If I had proof that God wasn't real which holds up to the rigorous Christian standards of evidence, would people stop believing?
King Apologist
2015-09-16 21:10:47 UTC
I really do have proof that God is not real. But I won't show it to you. You have to have faith that my proof exists. It doesn't just appear on command. It cannot be tested, observed, or detected in any possible way because it exists outside of the natural world. But I assure you that I have the proof, because I have felt the proof speak to me inside my mind to confirm that it is real; it even loves me. If you don't believe that the proof is real, then you will experience eternal torture.

Is this enough evidence to prove that God isn't real?
145 answers:
2015-09-16 21:30:25 UTC
Your proof is false proof. Everyone, beware the false prophet!

MY proof that god is not real is the real proof because I say so and because I have felt it within me.

If you believe the false prophet, you will be led astray and will eventually believe that god DOES exist. This is the skill of the false prophet, leading the righteous astray.

Follow MY way and you will be safe in the knowledge that god does not exist. Follow the false prophet, and you will be abseiled* by doubts

(* Intentional mistake to make impression of christian congruent)
2015-09-17 12:17:28 UTC
There is no proof for either propositions, spiritual experiences that have been described in previous answers are really just coincidence. They happen all the time. This is no way to prove god since most people say god does not affect our daily life or else he would have already stopped people dying at all. Since he doesn't, there is no proof for him except some religious scriptures but those only have spiritual experiences. If you did have evidence against god, it'll be enough to prove god doesn't exist unless people are able to counter it or kill the evidence before you spread it.
2015-09-17 19:27:12 UTC
Since there is no prove that God exist (and can not possibly be any such proof because he does exist) your rant is pointless.

Do Christians have reasons to believe in God? Yep. To list a few:

1) The existence of Natural Law (Look it up....)

2) The Universal Concept o God. If he does not exist, why does every society think he does and come up with the concept?

3) The existence of a material universe. Something that can not happen unless God created it. Everythign can not come from nothing.

4) Fulilled Bible prophecy. Explain how Daniel wrote a detailed history of the Medes, Persians, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Holy Roman Empire before any of them existed?

5) Answered prayer. If a single prayer in all of history has been answered (and they have) then God exist

6) Miracles

7) The unity of the scriptures. How did over 40 authors on three different continents many of whom never meet and never read each others works. come to share the same theology, the same vision, the same images. the same experiences with God - called by the same name - and write all their texts without contradiction each other?

8) The effect of God on the lives of those who encounter him

9) The universal desire within man to find "meaning" and purpose in the universe. makes no sense unless there is a "meaning" in God.

10) The first hand encounters that we have with God on a daily basis, all the time, in our lives.

Just to list a few of the more obvious ones.
2015-09-16 23:16:36 UTC
If I had proof that God wasn't real which holds up to the rigorous Christian standards of evidence,

~~~ Impossible!

would people stop believing?

~~~ No!

Beliefs are not rationally chosen, they are caught, like leprosy!
2015-09-18 06:38:25 UTC
Well, we are waiting for your proof.

Actually you can't prove a negative, i.e. 'no God' there is too much circumstantial evidence supporting God's existence and you would never get the believers to buy into whatever you come up with. It has been attempted many times.
2015-09-17 01:55:28 UTC
This is a section for Society and Cultural and Religion and Spirituality so this question does belong here. This person is using the same process that Christianty ask it's followers to buy into believing that God is real when he/she states they have proof which cannot be seen or proven. Why attack? They have a point they are making about religious beliefs or they are trying to determine the reality of religious beliefs. When you choose to attack them, you are only proving how thinly veiled your own convictions are.

While we are on the subject... How do Christian believers explain the proven existence of quite a few men who were recorded to walk the earth in ancient history who were named Christ or Jesus, who's birth occurred on Dec. 25 and resulted from the pregnancy of a virgin Mother who conceived without mating, who was murdered and rose from the dead three days later and while alive taught about God, their heavenly Father, performed many miracles and preached to their elders and the masses in the areas surrounding where they were born?
Roberta B
2015-09-17 06:53:31 UTC
The point is, there is no proof that God isn't real. Proof, according to the scientific method, involves things that humans cannot do to address this issue - they can't go back in time and observe the creation (or bringing into existence) of the universe. You need first hand observation, experimentation, and replication of this event. Also, assuming that you are dealing with a person, not an unreasoning phenomenon, you need his cooperation.

However, there is plenty of EVIDENCE that he is real.

What many atheists call "evidence" is not the same as what makes them atheists. The reason for this is that people will usually accept what is in agreement with their world view, and evidence has no such bias.

Acknowledging the existence of a Creator, or, lacking belief in God, are both CHOICES, world view positions, no matter how one expresses it.

This is true of pretty much every philosophical stance, so ultimately, no matter what evidence you or anyone presents, a person must make up their mind and heart. There is great wisdom in this arrangement, because by our choices we reveal who we are, and that is what a super-intelligent God who gave us free will would want for us to reveal.

All I can do is present some of the reasons why people believe in God, specifically in the Creator of all things.

People believe in God because God makes himself known through his works. Also, because just like a house is constructed by someone, the one who constructed all things is God. Thirdly, a real, ultimate Creator, by definition, has to be uncreated, so there must be only one.

The God of the Bible recommends himself to be the Creator because of consistent fulfillment of prophecy. Some have counted well over 1000 fulfilled prophecies that addressed the Messiah, or Christ, alone, and they were all fulfilled in Jesus.

Secondly, every few months a discovery in science or archaeology is made that corroborates some aspect of the Bible's account, indicating the legitimately historical background of ancient Bible events, rather than "once upon a time" type mythical scenarios.

Third, the morality of the Bible's commands about how to live our lives works for everyone - respect for life, respect for property, respect for reproductive powers, respect for truth, and most of all, to put God's service in the center of our lives.

I know how to try to prove that God is not real -- Here is how:

1- Go to every possible existing location in the universe, use every searching instrument possible, invented or uninvented, and acquire the ability to observe and interpret all of the data that you collect, and find nothing.

2 - Then, overcome God's determination that you can't find him in this way, unless he wants you to, and then fail.

