The prosperity Gospel - is it true?
2011-10-28 09:57:52 UTC
Well I work over in Singapore sometimes.
The churches there grew in the 1990s but now they are in decline. All the mega churches there preach that God wants you rich.
I have consciously stopped singing Hillsongs worship songs after I was able to clarify that the roots of their theology lie in the prosperity gospel. Just becuase the song has a nice tune doesnt make it more anointed than bridge over troubled water (S/Garfunkel)
Jesus is all satisfying because of who he is - we are called to suffer - to preach the gospel - which may put our lives at risk. What joy to lead someone to Christ telling they may be executed for their faith yet receive eternal life rather than a BMW here and now.
So do you believe in it or not ?
Ten answers:
2011-10-28 10:03:23 UTC
I don't buy into it.
2011-10-29 15:03:57 UTC
The prosperity gospel is a "false gospel", which the Bible warned us about ...

Jude 1:4 ...'For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.'

This page has a very good study on the prosperity gospel ..
Don R
2011-10-28 17:15:40 UTC
When Scripture says "abundant life" it has nothing to do with money but joy of the soul. We cannot speak things into being and we cannot plant "seeds" into a televangelism ministry to receive vast blessings from God. The only one who prospers is the ministry receiving the "blessings". And if they only teach a good, morale life and tidbits of wisdom with Christian overtones, how do they benefit the salvation of souls? And people who come to Christ so they can prosper in the good life, will they not fall away during tribulations? It's sad that the largest business of "Christianity" are those which feed into the desires of people for money and feel-good Christianity.
2011-10-28 17:13:05 UTC
In balance.

You can not be all about suffering for Jesus, neither can you be all about health, wealth and prosperity. Serve the Lord, obey Him. Ask Him to be Lord over your finances. BMW's are not evil. Neither are gold rings.

Strange, but there are folks who believe that if you are barefoot and living in a shack, driving a rattletrap- rust bucket 20 year old car, then there must be no God. Others believe that if you live in a nice house, wear nice clothes, and drive a shiny car, that you must have gotten it by dishonest means.

God is able.

He is able to feed you the finest dinner without having to take it off of someone else's table. He is able to provide your needs, AND deal with your wants.

How much money does God want you to have? Scripture does not put limits on it either way. But it is certain that you can not give away what you do not have to start with. Are you assuming that someone else is just cutting you out as the middle man? Does God want you to be hungry while you are feeding others?

Tell God that you want to serve Him. Tell Him that you want to reach others for Christ, where ever He wants to send you. And tell Him what kind of house you would like, what kind of car you want to drive, what kind of clothes you want. He knows that you have need of these things even before you ask Him. Use everything that you have to serve Him, and accept what He wants to give to you. You are allowed to enjoy life, and enjoy the things on the earth. If they become idols, God will deal with it in that way. If you can enjoy them for a time but are called to give them up when it is time to move to a different mission field, then be willing to let it go, no regrets.

If you need to go from point A to point B in your service to the Lord, you need a way to do it. If you can serve God while walking, then walk. If you can serve Him sitting next to someone on a subway, ride the subway. If God wants you sitting next to someone on a plane, someone has to pay for your ticket. If you travel on a daily basis, travel the country or the world, and God wants you to bypass the hassle of airports and commercial planes and decides to give you your own airplane - you are going to be in major sin if you reject it in favor of your rusty car.


No chance: You don't need to focus on it. Use it!
2011-10-28 17:09:59 UTC
Does giving your life to Jesus Christ bring your prosperity and riches ? Absolutely. But not necessarily the material kind.

Who was more devoted to Christ than Paul the apostle ? And what did following Christ bring him in the physical realm ? Other than pain,heart ache and suffering. Following God makes you rich, but not the kind of riches you bring to the bank.
Spiritual Philosopher
2011-10-28 17:11:13 UTC
Yes, prosperity is the ultimate aim of all gospels through right faith in God.
2011-10-28 17:04:46 UTC
no no no no no no no no no no no no

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no no no no no no no no no no no no

Did I say no?

This is NOT what God wants us focused on.

In Matthew 6 he specifically tells us not to be concerned with worldly goods or needs

It is a perversion of the gospel and usually the only one's driving the jaqs are the preachers
2011-10-28 17:25:57 UTC
That's just another desperate marketing technique. Jesus won't do anything for you and he damn sure wont make you rich unless you're a preacher with lots of suckers.
2011-10-28 17:07:06 UTC
Or course not.

