Does "god" love me?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Does "god" love me?
47 answers:
2008-07-19 16:46:41 UTC
look at the treatment Jesus got and he was the son of god comparing I think he loves you alot
2008-07-19 16:48:17 UTC
You know he exists. No one ever said that when we were born, we'd have nice lives because we are Christian. In fact, some of the people with the most faith lived in some of the worst conditions.

Look at Jesus. He was treated horridly. He was always mocked, ridiculed. He was beaten by the guards who took him away. They let a murderer loose before they would let Jesus go free. Instead, they killed him, allowing him to die a slow and painful death. He died it because he loved you. Don't let struggles mess with your faith.

Now, if that was God's begotten, perfect son, does that mean he didn't love him?
2008-07-19 16:57:44 UTC
I'm 14 and I recently became a Christian. Devoting my life to god was probably the most amazing thing I could ever do in my life.

My grandmother had cancer and went into hospital to get it removed. I had such an awful feeling in the back of my throat and I prayed so so so hard to God that night. Her operation went smoothly and she survived. And I believe that the reason she survived was down to the simple fact that God loves everyone and he will do whatever he can to ease anyones pain.

Don't worry :)

Just pray to God, ask him to take your life, to be your saviour.

And the bible said Amen.

2008-07-19 16:51:28 UTC
God does love you...more than you will ever comprehend.

Things happen to us that we just can't might have given up on God, but He will never give up on you.
Steven S
2008-07-19 16:46:58 UTC
God is testing you......

He tests all of us trust me no ones life is perfect......

The only thing that ever changed my life was reading the bible and praying once a day, call it a miracle but I started to pull my life back together because whether it was something supernatural or not I had confidence like never before.

Go to church and meet some people....your not alone!
2008-07-19 16:56:49 UTC
Wow! Can I relate to how you feel. I felt the same way at one point in my life. I am going to assume that as you were going to confirmation you must have a Bible. Can u go to the book of Malachi the 3rd chapter and the 10th verse and read it. Then what happened to your remembrance of "For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son?". satan makes it so easy for us to forget the loving things that God does for us until all we can see is the negativity. What about just the fact that God saw fit for you to reach out and ask for help as you're doing. I am willing to bet that deep down you know he loves u, but because what you're going through at school is so overwhelming right now, you just can't see the forest for the trees. Also, you have to realize honey, usually when people either laugh at you, pick on you, or make fun of you, they're just miserable within themselves. They probably all hang out together, and I bet none of them would know how even function without the group setting. Frankly, they're the losers not you. You've already shown that you're a survivor because although you feel alone right now, at least you knew enough to ask for some suggestions so that you can repair your relationship with God. He loves all of us, and wants only the best for all of us. No matter what happens, don't ever give up on your relationship with him. Pray for courage, strength, and for belief in his will again in your life. Also, have you considered talking to a guidance counselor or another trusted adult? I hope this has helped some....
2008-07-19 16:55:58 UTC
God does love you ad always has. I've suffered depression and confusion in my spirit for a few years now. I felt many times that God forsook me but then He raised me back up. Now because of my trials and tribulations I can testify to others who have gone through the same thing and tell them how God strngthened me everytime. I believe He is doing this to you as well. You went through this sadness and pain but you are still breathing. You can testify that it was God who carried you all these years because if you were truly without him you would be dead, addicted, or down and out. God allowed you to go through these becasue He used you that you may realize His plan and testify to the strength He has given you. I hope my post touches you as God has touched me. God doesnt forsake or else He wouldve lied when he said "I'll never leave you nor forsake you." Seek Him again and stand strong.