3 - Then, give up, just appeal to God in sincerity, and then find him.

Psalm 145:18

18 Jehovah is near to all those calling on him,

To all who call on him in truth.

Acts 17:26, 27

26 And he made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of where men would dwell, 27 so that they would seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us.

2 Chronicles 16:9

9 For the eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.

James 4:8

8 Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you indecisive ones.
2015-09-18 02:14:02 UTC
It really depends on the person you're talking to. Some may think God isn't real but for me God is real and I have faith in Him. I'm not arguing, I just want you to know that there are things that we believe in or not. We as humans has a free will on what to believe and accept. Just like the things we thought exist in this world that doesn't and vice versa. I am saying that if you really want to know if God exist or not, you should allow yourself to learn religious things and if you don't want to then the reason would be is you're afraid that you'll loose something you want to prove.

That's what I think you should do.

it is called FREEDOM

PS: sorry for my grammar
Cowboy Rockstar
2015-09-17 11:08:09 UTC
I really do have proof that God is real and I tell you it already show thousand and thousand years ago. You have to have faith that the proof exists. It doesn't just appear on command. It already tested, observed, or detected in any possible way because it exists outside of the natural world. But I assure you there's a proof, because I have felt the proof speak to me inside my mind to confirm that it is real; it even loves me. If you don't believe that the proof is real, then you will experience eternal torture.

Is this enough evidence to prove that God is real?
2015-09-16 23:56:14 UTC
This forum is religion and spirituality. Atheism is neither religious or spiritual so I'm not sure why you're here. You obviously don't have any questions that you desire to be answered. Your mind is set and unchanging.

Though you may not agree with these beliefs, there are still people that do. It is offensive to mock those people for their beliefs, even if they are wrong. Mocking and instigating will not win their minds over. Don't you agree?

You do not hold these beliefs, that is fine. Disagree quietly and peacefully though. At no point in history has ridicule changed men's minds or hearts.
2015-09-18 06:45:14 UTC
While I understand what sort of people you are targeting with this question, I will answer anyway. It's not necessarily the diety I care about but more the teachings of Jesus Christ, so even if you found proof to a diety not existing I wouldn't care since I don't care about that part of religion. I care about love and treating people as I would want to be treated
2015-09-17 05:53:58 UTC
It will always depend on the individual you're presenting this to, obviously, but the answer in regards to "people" is a resounding NO.

Better men have spent their lives trying to do this, without success. Many people are still trying, right now, as we speak. You're probably one of them, though if pressed, you'd probably fall back on being someone who's "just asking questions."

Many have died over it. If it was possible to do this in an instant, or by virtue of any argument a person could ever make, it would've already happened.
2015-09-17 18:20:40 UTC
People will never stop beileiveing, it will go on and on and on and ON for infinity and beyond. I am Christian but I understand why people lose faith. I think that God cares about everyone and he chose for them to have a different way of thinking for a reason. Because it is best for that person! Its best to keep it to yourself because if such evidence does exist, it will start wars EVERYWHERE! But if someone really does tell the world that, it's because that's the path God has chosen for the world to take, at least in my beliefs. If you read the bible and start to think, all it is really is being the best you can be. He made people the way they are for a reason and maybe this is your reason!
2015-09-18 09:14:13 UTC
"I have felt the proof speak to me inside my mind to confirm that it is real; it even loves me. If you don't believe that the proof is real, then you will experience eternal torture.

Is this enough evidence to prove that God isn't real?"

No. Not enough evidence. Also, what you described is not at all similar to the reasoning on which people base their belief in Christianity. Which makes me suspect that you have no understanding of why people are Christian. Which will make it difficult for you to argue against it.
2015-09-18 12:35:43 UTC
Except that you're not even attempting to explain what that proof is, so all we have is your authority, and how do you claim that authority? And why would you expect anyone to listen to you anyway :)

I can recommend a book by Eckhart Tolle called 'The Power of Now'. He sets out quite an interesting argument for God and the 'second coming' of Christ: as a transformation of human consciousness (awareness is the word I would use), a shift from time to presence - hence his Sermon on the Mount - from thinking to pure consciousness, not the arrival of some man or woman. Worth reading, even if it has freaked me out a bit ....
2015-09-17 06:16:50 UTC
In this material world everything points towards an existence based upon what is 'over here'.

Therefore you do not need to bring evidence that God does not exists - It is all around us 'might is right' live and let die' etc. Only the specie of homo sapience were able to go beyond that.

They became aware that we have a soul and our kingdom is NOT over here!!
2015-09-17 17:16:09 UTC
GREAT POINT MADE!But the truth is that no matter how odvious the truth is,the majority of judeao-christians will just continue living in denial and believing a lie than even admit that just their stupid bible's wrong--even though that's what's making their god appear so evil!YES,many actually put a stupid BOOK that makes the very god they "love" look evil before their own god!An ex Christian who's a spiritual scientist [mainly Native American] who's not religious.
2015-09-17 02:52:56 UTC
There must be billions and billions of facts in the Universe that are possible to be known by people. It is impossible for any person to know even one small part of all the facts there are. No one can say for sure that in all of the facts that there are but that no one knows, is proof that even an Atheist would accept that There is a God. Therefor no one can prove that God does not exist. The most an unbeliever can say is that he has not been shown any facts that cause him to believe that God exists.
2015-09-18 15:18:37 UTC
IF you had proof that God wasn't real, people would NOT stop believing.

Of course you can not prove something does not exist, the same holds true for any and all of the OTHER gods that Christians deny [1] And I would like to point out that many renowned scientist are religious, including many Nobel Laureates.

I stopped believing myself during bible classes when I was about 8 or 9, some of the inconsistencies and contradictions in the bible seemed obvious even then.

