Salam ..
1 - Morning prayer [Salat-ul-fajr] consists of four rakats. First, two rakats of the sunnat prayer are performed. Then two rakats of the fard prayer are performed. The sunnat (the first two rakats) is very important. Some scholars classify it as wajib.
2 - Early afternoon prayer [Salat-uz-zuhr] consists of ten rakats, the initial sunnat consisting of four rakats, the fard consisting of four rakats, and the final sunnat consisting of two rakats. The early afternoon prayer is performed in this order.
3 - Late afternoon prayer [Salat-ul-'asr] consists of eight rakats. First the sunnat, which consists of four rakats, and then the fard, which consists of four rakats, are performed.
4 - Evening prayer [Salat-ul-maghrib] contains five rakats. First the fard, which is composed of three rakats, then the sunnat, consisting of two rakats, are performed.
5 - Night prayer [Salat-ul-'isha] consists of thirteen rakats. The initial sunnat contains four rakats. The fard also contains four rakats. But the final sunnat has two rakats, while the Witr prayer has three rakats.