God bless
2008-07-19 16:54:04 UTC
God does love you. And for all of you self absorbed people above me, I can not believe you just told some random strange that God hates her, I don't care if you are an atheist. That is horrible. and whoever the heck osiris is, you're crazy. God loves each and every person. He doesn't not stand there and watch your life get crappier. If you truly believed in him, then you would know that it takes FAITH to keep on believing. EVERY christian and non-christian goes through trials and tribulations. Those are brought on by everything. There are also things called temptations that serve as tests for you to pass. I'm a truly devoted Chrsitian and I love and serve one of the best God's ever. The ONLY GOD! Believe me when I say that he's watching and he does love you. During times of pain and hate, pray. Pray with out ceasing. You have to believe to recieve. I can say that when I went through my rough times, I only looked to him and He helped me though it all. I don't want to go into all of the trials I've been through, but I'm sure my wrist are glad that I stopped. :) Pray, believe, and you'll get. I'm not saying that God will answer your prayers tomorrow either. God is never late, He's always on time; His time. Our time on earth serves and means nothing to the Almighty. I promise He loves you. When He "made" you, He molded you into something to serve a purpose for him. Maybe you haven't found it yet, but you will, if you believe. Have Faith. The worst is yet to come and if God is on your side, you can always survive. He knows every hair on your head and every fiber of your being. Email me if you need to talk!
2008-07-19 16:48:17 UTC
the thing is to find god in you .be strong find creative ways to foil your attackers.god does not laugh at pain,he only wants you to over come haveing full faith you believe he is in you makeing you stronger
2008-07-19 16:46:01 UTC
Your life will get better.
2008-07-19 17:02:05 UTC
Recognize that what's happening with you has nothing to do with God. The bible teaches that the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one and people do things that are under his influence (Satan). I hope this helps a little: Help for the Victims

Victims of bullying, particularly the young, face a difficult challenge—that of maintaining balance under pressure. When someone bullies you, he is probably eager to throw you off balance emotionally. He is hoping that you will resort to extremes of anger or show terror. If you fly into a fit of rage or burst into tears and express hurt or fear, the bully is getting what he wants. So he may try to provoke the same reaction again and again.

What can you do? Consider the following suggestions. They are written primarily with the young in mind, but the principles may also apply to adults dealing with bullies.

▪ Keep cool. Don’t give in to rage. The Bible wisely advises: “Let anger alone and leave rage.” (Psalm 37:8) When your temper is out of control, you give the bully power over you, and you are likely to do things you will only regret.—Proverbs 25:28.

▪ Try to put thoughts of revenge out of your mind. Vengeance often backfires. At any rate, revenge is not really satisfying. One girl, who was beaten up by five youths when she was 16 years old, recalls: “I decided in my heart, ‘I will get even with them.’ So I got some help from my friends and took revenge on two of my attackers.” The result? “I was left with an empty feeling,” she says. And her own conduct worsened afterward. Remember the Bible’s wise words: “Return evil for evil to no one.”—Romans 12:17.

▪ When things appear to be getting heated, get away quickly. The Bible says: “Before the quarrel has burst forth, take your leave.” (Proverbs 17:14) In general, try to steer clear of those who tend to bully. Says Proverbs 22:3: “Shrewd is the one that has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself, but the inexperienced have passed along and must suffer the penalty.”

▪ If bullying persists, you may need to speak up for yourself. Choose a moment when you are calm, look the bully in the eye, and speak in a firm, level voice. Tell him that you don’t like what he is doing—that it is not funny and that it hurts. Do not resort to insults or challenges.—Proverbs 15:1.

▪ Talk to a responsible, caring adult about the bullying. Be specific about the problem, and ask for help in handling it. Do the same in your prayers to God, and this can be a wonderful source of help and comfort.—1 Thessalonians 5:17.

▪ Remember that you have value as a person. The bully might want you to think that you don’t matter, that you deserve to be treated badly. But he is not your judge. God is, and he looks for the good in each of us. It is the bully who becomes less worthwhile by resorting to such conduct.

The End of Bullying

“Man has dominated man to his injury.” (Ecclesiastes 8:9) That is how the Bible summarizes human history. Indeed, bullying has plagued mankind for thousands of years. A Bible writer said: “I myself returned that I might see all the acts of oppression that are being done under the sun, and, look! the tears of those being oppressed, but they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power, so that they had no comforter.”—Ecclesiastes 4:1.

However, God surely sees all the bullying that is going on in the world, and he feels for those who are being oppressed. But will he ever do anything about it? Yes, he will! Note his promise found at Micah 4:4: “They will actually sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree, and there will be no one making them tremble; for the very mouth of Jehovah of armies has spoken it.

