If the Scripture is not true and from an Almighty Creator then please explain to me how that over 4,000 years ago it could predict Israel becoming a nation? REMEMBER Israel did not become a nation until 1948! Just as great; 2,000 years ago Jesus said Jerusalem in the end times would be surrounded with armies. What are the odds that two great predicaments such as these could come to be true? Its NOT just a book. In the face of all its enemies it’s the all time Number One Best Seller! What other book is there on the market that claims to be from a god; makes great predictions like these and they actually happen exactly as stated? I can tell you there are NONE.
And I WILL make of thee A GREAT NATION, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shat be a blessing. Gen 12:2
The days will come when there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. And when ye shall see JERUSALEM COMPASSED WITH ARMIES. Luke 21:6, 20
The oldest civilization scientist have found is about 6000 years ago. So its not only the genealogy in the scripture that is right, but the oldest civilization know to scientist is only almost 6000 years old.
A team of scientist took lava to another team to have them test how old it was. 2nd team said over a billion years old. 1st team amazed said; it was just formed at Mt. St. Helen’s. This proves that we cannot trust bias scientist or their dating methods.
God could stop all evil, but then some would complain we are not free. He did not make robots! It is not a joke universe, actions have consequences, even beyond ourselves.
Historians, archaeologists, and scientists continue to find solid evidence to corroborate the scriptures accuracy. One archeologist who has worked around Jerusalem all his life says he has not found one piece of evidence to contradict the scripture but to the contrary found many pieces of evidence to validate the scriptures authenticity.
Which is it?
Which is it? Some scientist have said the earth is eternal, others say it was a big bang.
Evolutionist say that we have evolved down through the years. They believe that finally we have evolved from apes. Lets look at a couple of the ridiculous positions this puts them in.
First off, apes have been around a lot longer today then they were then. Why do I not see apes turning into man today? Certainly they would still be changing into human form. Why do I not at least find a half man half ape? Something is lost? Why did one or more apes evolve and all the rest suddenly stop evolving. The apes are not perfect yet so they should continue to evolve.
Second, they paint this beautiful picture of how things evolved down through the years. However they never stop to think about where the opposite sex came from. Do they expect us to believe that on top of all this evolving, that each species also evolved a male or female beside itself? Why do we even need sex if we all evolved from each other? That throws a monkey wrench in their hopeful theory. Single Men? If you were alone on this earth, How many billion years would it take you to produce that blonde haired blue eyed woman that you always wanted to marry? Are you that smart? Think a little! How many billions of years would it take you to make a opposite mate? Are you that smart? What color hair will you give her? What color eyes will you give her? You see how stupid evolution becomes if we think a little bit. And down goes their little paper tower! This is just a couple of the many ridiculous positions they find themselves in. This is what they expect us to accept as gospel. This is what they are teaching our children. They avoid the issues I just brought out because they do not want their beautiful picture exposed. If you were alone on this earth, How many billion years would it take you to produce a spouse? Are we that smart? Think a little! Would you give her/him blue eyes? Blond hair? How long would it take you to produce the person of your dreams? Don’t you think the human race would die off first? What about all the animal species? How long would it take each of them to evolve their opposite sex? Did we loose this ability somewhere down the line? You see how stupid evolution becomes if we think a little bit. And down goes their little paper tower! You can do all the grunting and growling and pushing you want to but you will never be able to produce an opposite sex beside yourself. If you are born a man not even science with all their brilliant technology could cause you to mutate and help you to evolve into a woman. Besides you would have to evolve into two if you were going to produce offspring because it takes male and female!! They may cause you to look like a woman BUT we would all laugh when we would see you trying to give birth.
When referring to the earth, most scientist used to say eternity past. In other words they believed the earth always was. Now they have changed horses in the middle of the stream and they believe in the big bang theory. They now believe the earth had an origin, or in other words the earth had a beginning. That sounds like the scripture! They are getting closer to what we believe is truth. I wish they could make up their minds.