2015-09-17 04:42:52 UTC
It's sad to see people who are wise In their own eyes. It is a waste to have a level of intelligence and not use it. It is really sad to convince yourself that that someone don't exist because it is too simple to understand. I know it take faith to believe in God. But when I search the universe and see our complex galaxies, solar systems, and the mathematical order in which they function, I know that intelligence is behide such marvelous creations. I am intelligent but I am not responsible for my brain, circumlatory system that runs 24/7. I am not responsible for the gravity that pull everything to earth to keep it from floating off in space. I can't see it but I do see the effect of it. I have faith that it exist. The point is just because we can't understand something does not mean it does not exist. You were not aware of the conception that took when you were produce by your parents. Yet, you claim them as your parents. There is paperwork to prove that they are your parents, but how do you know. You were not aware of your being born. God the creator have paperwork showing he is our ultimate parent. The paperwork states that he created everything according to it kind. This process has exited for centuries and is still going strong. We are entitle to believe what we want. But it sad to miss out on a future where things will be back to perfection and suffering will end. With the economy the way it is and companies are going bankrupt. They are laying people off from work or terminating them although these people had faith that they would get paid and have a job. How much more so should we believe in the One who is the source of life. If you don't believe that if you jump off the tallest building you will be killed, would that stop you from being killed if you jump.

New World Translation Ro 1:20 For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.

New World Translation Heb 4:13 And there is not a creation that is hidden from his sight, but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of the one to whom we must give an account.

Ps 37:11 But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

Ps 37:11 But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

New World Translation Ps 83:15 So may you pursue them with your tempest And terrify them with your windstorm.

Cover their faces with dishonor, So that they may search for your name, O Jehovah. 17 May they be put to shame and be terrified forever; May they be disgraced and perish; 18 May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.
2015-09-17 11:12:34 UTC
They base their belief on the absence of evidence, aka 'faith' no ammount of evidence is going to sway a mind that deluded.

Any evidence would be seen in their eyes as extra support for gods existence or they would interpret the evidence in their own way that fits their belief and refuse to believe anything else.

These people need something to believe in, they need a coping mechanism in life or a greater sense of purpose, no ammount of evidence will take this away from them.
2015-09-18 01:39:34 UTC
Don't get me wrong but even if you provide detailed proof that God does not exist,Humans will still continue to believe in God's existence because the truth is in Reality Humans themselves want to believe in God.They themselves wish God existed. Thats because we as humans have so much insecurities and fears in life that the Idea of somebody watching over us seems convenient to many. Look at the multiple theories that are put in place to justify the existence of God. Besides I believe humans are still primitive in the mind. A fear of God can reduce the number of nasty wrong doings happening in this world. Besides if you say that then no one will believe you because what proof or important power you have to justify it anyway. Prophets could use God to justify their sayings. Worse some people will say you are satanic deceiver. Humans will never stop believing in God even if there is scientific proof of his non-existence. Scientists have been trying to do it but without much success.
2015-09-18 03:48:26 UTC
Because there are so many Christians you'll probably get shot for saying that in public in most places. I am a believer and I think that this is going to turn into a chain message in a few weeks so I'll ignore it, and you can believe what you want.
Den B7
2015-09-19 18:16:22 UTC
If your proof is undetectable then, it's not proof.

If undeniable proof existed, then logical people would have to accept it. However, just as when Galilieo demonstrated that the Earth was not the center of the universe, the bearer of proof of a non-existing god would be considered a heretic and likely brutally murdered.
2015-09-18 00:47:20 UTC
Yes, of course we are all have materialistic views and different ideologies, if one day there was 100% proof that God didn't exist we wouldn't believe. Take murder for example, if there is proof that shows a person didn't do it, we don't believe they didn't it anymore. This is the same answer for your question proof makes us stop believing
2015-09-17 11:27:37 UTC
This is only your way of avoiding the overwhelming evidence that God DOES exist. He knows the thoughts of every mortal ('before a word is on your lips, lo, He knows it'). He gives you the very air you breathe. He knows your thoughts from afar (Psalm 103). Why not be honest with yourself & God that you really DON'T WANT Him to exist? That still doesn't make it happen, right? If I hate someone or something, that won't make it or them not exist! Why do you push God away so much? What are you afraid of? The effort so many put into trying to prove someone they say doesn't exist doesn't has always puzzled me. Blais Pascale once wrote that there is a 'God-shaped' vacuum in every heart waiting to be filled. He cares about you & has a great purpose for your life. Without Jesus you will not be saved from eternal damnation for there is no other name under heaven or earth by which man must be saved (Acts 4:12). Let me share with you that:

1) God loves you (we don't initially love Him) & has a wonderful plan for your life

(John 3:16, 10:10, Jeremiah 29:11)

2) Man is sinful & separated from God and cannot experience His love & forgiveness

(Romans 3:23, 6:23, James 3:2)

3) Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins

(1 Peter 3:18, 1 Timothy 2:5, Acts 4:12, 1 John 1:9)

4) YOU can know this Jesus personally as your Lord & Saviour by accepting His invitation to be in your life

(Rev. 3:20, Hebrews 11:1, 6, John 1:12)

You can't stop God. He gives you tremendous freedom & is extremely patient with you. Don't take it for granted. Life is short - make wise choices & choose Him.
2015-09-18 06:03:43 UTC
No they wouldn't. There is very clear evidence that our chosen leaders are liars and crooks and murderers. People still believe we operate in a

democratic state, and they do what they are told, because the rich and powerful control the media. What they want us to do is work hard, buy lots of stuff and keep our mouth shut about their corruption. And that's what most people do.
2015-09-17 00:55:45 UTC
I don't think so because not only are most stubborn but get very uncomfortable at even the thought of being wrong so I think over all it's a lost cause because when most are raised a certain way they almost never become free thinkers
2015-09-17 01:05:41 UTC
Lol that's cute. The only problem is that proof of God actually exists as scientific proofs so the comparison does not work. I understand that atheist don't have any proof on their side that's been obvious since day one but thanks for the reminder.
2015-09-17 04:21:40 UTC
Human are too tiny to learned how the Universe work. It can be like a computer and always changes programs when you are near to learn it. Who knows?

While we are on the subject... How do Christian believers explain the proven existence of quite a few men who were recorded to walk the earth in ancient history who were named Christ Jesus, who's birth occurred on Dec. 25 and resulted from the pregnancy of Mother Mary who conceived without mating, Jesus Christ was murdered and rose from the dead three days later and while alive taught about God, their heavenly Father, performed many miracles and preached to their elders and the masses in the areas surrounding where they were born?
2015-09-18 06:28:07 UTC

There is no evidence to suggest God is real, no evidence to suggest God isn't real.

