religious community is your family.) Even if there was no religion, there would just be something else that people would use in place of religion. For example, nationalism and racism; you could replace all of the references to "Jesus" with "America" and it would sound entirely normal.

So, people will find a way and a reason to hate and kill each other. Religion is just one of those ways, and even without it, something else will grow to fill the gap.
2016-09-19 19:16:53 UTC
2016-09-19 15:10:35 UTC
2016-09-19 11:42:52 UTC
2016-09-18 08:04:52 UTC
There is an invisible force of evil controlling many minds today, and that power of hate, lust greed, and murder rules in the heart of many nations.

If the word of God was not spoken, to separate the evil from the truth, there would be no hope at all.

True that there are some religions which speak evil, such as Islam, and other religions that keep people busy is circumlocution, like Hinduism, Shintoism, Catholicism.

Christianity,(the teachings of Christ Jesus) is truth, and is freedom from hate and wars, if only this small planet would listen more intently and do those things that Christ said to do.
2016-09-17 20:01:01 UTC
World peace can only be achieved by respecting everyone, regardless of Faith, Race, Gender, sexual orientation or lifestyle... The moment we start thinking in a way such as, they are wrong and I am right, hence we should get rid of them, is the moment we are seeking war rather than peace. People of all beliefs must understand that this world is vast, and all human life is precious. Every woman and man should have the right to live and enjoy their life without people condemning them, given their lifestyle does not negetively affect other human lives around them. True Liberty and freedom in both life and thought is whats peace for me :)
2016-09-19 01:22:46 UTC
Being someone who gave up religion I hate to say disagree... because I think religion plays a key role in a lot of global war and violence... However, I think the biggest problem is people think they are right and refuse to compromise with anyone. There will be no peace until people are willing make compromises for the betterment of man kind.
2016-09-17 05:01:18 UTC
Disagree because God has always been a God of order. It's men with their selfishness and greed that has caused so much war and turmoil on earth. No human or human made goverment could ever achieve that, it would take a perfect government that could do that. Daniel 2:44 states that God will establish a government that will achieve this peace and it will rule forever.
2016-09-17 04:59:54 UTC
It did such a great job of bringing peace in the USSR during its 70+ years of official atheism. It has help Red China to achieve its exceptional record of supporting human rights and respects for life. It made North Vietnam the most peaceful nation on earth. And it gives us that shining example of world peace that is North Korea today.

Yep, sounds like banning religion would be a big step forward for the world....NOT!!
2016-09-18 22:18:48 UTC
Den B7
2016-09-19 12:03:00 UTC
2016-09-17 07:15:40 UTC
Look up atheist Russia under Stalin, Mao's atheist China and the atheist Killing Fields of Cambodia. I can't even find a total body count for Mao-it just says millions upon millions.

I guess if the atheists kill every one, there will be world peace. There would have to be. We'd all be dead.

Now, really, you thought this was a valid question without looking into the death counts of atheist regimes?
2016-09-17 04:56:36 UTC
Disagree. Economic interdependence is the path to world peace and we've been working on it it global free trade initiatives. When you have more to lose than gain from war, you don't go to war. This can be done with or without religions.
Amy S
2016-09-19 13:56:25 UTC
Disagree. For the simple fact that as soon as you abolish it, you will have people who want it because it was abolished. A balanced world is more likely and honestly preferable.
2016-09-18 03:45:06 UTC
2016-09-17 04:38:03 UTC
It would mean getting rid of religions as we know them today, since they are the cause of so much division and killing. Aboloution is not the answer, education is. People just have to learn it isn't magic.

Religion is for those who don't understand, and have not the capacity, or interest to understand, so they make it all up, and claim it true.

Small children see that is a scam, it is amazing that any adult can not.
2016-09-19 12:44:07 UTC
Religion is and always has been the source of most of the worlds conflict. Read your history books including your Bible. Remove religion , and you remove a source of competition . You also remove the ridiculous magical aspects of a great story told to a primitive group of people in need of a culteral identity at the time of happening.

