Agree or disagree World peace would require abolishing "organized religion " ?
are not all religions organized ? anthropology and sociology define religion as a CULTURAL system of behaviors and practices world views ethics ETHICS and TEXT of SOCIETAL ORGANIZATIONS that relate humanity to an order of existence with or without deities
( Buddhism is a religion without deities ) there is a distinction between Cherry picking certain CONCEPTS from a "RELIGION " which has a doctrine that you accept those are called your BELIEFS
but all religions have a doctrine because they form a organization that get together and say this is what GROUP"A" is promoting . Now theism in itself is not a RELIGION it has no compounats of doctrine , it only addresses a SINGLE CONCEPT a proposition an Idea of GODS . that is why we have the terms religious theist and non religious theist
the religious theists is adopting MORE than just the single proposition of the god idea they are adopting the rules and doctrine and additional concept that the ORGANIZATION formulated
well it would depend on the doctrine each individual religion was projecting
. what is the key to "WORLD PEACE" is to end TRIBALISM
Tribalism is defined as LOYALTY to a tribe or social group that commands STRONG NEGATIVE FEELING toward persons out side the group .
the "THEM vs US mentality .so if you have a religion that promotes STRONG NEGATIVE FEELINGS toward persons OUTSIDE the group which some do they are practicing tribalism achieving world peace is difficult because it deals with BEHAVIORS and practices
Group "A" a religion promotes a behavior and practice of mutilation of young girls Clitoris because some prophet said its a GOOD thing to do , and group "B" says well we say that goes against a persons human right to Self Autonomy
group "B" isn't a " religion " at all just a group of Humanist dealing with what they see as Human rights . to not be subject to that practice it is forced on children . so its more than just RELIGIONS its about IDEAS and BEHAVIORS and practices
so group "B" is questioning why mutilation of little girls Clitoris is a a good thing and that group " A" says Because OUR PROPHET SAID SO well did you evaluate it to see if it is a GOOD thing and WHY you think it is ? its called QUESTIONING and evaluating also known as MORALITY
rather than just because "SOME ONE SAID SO SO IT MUST BE TRUE its in our BOOK
Like some people do with the BIBLE.....
Was Hitler and the Nazi a "RELIGION" ? No Hitler did appeal to the population of Christian 98 % of the German population were christian that voted him into power He started many of his speeches with "My Fellow Christians "
that population of Christian the majority did not QUESTION the ACTIONS ( use of ones moral compass) of devaluing and persecuting various Groups of People Jews JW , Roma Gypsy's , homosexuals ,black children , the Disabled aged or other ethnicity...
That tells me as PEOPLE they lacked high levels of Empathy compassion senses of fairness and reciprocity elements of forming Morality they self identified as Christians and Christians claim they get their Morality from their "GOD" . that certainly was not demonstrated
what they were practicing was TRIBALISM a Loyalty to a tribe or social group that commands STRONG NEGATIVE FEELINGS for persons outside the group