Hence the reason they call them beliefs , you either believe or you don't. It's up to that person to chose what they want to believe in.

I am non religious- that is my choice.

Some of my friends are religious ( different religions from one another)- that is their choice !
2015-09-17 02:31:06 UTC
The only way primitive religion exists today is through the child abuse of forcing it into very, very young children but thanks to better education and growing intellects so many teens are able to discover the truth, throw off the indoctrination and step into the real world!

So atheism is not a conscious decision or a belief but a realisation!

The first person to produce a single tiny little piece of verifiable evidence for any god will become world famous and mega rich!

Academia states that in the absence of any sort of evidence of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable evidence is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.

The bible is what is called "Faction” A fictional story set in a factual time and place. Thus the time, place and real historical characters are all correct but the fictional characters and stories are not!

There is not one single mention of Jesus in the entire Roman record - that is right - not one! At the same time as he was supposed to have been around there were a number of Jews claiming to be the messiah - all of whom are well recorded!

There is not a single contemporary record from any source and even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

He was supposed to have been a huge problem to the Romans and produced wonderful miracles but still not one contemporary record?

Even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

Pilate is recorded in the Roman record as a somewhat lack luster man but no mention of a Jesus, a trial or crucifixion that would surely have been used to make him look brighter!

At best he was an amalgam of those others but almost certainly never existed!

Not one word of it is contemporary with the period and was not written until several hundred years after the period the story is set in!! How did the apostles write their books more than a hundred years after they would have been dead?

Christianity is an invention of the Italians and that is why it came from the Holy ROMAN Catholic church!

Please realize that those claims for the Old historians are worthless since they were not even born until long after everyone in the stories would have been so long dead!

Josephus AD 37 – AD 100

Tacitus AD 56 – AD 120

Suetonius - 69 – 130 AD

Pliny the Younger, 61 AD – 112 AD

Justin Martyr (Saint Justin) AD103–165 AD

Lucian - AD 120 -180 AD but he was hostile to Christianity and openly mocked it.

Pamphilius AD 240-309 AD

Eusebius AD 263 – 339 AD

Photius AD 877 – 886 AD

Thallus - But there are no actual record of him except a fragment of writing which mentions the sack of Troy [109 BC] Showing that he was clearly not alive in biblical times.

Some even try to use Seneca. 4 BCE – 65 CE but as a Stoic Philosopher he opposed religion yet made not a single mention of a Jesus or Christianity!

Even funnier is trying to claim Celsus AD ? – 177 AD Who said that Jesus was a Jew who’se mother was a poor Jewish girl whose husband, who was a carpenter, drove her away because of her adultery with a Roman soldier named Panthera. She gave birth to an illegitimate child named Jesus. In Egypt, Jesus became learned in sorcery and upon his return presented himself as a god.
2015-09-17 09:14:21 UTC
This is a clever question and an enjoyable browse through the answers. Thanks for this.

As for my own answer, no, people don't believe because of external proof. I think they believe because in their hearts, in their minds, they subjectively perceive a feeling and have been taught to attribute this to a higher supernatural invisible intelligent force.

That this force also needs money and appears on toast are absurdities that amuse atheists but it is not enough to shake belief, especially when belief gives you something that you are afraid to lose - e.g. immortality, community, a sense of being somehow distinguished and important etc.
2015-09-17 23:32:37 UTC
No no you can't be running around saying this

God will be the judge when this life is over

now stop preaching evil and start preaching

the Bible, the Bible is the Word of God

spoken from Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the one we need to

tell others about.

Colossians 3:16,
Boanergese, Sons of Thunder! Mark 3:17
2015-09-18 12:33:35 UTC
I don't have any proof that you exist or are real, the same goes with me. Yet, I'm reading something you wrote that shows me that I am having a conversation with another real person on the other end of this conversation. I don't see air, but that is one of the things keeping us alive.

You say, something or someone told you that god doesn't exist, Who OR What Said this to you, and how you know that that was REAL? Most things in life are BAST on faith and TRUST. We didn't see the Titanic sink, but we put our faith in the people who discovered it, Right? Understanding God is along those same lines. We have thousands of years of PEOPLE, looking, searching, writing about the findings they've come across or even encountered first hand. But, when you look up at the night sky, do you ever wonder how everything is in such ORDER and yet NOT HAVE A CREATOR? A house Can Not build itself. Since something as small as a house needs a Creator, Why Not Something as Eminence as the UNIVERSE !?
2015-09-17 12:07:29 UTC
I wouldn't stop believing or obeying the laws of the bible.

Without a moral guideline we're animals.

The laws don't protect morality, they protect basic human rights.

Without some form of strong morals we would be heathens having sex with anyone, taking as many drugs as we want, drinking as much alcohol as we want, and living like fools.

Faith isn't about belief, fact or proof; it's about morals.
2015-09-18 04:10:13 UTC
There is a lot of proof against the existence of a god and not a lot for the existence of god. Christians would say that your lying next even though they believe in the same thing.
2015-09-19 07:46:00 UTC
Well I don't think so because evolution has been proven and people still don't believe it . It's really quit frustaiting it's like saying I have proof that your alive and then the person just doesn't believe you.
2015-09-20 08:29:17 UTC
Your premise is wrong because you place God on the same level as humans. God is a spirit being. You cannot see, touch, or hear Him with human eyes, hands, or ears. And proof that God exists is not in human terms and in the demand that He become human to prove Himself to you. He has NO obligation to you. And really, no one cares that you don't believe in Him..........except Him. And you're too busy mocking Him to hear Him.
2015-09-17 14:36:48 UTC
It isnt proof it is only a belief. And people need to accept the different people have different beliefs. Religious people who say that, are only saying that because that is what they believe. There is no proof that god exists or doesn't exist is what one person thinks in their brain.
2015-09-17 06:31:55 UTC
the rigorous Christian standards of evidence,

- those "rigorous standards" is "I believe" which is meaningless.

I really do have proof that God is not real. But I won't show it to you.