We see matter all around us. Scientist have taken this matter and dissected it. Lets use glass for example. They have taken glass and broken it down into elements. They broke it down further and further trying to get to the smallest particle. They went further in breaking it down and found the atom, the smallest particle known to man. But scientist were still curious. They wanted to see what was inside the atom. They pulled the atom apart and boom! A burst of light came out. Pure energy, and it disappeared. It was never there the whole time. Scientist have concluded this. Guess what this proves? An ancient old book proclaims this long before the scientist finally reached this point with their brilliant technology:
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Hebrews 11:3
Isn't that amazing! Scientist are getting closes and closer to the truth. That's why there are more scientists that believe in God than evolutionists. In fact scientists and evolutionists are at times in sharp contrast against one another. For instance, the evolutionist will tell you that things are evolving and getting better and better and better. Their beautiful picture looks good until a law of science, the law of thermodynamics sets in. The law of thermodynamics says things are getting worse and worse and worse. In other words things go from a state of order to disorder. You take the finest brick home and leave it alone long enough and it will return to the very elements from which it was made. So already we have a law of science verses evolution. Men used to live well into the hundreds. Just over the last century it was predominant in all church history records of men living to 100 years or a little more. Now only a few can hold onto that ancient old age. A state of order to disorder. Even our earth rotation is slowing down.
Lets take a look at the other thing the scientist saw when they pulled the atom apart: light! Look at what this fits:
And God said, let there be light: and there was light. Genesis 1:3
Sounds like an ancient old story to me.
Then you have the argument that the earth is billions of years old but yet the scripture only puts it at about 6,000 years old. I like to think God has done this to play with the scientist thinking:
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Psalms 2:4
Because the answer is so simple. When God made Adam, God made him in his mature state. If we looked at Adam on his first day we would possibly say "you are at least 30 years old." But Adam would say "no, I am only a day old." When scientist look at the earth they say "you are a billion years old." But the earth says "no, I am only 6,000 years old." It is obvious in the creation that God created things in their mature state. So what appears and tests to be very old is not actually very old at all. However evolutionist fail to see this point until it is pointed out to them. That's our job as the body of Christ; to tell the truth and expose the lies. However, sometimes when you point this out some men will refuse to see it:
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. II Timothy 4:3,4
Or it could be that God has blinded them to the truth:
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: II Thessalonians 2:10,11
The evolutionists are enjoying this life but alienating themselves from the real life:
Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Ephesians 4:18
Lets take a look at our haphazard luck from this "big bang." We just happen to have 21% oxygen here on earth. Any more than that and we would become a ball of fire. Any less than that and we would become extinct from lack of oxygen. The bang was in our favor.
There is something else we need to have to survive and we just happen to have it: h2o, better known as water. The only planet known to scientist to have water. The scientist were sure Jupiter had water, until a object hit the surface and allowed them to get a peek. What they thought was water was mysterious black spots that they cannot explain. Somehow we here on earth ended up with more water than land. The big bang dealt us another good blow.
We just happen to be the right distance from the sun. Any further away and we would become a deep freeze. Any closer and we would be crispy critters. What a bang that must have been. We need more bangs like that. These above are just a mere few of the many hundreds of thousands of illustrations that I could bring out. I do not have enough paper and you do not have enough years to read about all of the big bang luck!
I like the way one scientist who believes in God said it. I may not get him word for word but I’ll try to relate it the best I can recall. He said you could have 1 billion people standing in a row. Each of them having a bucket. In each bucket is 100 dice. They have been practicing and have become pro's at throwing and scooping up their dice. And for 1 billion years they have been picking up 100 dice and throwing them once a second. What is the chance of one of them throwing all sixes? Give it some thought. It is very doubtful that it would ever happen. That's just dice. Think about it if we had to throw physics, elements, life and a whole lot of other complex things into that bucket. Yet a lot of people accept the evolutionist theory that water, oxygen, animals, plants, light, darkness, vision, smell, hearing, taste, and one trillion other things came from a big bang! What kind of people do they take us for? They are going to have to come up with something better.
