Are you quite aware that God CAN do anything?
2010-08-01 21:51:54 UTC
Sarah became pregnant at the age of 90, and read the Bible and see! If you are in the Kingdom of God, you also find out about many miracles happening around the world! Jesus is faithful and true and he will never leave his children. Give a verse or two. Thanks.
176 answers:
~ *Leaping Water* ~ x puddles of love x
2010-08-01 22:02:07 UTC
Oh yes I am!! :))

Ten yrs ago God healed my friend from a wheelchair, so many physical problems, and emotional too...

One day she was bound up, next day walked into church!!! now traveling the world with the evangelist who prayed for her sharing what our God can do :))

Ruth, one day she was working in the field, next day she owned it when Boaz took her to be his wife :)

Rebekah, one day going about her daily chores watering camels, when Issac's servant chose her to be Issac's wife, with a promise, as we know :)

Abigail, one day married to a man who was cruel, David saw the wisdom of God in her and came to the place he knew he couldn't live without her, God rescued her from a cruel and loveless marriage ...

Do I believe God can do anything - YES I DO!! :)))

Sarah is a beautiful example (((M))) xx
2010-08-02 01:18:54 UTC
God CAN do anything but the truth of the matter is WILL he/she?

But why stick with the Bible which is a highly edited version of the scriptures (why was the Book of Enoch omitted for example)? Look at the Qu'ran (where Abraham Sarah's husband is revered); read the Bhagavad Gita; pore over the teachings of the Buddha. It may come as a shock to Christians but God is not a Christian as all the 'faiths' are merely a manifestation in Man's desire to believe that 'someone' created the Universe.

On a personal level, I find it very disappointing that the human mind is so constrained that it has to 'personalise' what is clearly energy manifesting as an infinite consciousness. There is 'something' much greater than what we can see or even know and that is where Belief and Faith appear to bridge the 'gap' in understanding and knowledge.
2010-08-02 03:32:15 UTC
The Old Testament is written mostly in metaphor. BUT..Why does everyone need something so huge to latch onto. There is no size to a miracle. Miracles occur all around us everyday.

By the way, I prayed a simple prayer to send me a sign that I was going on the right path when I first seriously considered becoming Christian. All I said was "Please Lord, send me a revelation. I am willing." Then figuring nothing huge would happen other than maybe a sense of peace or something, I went about my daily routines. About 10 days later I was at work as a cashier and I looked up for the next customer and had the wind knocked out of me. Jesus was standing just to the right of the line looking deep into my eyes with the most incredible look of love I have ever seen. I continued to take customers and when I looked back up He was gone. I felt that love for a long time afterward. So yes, I believe God can do anything.
Denny Crane
2010-08-02 02:08:17 UTC
You call becoming pregnant at age 90 a 'miracle', I call it 'math'!

Reaching puberty at age 12, she would have have `1,014 + ovum at birth, that just means she was born with many more opportunities to birth a child than most other females!

As to the verses, I don't want to type all that up, but just read Luke 19:27!

Also, as I recall, Jesus Christ didn't have children, lest it be like as told in "The DeVinci Code"!

Add: As I recall, Sarah had 16 children, yes? But that was that she lay barren for long before she gave the first, yes?

Also, as I also recall, Adam and Eve [accordingly] lived to some hundred years old, then it was lessened, etc., etc., etc., I'll type those up in just a moment!

After Cain, Able, and their sisters, according to NWT, Genesis 5:3 'Adam then lived on for 130 years. Then he became father to a son in his likeness, in his image, and called him Seth.' At that time, Adam was about 300 years of age! Amazingly, Christians claim the Earth is about 6,000 years old, yet even the Sumerians who lived more than 17,000 years ago, even then only made it into the mid 70's! And the years where longer then too, so can you not see an issue with the mathematics given in The Holy Bible? Genesis 5:5 'So all the days of Adam that he lived amounted to nine hundred thirty years and he died.'