- And they have proof that he is real and they won't show us either.
2015-09-18 10:53:25 UTC
My mind body and soul have experienced grace like dew falling down from heaven so how would you X that out? I have experience the Holy Spirit during Mass that a usually grouchy Gal felt like the church had no roof and grace cause me to smile ear to ear with happiness, so how do you ex that out? I have a journal of Gods blessings on my life. So fellow I am telling you that God loves us so so so so much that we can not even imagine! If we will only come to him with our hearts, as he has already come for us. I want you to read "The Life of Christ" by the intellectual rational Fullerton Sheen.
2015-09-17 03:10:38 UTC
The interesting thing is that it was recently proven, scientifically by the way, that atheists share many of the same character traits as those with autism. They are highly emotional, unreasonable, unwilling to have normal discussions, and lack reading comprehension skills. Here is one article, but there are many more if you look for it: So, there is really no reason for those who believe in God to be upset by these people because they are simply anti-social, thinking the world is centered around them, and therefore cannot admit the reality of Jesus Christ. There is a lot of child abuse in organized religion, but Christianity is merely the belief that one must have a personal relationship with Christ, who is God. The Bible even tells you that God cannot be found in a building. He is wherever there are two or more gathered in his name. The key phrase there is "in his name". A bunch of egomaniacs getting together and performing pagan ceremonies is not in his name. The child abusers you are mentioning worship Satan, not God. Satan is their God, not Christ. By denying the name of Christ you are simply playing into Satan's hand. This is his great deception, the church of Babylon. God commands us to come out of her, not attend her every Sunday and give her our money. I don't go to church and I was raised in a household where we never talked about God or religion. Guess what? I still ended up becoming a drug and porn addict. Your assumption that religion is responsible for child abuse is infantile. The Bible strictly prohibits child abuse, stating that anyone who harms one of these little ones who worships me would be better off to have a millstone cast around their neck and be thrown into the sea. The problem with religion is the same problem with science. People trust experts to do all of the work for them. One must worship God personally, not through some pedophile priest or pulpit pimp. Grow up and take responsibility for your own worship of Christ. Do not pawn it off on someone else and then blame them when they let you down. Jesus will never let you down if you seek him. You have to do the work. He is not going to do it for you.
2015-09-17 11:28:16 UTC
Lol! You are misinterpreting your "proof" that talks to you. This being that is letting you know God does not exists is probably trying to tell you that the God that you think of does not exist. The God of religion is not the true God. The fact that you are even able to communicate with a being outside of the physical world tells me that you have experienced God! I have a blog, check it out:
james o
2015-09-16 23:13:40 UTC
You sound like so many of the atheists on this forum. You have proof but can't actually produce it.

I think atheists are just another version of the dittohead fundamentalists.

They all have this certain view of a bunch of premises which they cannot prove.
2015-09-16 21:26:44 UTC
I tell you what... when we both stand before God.. you can explain that to me then. Fact is I lose nothing believing.. you lose for all eternity if you don't, I think I'm better off...

and besides.. you're just fooling yourself... because if you truly don't believe and have no doubts whatsoever... what are you doing here in R&S? wasting time? cause I sure don't see people hanging out in the purple polka dotted dinosaur forums.. unless your 4 or you actually believe in purple polka dotted dinosaurs...:)

deep in that little brain of yours your really just reaching out for some kind of proof... and since you just can't understand it you mock instead.. like a 4 year old... LOL!
2015-09-18 00:57:31 UTC
Theists, Atheists, Rationalists, Spiritualists - ALL R INVITED. ALL RELIGIONS, ALL CULTS are invited. Be it CHRISTIAN, MUSLIM, HINDU, BUDHDHA - COME & REALIZE THE TRUTH….I have answers to all your questions - to theists, atheists, rationalists and all sort of questions arising either out of rationale thinking or faith.

Once I was passing through market and I saw a poster. There was a picture of a chimpanzee standing in the middle of meadow. The caption read : The more I think, the more I am confused, baffled, perplexed…Same is our predicament. The more and the deep we think about this world, existence of God, the more and more we are confused and perplexed. : What is this world; who made it; why did he do so; who we are; where did we come from; what is motto or goal of our life( just live, enjoy and pass away from this world ?) If God created this world, why is he hiding from us; secondly if HE almighty is creator of this world, then why is it in such bad shape;why such anarchy, poverty; destitute, tension, diseases, terrorism, and numerous problems. Further we solve our day to day problems ourselves then what role of God remains. As such if there is no role of GOD in our day to day life, then why should we accept, pray and worship him. On the other hand if there isn’t any phenomenon like God, & everything is its own-automatic (Try to place complete set of spare parts of a wall clock before you: Does it assemble automatically and start functioning by its own? Thus in spite of everything available, nothing functions by its own accord ), then also there is a series of questions : Why there are unbreakable rules of nature, such as gravity, saturation, speed, light - each science or even each field (e.g.literature, poetry, music, dance) has its own rules. Flowers bloom in the forests where no one takes note of it - i.e. nature observes its own rules. Birds fly over river, their reflections appear in the water and disappear - no one guards it still it happens without failBerry grows from the seed of berry, lime from the lemon

seeds - is n’t that simply wonderful ! . ………Dots put here is a long trail of discussion/discourse on various issues to reach the conclusion. But please those who fear that I shall be robbed of my valuable rationality, faith, preoccupations..they are requested not to enter the dark zone. Those who are fearless may jump I am prepared first to free them from futile thoughts, empty them and thereafter fill them with affection, bliss, peace

A week long in person discussion is possible. Christians pl. answer me what is the underlying meaning of the story which narrates that Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge. What is the meaning of Bible saying : I am that I am.

Those who are interested may contact at :
2015-09-18 01:05:11 UTC
No, that doesn't count as proof at all. And by the way, the burden of proof is on the THEISTS, NOT the Atheists
*** The Earth has Hadenough***
2015-09-17 11:24:30 UTC
I have a "good foundation" built up of different evidence put together over 6000 years as to why I feel God is real.

I don't have such with you. And you give none here.
2015-09-17 09:05:26 UTC
There is no proof at all and never will be. And if someone did have proof, then they wouldn t hide it away and not let anyone see! You are just being an internet troll, and trying to stop people s faith, but that is not going to work because I have proof of my own God is real I have seen so many amazing miracles.