My question is, where did the big bang come from? A speck of matter? Where did the matter come from? Gasses? Where did the gas come from?
Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the Lord that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself; Isaiah 44:24
We are part of a big bang..... God said it.....and BANG! it was there!
How could we say God does not exist but yet we do exist? Are we that arrogant? Did we make ourselves but God cannot exist?
In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: Ephesians 1:11
Most scientist used to believe that we evolved from a single cell. However now they know from modern technology that even a small cell is made up of numerous electrons, protons, and neutrons. If any one of these elements is absent, the cell fails to exist. The genetic information in a single cell animal, if spelled out in English is equal to that of a whole volume of encyclopedia Britannica. So now we are forced to believe that all of these elements had to come inconceivably from somewhere and meet incredibly at the same time and by a bizarre freak fluke constructed in the right order to produce this living cell. This is the equivalent of believing that marbles being dropped on a typewriter produced an entire set of encyclopedia Britannica. What would the chance of producing just one page of any encyclopedia in the world be? Its just as easy to believe that a Boeing 747 resulted from a tornado raging through a junkyard. Then someone will say maybe the cells were not made up by the same laws of physics like they are today. Maybe so, and maybe there are loch-ness monsters, and maybe bigfoot does exist!
The point is, is that we need to stick to facts and not inflated assumptions. I am happy about scientific discoveries. The more scientist discover, the more my heart leaps for joy. Just as the theory that the earth was the center of the solar system and that the planets move around the earth finally snapped, the backbone of evolution will be forced one day to snap! Those that hold onto the theory when scientist finally reject it will become a laughingstock. Evolution will become a religion taking more faith to believe in it than creation. Evolutionist will be in a class of their own. God bless true science and the true scientist!
We are giving you sound reasoning that God exist. Belief that God exist is logically prior to belief in God. Please allow me to lift a jewel out of its setting:
For he that cometh to God must believe that he is. Hebrews 11:6
No rational person boards an airplane without some prior evidence that it can fly safely. He needs evidence that a safe plane exist before he places trust in it. "in God we trust." America, it is time that we take our schools and our government back from those that oppose the basic principles of God. This nation is great only because of one. If we keep pushing that one aside, death is at our door! Gang violence will seem like Sunday school if we make this drastic mistake.
Most of the early founders of modern scientist believed in creation. After carefully studying the universe, Newton concluded:
It is not to be conceived that mere mechanical causes could give birth to so many regular motions. This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being.
To believe that a bang (wherever it came from) produced this awesome and majestic beautiful earth of ours, herein lies our folly. We know by observing constant movement in the present that natural causes can and do produce sand dunes but that it takes intelligent causes to produce sand castles.
We did not choose him. He chose us?
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be Holy and without blame before him in love: Ephesians 1:4
The scripture has proven itself over and over again. For example, before we had the modern technology of today, it was believed that the earth was resting on some kind of support. This went from the ridiculous of the earth resting on elephants to the more logical of resting on the shoulders of a giant named atlas. However the word of God said long before these theories that the earth rested upon nothing.
He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing. Job 26:7
The scripture really stepped out on a limb on this one. Just think if the scientist did prove that the earth rested on some kind of support. The scripture would be put on the same shelves as Donald duck or the funny papers. But once again true science proves what the scripture already knew.
...hangeth the earth upon nothing. Job 26:7
According to history it was once believed the earth was flat. Up until the time Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue, many still believed the earth was flat. Once again the scripture proclaimed long before this event, "the circle of the earth."
It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: Isaiah 40:22
Again the scripture puts itself at risk. If eventually scientist would have proven that the earth was flat, the scripture would have become a laughing stock. Once again science finally reached the conclusion that the scripture always held.