A little heavy in the gut
2008-07-19 17:09:14 UTC
Listen, God is not sitting by but loves you. The Bible talks about how Christians will suffer on Earth but prosper in heaven. All this stuff happening to you is how Satan tests you to turn your back on God. Look at what happened to Job and how he persevered. So don't give up on God.

Now I am not sure what grade you are in but I would report it to the school and let them know whats happening to you. I would also tell your parents and you could possibly go to another school. An adult will be able to take care of this problem for you.

These kids are cool now but everything will change in college and on. These kids won't be cool anymore and all this bullying does not go on.

I would report this behavior happening to you because it is the only things that is going to stop it. I would also avoid these people too and go the opposite way they are going if you can.

Remember, God loves you and life gets alot better after school.
2008-07-19 17:12:22 UTC
God loves you and he died for your sins. I know its so easy to feel no one loves you.

John 3:16 --God so loved the world he gave his only son and that who everbelieves in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

John 15:9 & 10 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commandments you will remain in my love

You can not expect God to slow you his love and grant you his gifts if you do not follow his commandments and do not turn to him in prayer at least daily.

You know sometimes when I feel things are really going bad for me and I feel down and out I just sit quietly and talk to God like he is sitting there in a chair by me. I tell him how I'm feeling and why I'm feeling that way. I talk to him about other things that might be going on just like he is a friend sitting here because God is your friend even though you can't actually see him and He does not want you hurting.

Have you talked to a teacher or your parents about being bullied all the time? If one teacher doesn't listen then tell another one until someone listens. Also tell your parents about how your feeling and how other kids are treating you and how its making you feel. I think you need Gods help to deal with this but also that you need someone to talk to about it that you can actually see and get some idea's from on how to handle this as being Bullied really makes a person feel sad especially if they can't talk about it to someone.

Sometimes when we feel down from something that is really bothering us we push the ones who care away also then we feel even more alone from out own doing. Please reach out to a friend, your parent and a teacher or some other trusted adult and do it now. Believe me you will feel so much better.
2016-05-26 09:55:02 UTC
Different translations of the bible would suggest love and charity are synonmus. Examples found in.1st Corrinthians ch. 13 vs. 1-17 illustrate this many times. I would enjoy hearing from a scholar of the languages used in those past times to clarify my understanding. The story of the "World's Poorest Philanthropist", Gilbert "Harold" Ewing II (myself) is the reason for this querry. The " act of grace", or charity, reffered to in the news interview, has posited this question and I lack the sort of education to provide any insights of true value.
2008-07-19 16:53:20 UTC
I'm sorry about what's happening to you at school. However I believe it has nothing to do with god. That's life.

I read this qoute by Elie Wiesel, a Holocuast survivor and author of "Night", it goes like this: Mankind must remember that peace is not God's gift to his creatures, it is our gift to each other.

Stop focusing on whether God loves you or not so much. Not to be mean or anything but it sounds like your whining and not really trying to solve anything. Be a creator not a victim, take control of your life, pick up a hobby to release your anger and frustration - you CAN do it.

Don't worry so much about those stupid kids who pick on you and those popular kids. F***k 'em.
2008-07-19 21:38:58 UTC
The real (obligatory) question you should be asking is "does god exist?". I know logically he couldn't (or could) exist, but something inside me says this whole life is almost very similar to the Sims. Soneone (or something) was set to regulate everything, but we're all just not able to comprehend it. You could ask your local pastor/father/whatever or some friends and family and start up a dialogue, and I'm sure you'll have your answer then.
Tohru S
2008-07-19 16:49:19 UTC
Yes he does God loves everyone. I know it may not seem like it and you don't understand but God does everything for a good reason. You may be wondering "Why is what is going on good?" It is not good but he wants to stay by you for this. One day he will answer your Prayers but you won't understand why he put you threw this till you get to heaven. Just trust in him and keep up with the prayers. It may not happen right away maybe even take years but trust me he will make things better just get back on your walk with him and he will help you.
Thomas A
2008-07-19 17:02:53 UTC
God does care for you. He also cares how you act because he doesn't want even more people hurt and doesn't want you to have guilt. I wish I could take your pain away. I know God wishes that too. God has a plan for you I know. Jesus loves you and knows what it feels like so i know he'll do right for you.
diana p
2008-07-19 16:49:03 UTC
God loves you and asks that you help yourself and if you took the first step in faith and trusted you would do something to change your circumstances he will aid you - also sometimes he will say yes, others no and others not yet, If Jesus endured death on the cross for us to have salvation a little suffering doesnt really compare does it...
2008-07-19 23:50:47 UTC
Why do people always say its "Gods" Fault when there life is going through bad times? Get a back bone man and just fight back.
By Faith
2008-07-19 17:13:00 UTC
First I would say of course God loves you. He loves you enough that He let his only begotten son die in your place for your sins.

