What does God have against astrology?
since you asked
2008-06-15 12:22:39 UTC
Before you start quoting, I know what the bible says. What I'd like to know is why.

If god doesn't want astrology, why create the planets in the first place? Why give us the intellectual capacity to understand how astrology works in the first place?

This confuses me, as to me, astrology does more to prove the theory of intelligent design than it does to refute it. If I were god, I would encourage the study of astrology for exactly this reason.

So what gives?
35 answers:
2008-06-15 13:05:24 UTC
Hi r_a73 :-)

Actually I would say that God supports astrology. I did my research and asked a question about this once. With the help of a friend I came across discovering several facts to back up my claims. Even the bible has traces of astrology being used as a tool for heavenly guidance. Take a look at the statements below.

There were 12 apostles = one for each sign

Prophecies always related to the moon.

Matthew’s gospel says that the three wise men were astrologers, wise men, priests from somewhere outside the Roman Empire. They say that the wise men found that Jupiter and Saturn were in conjunction at the birth of our Lord. The conjunction appeared in Pisces which Jupiter rules.

The Bible states that God made the heavenly bodies to show us "signs" of his intentions. These signs can be read by anyone who knows how to interpret them. Astrology is about interpreting these signs in the motions of the sun, moon, planets, and stars.

The Bible also describes an astrological sign called the "Morning Star" which is a reference to the planet Venus.

Jupiter is the planet of the Kings (3 wise men) but also KING for Jesus...KING OF THE JEWS.

Astrology is not a belief system, but an archetypal, poetic language.

The Psalms verse 19:1-3 states, “The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech. Night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.”

Moses (c.1200-1100 B.C.), as Pharaoh's adopted son, was also an astrologer. He correlated the attributes of the twelve signs to the twelve tribes of Israel.

Edit: Oh and please understand that I'm not trying to preach anything. I guess this is about the closest I can come to proving my point :p
2016-03-15 01:56:02 UTC
The celebrities and exoplanets have always motivated a sense of ponder. Many civilizations look skyward and see the facial skin of the keen there. Which cosmic party on the fantastic scale, and another on the personal scale, taking place for each individuals. Astrology will be the study regarding patterns in addition to relationships -- of exoplanets in action, our labor and birth chart, synastry with other folks, the cosmetic makeup products of factors -- and also that information as a application to find that means. Is Horoscopy a research?: It comes more inside the category of metaphysics, the study of whatever is over and above the actual physical. It's just like other career fields that are according to ancient hypotheses of energy styles, like feng shui, acupuncture treatment and yoga exercises. Astrology from high ranges is a excellence of its certain science plus the intuitive disciplines. As the original known buying of living, long before noted history, coach anyone how to called the "Mother of all Savoir. "
2008-06-15 12:52:46 UTC

Yes, I agree exactly with what you are saying. Why give us the intellectual capacity to understand and interpret, especially when it is a benefic and enlightening tool. I also agree with what you had to say to Copperhead about the Bible and appreciate your courageous expression.

I think those who have been "blessed" with the gifts of knowledge, understanding and faith have a tremendous responsibility to utilize Astrology wisely. It is not to be used for displays of intelletual superiorty nor, as some people regard Astrology, fortune-telling. Especially when it comes to transits, progressions and synastry interpretations, we have to be particularly careful.

When I interpret charts, I want people to be uplifted and inspired, not feel as though they are marked or cursed. Although some are destined to lead more difficult lives than others, it is not my place to discourage or be the bearer of gloom and doom noise. Anyway, that is just my belief, and I am thankful that God has allowed me an open heart and mind to study Astrology. I just feel sorry for others who don't have this mindset of curiosity and interest to learn something so wonderful.

Oh, and to answer your question: I don't think God has anything against Astrology, just those who misuse and/or abuse it.
2008-06-15 13:53:42 UTC
My theory is that the Bible is not God... it is an interpretation (propaganda!) by a group of people with vested interests. Astrology conflicts with some of their interests.

An analogy could be : God disapproves of weather forecasting using computers. Astrology has been developed along similar lines...observation, pattern recognition, theory formulation...followed by proof & further refinement of the theory by continued observation.

NB : astrology proper bears little resemblance to 'popular' or 'sun-sign' astrology. The weather forecasting analogy could be : it always snows in winter.