So, in summary, no we wouldn t stop believing because there is no valid proof God isn t real.
2015-09-18 17:36:57 UTC
The problem is...

You can't prove a negative proposition!

This is a fundamental of logic which everybody who has ever taken a Logic course knows by the second classroom session.
2015-09-18 21:43:45 UTC
No, it's nonsense. Quantum physics proves the possibility of God, but cannot prove the impossibility of God.
2015-09-17 12:07:30 UTC
people are so dumb. People say there no God. But lets take a murderer for example. Some murderers dont believe in God but before they commit a crime they ask a "God" something that does not exist to them for forgiveness or pray. This society is so stupid God is laughing at all of us right now
2015-09-17 11:09:25 UTC
believe-it-or-not: the christian religion, its beliefs and values have been refuted a million times. the philosophical systems or programs which the religion uses to uphold its ideals a have been refuted, a 1000-years before christianity was thought of, and about a million times since.

it seems so OCD for someone to continue to obsessively believe in something; but once people are raised to believe in it, only a deeper personal proof will cause them to give-it-up.
2015-09-18 08:15:06 UTC
Well, the proof the He is, is right there with you, you are the proof He is real. You just don't want to believe it so your "If" means nothing.
Michael eugene Watson
2015-09-19 07:17:12 UTC
You are full of ****...God is real and not you or anyone else will ever make me doubt it. Think about what u are saying because you are pissing God off...You will never have proof he doesn't exit...The Bible is all the proof we need to say he does.
2015-09-17 08:45:38 UTC
1) Scientist proved the universe is finite

2) Scientist are saying that something cannot come from nothing

3) Scientifically is not incorrect to assume that God (from the Bible) has always existed, so there is no need for the question, "then who made God".

4) logically thinking it would still be more advantages to be a christian than to not be, considering the gain and loss, according to a renowned mathematician though i don't remember his name
2015-09-16 21:17:29 UTC
Some Christians would stop believing. But I think most are under the impression they must always have faith, no matter what happens. They will see any evidence as a test of their faith, and also as a trick from Satan. Because their religion requires them value blind faith above anything else, evidence won't matter to the vast majority of Christians. They really are under a delusion.
2015-09-17 09:12:37 UTC
Your argument does not appeal to my sense of everyday experience, where I am able to know I can trust someone's testimony by the exact quality of that testimony using my whole mind, and not only a bit of logic alone.
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2015-09-17 06:56:42 UTC
They crucify people for that.

God exists not just outside of time as they say. And not just "outside of the natural world", as you say. But god exists outside of reality. So any real proof will not work. Your proof must therefore be unreal.

So I believe you.
2015-09-16 21:15:22 UTC
I certainly accept your proof. If these Christians would just search within themselves for the proof that God doesn't exist, they'd find the truth themselves.
2015-09-19 07:56:06 UTC
we wouldn't believe your fallasy. Why? because our parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents, gggrandparents, etc. have passed down our religion to us, people we trust(ed) and they gave us the gift of religion, and they knew what they were doing. We have faith in God and in our family.

God is real, he's there for us.
2015-09-17 08:41:25 UTC
The very question betrays a total lack of logic.

There CAN be no proof either way:

to disprove God one needs to know everything,

a god that could be grasped by a finite mind would, by very definition, not be God.

My children grasped that by age 13. Suggest you think it through.
2015-09-17 05:49:30 UTC
Jesus is God, and came personally to earth.

Some, upon hearing him speak and seeing him heal the sick and raise the dead, then rise from the dead himself put their trust for life and death in him, and some absolutely refused.

There is no level of proof adequate for someone who does not want to put his or her trust for life and death in Christ. Consider that Satan and demons know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God exists, and it does them no good. "You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!" James 2:19

Seeing is *not* believing.
2015-09-17 08:14:42 UTC
Your proof doesn't translate to my proof of experience that God is real. He is to me.

You have yours, I have mine. Obviously mine doesn't translate to you, so why would yours translate to mine? Both of us accepting that impassable void would be the only fair thing to do. Only God can reach over it in my experience. Nothing can in yours.

Have a great day.
2015-09-17 12:35:03 UTC
That proof would have to be earth shattering and human technology just isnt at that level. Until we can peel dimensions and and traverse galaxies and build planets i dont think people will stop believing so easily.
2015-09-16 21:18:26 UTC
God's Word is something that you've heard of and can probably quote. You are free to test the promises or cursings of God and observe the results.

