How can you know that this is what god wants?
2009-10-13 06:42:04 UTC
Fellow Atheists please don't make any sarcastic remarks this is a real food for thought question

With regards to homosexuality, abortions or for some religions pork, alcohol or pornography or a dozen other controversial issues that religions have, how do you know that this is what god wants?
You can claim it states so in your religious texts, but these texts have been translated and rewritten, added to and removed. how do you know that your specific denomination, or the belief's you follow were not added or altered by someone down the line?

how can religious institutions formed by men, beings with finite knowledge understand what an infinite being believes? it is simply beyond their understanding
Sixteen answers:
2009-10-13 06:48:55 UTC
There are original transcripts to compare it with and some congregations have the upper hand on that and cannot change the original texts. Most religions only rely on the revised versions of scripture or what their pastors tell them...

God is beyond any non-believers understanding and any good Christian knows that. They also know that most will have their minds made up about it. Most however still try and get them to see the light. I say its a waste of good valuable time....
2009-10-13 14:11:51 UTC
I my self have a Strong's exhaustive concordance of the bible it is greek&hebrew scripture passage in the King James versions If you would like one write Shepherd's Chapel Po box416 Gravette' Arkansas they are expense I paid 30.00 for mind but it well spent.Are alabet has 26 letters hebrew 11 so they have diffence meaning an 1 word means a number of words it says in king James some meaning may be wrong but they wrote it in the best they could in english this book tellsthe meaning of these words And good luck you will learn a lot that no preasher will tell you..The bible saysyou give him all your love hebrew means love him no less. God bless!
2009-10-13 14:00:19 UTC
Not only does it speak against homosexuality/sexual immorality in the New Testament, it is also in the Old Testament.

And, The Bible was written by men who were given divine inspiration from God to write down His word so that we could know His laws and His covenant with us. If there had never been introduced sin in the world, we wouldn't need a law, and God would still be walking among us.
2009-10-13 13:52:52 UTC
This "religious text" that you're referring to is the Bible, right? If that's the one you're talking about, I challenge you to prove to the rest of us what was added, removed, and rewritten? You made a claim, now back it up with some proof. Show me where to find this information so that I can make a more informed decision?
Apostle Paul
2009-10-13 13:49:41 UTC
if you believe that Gods word is inspired by god, then you must know that the people who wrote it, namely servants of god, you must believe that god aided them in writing the parts down.

God is a living, and he would not let his word be changed so much that no one could find the truth, even though some corrupt individual found something didn't suit them and changed it.

As for the certain denominations its Truly up to the person to believe in what they learn, and if you have faith n god you should know that if you Truly seeking god he will show you to the way of truth.
Renee Y
2009-10-13 13:48:11 UTC
Christians have a direct line to God. Through the Holy Spirit, God can tell us all he wants us to know. He speaks to Christians in many different ways.
2009-10-13 14:26:22 UTC
All of us are born to sin. We do not have to be taught to lie or to be selfish. Those are things that our parents teach us not to do. But, weather you believe in God or not, we are all born with a sense of right and wrong. For most we understand that the taking of a life is wrong, which is where the act of abortion falls. All are born understanding the natural act procreation, and therefore understand that homosexuality is unnatural. That is why those who practice such, are tormented by their actions, and only become comfortable in their own skin, when they either repent or deny God fully. And, by continuing in that act they are denying God, weather they claim to be Christian or not. God Himself has taught us that it is not what we eat, that comes between us and Him. But, our own selfish acts. Which is where everything you have mentioned falls. When we practice such things we are being selfish and putting ourselves before God. Saying we know what is better for us then God. You do not have to believe in the Word of God to know that murder, lust, stealing, false witness, gossip are selfish acts. These are things, most know in their heart to be wrong. But, if you do believe in the Word of God then you can understand why you believe these things in your heart. You may not believe in God or His Word, but it does not change the fact that God has written His laws, laws of love, not selfishness, on the hearts of all.
2009-10-13 14:24:20 UTC
You ask more than one question on this post, so let me see if I can address them all...

"With regards to homosexuality, abortions or for some religions pork, alcohol or pornography or a dozen other controversial issues that religions have, how do you know that this is what god wants?"

I believe that the Bible tells us what God wants. It's also important to note that Christians, while having the Old Covenant (the Old Testament) as our instructor on what sin is, we are bound by the New Covenant (the New Testament):

Luke 22:20

In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.

1 Corinthians 11:25

In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me."

2 Corinthians 3:6

He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

Hebrews 8:13

By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.

Hebrews 9:15

For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance—now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant.

Colossians 2 NIV

13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature,[a] God made you[b] alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,

14 having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.

15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.[c]

As Christians we still need to know what the Old Covenant teaches on what is sin because it's through the Law that we become conscious of what is truly right & what is truly wrong--what is sin. The Law condemns, but we have life thru Christ.