It would take very little to remove the brainwashing aspect from organised religion, and allow it to use it own brains without restrictions. It would allow believers to adopt the practical side of religion , without having to accept a verbal form of total idiocy in order to become a believer..

All religions could amalgamate in their aim to assist one another to eliminate some of the unacceptable conditions affecting the present human living conditions.
2016-09-19 09:48:46 UTC
This is my opinion: yes. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and for His Will to take place on the Earth(as in Heaven) all things must happen according to Him. Read the Book of Revelation and you'll see we are in the later part of the Last Days. Organized religion will be gone before there will be peace on Earth.
2016-09-17 13:12:50 UTC
Disagree. Organized religion is what's keeping the world in order.
2016-09-19 14:28:17 UTC
Agree: If you want to stop most wars in this world then all we need to do is eliminate religion. One by one, all us Atheists must unite and kill all unbelievers by using guns, suicide bombings, and crashing planes into holy places like Mormon temples, Vatican city, and so on. It is the only way to establish peace in this earth once again. Without religion peace will be restored.
2016-09-17 04:35:11 UTC
2016-09-17 06:21:34 UTC
Disagree although I understand the absolute corruption in such megga groups as the vatican, you see its the problem with Religion being Organized! Organized by Who, that is the issue and becomes the problem of Elitists hiding behind Religions, Whereas Christianity in its pure form is absolute and free from corruption and filled with True Peace.
2016-09-17 18:04:27 UTC
If everyone and I mean EVERYONE was an atheist the world would be much better cuz no one would argue about religion. Would there be world peace? No not at all but we'd have one less issue to solve
2016-09-17 17:36:16 UTC
Most wars today are over oil, land and money, so you would have to abolish fossil fuel consumption, capitalism, governments, the military, islam and the theory of evolution before you would come close to ending war, although ending war would not establish world peace.
2016-09-19 08:37:48 UTC
I disagree because world peace should allow freedom of religion.
2016-09-17 04:43:50 UTC
I disagree.

There would be world peace, without Jews ruining everything. Whenever you see wars, race conflicts, mass immigration, & so on. Jews are behind it all.

This quote was from an evil Jew: "We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do, will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy because we need a world of our own.”

Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, page 155
2016-09-17 14:00:25 UTC
World peace is a pipe dream. That said, having a world of people who are mindless followers of order is not possible in my view unless they all first have their memories wiped clean & are not exposed to anything other than a steady diet of peace, harmony & a life of work that does not involve any type of conflict or competitiveness.
Bill Bowser
2016-09-19 10:13:17 UTC
How do you propose to "abolish religion?" Others have tried to abolish religion--they couldn't do it. All they did was create chaos and heartache. Besides--war comes from inside people, especially people acting like they're still in kindergarten.
philip b
2016-09-18 21:36:50 UTC
The answer is yes. But it is far more complicated then how it sounds. Don't fear the thought of this. God will still be in charge. The way we celebrate and veiw religion will change. It will not only be Gods design. It will be Gods directions. It will change the world and wars will happen. But it will bring the 1000 years of peace. Praising God will not change. And Satan will be defeated. Although some desert God. He will not desert us.
2016-09-19 00:44:44 UTC
World peace would be impossible with religion but abolishing it would also make world peace impossible
2016-09-19 15:25:39 UTC
"Organized?" If you mean Christianity, it would do no good to abolish it. You couldn't do it, anyway. It would just go underground as it did centuries ago. The lack of peace in the world is due to a LACK of actual religious practice. World peace will never come about by debating, protesting, passing laws, outlawing religion, or through revolution. As you are aware, there are many anti-religion types here on Y/A, yet not one of them has ever been able to define it. They're against it, yet don't know what it is. And as for Christianity, it needs to be said that it no longer qualifies as religion, and hasn't qualified for many years now. Giant buildings with colorful windows, highly educated yet ignorant men in costumes preaching from the pulpit, and millions of overemotional believers don't constitute religion. The reality is that the original teachings have been lost and forgotten. What Jesus and the prophets taught is no longer understood by the huge throngs of believers who, in case no one has noticed, are busy inventing their own "truths" as they go, something that Jesus spoke out against. Christians certainly do not contribute to world peace any more than anyone else, and if all of the Christians were suddenly to disappear, the results would NOT be world peace! Let us remember what happened in Russia ~ the Bolshevik revolution ~ those people were atheists and they killed millions of Christians. So a lack of religion doesn't create or cause peace to break out. On the contrary. Those Communists believed in the State, nothing more. I should point out that many anti-religion types enjoy pointing out what happened in Europe during The Inquisition, using that to "prove" that religion "causes" violence. To begin with, The Inquisition was a violent and vicious effort by The Vatican to control the populations, to force them all to fall in line with Catholic doctrine. However, anyone who knows what religion is also knows what religion is not. The Vatican has nothing whatsoever to do with religion, something that most people are not even remotely aware of. It's a world power bent on controlling every human being on the planet. But that isn't what religion is about. And Catholics naively believe that Jesus "founded" the Catholic Church. No, he did not. He didn't found anything. He brought the ancient teachings to those who could hear them. But The Vatican is self-invented and made the false claim that they were of Jesus, which was a monstrous lie. It is largely due to The Vatican's extreme behavior over the many centuries (read, "The Vatican Holocaust," by Avro Manhattan) that religion today has such a bad name. That is why so many today stupidly believe that "religion tries to control people," which is what even Nietzsche believed. The organized "churches" may be trying to control people, but religion itself has nothing to do with that. And if everyone practiced actual religion, if they practiced original religion, which includes deep daily meditation, the world would calm down considerably. Our current world situation is the result of non- and anti-religiousness, due to a complete ignorance of spirituality. Loud, intense Christian preachers make many radical statements, so the pop-culture laughs, saying, "See how crazy religion is!" But that isn't religion. Few people know what real religious practice is anymore. And to "abolish" it would not help ~ but it's already being tried. Look at the huge efforts being made by the PC, anti-free-speech crowd to ban religion. If that happens, you will see less, not more, peace in the world. But then, few understand that concept, either ...
I care
2016-09-17 21:39:25 UTC
Totally disagree......abolishing belief in GOD.........would bring about more hatefulness, cruelness to others, killings, all evil would exist..

World Peace I am sure many of us wish could happen.........but without GOD.......not possible.
2016-09-18 07:38:56 UTC
Religion is just one of many causes of wars and terrorism across the world, so removing religion would only partially help. There are land disputes, nationality, fights for resources, etc.

And removing religion is not possible, we have an innate tendency to be religious. It's called teleology (or agent detection -, where we believe there is purpose behind things and actions in the world. It is probably in part, an evolved trait that allows us to be wary of noises in a bush that may be a tiger, even when it isn't.

From this comes the idea that natural forces such as lightning are from gods, it's a projection on the universe of our idea of purpose. And as civilization progressed, eventually the gods became a projection of us on the universe.

There is also the of loss someone when they die. To cope with this grief comes the idea of an after life. So an innate fear of death also plays a role.

And established religions use this innate teleology most of us have to indoctrinate us in religion, normally that of our parents.

And as you can see, the religious immediately go on the attack (without actually answering the question) by their Stalin cüm hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. Just because Stalin was an atheist, that doesn't mean he killed because he was an atheist, but because he was a power mad megalomaniac. Although over 100,000 clergy men, nuns and monks were shot or imprisoned during the purges of 1937–1938, that was a mere 0.5% of his victims.

1938 - Stalin killed or sent to the gulags 40,000 high ranking military because he felt threatened by them. Nothing to do with religion or atheism. He killed or shipped to the gulags 10 times as many because they were artists, poets and novelists who had the power to influence people.

July, 1941 - Stalin shipped over 100,000 people to the gulags, not on religious grounds but simply because they were Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian who Stalin thought would fight with the Germans.

After the war, he killed or shipped to the gulags over 6,000 people, not on religious grounds, but because they were heroes after defending Leningrad from the Germans, and therefore a possible threat to Stalin's power.

