What is the Best Religion In The world?
2006-12-10 04:53:51 UTC
In The Name Of Allah
I was christian(Unitarianism religion). Then I SCRUTINY About Religions and finally convert to islam. I think most of the people in the world are prejudice about islam. And if they open their eyes they will see the truth.
Islam respects all of the religions in the world.
we( muslems ) LOVE JESUS(PBUH) Very much, even more than christianity.

But everybode think that his/her religion is the best(because from his/her childhood , his/her parents put it into his/her mind that this (currently)religion is the best)and many christian fear of that when they convert to islam they miss the salvation but this is not true) but I think only 1 religion is the best(AND THAT IS ISALM)
Your Mind says you the truth. therefore read about religions.I am sure you find Islam the best.
32 answers:
2006-12-10 04:56:26 UTC





my perfect beautiful perfect peaceful pure cute honest honorably religion


see what i mean:

and ya a PROOVE:

more than 20.000 Americans converts Islam yearly in the USA
2006-12-10 05:04:10 UTC
First of all you were not christian since you say you went to a unitarian church. That is to beging with. Then you have to know that most people believe in what they choose to believe not because it is part of their legacy. Thousands & thousands of people by faith in Jesus overcame kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped lions’ mouths,

quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, became strong out of weakness, became mighty in war, made the armies of strangers give way.

Women received their dead again by resurrection; and others were tortured, not having accepted deliverance, that they might get a better resurrection; and others underwent trial of mockings and scourgings, yea, and of bonds and imprisonment.

They were stoned, were sawn asunder, were tempted, died by the death of the sword; they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, destitute, afflicted, evil treated,(of whom the world was not worthy,) wandering in deserts and mountains, and in dens and caverns of the earth. ( Hebrews 11)

What do you call that/? By which power they did that?

Then if YOU lived happy ever after, where is your question??? What answer do you still need? Make your own site & preach about the miraculous discovery you have found in your new religion but let others have peace!

By the way, in light of the scripture above , it is not true what you pretend that you love Jesus than chrisdtians. If you don't know him to start with how could you claim you love him! enough hypocrisy please!
2006-12-10 05:00:29 UTC
First you say "Islam respects all of the religions in the world" and then you say "only 1 religion is the best (and that is Islam) I don't accept pluralism". You are not even able to think enough to see the contradiction in your statements and then you expect others to believe you?

I have studied Islam. I read the Quran from cover to cover. I know Muslims who are good people. So don't say I am prejudiced. But I do not believe in Islam and I won't believe in it.

Respect me and I will respect you.

And I don't believe any religion is the best. I do believe in pluralism.
Kevin K
2006-12-10 04:58:29 UTC
I am happy that you do believe in something however I do not come on here and bash Islam so I am asking that you do not bash any other religion. As a matter of fact everything you just wrote goes against religion in general to tell people that they are wrong you are saying that you are better than other people and that is not how God wants you to act.
2006-12-10 06:05:12 UTC
All religions has evil but im not saying their God is evil. It maybe the foundation or the organization. I dont believe that there is a best religion in the world, All religions has evil. Its just that God gave us the reason to choose what religion has the lesser evil. It is our heart that will decide where religion does our heart really belong. Im a roman catholic but not a devout one but i am a God fearing man. I did not chose My religion, it is my religion of birth. I do not attend to church for masses because i dont believe in the priest authority. I just pray directly to God, to the trinity. I have friend of mine who is a muslim he didnt go to the mosque he just pray to allah directly. We both have different religion but our views of interacting with our God is similar. We respect each others religion and we really dont talk about religion to prevent animosity. Congratulations if you truly found your religion.
2006-12-10 05:21:08 UTC
Sorry, but Unitarianism is not a Christian religion. But to answer your question, the best religion is one that comes from God, in all fullness of truth and love.
2006-12-10 05:01:30 UTC
My faith also resepcts other religions of the world. Including Islam. I have personally investigated almost every monotheolesitc faith in the world and I have come to the conclusion that my faith is best for me. This is a decision we each must come to on our own, just as you have. God gave us free agency to worship Him as we choose, or not worship if that is what we choose.