"You can claim it states so in your religious texts, but these texts have been translated and rewritten, added to and removed. how do you know that your specific denomination, or the belief's you follow were not added or altered by someone down the line?"

This is a fair question. I believe that we still do have originals of the texts used long ago. I believe that God used man to speak for Him, to commit His words to paper/papyrus/scrolls of leather to preserve those words forever thru the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. While we may not have the "first prints" per se, we do still have copies that were preserved over time. This has been a question that's been asked over again by people, but the reality is that we still do have the original texts preserved in this way--copies of copies so to speak. This is actually something that's not unique to the Bible's preservation, but also to the preservation of other ancient texts accepted as originals today (I also believe that just because someone claims to have written a Biblical text long ago as with some apocryphal writings, that doesn't mean it was intended to be part of the canon of Scripture: God inspires, & as such, He leads men to know His Word). What's generally sought after & examined is the agreement the documents have in transmission over time. Sometimes the agreement sought after in examining the past documents is also found in corroborating texts such as correspondence of long ago or sermons of that time that verify what was said as in quoting past texts. The texts as documented in other languages long ago also provide evidence for agreement such as Greek, Latin, Coptic, Syriac, Armenian, Georgian, & Ethiopic. If you've ever read Lee Strobel's THE CASE FOR CHRIST, you might get a better understanding of this (See Chapter 3: The Documentary Evidence for more...).

"how can religious institutions formed by men, beings with finite knowledge understand what an infinite being believes? it is simply beyond their understanding"

Romans 8:7

the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so.

Colossians 1:21

Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior.

I believe that when people truly have a personal relationship with God, a spiritual transformation takes place from within that person affecting not only that person's life but the lives of others around him. It's kind of a ripple effect if you will. The Christian is part of the Body of Christ. Christ's Body on earth is not a church building, but rather, it is composed of all believers working together as one body in Him. We are enabled to do so in the power of God thru the Holy Spirit.

Romans 12 NIV

1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer you
2009-10-13 13:58:00 UTC
Christian have the Holy Spirit to guide and teach them.

God knows the heart of man. Nothing is good of man for He have cursed man.

Any one that contradicts God words or by adding, subtracting, to the purpose to deceive, it is better for that person not born of woman. For God will not allow to be mock.
2009-10-13 13:48:17 UTC
i won't be sarcastic and say "there is no god" if there is i think this god is much better than a Christian, islam, or buddhist god

why would a god care whether you want to be gay or whether to just be yourself

why would a god be based on some book people wrote and god couldn't write anything
2009-10-13 13:49:59 UTC
you are incorrect we have the original text in hebrew and greek.

they have not been altered or changed or added to or taken away.

God also lives in us and he tells us the truth and that the word of God in the bible is true and is not as you have claimed.

God lives in us and talks to us by his holy spirit the translator of God and his thoughts to men.

its not impossible, God has provided a way by his holy spirit.
† PRAY †
2009-10-13 13:46:53 UTC
Your disagreement about the texts is the problem. The Bible is the Word of God & Jesus commands that we Obey his commandments.

Our Creator commands us to obey & to have eternal life, so if we choose to disobey then it is our fault..
l z
2009-10-13 13:49:41 UTC
Please don't confuse this with a flippant, off-the-cuff, sarcastic remark. It's the only logical conclusion, a result of years of thinking and contemplation.

It's all just a bunch of made up stuff.
2009-10-13 13:48:42 UTC
Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things concerning Christ. It is the Holy Spirit that teaches the Word of God to me.
2009-10-13 13:47:52 UTC
What God wants God gets God help us all

What God wants God gets

The kid in the corner looked at the priest

And fingered his pale blue Japanese guitar

The priest said

God wants goodness

God wants light

God wants mayhem

God wants a clean fight

What God wants God gets

Don't look so surprised

It's only dogma

The alien prophet cried

The beetle and the springbok

Took the bible from its hook

The monkey in the corner

Wrote the lesson in his book

What God wants God gets God help us all

God wants peace

God wants war

God wants famine

God wants chain stories

What God wants God gets

God wants sedition

God wants sex

God wants freedom

God wants semtex

What God wants God gets

Don't look so surprised

I'm only joking

The alien comic cried

The jackass and hyena

Took the feather from its book

The monkey in the corner

Wrote the joke down his book

What God wants God gets

God wants boarders

God wants crack

God wants rainfall

God wants wetbacks

What God wants God gets

God wants voodoo

God wants shrines

God wants law

God wants organised crime

God wants crusade

God wants jihad

God wants good

God wants bad

What God wants God gets
Arthur Again
2009-10-13 13:55:28 UTC
People need god to be on their side, that's why god was created in Man's image.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.