Christians, What is significance of god creating everything in 6 days?
2011-01-06 03:02:06 UTC
Why he didn’t complete in one shot like saying be it (like magic) and everything creates? Do you think there is meaning behind six days or just story writer assumed and wrote it?
Thirteen answers:
2011-01-06 03:03:35 UTC
It reflects the order in which God created things, - and that on the 7th day He rested.

You'll see this common theme through Judiasm, resting the 7th day, resting the ground the 7th year, releasing indentured servants after a period of time.

I can't fully understand why it's a cornerstone of Judiasm.
2011-01-06 03:22:37 UTC

I can understand your concern because I went through the same thing.I also used to wonder about God, so I studied the bible and wondered who wrote it..because some of the chapters were so confusing , I simply couldn't believe that God would sent down such a disorganized book(but my hunch is that the guy named peter wrote his heart out in the bible and filled it up with gibberish), but all I found was a bunch of unverified stories which confuses the readers. First I saw that there were over 9 versions of the bible, and each of them were different. It said that Jesus was God's son....but then I started thinking that if God is not a human, then how could he have kids. This guy was saying that look, jesus didn't have any father, so his dad must have been God himself! But when I told him that Adam and Eve didn't have any parents either. Does that make them god's children too? Well, all this was so confusing , that I started looking into some other religion to see what they had to say about God etc.Then Bible considers everyone to be sinners, and that God had to send his "son" to get rid of sins.This was strange that God would kill his innocent "son" in order to get rid of evil satan.! it sounded pretty cruel to me.Why would His "son" have to die for other peoples sins, or for satan, who makes people sin? Christianity also calls religious law a curse,and so that if someone follows religious laws ,they are in a curse.

Not too long ago, I bumped into this guy named Yousef Estes. He was a priest, so I told him about my confusions.Then he told me about a book called the Quran. It was the holy book of a religion called Islam. He told me that this book was "really" original. And trust me, when I read it, it didn't seem man made at all. The entire book didn't have a single contradictory statement. Then I later searched on you may want to check this out too;. . If you watch a couple of those videos , you'll be amazed by some of the facts that matches so much with modern science. I mean if a guy wrote that book, he couldn't have known all this stuff more than 1400 years ago. In Islam,everyone is responsible for their own deeds, good or bad. No one dies or suffers for other peoples sins. If someone does something wrong, all he has to do is ask God for forgiveness sincerely, and promise not to do it again. God will certainly forgive him according to his intentions.

At first, I wasn't too sure if this Quran was original coz I thought it was also altered like the bible, but I later went to Turkey. There, I saw the original copy of the Quran, which was written 1400 years ago. It matched exactly with the current one.

Anyway, just check these out.I'm sure it will clear out your confusion.

Obviously there has to be some One up there who made us, created Adam and Eve.

there are so many different beliefs around,one really needs to look deep into a religion to determine if it is authentic.

the maze is to find the right religion that will lead us to heaven. if it weren't so confusing then god wouldn't have created heaven or hell.

anyway i bumped into this faith that made sense to me. it believes that god sent Judaism through prophet Moses, and Christianity through Jesus, and lastly Islam through Muhammad. it honors all the past religions and it is the only faith that was never changed a bit since the prophet Mohammad’s time.

unlike Christianity which is pretty confusing with so many bibles that has been altered and Judaism that also changes their laws through Rabbis, Islam was never changed , not laws nor the holy can actually find the real 1400 years old copy in a museum in Turkey. I don't know much about science thing, but this religion is so full of scientific proofs and it is also a complete way of won't be disappointed if you checked out this religion.

Good luck and keep searching
2011-01-06 03:06:44 UTC
the story of God creating the world in 6 days and resting on the 7th, is really about the installation of a 7 day week. They story is a myth, so it is there to explain something and so is not the literal truth.
Fahim Akthar Ullal
2011-01-07 06:28:53 UTC
Heavens and Earth created in six days and not eight days:

The Qur’an mentions in several places that the heavens and the were earth created in 6 days but in Surah Fussilat it says that the heavens and the earth were created in 8 days. Isn’t this a contradiction? The same verse also says that the earth was created in 6 days and then later on the heavens were created in 2 days. This is against the Big-Bang theory that the heavens and the earth were created simultaneously.

1. Heavens and the Earth created in Six days

I do agree that the Qur’an says that the heavens and the earth were created in 6 days i.e. 6 epochs and it is mentioned in

Surah Al A’raf chapter 7 verse 54

Surah Yunus chapter 10 verse 3

Surah Hud chapter 11 verse 7

Surah Al Furqan chapter 25 verse 59

Surah Al Sajdah chapter 32 verse 4

Surah Qaf chapter 50 verse 38

Surah Al Hadid chapter 57 verse 4

The verses of the Qur’an which according to you say that the heavens and the earth were created in 8 days are Surah Fussilat chapter 41 verses 9 to 12

"Say: Is it that ye deny Him Who created the earth in two days? And do ye join equals With him? He is the Lord of (all) the Worlds;

He set on the (earth) mountains standing firm, High above it, and bestowed blessings on the earth, and measured therein all things to give them nourishment in due proportion, In four days, in accordance with (the needs of) Those who seek (sustenance)."