I am Christian, and I have looked at Islam. I just don't agree with it. Just as you have looked at Christianity and don't believe that. Respect is what is missing by many Muslims regarding Christianity and many Christians regarding your faith.

May God bless everyone in their own personal search for Him.
2006-12-11 18:48:12 UTC
No Religion is best,they all seek to control.Having a personal relationship with the Creator does not need a Religion.
Sarah D
2006-12-10 05:03:26 UTC
How can Islam Respect other religions? If you can say that you respect someone else for their beliefs then you are pretty much saying that yours isn't legit...either Your God is the one true God or he isn't. You can't say to a Buddhist, " I Think it's great that your a buddisht I really respect that" Then you are giving legitamacy to their God...and your religion says nothing about mulitiple Gods...Typical
2006-12-10 10:11:45 UTC
Judaism,Christianity and Islam are the ONLY religions which are true so they are all equal.

The others are just made up e.g. Bahai. Which has a very violent history and its followers try to hide it:

Bahaullah had a sister by the name of Iziyah Khanum, who wrote a book entitled "Tambihun Naemeen" (Awakening the Sleepy). She points out to the inhuman massacres of the Bahais in various parts of the book and names many people who had been killed through cutting off their necks or ripping off their bellies, or suffocating them in the river or shooting them, because of not believing in Bahaullah.

(Ref: Tambihun Naemeen, page 15-16)

So next tiem Bahias insult Islam ask about their religion's roots!
2016-11-30 14:34:26 UTC
i imagine no matter if faith existed, human beings will nonetheless have their personal opinion about particular issues, so there ought to nonetheless be warfare. perhaps not non secular wars, yet different conflicts or vast disagreements. on the different hand, faith provides human beings some thing to believe in. It provides some human beings a reason to be "good," and probably provide them a purpose for residing in a more advantageous civilized way.
2006-12-10 05:18:05 UTC
You seem to have made up your mind already. And your question suggests that there is "only one" religion that can be "the best".

My answer is probably not what you are looking for, but if you give it some thought... then again, it matters not because my path is not yours. But I offer some "food for thought".

Your choice of "religion" is not important to anyone else but you. Whatever religion or path that helps you attain spirituality and bring you closer to your God is all that matters. Whatever spiritual path you choose is only right for you. Religion is a tool, not the end result. The end result is your relationship to your Deity and your interaction with other people. The path is your choice, as long as you get to where you want to go. Whatever tool you use to make your connection with your Deity right for you is all that matters. And whatever enables you to be a better person with other people is the right tool for you.

Spirituality is a personal choice; the idea is to be spiritual, not to be "the best". We are all striving to be "the best" each of us can be; religion does not make us any better. We make ourselves better. Deity helps us to be better people, not religion. Religion is simply a structure to enable us to achieve what we want to be.

The problem with many of the "major" religions is that it "enables" you to blame someone else for your faults and attribute your successes to someone else. However, the work was all yours, and you, in the end, are ultimately responsible for your own actions. God may have motivated you, but YOU made the choice to act. The "devil" may have "tempted" you, but again, YOU made the choice to act. It's all about free will, and many religions seem to have a built in clause to deny the existence of free will - or your ability to choose "right" from "wrong". However, in the final analysis, it is YOU who chooses. You are ultimately responsible and you have to own it.

So here it is - it is not religion that makes you any better, it is yourself, and your choice of spirituality is the enabling factor. You choose the path you want to take, and you walk it with your Deity.

So, who's religion is better? I say it is not religion at all. I say it is the individual who chooses to walk with their Deity in a manner that makes them a better person, who takes the responsibility for their actions personally and puts into practice what they preach.