And in their hatred for people who show them why they are wrong, they fail to learn from history. They will quiet happily vote in the next tyrant so long as he or she is religious.
2016-09-19 13:26:49 UTC
World peace will be achieved when there is one world government under an equal system of justice and not before.
2016-09-17 17:24:57 UTC

World peace would require submitting to the will of God.
2016-09-17 12:21:04 UTC
Disagree. Religion is practiced by men both good and bad. Religion is an institution and not an entity.
2016-09-17 08:29:04 UTC
Religion is a biological need actually, without it we simply have no purpose, ergo, insanity and existential crisis. The point is, we don't need to eliminate religion. We just need to stop hating, and accept other people's belief, then respect them. Don't enforce your own beliefs and use your common sense. If you're religious then you know well enough that you're going to hell if you hurt people.
2016-09-19 13:18:46 UTC

World peace for humanity can only be achieved when there are no humans.
2016-09-18 15:44:48 UTC
2016-09-18 17:55:18 UTC

Bit I sou t that would ever happen. True world peace could only happen by the iron hand of a ruling government, but that wouldn't be peace in my opinion.
2016-09-19 04:20:02 UTC
Agree or disagree World peace would require abolishing "organized religion " ?

are not all religions organized ? anthropology and sociology define religion as a CULTURAL system of behaviors and practices world views ethics ETHICS and TEXT of SOCIETAL ORGANIZATIONS that relate humanity to an order of existence with or without deities

( Buddhism is a religion without deities ) there is a distinction between Cherry picking certain CONCEPTS from a "RELIGION " which has a doctrine that you accept those are called your BELIEFS

but all religions have a doctrine because they form a organization that get together and say this is what GROUP"A" is promoting . Now theism in itself is not a RELIGION it has no compounats of doctrine , it only addresses a SINGLE CONCEPT a proposition an Idea of GODS . that is why we have the terms religious theist and non religious theist

the religious theists is adopting MORE than just the single proposition of the god idea they are adopting the rules and doctrine and additional concept that the ORGANIZATION formulated

well it would depend on the doctrine each individual religion was projecting

. what is the key to "WORLD PEACE" is to end TRIBALISM

Tribalism is defined as LOYALTY to a tribe or social group that commands STRONG NEGATIVE FEELING toward persons out side the group .

the "THEM vs US mentality .so if you have a religion that promotes STRONG NEGATIVE FEELINGS toward persons OUTSIDE the group which some do they are practicing tribalism achieving world peace is difficult because it deals with BEHAVIORS and practices

Group "A" a religion promotes a behavior and practice of mutilation of young girls Clitoris because some prophet said its a GOOD thing to do , and group "B" says well we say that goes against a persons human right to Self Autonomy

group "B" isn't a " religion " at all just a group of Humanist dealing with what they see as Human rights . to not be subject to that practice it is forced on children . so its more than just RELIGIONS its about IDEAS and BEHAVIORS and practices

so group "B" is questioning why mutilation of little girls Clitoris is a a good thing and that group " A" says Because OUR PROPHET SAID SO well did you evaluate it to see if it is a GOOD thing and WHY you think it is ? its called QUESTIONING and evaluating also known as MORALITY

rather than just because "SOME ONE SAID SO SO IT MUST BE TRUE its in our BOOK

Like some people do with the BIBLE.....

Was Hitler and the Nazi a "RELIGION" ? No Hitler did appeal to the population of Christian 98 % of the German population were christian that voted him into power He started many of his speeches with "My Fellow Christians "

that population of Christian the majority did not QUESTION the ACTIONS ( use of ones moral compass) of devaluing and persecuting various Groups of People Jews JW , Roma Gypsy's , homosexuals ,black children , the Disabled aged or other ethnicity...