Romans 10:17 KJV So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Good faith is a contract law legal term.
2015-09-18 04:29:39 UTC
The nothing theory of causality proves God. Get a grip. Cause and effect everything has a beginning.
2015-09-18 21:00:27 UTC
If you have actual proof that God does not exist, then it is your duty to share it with the world. you must show evidence for your supposition, just as people who write doctoral dissertations have to prove their hypotheses by demonstrating that their supposition is workable in a concrete form. The fact that you say your "proof" exists outside of the natural world, but it speaks to you in your mind would lead me to believe that your "proof" is actually a figment of the mind of a person who is suffering from a from of schizophrenia. People who have this disorder actually hear voices that express emotions and give directions to them. If the voices and "expressions of love" you say you hear and feel are real to you, then I would suggest you take your experiences to a scientist and consult with him/her about how to convey your otherworldly communications to people on Earth. He/she will more than likely refer you to a physician who can help you.
2015-09-17 22:41:54 UTC
Yeah, yeah, we get the joke. Very "funny." However, did you hear what you just said? Why do you people ALWAYS use Christianity as your model for what religion is?? There are REAL religions out there, in case you're not aware of it! And Christianity isn't one of them! Also: Christians do NOT have "rigorous standards of evidence!" Not at all. All they need for "proof" is to say, "Ah b'leev!" and that's it, that's their "proof!" From now on, use a real religious tradition as a model. Argue with the Hindus who are of the ancient tradition. Your arguments won't hold up against them (us). Why? Because we HAVE the evidence that the atheists insist "doesn't exist." Of course it exists, but it's not in the form of a verbal argument, which is ridiculous. In the Book of Revelation, (3rd chapter, 14th verse) it speaks of "Amen," which it refers to as "the faithful and true witness" (the evidence, in other words). Let's look at that for a moment. Do you know what "Amen" refers to? Everyone will say, "Oh, it means, 'So be it.' " But in fact, it goes far deeper than that, which is why it is referred to as the "evidence." In ancient times, the Vedic ("Hindu") tradition taught, as it still does, the practice of meditation. In the deeper levels of meditation one hears the sound, "OM," or "AUM," which is where the word, "Amen" comes from. The popculture cynics say, "Oh, that sound is imaginary!" No, not imaginary. Or they'll tell you that it's the sound of your blood pumping in your head and any number of things ... BUT ... they refuse to investigate meditation for themselves. Why? Mental laziness. It's that simple. They prefer to oppose anything spiritual. It's much easier on them. Millions say that "there is no proof of God," but they also refuse to back their statement up. The Sankhya philosophers of India said, "A deity if not proved," and based on that statement, later scholars decided that their philosophy was "atheistic." No, that wasn't it. What they were saying was that there is no way to prove God to another person. Nor can you disprove God. But you can, if you're actually interested in finding out the truth, investigate using the ancient methods. The "God is real!" and "God is NOT real!" arguments here on Y/A never prove anything, either for or against. But as i said, let's forget about "rigorous Christian standards of evidence" because there is no such thing. If you want to go on arguing, fine. But if you want to find out what the truth is, the first thing you need to do is put your own opinions "on hold" and go in search of truth. Christians do not do this. Neither do pop- culture types. How about you? There are a lot of people arguing, but very few who will spend the time and energy necessary to find out what the hell is actually going on in this life ...
2015-09-17 09:39:51 UTC
What rigorous standards are you writing about? Do you mean "God Said It, I Believe it, That Settles It!"?
2015-09-17 20:58:23 UTC
Can you prove that light is darkness?

Can you prove that all people have wings and they fly like butterflies?

You can't un-prove what is real, and you cannot prove what is not real.

So you will never prove that God is not real because he is real.

One day you will see that for yourself. Pray that you will get that revelation before it is too late.
2015-09-16 21:27:19 UTC
I don't know. Try me.

I will risk your threat of torture. The goodness of God is what motivates me, not threat or promise of reward. Goodness certainly exists even if God doesnt.

I suppose you have a secret proof that goodness doesn't exist, eh.
2015-09-19 17:19:32 UTC
If you believe no God exists then you have no real purpose and so everything but also the universe just is all by itsslf and functions by itself like it does plus everything else
2015-09-19 09:30:58 UTC
well, no matter what proof you came up with, i would study it, tear it apart and if it stood up to my skepticism i would stop believing. but only one small factor would completely stop me from becoming a full unbelieving atheist! i stood in the presence of Jesus. i saw an angelic type being, ive had out of body experiences and most assuredly i have had NDEs that are so real i eve saw myself float out of my body, and out of the van i was sleeping and twice i was revived with blue or green lightning as i saw my spirit separated from the body only to wake up and open my eyes.
2015-09-16 23:41:58 UTC
Why do you say "that God wasn't real" when there are many gods that claim to be "God." In fact all gods claim to be "God" or part of "God". Why not just say "that the God of Christianity" or "that my God wasn't real". The way you phrased it is very insulting.
2015-09-17 20:27:27 UTC
It sounds like you are angry that people believe in God. Why are you even thinking about it? Does it affect you in some way? Is it because you love us and want us to know the truth?
2015-09-17 08:17:35 UTC
"Rigorous Christian standards of evidence"! This is a joke, right?
2015-09-17 08:49:42 UTC
Satans greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist
2015-09-18 00:54:32 UTC
a normal human vs the blind ... this is your argument.

how do you expect a blind person to SEE what the normal person SEES ?

there is NO WAY ... yes or no.

a blind man CANNOT SEE ... fact.

so you're the blind who wants proof.

you can't see the proof even if when it smacks you in the fact. FACT.
2015-09-19 05:38:26 UTC
I had a dream last night.I can talk about personal experience. I can provide you with anecdotal stories, witnesses of people who claim they dream too. . I can even show you a brain and chemical reactions. Can I prove to you I had a dream? Nope.

Do I care? Nope.
2015-09-17 08:59:45 UTC
You'd have to prove that nothing exists. You've already lost your argument.
2015-09-17 17:21:44 UTC
Yes. Show us the proof and we'll unbelieve
2015-09-16 23:03:07 UTC
You are a temple for Satan, cast him out by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. If accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior the Holy Spirit will be in you and there will be no room for Demons.

We all sin, therefore we are all sinners. Since God is absolutely holy, He cannot be in the direct presence of sinful creatures. Therefore, all who are sinful must be separated from God and cannot be allowed to enter into His home (heaven). Hell is the place where these people must go, away from the presence of God. But God loves us and does not want everyone to go to Hell so he sent Jesus Christ to suffer and die on the cross as payment for our sins. After 3 days in the grave Jesus overcame death and rose from the dead and walked among men being seen by hundreds of people. In order to receive this gift from Jesus Christ we must make him our Lord and Savior.

Dear Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner and I am in need of You and Your forgiveness. I want to turn from my sins and follow You completely. I believe that You are the Son of God who died on the cross for me and all my sins; You were buried, rose to life again and You are coming back. I accept the Father's gift of eternal life through faith and belief in You alone. I receive You as Lord and Savior of every part and area of my life forever and ever. Now Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit.

In Jesus Name.