Second I would say that God is not going to do anything for you that you can do for yourself. I don’t know what Gods plans are for you but I know the bible tells me in Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.(KJV)

If you believe that your life is so hard I would suggest that you read the book of Job and see what he went through.

The story of Job opens with a brief description of the man, his possessions, and his family. "Blameless and upright" <1:1>, he owned thousands of sheep, camels, oxen, and donkeys. He also had seven sons and three daughters. In simple terms, Job was considered a wealthy man in the tribal culture of the ancient world. But Satan insists that the integrity of this upright man has never been tested. He accuses Job of serving God only because God has protected him and made him wealthy. God granted permission for the testing to begin.

In rapid fashion, Job's sons and daughters are killed and all his flocks are driven away by his enemies. Finally, Job himself is stricken with a terrible skin disease. In his sorrow he sits mourning on an ash heap, scraping his sores with a piece of pottery while he laments his misfortune. This is when Job's three friends-- ELIPHAZ, BILDAD, and ZOPHAR-- arrive to mourn with him and to offer their comfort.

But instead of comforting Job, these friends launch into long lectures and philosophical debates to show Job the reason for his suffering. Their line of reasoning follows the generally accepted view of their time-- that misfortune is always sent by God as punishment for sin. Job argues just as strongly that he is an upright man who has done nothing to deserve such treatment at the hand of God.

Finally, after Job and his friends have debated this question at length and have failed to arrive at a satisfactory solution, God himself speaks from a whirlwind. He does not enter their discussion about why the righteous suffer; He reveals Himself as the powerful, all-knowing God. God's message to Job is that He does not have to explain or justify His actions. He is the sovereign, all-powerful God who always does what is right, although His ways may be beyond man's understanding.

Job is humbled by this outpouring of God's power, and he learns to trust where he cannot understand. This leads to his great affirmation of faith, "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You" <42:5>. Then the book closes with the birth of more sons and daughters and Job's rise to a position of even greater wealth and prominence. Job lived out his additional years as a happy, contented man: "So Job died, old and full of days" <42:17>.
2008-07-19 16:50:22 UTC
ok well heres what you have to do don't wait for a miracle be the miracle belive that you yourself has the power to change any thing ok and then good thing will come your way and yes god loves you he likes every one and i heard somewhere that gods favorite always have a hard time
12imams R infallible. kamalsam
2008-07-19 17:06:02 UTC
This life is nothing but a cross to another eternale ,.God creat u & yes he watch u to see what u do in this life u must worship him thank him & do good deeds & he doesn't need u or anyone of us but we need him.
2008-07-19 16:47:31 UTC
how old are you