Moreover, He Comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been (as) smoke. He said to it and to the earth. "Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly. They said: "We do come (Together), in willing obedience."

So He completed them as seven firmaments in two days and He assigned to each heaven its duty and command and We adorned the lower heaven with lights, and (provided it) with guard. Such is the decree of (Him) the exalted in might, full of knowledge." [Al-Qur’an 41:9-12]

On the face of it, it seems that these verses of the Qur’an give the initial impression that the heavens and the earth were created in 8 days.

Allah says in the beginning of this verse that those who exploit this information contained in this passage to raise doubts about its authenticity are equally interested in promulgating blasphemy and denying His unity. Allah is telling us that in course of time, there will emerge unbelievers who will make use of this apparent contradiction.

For more information you can read the below link

I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad is Allah's servant and His Messenger

Thank You
i aint know
2011-01-06 03:13:10 UTC
That's a damn good question

why indeed ?

It obviously has something to do with the sabbath and biblical we know that jesus himself is the sabbath and that in him we should rest .. trust .. stop working or we will be killed in fact .. So it's an interesting question indeed ..

the entire universe was created thru him (jesus ) by him and for him and for his good pleasure ..

More than a story my friend Jesus is real and is quite provable

the writer is moses and the author is god himself
2011-01-06 03:15:04 UTC
Of course! God must have told in one shot for each creation...His creations are enormours right? That's why it should have taken 6 days to complete! Rather than that if he was sitting and carving things there would not be any difference bet him and us!
2016-10-21 12:00:26 UTC
The bible does answer this question, yet you're able to be able to desire to comprehend the context of whilst the bible improve into written and whilst the scriptures first got here approximately (1000's of years earlier the bible is revealed) The bible publicizes an afternoon to God is style of one thousand days on the earth, which improve into the only thank you to speak to his human beings of lesser understanding decrease back then. In different words, the be attentive to God improve into given to his historical human beings in a format wherein they could comprehend. God did not tell the prophets in term of hundreds of thousands or billions of years, they won't theory this. rather he made his presence properly customary and reported his regulations and the belief of heaven and hell. Its all approximately timing and faith. Heres the kicker!!! in case you look on the story of introduction in Genesis and the order wherein the earth improve into formed and guy got here approximately, it follows a similar strategies and order that scientists theorize approximately earths formation. to aim to disprove God and his works is like attempting to disprove that which you got here out of your mothers and fathers. The Christian faith is a little extra desirable than what you're being uncovered to. provide Genesis a glance see and then flow directly to the hot testomony approximately Jesus. in case you have questions i'm going to help the terrific i will in an independent way. i'm a technological understanding instructor at a intense college and characteristic had each and every of a similar questions you have offered. I truly have additionally struggled with those subject concerns to boot. I nevertheless coach evolution, yet that an entire new difficulty, yet I truly have stumbled on the understanding and the braveness to maintain to my faith. enable me comprehend if i will help--as quickly as you eyes are opened, have faith me, your existence will replace--the vacancy and confusion would be crammed with understanding and ability---and its the terrific feeling you will ever have
2011-01-06 03:06:26 UTC
i dont think it is a story made up by someone because it is written in the bible and quran, so yeah.

There is probably a story behind the six days because it is said that God is able to create everything anytime anywhere.
2011-01-06 03:23:37 UTC
Its not necessarily 6 literal days

"Day" can simply mean a period of time Genesis2:4

Day with GOD can be long time Psalm90:4 2Peter3:8
2011-01-06 03:05:07 UTC
There is no specific reason for it. He went on with his work since it was boring for him. Once he got tired of creations, he realized it was 6 days and he took rest on the 7th day. thats all it is about. there is no rocket science behind it.
2011-01-06 03:05:05 UTC
its not that, its that they don't want to admit humans are primates heavily driven on instinct because they need a book to tell them they're special instead of convincing themselves for no good reason they are. they also think being a primate is insulting because they undermine the value of animals and ignore the capabilities they have which are uncommon knowledge in mainstream society. they think animals are literally automatons which any animal loving person who knows science knows they are not.
2011-01-06 03:05:06 UTC
Numbers in the Bible have a hidden meaning, all I can remember is twelve being perfection like the apostles.

Not that it matters, none of it is real. 'remember?
2011-01-06 03:04:05 UTC
Bloody miracle sir

also rested sir

elder say.. resting is rusting sir

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