2008-06-15 18:11:57 UTC
This question used to bother me quite a bit, so I did study the Bible in search for answers some years ago. I've come to the conclusion that God didn't have an issue with astrology, so much as people being tempted to worship stars and relying on predictions to rule their lives instead of His wisdom. The Bible calls Him a "Jealous God"--He does not want to "share" the adulation due Him with the objects of His creation...thus we are to worship only Him. Assuming you don't pray to the stars, I would think that you are not violating the 1st commandment. If we do not have "faith" in horoscopes and do not change our actions based on them, I would think we are clear of that injunction, too.

I feel that if we keep always in our mind that the Creator gave us these insights as gifts to ease our understanding in this world, we are obtaining knowledge that He placed there and nothing more.
2008-06-15 13:36:28 UTC
Can't imagine God having anything against what he himself created--just misuse as Janet says----check out The Astronomical Clock in Strasbourg Cathedral in France--one example of Astrological symbols in a (gasp) church!
2008-06-15 12:27:14 UTC
I would think it's the whole "letting something that is not God control your life".

God can move the planets (lol Superman) and have all this symbolic power, but there are people out there who just make up crap and call it a prophecy.

I'm sure there are people out there who religiously (no pun intended) read stuff about astrology and let it influence their jobs, friends, and entire lives. I guess, in a sense, it's like trusting a psychic. He or she might be scamming you and telling you a whole bunch of crap and you're just buying it all and changing yourself because of it... even though it's a lie while you should be listening to God about how to live... Not some stranger.

My two bits.
2008-06-15 12:33:17 UTC
Nothing he just hates when you worship the Zodiac like Christians and Muslims and these so called Jews do. Right now tell this day Christians, Muslims and Jews practiced Astro -Theology. The create mythical deities and places them in the spots of the Zodiac. Jesus is called the light of the world that is the sun! not God. Christians are not worshiping Yahweh of Moses.

In the Old Testament astrology is used as a navigation sign.

The Lion of Judah symbolizes the constellation 'LEO'. LEO the Lion was said to be the first lion created. The Old Testament forbids the worship of celestial bodies.

Evan is correct their is science in the bible the creation of man and woman was genetics and when they took from eves rib it was. Moses created a Caduces that is a symbol for healing and athourity. Yahweh is a human being who had advanced technology he is the designer of the Adam-Kad-Amon the serptine of DNA.
2008-06-15 13:50:17 UTC
It's not "God" who/that doesn't believe in astrology, it's these stupid misguided people who are so afraid of astrology or anything that their "religious leaders" tell them. These are the same people who thought that if you sail your ship to the edge of the ocean that you'd fall off the earth.

Please don't let these stupid/ignorant people upset you. None of these people have ever seen or talked to god and wouldn't know god if he/she or it walked right up to them. The bible and all other religious books are written by man/people who use it to scare the masses into doing what they want done.
2008-06-15 12:26:08 UTC
I don't think God has anything against astrology. I think certain people have an issue with it and try to pass the belief off on God. Don't forget who actually wrote the Bible: people.
Oscar Wms
2008-06-15 18:55:48 UTC
I think you are getting astrology and astronomy mixed up. Astronomy is the God created the system of laws, the science of stars and planets and all other heavenly bodies and He (God) saw that it was good (Genesis 1:1) Astrology on the other hand is pseudoscience claiming to for tell the future by studying the supposed influence of the relative position of the moon and stars etc. This is what God is against. It is akin to fortune telling and witchcraft. It has nothing to do with intelligent design but Satan's design to get you to depend on other things then God. God does not want you to know the future. Astrology along with tar riot cards, palm reading wee gee boards is one of the gateway to the occult practices. You do not want to go there.

God bless,

2008-06-15 13:15:09 UTC
Why not ask the Three Wise Men in the bible, who interpreted and then followed the "star" leading to Jesus , because it told them a "great King" was to be born?

God doesn't dislike Astrologers; conservative, fundamentalist Christians do *smile* --

2008-06-15 12:28:20 UTC
The stars(being masses of gas) could care less about what the people on planet earth are doing with their lives, let alone rule us, no matter how many people earn a living convincing people otherwise.

Astrology has been around way before the Jewish faith, let alone Christianity, you would think we could get beyond superstition by now and be happy we have a loving God that gave us the stars and planets for light at night and something to just enjoy.
Take them on, on your own
2008-06-15 20:13:23 UTC
lol only some idiots think that God its against astrology, they just trolls but i like your question! :)
2008-06-15 12:30:11 UTC
Well, astrology is a load of ignorant and useless bunk.