Adam fathered Seth, Seth fathered Enosh.

Adam lived 930 years, Seth 912, Enosh 905!
2014-11-07 11:34:51 UTC
But why stick with the Bible which is a highly edited version of the scriptures (why was the Book of Enoch omitted for example)? Look at the Qu'ran (where Abraham Sarah's husband is revered); read the Bhagavad Gita; pore over the teachings of the Buddha. It may come as a shock to Christians but God is not a Christian as all the 'faiths' are merely a manifestation in Man's desire to believe that 'someone' created the Universe.
2010-08-02 02:45:09 UTC
.....Are you quite aware that God CAN do anything?

Yes, absolutely!

Edit - traptin85:

Jesus was the God of the old testament who walked in the Garden of Eden and created Adam and Eve, so he had everything to do with it.

John 1

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning.

3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

John 1:18

No one has seen God at any time.

John 6:46

No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father.
2010-08-02 00:57:18 UTC
Well some people forget that it is only by his grace and love that we wake up with breath everyday..some people don't even have that. We just forget and we need certain situations, certain people to remind us that's all. However, the human mind cannot comprehend how great or who God is. He is too complex to comprehend. To some they are intimidated thus they deny him altogether and to some it is something to marvel at and have faith in. God, heloim is life itself..he is the alpha and omega he is the way the truth and the light. You can only go through Jesus to get to God and he says if there is another way to heaven other then him then he is not God. Jesus says you do not get to heaven by works or deeds but acceptance of his sacrifice and faithfulness to God. Amazing!
2010-08-02 00:17:59 UTC
In this condition I am not in the site of god because in this modern age a women after 45 age cannot bear the child for the health of both mother and child. Sarah was 90 how can it be possible that she give the birth of the child and believe in god .it's impossible.
2010-08-01 23:33:29 UTC
I do hope you actually read this, because it's meant to give you advice on how to actually defend your ideas, and make them less vulnerable to argument. You're using what is called circular reasoning, it is known as a logical fallacy, meaning that it is not logical, even if it correct. You see, your first premise is the same as your second, your proof for anything, cannot be your assumption, if they are the same, then they don't work. See the Bible itself isn't proof that Sarah was pregnant at 90, it's proof that is says she was pregnant at 90. You see, just as if I wrote a book right at this very moment claiming that unicorns made us all out of rainbows. The book I wrote, in itself, is not proof that unicorns made us out of rainbows, it's proof that I said that they made us out of rainbows. now, moving onward, if you were to use this form of logic in an argument, and were to except as a valid argument, then it's a valid argument for every other religion, as well. The Koran also shares miraculous stories, and they, as well, might be true, but...being written down in the Koran does not make them true. If I were to accept your argument, that would also make the god Allah, of the Koran, existing and all powerful, because you could use the same argument on the Koran, or any other text as well.
2010-08-01 22:47:57 UTC
God cannot lie, so you are not quite correct in thesis statement/question.

Reference Titus 1:2 (in context):

1Paul, a bond-servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, for the faith of those chosen of God and the knowledge of the truth which is according to godliness,

2in the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago,

3but at the proper time manifested, even His word, in the proclamation with which I was entrusted according to the commandment of God our Savior,

4To Titus, my true child in a common faith: Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.

Yes, God is Sovereign and so has complete control over the physical universe, but it is just not true that God can do anything -- (He can't make a rock that is too big for Him to lift, and He can't make a round square, etc.).

Nor can He allow sin into Heaven.

But can He allow the miracle of life to conceive in a person such as Sarah (remember people lived to about 120 in those days, and the human life-span was reduced to three score and ten after Moses time, so she may not have been as far past child bearing years as a 90-year-old would be today).

But that's not the important part of the matter -- yes -- God can and does work miracles. All the time.
2010-08-02 02:23:56 UTC
Yes, I do believe in God and aware he can do anything. He won't do things to people who are criminals and bad people though, unless they really do deserve it.

