Does the bible actually say anything ...?
2006-11-12 11:03:59 UTC
With regards to Homosexuals being part of a church congregation
... or being ministers ..?
34 answers:
2006-11-12 13:13:59 UTC
why? looking for a career change ?
2006-11-12 11:23:59 UTC
Everyone jumping on the bandwagon again. The question asks if the Bible says anything with regards to gays being part of a church congregation or being ministers. The answer(as far as I can see) is no. What the Bible says about practising homosexuals is a completely different question and not one that is being asked here. Can people comprehend written English?

Simply being gay is NOT sinful and many people in church congregations including ministers will be gay.
Kevin B
2006-11-12 11:40:57 UTC
Jesus didn’t say a word on the subject. As for it being “an abomination”, so was tons of other stuff. You also have to remember that there are tons of gay ministers, priests and nuns. So if you took them all out of the church, it would be like taking all gay men out of hairdresser’s shops. It makes you wonder who the hypocrites really are. Personally I believe that we’re all here to learn lessons. Some people are made gay to learn their particular lessons, just like some people are born into a family with lots of money.

I’ve also seen people who ridicule gays and 99% of the time their words come back to haunt them (as some of you will find out later). Do you personally know any gay ministers? I know a few and also some who are a lot higher up in the church. All those churchy types on here would never set foot in a church again if they knew all the stuff that really goes on.
2006-11-12 11:17:19 UTC
The Bible teaches, That a minister must be Blameless, which also means that they can not really point a finger at you, The husband of one living wife. A man that is divorce & re-married while his first wife is alive, can not hold the office of a minister, Now if he stays unmarried he can be a minister, Or if his wife is deceased, then he can be a minister. I know this answer will give me all thumbs down, that's oK, I am not here for points, The qualifications of the Ministry, that I just mention does nOT Prohibit a man to Be A CHRISTIAN & part of The Bride. It only stops him going to the highest calling. Christ will have ONLY ONE BRIDE,
The_Cricket: Thinking Pink!
2006-11-12 11:18:51 UTC
Let's see:

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

How could any of those people possibly lead a church?

As far as being part of a church:

1 Corinthians 5:1-5 (Doesn't mention homosexuality explicitly, but does hint at immorality in the church):

It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that does not occur even among pagans: A man has his father's wife. And you are proud! Shouldn't you rather have been filled with grief and have put out of your fellowship the man who did this? Even though I am not physically present, I am with you in spirit. And I have already passed judgment on the one who did this, just as if I were present. When you are assembled in the name of our Lord Jesus and I am with you in spirit, and the power of our Lord Jesus is present, hand this man over to Satan, so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord.

And 1 Corinthians 5:9-13

I have written you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat.

What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. "Expel the wicked man from among you."

My interpretation of that is that if a person claims to be a Christian, and still does those things, with an unrepentant nature, they are a hypocrite, and are not to be associated with.
2006-11-12 11:32:40 UTC
It says that God gave them over to a reprobate mind, in the OT they were to be put to death, does this sound like someone who should be church members, officers or ministers?

Yes they may come to the services but not become members ect until they repent of their sin and turn away from this perverted

life style.
2006-11-12 11:23:13 UTC
Of course.

Paul tells us :

I wrote to you in an epistle not to company with fornicators, yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous or extortioners or with idolators, for then must ye needs go out of this world.

But I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner, with such an one no not to eat.

For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?

But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person, (1 Corinthians 5/9-13).

I hope you will properly understand what is being said. It is not a restriction upon sinners attending to hear God's word preached.