Well I believe that what you are going through now might be testing your faith, or there is a higher reason for the bullying. You have to learn to see that not everyone that is popular right now is always going to have it good, and they themselves might be lost and are using the bullying to make themselves feel better.
2008-07-19 17:25:37 UTC
this sounds exactly like what I went through. I've been in your situation before so many times I went through the same thing and even after I left it's had a negative impact on me for years and I remember praying and crying out to God it seemed like every minute of the day and nothing changed. The only time I ever felt peace is when I looking back, I am so happy that I was never accepted by those demon possessed people. I kept believing something as wrong with me but everyone was so racist and so nasty to me and God help me - I would never want to be part of them. I'm learning to be happy being me, knowing that God loves me.....wanting their acceptance was worse than enduring their rejection. Don't want their acceptance, you don't need it. My suggestion would be to transfer to another school if it's really bad but also work on knowing you are loved by God and loving yourself no matter what because you are a beautiful person. Keep reminding yourself of this.You are fearfully and wonderfully made the Bible says... find verses in the Bible that decribe who you are and meditate on it. The Bible says "Perfect Love casts out fear" I remember being terrified going, panic attacks and everything..God's perfect love casts out fear including fear of rejection. God's Love is more powerful than their rejection. God's Love is always there, it's us who have to become aware of it through faith. The more you are confident of this fact the less you will fear their rejection, that's why it's good to meditate on the truth in the Bible that describe who you are. This is the devil working through people trying to bring you down. Hey Jesus died for you to prove how much He loves think the devil is happy about that. He will try everything to try to disprove that. He's trying to do that through people. Remember the battle is in the mind. Sometimes it's easier to see these things when you are out of the situation

I do hope and pray your situation gets better. In the name of Jesus, I pray healing of your mind, heart and spirit, for God's Holy Spirit to guide you and I pray over your situation through the precious blood of Jesus. Use this to come closer to God.. God may be using this situation for you to come closer to Him...that's what He's used for me. So many things have happened that I simply cannot doubt His existence and one situation in particular when I felt his presence so strong, it blocked my senses, I was in class the prof. was talking and although my ears and eyes were fine, I was so aware of His presence, I literally did not hear anything or was even aware of what was going on around me and for the first time in my life, I was unafraid, it did not matter what people said or did around me, I felt so secure, all fear of rejection completely gone, so aware of his love, it was unbelievably amazing. That was only once on my life for 20 minutes and then the class was over. Never in my life did I want to continue staying in classroom and oh how I regret coming late to that class. All I said was God be with me as I always do, didn't really expect anything to change. Anyway, everything was back to normal after that class, fear came back but I hold on to that experience. I can never again doubt the existence of God or whether or not He loves me, even if I don't feel it, it's there, it's up to me to be aware of it and that's where I believe God is calling me closer to Him. Situations haven't changed, only my awareness of Him and of his Love has to change - increase.

Here is a suggested link. I hope it helps you.

God Bless
2008-07-19 16:44:54 UTC
2008-07-19 16:48:33 UTC
Take an honest look at your life and the world you inhabit, all the suffering that pervades the human condition. If God is real, he either hates us or doesn't give a **** about us.
2008-07-20 10:48:59 UTC

Being angry with God is a natural human reaction especially when things are going poorly for us. When bad things happen to us we blame God and believe that he doesn’t care and he doesn’t love us. We would like to just slam the door on his face and never speak to him again.

The reality in this world is that bad things happen to good people. No matter how good they are. I could give you all kinds of examples. An innocent young family of five coming home from an evening church function gets slaughtered on the highway while the drunk driver who hits them walks away without a scratch. Did God cause that to happen? No. Should God have spared the innocent young family because the drunk driver made the choice to drink and drive? Why should he have? You were only about 6 or 7 years old when terrorists attacked the World Trade Centre killing thousands. In those planes were some babies who were vaporized instantly. Do we blame God for the wicked choices the terrorists made? I don’t think so. Why would it be God’s fault? Sure, we know that God is all powerful. We want to believe he loves us. We are told he is a compassionate God. Yet, each time there is a calamity we judge him as being unloving and uncaring because he did not spare us. It is not God’ responsibility for the wicked choices people make.

In your situation I empathize with you about the bullying. Bullying can drive a young person to sometimes take desperate measures. Bullying can instil a fear within us that we regret being born. And I know that you have asked yourself, “Why won’t God intervene and do something about this?

I cannot stress to you enough that this is the time to draw closer to God not pull away from him. And I’m sure that is the last thing you feel like doing. But do it! God has promised he will never leave nor forsake us. In other words he will not abandon us no matter how dark our situation appears. He also says he will never allow us more than we can cope with. God doesn’t break his promises. We cannot hold God responsible for the choices the other guys at your school are making anymore than I’m willing to blame God if you should make a stupid choice.