When I was little, around six maybe. I was dying of asthma. I couldn't breathe and I suppose the asthma was 'causing. It also mixed with my allergies. So I was dying (although every second of your life you are dying) of it. I kept praying and asking God for help. After a day or two I got better. Then after a week I could play basketball! It was amazing, I always thank him for that too. He truly is amazing :) People who say he doesn't exist is because nothing really has happened to them. If God really doesn't exist we still shall be thankful for all miracles.

* Baptist * * Christian *
2010-08-01 23:35:22 UTC
I fail to see how this is a "miracle". One unexpected yet explainable event does not prove anything. And if it is indeed some miracle, how do you know it was not the work of another of the thousand deities created by human minds? Venus might as well have answered er prayers for all you know.
2014-05-05 19:15:19 UTC
You also have a mistaken belief about what the Bible says about Jesus... you said "he will never leave". According the New Testament, Jesus left. He's gone now. He promised his apostles he would return. There are over 200 mentions of this in the New Testament. He didn't fulfull that promise to them, and 2000 years later, he still hasn't returned, despite every single generation since then insisting he will.
2010-08-02 02:07:31 UTC
One must state it plainly. Religion comes from the period of human prehistory where nobody-not even the mighty Democritus who concluded that all matter was made from atoms-had the smallest idea what was going on. It comes from the bawling and fearful infancy of our species, and is a babyish attempt to meet our inescapable demand for knowledge (as well as for comfort, reassurance and other infantile needs). Today the least educated of my children knows much more about the natural order than any of the founders of religion, and one would like to think-though the connection is not a fully demonstrable one-that this is why they seem so uninterested in sending fellow humans to hell.

'...Jesus is faithful and he will never leave his children...'. Lets take a look at one of Jesus's children whom he never left. What about Fraulein Friesel in Austria whose father kept her in a dungeon where she didn’t see daylight for twenty-four years and came down most nights to rape and to sodomize her, often in front of the children… I want you just to take a moment to imagine how she must have begged him. Imagine how she must have pleaded. Imagine for how long. Imagine how she must of prayed everyday, how she must have beseeched Heaven. Imagine, for twenty-four years. And no. No answer at all. Nothing! No-thing! NOTHING! Imagine how those children must have felt. Now, you say, ‘That’s all right that she went through that, because she’ll get a better deal in another life.’ I ask you if you can be morally or ethically serious. And Heaven did watch it with indifference, because it knows that that score will later on be settled. So it was well worth her going through it - she’ll have a better time next time. I don’t see how you can look anyone - ANYONE- in the face, or live with yourself and say anything so hideously, wickedly immoral as that, or even imply it. I dare you to tell Fraulein Freisel that Jesus loves her.
2010-08-02 02:33:07 UTC
I'm sure if he really did create the universe, the world and us. That he can of course do whatever he wants.

The question is why would he want to? I don't think god wants to change the world anytime soon otherwise he already would have.

This is if god exists by the way. I am an agnostic individual.
the violator
2010-08-02 01:18:59 UTC
this is simply insane. if there were any validity to this story, I'd have to say this 'god' is quite a sicko. who was the weirdo who was banging this 90 year old woman in the 1st place? what kind of 'god' would allow a poor 90 year old woman to get pregnant to begin with? by the time that kid was born, both he/she and his/her mom would both be wearing diapers.

this is just mythology but if it were true- I'd have to say shame on 'god' for allowing this awful event to take place. no woman in her 90's (or anywhere near that age) is equipped to handle anything as stressful as a pregnancy.
2010-08-02 01:26:43 UTC
To a degree, yes, but it is a growth process.