There are plenty of other Scriptures to answer your question but I won't labour the point.
2006-11-12 11:10:24 UTC
The Bible holds ministers, pastors, up to a high standard - they are not to live in a sinful manner and are not to mis-lead the people who they are ministering to. Sin is sin - whether it is adultery, covetousness, etc. Although ministers and pastors are human and are subject to our sinful nature, they are to make restitution when they sin and ask forgiveness with a repentant heart. All members of any congregation are made up of sinners. So, it would be hypocritical to tell someone to clean up their act BEFORE they come to Christ Jesus. I have many friends who are gay, I do not judge them, although I don't agree with their lifestyle. My sins are between me and my God, as are theirs.
2006-11-12 12:21:09 UTC
So judging by some of the answers, the Bible has succeeded in 'educating' christians that homosexuality is an abomination. In this regard, Elton John is quite right in calling for such an organisation to be banned, which teaches homophobia and hatred. If this is what the bible says, it's difficult to understand how the church could then welcome such people through its doors.
2006-11-12 11:17:33 UTC
Romans 1:24-27 speaks of disgraceful sexual appetites, with both male and female changing themselves into one contrary to nature and becoming inflamed with lust for one another. I Tim 1:9-11 speaks of persons lawless and unruly, ungodly and sinners, fornicators, men who lie with males... and whatever other thing is in opposition to the healthful teaching of the happy God. 1 Cor. 6:9-11 says that neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes. nor MEN WHO LIE WITH MEN WILL INHERIT GODS KINGDOM. Yet that is what some of you WERE, but you have been sanctified.. Point being, even true Christians can be gay, just not PRACTICING homosexuals! You can be HETEROsexual in the Christian congregation, too... just not a single, practicing heterosexual!
2006-11-12 11:10:30 UTC
The Bible mentions that a little levin, levins the whole bunch. A little compromise leads to a lot. So the Bible teaches against it.
2006-11-12 11:11:23 UTC
Hello Bad'

It says we are all sinners, it says Homosexuality is wrong, It says all Christians should be able ministers of the new covenant and that we all need to repent of our sin. Its very clear about what we should and shouldn't do innit

you look a bit like me without me glasses although you may av two eyes hhhhhhhmmmmmmm your name is a bit like mine an all ohhh must be irish
2006-11-12 11:15:05 UTC
The Bible says that homosexuality, beastiality, adultery , in fact all fornication is sin and must be repented of.
Sofa P
2006-11-12 12:48:04 UTC
God already disagrees with homosexuality in the first place, why would He allow them to do His work? How can they do His work while they are blatantly disobeying His Laws?
2006-11-12 12:34:27 UTC
In Leviticous 19:22 it does state "Do not lay with Man as one lies with a woman, as that is detestable"
2006-11-12 11:10:00 UTC
It says they are not to be apart of the congregation.

English Standard Version

1Co 5:11 But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler--not even to eat with such a one.

1Co 6:9,10 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

1Ti 1:10 the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine,
Herman Munster
2006-11-12 11:06:58 UTC
If memory serves, it does say homosexuality is a sin. I don't buy that personally. Don't go by what the Bible says. It's just words on paper.
2006-11-12 11:07:23 UTC
It says that the act of homosexual sex is an abomination to God. This was not changed in the New Testament.
2006-11-12 11:11:38 UTC
Yes, here is an example; Have you beheld a man hasty in his words? There is more hope for someone stupid than for him. Proverbs 29;20. Here is one that applies more to you; There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes but that has not been washed from its own excrement-Proverbs 30;12. Do you have any more smart questions..?....KECK
2006-11-12 11:06:24 UTC
im muslim but i kno according to the bible that homosexuals are exiled from the church
2006-11-12 11:08:45 UTC
know what, stuff like that does make god sad, but if they do love god, and get His Wird out, then i guess its ok, and mayb i guess they change their ways, i think i hear of a guy that had abeen a homosexual, and stil loved god, and changed his ways, im not too sure, it must of been a while back
Robert K
2006-11-12 11:25:21 UTC
it calls them abomonations...i think we can say that makes them somewhat inelligible for leadership positions dealing with god's work
whacky doodler
2006-11-12 11:07:59 UTC
2006-11-12 11:05:28 UTC
Probably somewhere, but then it's contradicted by another passage farther along.

Don't listen to it - it's a bunch of drivel.
2006-11-12 11:08:01 UTC
its the highway code to life. if we all stuck to it life would be better for sure
2006-11-12 11:06:38 UTC
it says anything you want it to can be streched to fit any event. but it's a nice fairytale to keep the kids in line!
2006-11-12 11:11:58 UTC
read it and find out for yourself,
man of questions
2006-11-12 11:06:22 UTC
no, but stupid people added it in because they suck at life and dont understand the phenominon of homosexuality.
2006-11-12 11:05:05 UTC

Blessed Be

2006-11-12 11:05:23 UTC
no its doesnt thats just something for people to whine about
2006-11-12 11:05:24 UTC
if you dont care enough to read it - why care what it says
2006-11-12 11:05:51 UTC
it says a few things, but i don't agree......
2006-11-12 11:08:59 UTC
does the bible state anything of use at all?

that is the question!!!!!!!!
2006-11-12 11:06:19 UTC
No, but it also doesn't mention heterosexuals, so what's your point?

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