Jesus tells us that if we ask for anything “In His name” then we will get it. That means if he wills it and it means that it will be done in his time, not ours.

Does God want bad things to happen to you? Of course not. But they are going to happen. And there will be other unsavoury events in your life that will happen.

If God promises to be there for us then we have a right to “demand” his attention and a right to demand his help. The word demand is a pretty strong word but if someone makes a promise then we don’t ask them to keep it, we demand that they keep it.

If you choose to abandon God and allow your hurt and anger to blur your judgement and affect you like this that is your choice. My advice to you is that even if you have to pray 50 times a day for this burden to be lifted from your shoulders then do it. God is there. He has not walked away even though you think he has. And he’s listening. He’s also searching your heart. And he wants you to do the same. He will give you the answers- in his time, not yours. You want the heavy load to be lifted. He will give you a stronger back to handle the load. But you need to be listening. If you are not able to make friends at school then there are places where you can find and make friends- and good friends.

As far as the bullying goes and the teasing that is a very difficult thing to have to deal with by yourself. I have made suggestions to you in the past and can only hope you will follow up on those suggestions.

I am encouraged that you are at least willing to talk about your issues. Talking about them here is important and continue to do so but you have to go further. And if you have tried, then keep trying. Ask God to put people in your life that will be able to help you out of this situation. Ask God to give you the strength to endure a little longer. Ask him to change your heart and to help you see things differently. The way He sees things. Continue doing this. Continue talking with your mom, or a teacher you can trust. Instead of seeing your brother as a jerk and an irritation see him as someone that you love and someone that you would miss terribly if something bad were to happen to him. Even call your local crisis line. They can be pretty good listeners and more than willing to talk with you. I do not know what your denomination is but I do know that many churches have some very good youth groups where you can get involved. By becoming involved in positive activities and with positive people it makes your other issues less of a problem. There is a beautiful poem that I think speaks for itself. You might want to copy it and print it and put it up in your room or carry it around with you. Does God love you? Yes- and very very much. I’ll be praying for you.

Footprints in the Sand

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed

he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.

For each scene he noticed two sets of

footprints in the sand: one belonging

to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,

he looked back at the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along the path of

his life there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very

lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he

questioned the LORD about it:

"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow

you, you'd walk with me all the way.

But I have noticed that during the most

troublesome times in my life,

there is only one set of footprints.

I don't understand why when

I needed you most you would leave me."

The LORD replied:

"My son, my precious child,

I love you and I would never leave you.

During your times of trial and suffering,

when you see only one set of footprints,

it was then that I carried you."

written by Mary Stevenson
2008-07-19 16:47:36 UTC
Of course god doesn't help you... ain't no such critter. Sweetie, you are a strong person to accept the fact that you and you alone have the power to direct your own life... and if you need a smart group to join, because Sunday services are just kinda nice, go to the Unitarian Church in your area.... smart, loving people, who like you, don't believe in a sky daddy... they believe in the goodness of the human spirit.
Angel eyes
2008-07-19 17:21:29 UTC
2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

Luke 23:28 But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

23:31 For if they do these things in a green tree (meaning Jesus who never sinned), what shall be done in the dry (meaning us who have sinned)?

I had to edit my comments, because I wanted to give you a broader thought...

How do you think Jesus was as a boy growing up?? Now remember He never sinned!!! Not in word or even thought! Do you think just maybe the other kids called him names? Maybe goody tush shoes! Maybe they even said, "you don't even know who your father is or maybe even worse, your mother was a whore". As they may not have believed in the manner of His birth! If Jesus lived as a boy today, would you have called Him a goody tush shoes! He never disobeyed! My point is, Jesus knows your sorrows and your pain. He had it too! And yet He endured it for you and me, so He could die as our Savior. That's how much He loves you.