Darkness can threaten, the carnal nature can

yell 'No way' quite loudly and the world can

have a lot of force in it's mockery as you can

see here. But to that degree that we know this,

'be it according to your faith', and as Jesus said

'If you say unto this mountain, be thou removed'

and as we study this, we see that as Jesus said

'greater things will you do' so that's humility

coming from the Creator. So, from 'glory to glory'

we all look to Him to move to 'higher ground' so

we can see this very thing, and then 'dwell in

the heavenlies' with Him. Blessings.
Todd A
2010-08-01 23:19:03 UTC
Alright. Let's see if he can pull this one off.

I'm thinking of a number between one and one billion, which may or may not have a decimal component.

So hell, I don't need to pull out a book. A book isn't verification that someone was made pregnant at 90, any more than it's proof of Superman or Zeus. But now there's a verifiable way. All he's got to do is whisper that number in your ear and have you say it, and I'll believe you right now.
2014-05-18 19:41:44 UTC
There are over 200 mentions of this in the New Testament. He didn't fulfull that promise to them, and 2000 years later, he still hasn't returned, despite every single generation since then insisting he will.
[Insert Name Here]
2010-08-02 00:26:37 UTC
If this god can really do anything, why isn't he doing anything about poverty around the world. Why did he supposedly give a horny 90 year old a child when he could have used that power to save millions of people?

2010-08-02 02:49:48 UTC
Well, that's very nice, and I wish I had your faith, but there's still far too much suffering - truly terrible suffering, of humans and animals on this planet for me to join you in your complacency. If god can do anything, why doesn't he do something?
2010-08-01 22:59:45 UTC
Who's Sarah?
2010-08-02 00:54:55 UTC
The Most Holy God is All Powerful, nothing is impossible to God.
Kefael Petreyus
2010-08-02 00:39:42 UTC
Jesus said God could raise up descendants for Abraham out of rocks. God said he could make rocks and trees praise him. Just a couple of examples.
2010-08-01 23:01:32 UTC

Mark 4:11 And he said unto the disciples, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:so that they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!

never leave his children?

Luke 14:26

26 ‘Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple.

Matthew 10:34-36

34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.
2010-08-02 00:57:47 UTC
God does something everyday. In genesis the first line was changed. This is the full weight of it. In the beginning there was chaos and darkness; God saw it and changed it into order and light. Then he looked at what he had made and saw it was good.

God changes the chaos of our lives into the order of His love every time we let Him into our lives.
i aint know
2010-08-01 23:40:49 UTC
With god all things are possible .. Except when it comes to silly questions about burritos so hot he can'y eat them or rocks so heavey he can't lift them ..The tougher questions are can he break his own laws of nature , or countradict himself ,make a mistake , change his mind , or go against his very nature .. Clearly we are unable to fully know or comprehend god ... hence our need for faith or trust in him .
2010-08-01 22:53:25 UTC
To the one who answered regarding menopause, I have this to say: There is one verse that is really mistranslated, which states that periods will resume or return to Sarah!

A word for word translation of Gen 18:14 would read like this:

"A wonderful thing from Jehovah, periods will return unto you, and in a gestation period Sarah shall have a son".

But our translations missed the mark by miles!
2010-08-02 00:03:29 UTC
Here's a list of things god cannot do -

make me believe he exists

make the billions of muslims, hindus, buddhists, taoists, sikhs believe in jesus, the carpenter boy

destroy satan NOW

have sex with women

drink, smoke

sit with me, because apparently my sins are too great for him, he can't stand it

and many more
2010-08-01 22:59:11 UTC
Yeah, god created the world in 7 days including man when there was dinosaurs on the planet millions of years prior to man even existing...
2010-08-02 03:20:01 UTC
Making a 90 year old woman pregnant seems like an act of cruelty, not compassion. If it really did happen, it sounds more like advanced medical science than God to me. Likewise the "miracles" mentioned in the Bible also sound like they were achieved with advanced technology, so perhaps "God" is an alien from a technologically advanced race.
2010-08-01 23:41:19 UTC
Blah blah blah blah you have a point? You believe in God and believe that he can do anything, if a 90 year old woman got pregnant, why didn't that same thing happen now?
2014-11-07 13:13:55 UTC
ted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

Joh 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
2010-08-01 22:28:46 UTC
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise;

1 corinthians 1:27

EDIT: Has anyone notice this question has been posted on the first page for 2 hours?
2010-08-02 03:00:31 UTC
yes i am

Joh 3:14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

Joh 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
2010-08-01 23:35:39 UTC
hebrews 13:5-6 "let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" 6 So we may boldy say: "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me."