That tells me as PEOPLE they lacked high levels of Empathy compassion senses of fairness and reciprocity elements of forming Morality they self identified as Christians and Christians claim they get their Morality from their "GOD" . that certainly was not demonstrated

what they were practicing was TRIBALISM a Loyalty to a tribe or social group that commands STRONG NEGATIVE FEELINGS for persons outside the group
Luke Tony
2016-09-17 12:56:04 UTC
No, Hitler was an Atheist and we know what he had done. I'm not saying all Atheists are like this and yes religious people have done horrible things too but it's not a religious thing, it's the want for power.
2016-09-17 04:38:02 UTC
I know plenty of people who are perfectly peaceful and do not have a violent bone in their bodies, who are religious.

It may be true that the violent and the hateful are drawn to religion like a moth is drawn to a porch light, but turning off the porch light does not eliminate the moths, it just makes them harder to find.
2016-09-18 00:30:48 UTC
Disagree! World peace is not possible with humans who love conflict. Name one good story that does not involve conflict.
2016-09-17 04:44:23 UTC
World peace is boring...

Abolishing organized religion is boring too....
2016-09-19 07:01:45 UTC
2016-09-17 04:35:49 UTC

Abolishing religion would cause more wars than it already has. . .
2016-09-17 16:15:02 UTC
2016-09-17 12:11:12 UTC
2016-09-17 18:55:43 UTC

It sounds like basic human rights are so worthless to you that you would enslave people to achieve your version of "world peace".

Historians Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod in their Encyclopedia of Wars (2004) analyzed 1,763 wars waged from circa 8000 BCE to 2003 CE. They determined only 123 wars were religious in nature and 66 of those were waged in the name of Islam, leaving, in the last 10,000 years, only 57 (3.23%) fought for all other religions combined.


With love in Christ.
2016-09-19 06:45:43 UTC
Peace will only come when the Prince of Peace comes back. For the mean time, God's peace will rest in the hearts of those who put their trust in Him, as the Bible says.
2016-09-17 17:43:40 UTC

Atheists like Stalin, Pol Pot and chairmen Mao certainly thought so. They killed more people than ALL other conflicts (of ANY cause) in WORLD history COMBINED.
2016-09-17 12:36:40 UTC
2016-09-17 12:24:09 UTC
God has said in His Word, that there will be no peace until Christ Jesus returns and establishes His kingdom on earth. And then He will rule with a rod of iron, but to Him every knee with bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
2016-09-17 20:13:11 UTC
Totally disagree.
2016-09-17 23:58:02 UTC
I'll give you a tip for your stock buying. The Bible tells us that once Babylon the Great is destroyed, the business world will implode, nobody buy anything anymore and all the merchants will be wailing, weeping over this.
2016-09-17 07:37:37 UTC
I would say we need to abolish religious influence. In many places, laws and policies are being influenced by religious institutions.
2016-09-17 17:13:16 UTC
I'm from northern Ireland...u night have heard about the whole catholic \protestant conflict?well let me tell u its about politics not religion...i firmly believe that if religion was gone ppl would find something else to go to war for...the other question is tho:would they also find something else that gives them hope as much as religion does?
2016-09-17 04:41:30 UTC
Not necessarily. It depends upon what religion. Some religions engage in war, just a very few do not.
Fort Erudite
2016-09-18 14:53:01 UTC
The only way for world peace is to remove emotions from all human beings. Then greed, lust, envy, gluttony, pride, sloth, and jealousy would not exist.
Jim V
2016-09-18 19:54:56 UTC

That experiment has been tried in various countries ... with devastating effect.

But still, which theology is important.
The Football God
2016-09-18 04:29:21 UTC
World peace? Sorry, that ended with Cain and Able. Or for you evolutionists when the evolved wolf met the first evolved sheep.
2016-09-17 16:02:08 UTC
Disagree. We could have peace if all religions coexisted though.
2016-09-17 04:45:35 UTC
Disagree, it would require getting rid of the human race.
2016-09-17 08:18:15 UTC
Disagree, in my opinion, people need God and Christ. Since God created it makes sense people that the world needs him to have love, hope, happiness, peace, joy, kindness, faith, and fellowship and brotherhood/sisterhood.
2016-09-17 05:02:57 UTC
Look at history. When counties were All believing and Obeying GOD, crimes were rare to none!