It is not the prayer that saves you it is Jesus Christ.
2015-09-19 04:56:11 UTC
No. I don't think anyone but God can prove he is or isn't real.
2015-09-17 16:06:35 UTC
No not at all. You could neither prove Nor disprove God. But "IF" you did have anything that even remotely close to proving it "You would be Killed", Then everything would go about it merry way as if you had never existed..
2015-09-21 03:11:00 UTC
Really? So you're hearing voices telling you that God does not exit? Then you need to take your meds, schizo!
2015-09-17 15:32:33 UTC
Simply Get Stuffed!
2015-09-18 22:13:28 UTC
Sorry Bozo the clown with a crown....YOU are living Proof God is live and well

when you figure that out you will know He Does.
2015-09-17 04:19:24 UTC can't....We cannot prove a other words we cannot prove that something does not exist.....try proving that the Tooth Fairy doesn't exist.....can't do it.....Mo Atheist
2015-09-17 01:20:15 UTC
There is no proof you have. Lol as seen by the fact that you didn't present it. :)
2015-09-19 03:53:38 UTC
a follower of christ knows God is real, because the holy spirits reveals things to them like Jesus or an out of body experience.
2015-09-17 08:33:53 UTC
I believe he's real
2015-09-19 02:37:58 UTC
One it is Not evidence! Two you do Not have such evidence! This is what the Liar Satan puts into the minds of his followers!.

Lies are only Lies period, which is exposed in the first word of your Question.
2015-09-16 22:33:14 UTC
Life and designs prove Jehovah God is real.
2015-09-18 06:31:28 UTC
God is real.

He made some bad **** didn't he.

I hate him for what he has done.
2015-09-17 07:27:05 UTC
Wow you think comparing yourself (a logical limited and weak human) to God and then demanding we trust you is evidence of anything?

Okay I relent it is evidence of something.... atheistic logic!
2015-09-17 07:07:57 UTC
It depends. If you want to be a nice gentleman, from R & S point of view if you really want to help them, you need not propagate negative ideas. I mean you should not try to force them or compel them to change their principled stand on this vital issue.
2016-07-11 16:36:02 UTC
No because I believe God proves himself seperately to everyone and he proved himself to me. I think many others are the same way!
2015-09-17 04:46:11 UTC
2015-09-17 13:23:39 UTC
Unlikely, people still believe anything, even with proof against it. Whether it is for or against Athiests or Thiests.
2015-09-18 06:37:02 UTC
Satan's been there --- done that-- and FAILED---see the foot of the Cross notes.
2015-09-16 21:13:27 UTC
If you can persuade this proof to speak to a few billion other people, they'll stop believing.
2015-09-18 16:29:36 UTC
There was some survey that said that something like 70% of religious people would deny it.
2015-09-17 11:10:06 UTC
kkkkkkk the question is intelligent.


Cheers of Brazil. Thank.
Olive Garden
2015-09-17 02:25:22 UTC
The christians have done that for over 2,000 yrs. What made you think you have proofs??
2015-09-17 16:16:54 UTC
apparently, all you have to do is write it in a book and get some morons to believe it......
2015-09-17 07:59:02 UTC
Sorry @King Apologist, your baloney is just....baloney. Try pulling the other leg, it's got bells on it.
2015-09-17 08:18:04 UTC
using "rigorous" in the context of "christian standards of evidence" is a contradiction in terms
2015-09-17 07:56:10 UTC
I assure you that it is Satan who has convinced you that you have proof Father does not exist. My experiences through life have made me know that he does. Fore I have seen beyond the veil.
2015-09-18 10:35:10 UTC
You cannot disprove faith nor disprove knowledge, so such a claim would mean nothing to faithful believers, and change nothing. In other words, not s chance.
2015-09-17 21:13:05 UTC
I don't know why but this made me laugh so hard I think I peed.
2015-09-18 06:26:45 UTC
Hahahahaha smart
2015-09-16 21:37:32 UTC
if god created humans in god's image then god must look like a monkey
2015-09-17 10:01:50 UTC
2015-09-18 06:05:23 UTC
when u discover that christianity is wrong, that doesn't mean that god doesn't exist, that could mean that there is another true religion.
2015-09-16 21:13:01 UTC
Will you accept proof that your Obama's birth certificate is not real, but rather doctored up in "layers" in Adobe illustrator or a simlar program? Will you accept proof that he was propelled into office, through the most massive voter fraud our country has ever known? Will accept proof that he has ruined our country beyond belief?
2015-09-18 01:57:52 UTC
I see what you've done and I love it
Adullah M
2015-09-18 00:00:21 UTC
There is no need to do so since this gentleman had already declare to the world that Christinity is fake,
2015-09-16 21:20:57 UTC
Yeah, we get it--you don't believe in God. Do we care? No. Apparently YOU care a LOT or you wouldn't be so upset about religion.
2015-09-17 11:53:36 UTC
I see and like what you've done there. Kudos!
2015-09-16 22:58:34 UTC
yes because its about the same reasoning for them to belive in a deity
2015-09-17 06:30:21 UTC
2015-09-18 11:22:42 UTC
No matter how much 'poof' you have.
Ernest S
2015-09-16 21:34:00 UTC
You know yourself that you are a sinner. There is no need for any to prove that to you.

So you have no excuse.
Craig Newman
2015-09-16 23:47:04 UTC
No. because God is real.
2015-09-16 21:14:06 UTC
I don't waste my time answering dumb hypothetical questions that are contrary to reality.
2015-09-17 00:20:52 UTC
yes if you could prove it. no0 that is not proof at all its just your silly rambling
2015-09-18 00:40:56 UTC
Think and then try again. Logic is not one of your strengths.
2015-09-19 07:33:08 UTC
You cannot fix stupidity and gullible behaviour.
2015-09-17 16:06:31 UTC
Not even close
2015-09-16 21:32:41 UTC
Seems legit.
2015-09-17 10:08:53 UTC
And behind Door #3. and if you decide to except. ...0917.2015
2015-09-18 13:24:39 UTC
Christian will insits no matter what
2015-09-18 13:57:19 UTC
god is real NO EVIDENCE reqiured
2015-09-17 16:58:20 UTC
That is a universal negative so no.
2015-09-18 01:43:18 UTC
This is just complete spite.
2015-09-19 10:10:16 UTC
Can you list what your talking about ?
2015-09-18 17:48:56 UTC

Good Luck!
2015-09-18 18:27:58 UTC
it took me a while to get the sarcasm.duh!
2015-09-19 09:23:53 UTC
Many might, but not I.
2015-09-17 09:46:55 UTC
are you brother of BK
2015-09-16 21:31:51 UTC
Probably not.
2015-09-17 10:48:50 UTC
2015-09-17 07:58:33 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.