Matthew 11:28 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

when Jesus resurrected Lazerus.

when Jesus healed the blind man. and many more wonderful things he did. God bless!!!
2010-08-02 10:29:19 UTC
Yes and if it wasn't amazing that she was pregnant at 90 she wouldn't have laughed when the angel said she would get pregnant at such an old age....
2010-08-02 02:38:30 UTC
He can either do anything and doesn't want to. Or does not exist.

It sounds to me that your trying to convince yourself rather than me.

The Bane Has Returned
2010-08-01 22:48:11 UTC
Oh I am quite aware of God's divine power. Praise Jesus!

1 Corinthians 10:13

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Isaiah 40:31

but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on the wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint
Just wondering
2010-08-02 02:21:10 UTC
That's all very nice but your God seems lacking when it comes to fixing the really bad things.
2010-08-01 23:00:55 UTC
I'll give a verse or two...

For good king Tut

A real life King

You are a Nut

and that's no joking...

Is hard for us,

The smart and cool

To take serious

A trolling fool
2010-08-01 22:27:58 UTC
i believe it. the lord is definitely good. i am almost finished reading the book of genesis, and it amazes me. i am only 18, and i just recently started reading the bible, but the more that i read, the more faithful to the lord i become.

i am aware that god can do anything. he just usually choses not too nowaadays

job 42 verse: 2: ''i know that you can do anything and all things, and that no plan of yours could be ruined''

leviticus 5 17 ''if a person sins and does something that the lord has commanded them not to do, even if he does know it, he is guilty. he is still responsible for his sin

hope i helped
Big Avatar
2010-08-02 03:03:39 UTC
One who can do anything is called as God and if anybody comes in disguise

can not be named as God unless proves by doing anything you asks for.

The horse-cart is the cart pulled by Horse and not the horse who pulls the cart.
2010-08-02 00:51:54 UTC
How do you know anything in the Bible is true, and not just a story?
2014-05-19 19:16:09 UTC
leviticus 5 17 ''if a person sins and does something that the lord has commanded them not to do, even if he does know it, he is guilty. he is still responsible for his sin
2010-08-01 23:40:47 UTC
wow..i really needed to see this. im 19 and im sooo worried about the end times.i feel like theres no point in looking forward to having a future(kids,marriage,career) because the world going to end soon. is that crazy? Idk.Great Post though
2010-08-02 02:21:00 UTC
Oh yeah? Well can he make a mountain so big that He can't move it? And if He can't move a mountain, then he can't to everything.
2010-08-02 00:13:20 UTC
And Aragorn is totally the true king, otherwise the ghosts wouldn't have followed him. Logic! Am I doing it right?
2010-08-02 00:06:39 UTC
No. (Inserted for the benefit of report monkeys who cannot understand an implied negative.)

If he could then he just might of listened to those millions of Xians begging him to stop the gulf oil spill. They even had a day of prayer. He just ignored them all.

Has it ever occurred to you that he just might not exist?
2010-08-01 23:00:24 UTC
Deuteronomy 23:2 God said he did not want me in his presence..
2010-08-02 02:14:29 UTC
I feel sorry for the education you were given,

if you for one minute believe that any of this delusional twaddle has any truth at all.