As Atheism has come, Crimes came. Crimes increased over and over and over , for each one to become an Atheists!
2016-09-18 04:35:37 UTC
Yup. But you would need something positive to replace it with.

Imagine arriving on an alien world and trying to explain the bible to the inhabitants.
2016-09-17 05:58:31 UTC
John 13:34, 35

34 I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you,+ you also love one another.+ 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.”+
2016-09-18 21:53:58 UTC
Disagree. Satan and his buddies (all 200 of them) came to earth to destroy you. The only thing that's saved your bacon is Jesus. He deserves a little gratitude.
2016-09-19 10:19:02 UTC
Disagree. There would, however, be a large need for minding your own business.
Alan H
2016-09-19 14:07:37 UTC
As in North Korea?
2016-09-18 05:44:22 UTC
Religion is part of the mess. Think about the manifest destiny and other agendas people had to corrupt things.
2016-09-17 04:36:35 UTC
Yes I agree.
2016-09-17 09:43:33 UTC
Disagree! Religion is not the real source of turmoil.
2016-09-18 02:28:49 UTC
Agree completely. Religion is the scourge of mankind.
Wellll... hello then!
2016-09-19 12:35:46 UTC
No,it would require Jesus coming back to correct things!
2016-09-18 10:05:30 UTC
Hbbxcvc cx
2016-09-17 07:43:46 UTC
Not necessary in my opinion. The best solution is for everyone to respect each other regardless of beliefs.
2016-09-17 13:45:45 UTC
No, but even I don't like theocracies, as a Roman Catholic.
2016-09-17 04:39:06 UTC
disagree. World civilisation is built on such organisation
2016-09-17 05:06:34 UTC
Strongly agree. All religion does is divide us. We are all equal.
Billy the Kid
2016-09-19 09:54:27 UTC
It probably wouldn't be required, but it would help a lot.
2016-09-18 12:34:25 UTC
Actually I learned that it comes from respect for the rights of others more than anything else.
2016-09-17 04:41:17 UTC
Atheshíts need to be eradicated to ensure communism and other chaotic ideologies are destroyed.
2016-09-18 21:41:21 UTC
It will problably happen in the future. I dont agree. You need to be free to believe what we want to believe.
2016-09-19 08:59:32 UTC
Considering religions are made up humans and humans are crap in general, NO
2016-09-18 04:44:03 UTC
Disagree. Humans will find another reason to kill each other.
2016-09-19 07:10:21 UTC
there is no world peace. the world is coming to an end soon.
2016-09-17 18:58:28 UTC
Disagree though it could be a good idea.
2016-09-18 17:39:08 UTC
never happen no matter what you do people will always disagree Cain and Able were the first brothers and Cain killed murdered Able.
2016-09-17 04:45:57 UTC
Total greed it the biggest problem.. but religions and cults are very close.
2016-09-18 08:47:13 UTC
It would most definitely be a step in the right direction
2016-09-17 14:40:09 UTC
That worked so well in the USSR and red China didn't it.
2016-09-17 19:55:41 UTC
It is not within my jurisdiction. Hence I agree to be your disciple. I will follow.
2016-09-17 07:36:39 UTC
Not completely but it would be a step in the right direction.
2016-09-19 15:07:41 UTC
as long as you abolish government and the monetary system aswell
2016-09-17 18:50:05 UTC
Communists already tried to do that, now that didn't work out so "peacefully", now, did it?
Black Happy Woman
2016-09-17 04:39:37 UTC
All I know is that people like you murder if others don't do what they say.
2016-09-18 05:20:22 UTC
There will be peace among men, when there are no more men.
2016-09-17 23:06:37 UTC
no, just abolishing islam
2016-09-17 08:00:11 UTC
NO it would require more than that
2016-09-19 11:28:08 UTC
The Jesuit NWO will be how they get the Muslim,which has to be done.
2016-09-19 12:14:48 UTC
2016-09-17 11:31:32 UTC
2016-09-18 16:21:14 UTC
John Xander
2016-09-19 02:35:55 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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