Jesus does not present to His followers the hope of attaining earthly glory and riches, of living a life free from trial. Instead He calls upon them to follow Him in the path of self-denial and reproach. He who came to redeem the world was opposed by the united forces of evil. In an unpitying confederacy, evil men and evil angels arrayed themselves against the Prince of Peace. His every word and act revealed divine compassion, and His unlikeness to the world provoked the bitterest hostility. So it will be with all who will live godly in Christ Jesus. Persecution and reproach await all who are imbued with the Spirit of Christ. The character of the persecution changes with the times, but the principle--the spirit that underlies it--is the same that has slain the chosen of the Lord ever since the days of Abel. In all ages Satan has persecuted the people of God. He has tortured them and put them to death, but in dying they became conquerors. They bore witness to the power of One mightier than Satan. Wicked men may torture and kill the body, but they cannot touch the life that is hid with Christ in God. They can incarcerate men and women in prison walls, but they cannot bind the spirit. Through trial and persecution the glory--the character--of God is revealed in His chosen ones. The believers in Christ, hated and persecuted by the world, are educated and disciplined in the school of Christ. On earth they walk in narrow paths; they are purified in the furnace of affliction. They follow Christ through sore conflicts; they endure self-denial and experience bitter disappointments; but thus they learn the guilt and woe of sin, and they look upon it with abhorrence. Being partakers of Christ's sufferings, they can look beyond the gloom to the glory, saying, "I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Romans 8:18.

Hang in there my friend! Jesus does love you very much!!! Or He would not have died for you.
Cheshire Cat
2008-07-19 16:47:38 UTC
yes God does love you. He put you on this earth for a reason and a purpose and He loves you very much. I have had my doubts a couple of times, but I always find Him again. He will never, NEVER give up on you; dont give up on Him.
2008-07-19 16:47:38 UTC
God loves us all and maybe hes just busy helping out people who have lost their kids to gun crime like my boyfriend's mom. and is just taking a little longer to get to you. Dont be so selfish other people hav it worse. And maybe you should do something about it. Maybe God is doing this so you can learn to be strong.
Pat C
2008-07-19 16:52:02 UTC
god loves everyone, but to help with your problems i suggest not telling on people pick on you, rather go to a guidance person or possibly a therapist as they can help you feel better. but when you feel totally left out why don't you go to a Church and pray to god, message him.
2008-07-19 16:49:47 UTC
god loves everybody start praying for the bullies they will eventually find the rite path and start praying for yourself you ll see change
2008-07-19 16:48:34 UTC
yes he loves you and no offence but everyone is created equaly you cant change your size but popular kids just have different mindstates then make choices you could be popular just like offence again but its not that hard rly
2008-07-19 16:48:51 UTC
From Jesus:

"Blessed are the meek: for they shall posses the land."

"Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see."

"Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill."

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
2008-07-19 16:47:18 UTC
Sounds like Trails of Tribulation

I believe that God inflicts "pain" on us to prove our faith to Him no mater what

I see it as a "test"

like with abraham when he had to "kill" his son

I hope you find your faith again


p.s heres a poem thingy cant remember all of it but this is it basically

when you can see a pair of foot steps god is walking with you

when you can only see one pair of footsteps God is carrying you
2008-07-19 16:47:15 UTC
Not reading all that btw. Don't worry, God loves you! God loves everyone! I know it seems like God isn't around ( I feel you dog ) but are you really that unhappy with him?!
Blaze O
2008-07-19 16:47:44 UTC
god loves every one.

just think some kid out there has it way worse then you.
Savannah and Myranda L
2008-07-19 16:46:42 UTC
God loves everybody right? He forgives people for there sins?
2008-07-19 16:45:36 UTC
Im surprise that with all the suffering youve been through you still believe in god
2008-07-19 16:45:11 UTC
God loves everyone.
2008-07-19 16:46:28 UTC
Yes. Stop subscribing to fairy tales, go and join a boxing/Thai boxing gym, and take back your self respect.

No-one can stop you being victimised except YOU.
2008-07-19 16:45:55 UTC
which hypothetical gods are you talking about....there are thousands so I will just assume you mean the ONE TRUE GOD OSIRIS
2008-07-19 16:46:26 UTC
god hates you.

he can't wait for you to die just so he can judge you.

well if he existed that is.
2008-07-19 16:45:57 UTC
God does not love you.

But he favors me pretty well. :)

Sorry kid.
2008-07-19 16:44:59 UTC
this is why I am agnostic.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.