There plainly is no God/gods.
2010-08-02 03:27:07 UTC
Quoting from the bible to prove what god can do is utterly nonsensical. The veracity of the bible is not accepted by anyone, but shristians, and therefor it is only accepted as truth by christians.
2010-08-02 02:29:06 UTC
Yeah when God does magic, it is called a miracle, but when a human does magic, it is called witchcraft and the work of Satan. You guys are weird.
2014-05-18 06:18:50 UTC
Except when it comes to silly questions about burritos so hot he can'y eat them or rocks so heavey he can't lift them ..
alan h
2010-08-02 01:16:44 UTC
There are things God cannot do.

He cannot remember the sins that He has forgiven.

Nor can He

2010-08-02 00:49:02 UTC
Too bad he can't get the religions to agree on God, so sectarian violence could stop killing the people that he loves.
2010-08-02 00:08:50 UTC
He can't even complete the most basic task - exist

I exist, therefore I am better at God at everything he ever attempted.

How come you don't all worship me?
2010-08-01 22:53:17 UTC
For with God nothing will be impossible. - Luke 1:37

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him-2 Chronicles 16:9
DCV Titan
2010-08-01 23:59:49 UTC
Can God create something more powerful than himself?
2010-08-02 00:25:00 UTC
I am quite aware that you believe in a fictional book which doesn't make much sense.
2010-08-01 22:23:35 UTC
Sure god can do anything and hey maybe sarah had already hit menopause that does not matter when it comes to god mary was a virgin and she got pregnant with Jesus so the menopause factor really does not matter yes god can do anything that is GOOD but god can and would not do evil
2010-08-02 02:00:46 UTC
Only 1 thing that God cannot do and that is SIN. God cannot sin !
pies descalsos
2010-08-01 23:33:43 UTC
I'd rather not be pregnant at 90.
2010-08-01 22:35:43 UTC
Absolutely and what he wrote is coming true,No other religion has done so. See: & click on The Obama Deception & tell all what is there & see verification of it in Revelations & Daniel.
2010-08-01 23:22:57 UTC
God can do anything!! Like feed the starving children in afirca! Oh wait...
2010-08-02 00:48:12 UTC
Maybe so, but of there is a God it is most certainly not the buy-bull murderer and bigot.
2010-08-01 23:18:46 UTC
God's perfect deed, He gave his only beloved Son to the World. Whosover shall believe in Him shall find eternal Life.
2010-08-01 22:28:45 UTC
This is an excellent example of why the divide between some Christians and atheists will never be bridged.

To atheists, just because something is written in a book is not proof that it actually occurred.
2010-08-02 02:55:08 UTC
On a clear night, look up at the stars in the sky. Genesis 1 records that God made all of them! Imagine the power in just one star! But it is not just about raw power. There is intelligence and design packed in our universe down to the smallest DNA strand, down to the smallest subatomic particle. God’s power and wisdom are beyond our comprehension. That is why the LORD said to Abraham in Genesis 18:14, “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” That is why the LORD said to Moses when Moses questioned how God could possibly supply meat to several million Israelites in the wilderness, “Is the Lord’s arm too short?” (Numbers 11:23). That is why Jonathan told his armor bearer that the LORD didn’t need a lot of soldiers to get a victory (1 Samuel 14:6).

Jeremiah 32:17 states, “Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee.” Even in the spiritual realm, those that seem the farthest from salvation are not impossible for Him to reach (Mark 10:25-27). And as great as His power is, His love and mercy are just as great...even to the point of His willingness to send His own Son to die on the cross of Calvary to pay the penalty for a sinful mankind. He did this so that He, in complete justice, could forgive those who will turn away from self-reliance and sin to reliance upon Christ and His finished work. As parents, it would be far worse to see our children endure torment than go through it ourselves, and yet that is just what God the Father did. John 3:16, a familiar verse, states God’s great love: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” This love was not just for the “good” people (there are none), but for us...a fallen, sinful, unlovely, rebellious people (Romans 3:10-23)...and yet He chose to shower us with His love (Romans 5:6-10) when we didn’t deserve it.