Now, *astronomy* is another matter, because it is a science based on making observations and then building hypotheses based on the observed information.

Further, intelligent design is also a load of ignorant, useless and well disproved bunk. See the court's decision in the Kitzmiller V Dover legal case about ID:

"After a searching review of the record and applicable caselaw, we find that while ID arguments may be true, a proposition on which the Court takes no position, ID is not science. We find that ID fails on three different levels, any one of which is sufficient to preclude a determination that ID is science. They are: (1) ID violates the centuries-old ground rules of science by invoking and permitting supernatural causation; (2) the argument of irreducible complexity, central to ID, employs the same flawed and illogical contrived dualism that doomed creation science in the 1980's; and (3) ID's negative attacks on evolution have been refuted by the scientific community." (page 64)"

So, ID and astrology both properly have earned their places in the dustbins of disproved garbage.
2008-06-15 12:38:53 UTC
Because He has the answers, not the movements of stars and planets and the charlatan that gives you questionable advice for a lot of money.

Don't confuse astronomy with astrology.

God made planets as God made trees in the forest and fish in the sea - enjoy diversity, study the whys and hows, but lead your life with the appreciation for facts rather than the fiction of others who don't know the future any more than you do.

Case in point: I don't know of any astrologer that won a lottery. It appears to me that they don't benefit from their own free advice, so why should you with their paid "advice"? LOL!

I won't quote Scripture since you claim to know what the Bible says. So you know that God didn't promise you gold, but wisdom in life in Him which is better than gold.
2008-06-15 12:28:47 UTC
Man the bible says a lot about science...Moses says in Exodus and Leviticus that God encourages sciences and exploration of his creations.

I wont quote, I'll let you read it. :-)

God Bless
neil s
2008-06-15 12:29:08 UTC
He let Persian astrologers (Magi, sometimes mistakenly referred to simply as "wise men") come to Jesus' birth, didn't he?
2008-06-15 12:26:49 UTC
I agree.. where In the Bible does God even say astrology is bad?? Lol...

ppl are just so close-minded

lol @ the answers u got.. this is sad really..
2008-06-15 12:26:51 UTC
I don't know anything about God, but maybe his intentions were for you to observe the beauty in them and not look up to the other God's who supposedly exists? Anyways I hope you find the right answer!!
Anthony V
2008-06-15 12:27:35 UTC
he has nothing against it 3 wise men followed a star it prove he's real so yeah
2008-06-15 12:27:42 UTC
How does astrology prove anything?

"Something that happens today gives your popularity a boost and that might mean that you're on top of the social scene for a little while! Use your new power for good, unless you're feeling sneaky. "

Thats my horoscope for the day. I hope it helps you understand god....
Angel D
2008-06-15 12:27:31 UTC
I don't know what the bible says about it but it wouldn't be there if it wasn't meant to be discovered
2008-06-15 12:27:50 UTC
hmmm. I didn't know that. very interesting. I'm still trying to figure out why God doesn't like witches.
2008-06-15 12:49:20 UTC
The bible was made by man not God. God does not have anything against Astrology. That is the religious people saying that God has something against Astrology. Nobody knows what God really looks like.
2008-06-15 12:29:45 UTC
It's science. Science and religion don't mesh.
~*~wElcOme 2 tHe bLacK paRadE~*~
2008-06-15 12:27:51 UTC
he has nothing against astrology. what would be have against something he created?? he doesnt. its religion thats made you believe that, when in truth, he obviously has nothing against it, since he created it himself.

2008-06-15 12:26:37 UTC
astrology is fiction, made up by people against God, that want to pull people away from God.
2008-06-15 21:30:50 UTC
it's just something they can't explain therefore in their minds it isn't "true"
sego lily
2008-06-15 13:18:16 UTC
First commandment:

thou shalt have no other God's before me;

He created the universe so we worship the creator
2008-06-15 12:25:43 UTC
religion is as fake as astrology
2008-06-15 12:25:44 UTC
2008-06-15 12:25:58 UTC
god is fake if heis rell he liketo kill millions of people with storms and desese
2008-06-15 12:25:01 UTC

help me with my question? (:
2008-06-15 12:26:07 UTC

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