You seem to have made up your mind already. And your question suggests that there is "only one" religion that can be "the best".
My answer is probably not what you are looking for, but if you give it some thought... then again, it matters not because my path is not yours. But I offer some "food for thought".
Your choice of "religion" is not important to anyone else but you. Whatever religion or path that helps you attain spirituality and bring you closer to your God is all that matters. Whatever spiritual path you choose is only right for you. Religion is a tool, not the end result. The end result is your relationship to your Deity and your interaction with other people. The path is your choice, as long as you get to where you want to go. Whatever tool you use to make your connection with your Deity right for you is all that matters. And whatever enables you to be a better person with other people is the right tool for you.
Spirituality is a personal choice; the idea is to be spiritual, not to be "the best". We are all striving to be "the best" each of us can be; religion does not make us any better. We make ourselves better. Deity helps us to be better people, not religion. Religion is simply a structure to enable us to achieve what we want to be.
The problem with many of the "major" religions is that it "enables" you to blame someone else for your faults and attribute your successes to someone else. However, the work was all yours, and you, in the end, are ultimately responsible for your own actions. God may have motivated you, but YOU made the choice to act. The "devil" may have "tempted" you, but again, YOU made the choice to act. It's all about free will, and many religions seem to have a built in clause to deny the existence of free will - or your ability to choose "right" from "wrong". However, in the final analysis, it is YOU who chooses. You are ultimately responsible and you have to own it.
So here it is - it is not religion that makes you any better, it is yourself, and your choice of spirituality is the enabling factor. You choose the path you want to take, and you walk it with your Deity.
So, who's religion is better? I say it is not religion at all. I say it is the individual who chooses to walk with their Deity in a manner that makes them a better person, who takes the responsibility for their actions personally and puts into practice what they preach.
There is no "best" religion. Just better people.