The only thing that God cannot do is act contrary to His own character and nature. For example, Titus 1:2 states that He cannot lie. Because He is holy (Isaiah 6:3; 1 Peter 1:16), He cannot sin. Because He is just, He cannot merely overlook sin. Because Christ paid the penalty for sin, He is now able to forgive those who will turn to Christ (Isaiah 53:1-12; Romans 3:26).

Truly our God is an awesome God...unchanging, eternal, unlimited in power, in majesty, in knowledge, in wisdom, in love, in mercy, and in holiness. But we are very much like the Israelites who, even after seeing God display His power and love repeatedly, doubted both His love and power as they came face to face with each new trial in their lives (e.g., Numbers 13-14). May God help us to honor Him with dependence and trust in Him through the next “crisis” we face, for He is a “very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).

Knowing God

By: J.I. Packer
2010-08-02 02:20:18 UTC
..... and Harry Potter defeated Voldemort, the most powerful wizard of his time.

imagination can do anything

real life is bound by physical constraints
Sunday Crone
2010-08-01 22:31:10 UTC
I'm sorry but using the pregnancy of a 90 years old woman is not exactly what I would use to prove your point, there are many other examples of the power of God that you could have used that might have been less argumentative.

And to answer you question, yes I know that there is a power greater than I, and that it can accomplish anything.
2010-08-02 02:10:55 UTC
Salvation belongs to the Lord no one comes to God except through him, God is love and im in love :)
2010-08-02 00:58:10 UTC
Amen!:D Cornithians 13, LOVE NEVER FAILS

...I think it's Corinthians 13:o
2010-08-02 01:45:43 UTC
God can't even prevent a pencil from falling...
2010-08-01 22:45:30 UTC
Yes! He´s cool! But Superman can fly and Batman has this gorgeous car. Oh, oh, and Catwoman drinks whiskey with milk! I love them superheroes!
2010-08-02 01:07:09 UTC
Untrue. Scripture says it is not possible for God to "lie."
2010-08-01 22:42:02 UTC
If your god can do anything. Why is it he does nothing but allow so many of his children to suffer?
2010-08-02 01:11:31 UTC
can?...i could go on killing spree at this moment and feel secure that no god will interrupt my "journey".

if he is truly real then only thing that he CAN do is just existing in his emptiness.
jennifer K
2010-08-02 01:10:24 UTC
Jupiter can also do anything! He gave birth to Minerva from his head!
2010-08-02 01:02:23 UTC
I am quite aware that my Gods and Godesses can do anything. You have your beliefs, I have mine.
2010-08-01 23:20:40 UTC
I believe God can do anything. The first miracle was he forgive my sins.
the right answer
2010-08-01 23:16:50 UTC
Sarah is a freak of nature
2010-08-01 23:06:40 UTC
Quite a pervert that god, isn't he?...first he impregnates a 14 year old and then an old hag...
2010-08-02 01:10:30 UTC
An omnipresent god can't travel.

An omnipresent god can't leave a place.

An omnipresent god can't run away.

An omnipresent god can't arrive late.

An omnipresent god can't arrive early.

An omnipresent god can't arrive on time.

An omnipresent god can't enter a room.

An omnipresent god can't exit a room.

An omnipresent god can't go up.

An omnipresent god can't go down.

An omnipresent god cant move back and fourth.

An omnipresent god can't move side to side.

An omnipresent god can't change direction.

An omnipresent god can't chase you.

An omnipresent god can't visit anywhere.

An omnipresent god can't lose anything.

An omnipresent god can't find anything.

An omnipresent god can't get lost.

An omnipresent god can't leave you alone.

An omnipresent god can't see more than one view

An omnipresent god can't go somewhere new.

An omniscient god can't solve a mystery.

An omniscient god can't be shocked.

An omniscient god can't be surprised.

An omniscient god can't make mistakes.

An omniscient god can't make choices.

An omniscient god can't make discoveries.

An omniscient god can't doubt.

An omniscient god can't wonder.

An omniscient god can't forget.

An omniscient god can't change it's mind.