Matthew 6:19 tells us..

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
2011-10-28 17:07:03 UTC
YES...! YES...! YES...! YES...! YES...! YES...!

For CENTURIES the mighty Clergy has been fleecing religious people to the bone, like some honest Bible writers would admit.

Jeremiah 6:13

From the least to the greatest, ALL ARE GREEDY FOR GAIN; prophets and priests alike, ALL practice deceit*

(*it takes one to know them ALL)


The Bible/Quran stories are used as a power tool for the Clergy preying on the religious members of our society.

Malachi 3:9-10

You are under a CURSE—the whole nation of you*

(*all JEWS, all Israel)

because you are robbing me* (*God). Bring the whole TITHE*

(*10% of all income)

into the STOREHOUSE*

(*Temple Treasury)

that there may be FOOD* (*$$$) in my house*

(*or God and the Clergy will starve to death, and Judeo/Christianity will die).


4,000 Bible years after the “Creation” of this humongous universe, God the Son Jesus Christ comes to Earth as King of the Jews and Savior of the World, but even before JUDGMENT DAY he is sending all the CURSED JEWS to Hell, along with the vast majority of the human race that never heard about him.

Matthew 25:41

(Jesus is shouting at the Jews that he came to save, and to be their king) depart from me, YE CURSED*

(*Jesus is telling Christians that the Jews are cursed!)

into everlasting fire*

(*not just into a hole in the ground like the JW elders claim)

prepared for the devil and his angels*

(*God had in mind creating Hell not only for the Devil, but also to torment the cursed non-tithing Jews for ever and ever for zillions of years!...)


That’s their KARMA. They wrote these Bible stories!)

Saint Peter, the 1st Pope assisted God the Holy Ghost in the killing of moron Christians to firmly establish the TITHING routine strictly in CASH, God doesn’t go for animal sacrifices any more.

Acts 5:1-11

…“Then the young men*

(*members of Youth for Christ)

came in and, finding her dead*

(*at Saint Peter’s Holy Feet for failure to pay the full money to the Church)

carried her out*

(*to the Church’s graveyard)

and buried her beside her husband!*

(*without telling any of their kids at home!)

great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events*

(*the real MAFIA is known to give a few fair warnings before they cut anybody down, not so God the Holy Ghost!)

2 Corinthians 9:7

…God loves a cheerful giver*

(*but he hates moron Christians not paying their dues to Church in time and as promised)


There is an honest dare for serious minded Christians in the Bible stories…

They ought to put their TITHING money in a bank account, LIKE JESUS SAID… it is a DARING TEST OF FAITH that a Christian can use until God clears any of their doubts to their full satisfaction.

2 Corinthians 13:5

Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?*

(*and here is the test that JESUS CHRIST and Saint Paul are talking about…)

Luke 19:23

Why then didn't you put my money on deposit*


so that when I came back*

(*second coming of Jesus)

I could have collected it with interest?*

(*God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are far more interested in MONEY ISSUES than, e.g. feeding the starving Muslims in Somalia)

No serious Christian would ever dare to put their FAITH IN GOD to the test; they expect a great reward in “Heaven” if they don’t.

Mark 14:7

(Jesus said) For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good*

(*God and the Church come first! Helping the poor is optional and never a priority)

but me ye have not always.


When Jesus said “Lo, I am with you ALWAYS, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” (Mat 28:20) He was BULL CRAPPING! Virtually speaking, of course!

Jesus Christ is WATCHING how much money, and in what ratio people give to God!

The story of not letting your left hand know what your w@nking right hand is doing is a “spiritual” teaser of a different sort!

Jesus also said not to “blow the horn” every time you give money. If it is an impressive amount, let Jesus and the Clergy do it for you, as you keep on giving (Mat 6:2)!

Mark 12:42-43

And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites*

(*bits of money)

which make a farting. And he* (*Jesus) called unto him his disciples*

(*to tell them that he knows how much money people drop in the offering plate!)

and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you*

(*this time he really ain’t bull crapping any more!)

That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all*

(*Jesus knows everybody’s income versus Church giving)

they which have cast into the TREASURY*

(*Jesus is unashamed to call it “treasury” )


One of God’s eternal attributes is his impotence to act if the “TREASURY” goes dry, and that is the TEST that a Christian can give their faith!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.