Evolution means the change in allele frequency in a population over time.
Proponents of evolution know that that is the definition of the theory and that it is only creationists who have decided that it means something else and that there is two categories called micro and macro. They call it macro since they can't disprove micro (see any drug resistant disease) so that they can say "See the monkeys" and pretend that that is what real scientists mean.
I'd also like to see your sources on any "Law of Biogenesis" that hasn't been disproven.
"The theory formulated by E.H. Haeckel that individuals in their embryonic development pass through stages similar in general structural plan to the stages their species passed through in its evolution; more technically phrased, the theory that ontogeny is an abbreviated recapitulation of phylogeny. The theory has been discredited in the light of the modern science of genetics. Even at the time, there was much reason to doubt its validity. Especially as Haeckel himself was ordered to appear before a university court in Jena were he was accused of faking the evidence for recapitulation. He finally admitted that his evidence had been 'doctored'."
In 1864, louis pasteur finally announced the results of his scientific experiments. In a series of neat experiments, pasteur demonstrated that life today did not arise in areas that had not been contaminated by existing life. Pasteur's empirical results were summarized in the phrase, Omne vivum ex ovo, latin for "all life [is] from eggs". thus dr. Louis pasteur finally overcame the longstanding belief in spontaneous generation of life.
It is worth noting that louis Pasteur's research dealt with what can be observed to happen in the present day and says nothing about what may have happened on earth in the past. Indeed, both advocates of evolution and advocates of creationism both endorse abiogenesis as the means by which life began on earth, the latter group simply claiming that god did it. young earth creationists even go so far as to claim that fully grown creatures were created in their present form some six to ten thousand years ago, an idea which would seem to be completely discredited by Pasteur's research.
Too bad you didn't read it. You are misquoting both theories that you mention, and your ignorance at this point can only be purposeful since the opportunity to educate yourself is right in front of you. Law of Biogenesis states NOTHING about what happened in the past and neither does the TOE.