There is no "best" religion. Just better people.
2006-12-10 05:05:10 UTC
Ready for discussion, eh? Okay, discuss this:

The best religion in the world is the one that doesn't need to be sold like a used car... people will naturally gravitate to it all on their own. I don't think anyone has found it yet, do you?

((( r u randy? )))


Post Script to Sarah D: The true Buddhist doesn't recognize a "God." Do your homework.
2006-12-10 05:04:29 UTC
Your personal relationship with God is the best religion. God will judge you as an individual, not as a group.
2006-12-10 04:56:09 UTC
Hey thanks, God's already shown me my path! And if you absolutely LOVE Jesus, you would've stayed Christian! Why can't any other religions exist in places like Saudi Arabia? Islam can exist any in the world! You can't love Jesus more than Christians, that's hypocrisy! If my religion said it was the ONLY true one, I would not believe it!
2006-12-10 05:02:40 UTC
I don't think there is one "correct" path for all of man kind.

I do believe that Faith is a very personal experience, and just as our finger prints, it is unique to the one who believes what they do.

I think that religion itself is just a guideline to live by for those whom would be lost without it, and is a wonderful thing if it brings you a sense of peace in your heart and love for your fellow (wo)man.

the path you chose may be right for you, but may be very unsuitable for someone else.

I'm so happy for you that you were able to find a path that is right for you, and brings you the most happiness, although it would not be my path, as I wouldn't get much out of it.

I wouldn't want you to follow my path if you wouldn't get the most out of it, but I do get the most out of my path, and very happy to be on it.

Blessed Be to you and yours!

New York Pagan.
2006-12-10 04:57:33 UTC
why does islam say 'kill the disbelievers'. why does islam preach violence and segregation amongst humans. why is one person bad just because he does not have islam as his religion?

ps i doubt you even know much about your religion to be questioning on here.
2006-12-10 09:58:11 UTC
if you think that your religion is the best (christian, islam, etc, etc) you are all narrow minded,,,there is no such thing as the best religion, all religions are best, put that in your coconut shell....
2006-12-10 04:58:00 UTC
Not the Religion its your Belief
Cody P
2006-12-10 04:55:21 UTC
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is my favorite, personally.
2006-12-10 05:04:49 UTC
Do you respect the Baha'i Faith?
2006-12-10 05:00:58 UTC
Your allah has you lie about your religion and honors you if you do and disgraces you if you reveal something about it. My eyes are open to islam and Jesus Christ has put me on the RIGHT path and it ain't on the one you're on. Jesus Christ said "I am the Truth and the Life."
2006-12-10 04:58:10 UTC
Pastafarianism from The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

is my favorite.

Ramen !
2006-12-10 07:53:31 UTC
ISLAM wod no doubt!!!

'FAT GIRL', (sorry that sounds disrespctful, but thats what you have named yourself). if you want to discuss anything feel free to mail me on, il be gladly to help u....
2006-12-10 04:59:17 UTC
no religion is best... all of them have advantages, beauty and major flaws....

the path to God is not religion, its faith...

no matter whatur religion is, as long as u maintain faith then salvation can be attained...

so i repeat no religion can be considered best... all of them rock the same boat... lols...
2006-12-10 04:57:37 UTC
there are many roads leading to the same destination, the Great Spirit, he who is known by a thousand names, and is yet unnameable allows each of us to find our own path back into his light.
2006-12-10 04:57:56 UTC
The one that best reflects reality.
2006-12-10 04:59:33 UTC
I am a christian,but I am starting to get disappointed with it...Christianity is becoming so corrupted...I am sorry to tell it,but it is what I feel...I am starting to like Islam.Especially after my trip to Egypt.
Julia B
2006-12-10 04:56:19 UTC
I believe mine is! I am a Christian.
2006-12-10 04:56:18 UTC
none that is the best for this planet
chop suey!
2006-12-10 06:19:01 UTC

2006-12-10 04:57:40 UTC
They all suck from where I am at.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.