...the circle of the earth...Isaiah 40:22
How could ordinary uninspired men know what took scientist years to determine. Since the scripture has proven itself worthy lets give it a say in the matter:
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. II Peter 1:21
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: II Timothy 3:16
A manufacturer said that it sometimes takes two days to teach a person how to put the 17 parts of a meat chopper together. But this I do know he said; you can shake those 17 parts around in a wash tub for the next 17 billion years and you will never have a meat chopper. The scripture says it perfectly:
For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God. Hebrews 3:4
Why did God choose this plan for us to believe in him, with us not even seeing him? Again, all we have to do is think a little bit and realize the brilliance and wisdom of God that surpasses us, but at times he gives us a peak at his wisdom. Here is a peak: God is like we are in some aspects. He wants to be loved? He created angels to worship him. He created cherubim’s to love him. It is something like us programming a computer to say I love, I love you, I love you. Is that true love? It reminds me of a highly decorated man that is retiring from the military and the troops are ordered there to show their love and appreciation, and I wonder who would be there if they were not ordered. Who would the true followers be that would not have to be ordered. A dear brother of mine, brother Donnie Seifried once told me: if God had put a big speaker in the air and all we had to do to be saved was to come once a year and hear God speak for an hour, there would probably be hundreds of thousands of people there just to be saved. But where would their hearts be? You see, God gave us something that we can take liberty in: freedom of choice! He could have programmed us or made us love him, but that would not be the same. And how much more pure is that love if you can find a group of people who have never seen you, but yet they are ridiculed because of you. They are laughed at because of you. They are beaten, mocked, and even killed because of you. But yet they loved you. On judgment day God will know that these are truly ones that really do love him for they have never even seen him. This is absolute love in its purest form. The excellent wisdom of God!
Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. John 20:29
We sometimes try to comprehend love. Yet we cannot even begin to grasp or understand the depth of love.
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. I John 4:8
I cannot even begin to tap into a fraction of the love and kindness and mercy that God is. It is beyond my grasp when I think of scientists sneering at him, mankind mocking him, when I see hatred so strong that men kill one another, and yet he loves us dearly. A omnipresent Spirit puts aside the splendor of heaven, robes himself in flesh, bridles his powers, and lets man torture him and gives his flesh as ransom to show how much he loves us.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3 :16
Lets take a look at what we call the scripture and see if we can put our faith in it. Did you know the scripture was written by approximately 44 different men over a 1600 year period? Think about that. What if you took 20 men who had known each other for 20 years, and you sent them each to a different city in the united states and told them to write a chapter about God. Then all the men come together again and you tell them to put all of their chapters together and call it "the book." What would it look like? It would be a mess wouldn't it since men do not all believe in the same God the same way? But look at the scripture. It was written by approximately 44 different men over a 1600 year period and most of the men never even knew each other. Yet from genesis to Revelation its in perfect harmony. Now that's amazing. What would be the chances of a book written over a 1600 year period by 44 different men who most never knew each other to be in absolute harmony? It would be humanly impossible to do this. When I hear people say the scripture was written by men as if to say you can't trust it astounds me. Certainly they have never considered the facts. If we as men wrote it without the help of God, one of us would say: Its alright to sin a little bit, or its OK to look at another woman just a little. We hate the things the scriptures stands for, how in the world can one say we wrote it! One of those writers would have said it alright to commit fornication or its alright to do this! Uninspired men wrote the book? That is laughable. Why would we write a book that takes a stand against the things we like? How can 44 different men most of who never knew each other venomently preach against adultery, fornication, and other sins that we as men like. One of those men certainly would have said its alright to sin just a little. Lets be real here, its not just another book! Scientists have tried to dissect the book. Agnostics have tried to disprove it. Atheists have tried to discredit it. It is the anvil that wears out the hammers. No other literary has stood the test of time. And while all of this is going on it is still the #1 best seller. I can trust the scripture!
We have a God that longs for us. Who do we know; that would leave the portholes of heaven, a wonderful paradise and come to earth and become a bloody massacre to rid us from the corruption of sin and death? I know one! He did this because he loves us. He left us his word to find the way.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalms 119:105.
The planets do not collide and they are sustained in the atmosphere by the power of his word.
Thank you for your time and may Jesus bless you richly is my prayer in Jesus name.
Love you