An omniscient god can't take risks.

An omniscient god can't gamble.

An omniscient god can't learn.

An omniscient god can't try something.

An omniscient god can't grant free will.

An omniscient god can't have an accident.

An omniscient god can't feel suspense.

An omniscient god can't hear a joke it doesn't know.

An omniscient god can't misunderstand things.

An omniscient god can't avoid cheating at poker.

An omniscient god can't improve its perception.

An omniscient god can't avoid a movie spoiler.

An omnipotent god can't fail.

An omnipotent god can't regret.

An omnipotent god can't be unsatisfied.

An omnipotent god can't achieve it's full potential.

An omnipotent god cant be satisfied.

An omnipotent god can't feel unable.

An omnipotent god can't need.

An omnipotent god can't improve on perfection.

An omnipotent god can't long for anything.

An omnipotent god can't lose control.

An omnipotent god can't enhance it's power

An omnipotent god can't get it's self stuck
2010-08-01 23:43:09 UTC
He allows the devil to exist while having the power to not make him exist anymore.
2010-08-01 23:40:34 UTC
if u have faith of a mustard seed speak in my name u can say move the mountain to here and it goes here.
2010-08-02 02:52:35 UTC
I'm aware that he doesn't exist....
2010-08-01 22:29:34 UTC
did she survive? Not the greatest miracle. Almost anything, he can't cheat death, bring himself back to life, survive our fight and resist giving into the dark. thats sad. Yes he is immortal however even immortals are prone to death. U just have to find their weakness. He can't stop me from ripping earth into the continents to be worlds, or stop me from growing wings, or leaving our universe, or perhaps stop me from fulfilling a sinful promise to a friend. That is my destiny. Nothing will stand in my way!
2010-08-01 23:15:47 UTC
are you quite aware that this "God" you speak of doesnt exist? Now, where is the actual question?
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2010-08-01 23:33:03 UTC
Too bad god doesn't do anything anymore.
2010-08-01 22:34:53 UTC
2010-08-02 00:50:41 UTC
well obviously if god created EVERYTHING then he can do what ever he wants.

that's why us Muslims say Allah is the all-powerful . cause he just says be and it is.
Question Everything
2010-08-02 00:42:06 UTC
Nice... now excuse me while I either go throw up or scratch my eyes out... probably both.
2010-08-02 02:49:24 UTC
Do you know how silly it is to use a fairy tale to prove a fact?
2010-08-02 02:47:29 UTC
do you know that kids can do magic and fly on broomstick?

it's true, i read it in harry potter
2010-08-02 01:21:58 UTC
Yes i am aware of that...Can i get my 10 points now?
2010-08-01 22:05:58 UTC
2010-08-02 01:28:40 UTC
I don;t really believe in God to be honest. When i see, i believe.
2010-08-02 00:14:19 UTC
That's kind of disgusting, actually. Yuck!
2010-08-01 22:44:27 UTC
So, all the bad stuff he lets happen is purely because he likes it that way, right?
2014-05-18 02:00:47 UTC
Learn of me, for I am meek and humble of heart."
2010-08-02 01:28:16 UTC
All gods are myths and you are correct, when it comes to myths they can do anything.
2010-08-02 01:01:58 UTC
Silly myths and bizarre tales mean nothing.
2010-08-02 00:06:18 UTC
There is an outer Bible -- a story of men and women, of wars and wonders. And there is an inner Bible, according to ancient traditions, in which each word uncovers fathomless wisdom, beauty and light.

From the outside, the women of the Bible appear to play only a supportive role in a drama dominated by men.

From the inside emerges a story of men manipulated by potent women and nurtured with feminine values. A story that reveals the inner quality of womanhood that transcends the minds of men.

This is the secret of the words of Solomon's wisdom, "A woman of valor is the crown of her husband." As a crown is above the head and beyond it, so the inner light of womanhood is of an essence-quality, of a place the mind cannot touch.

"Whatever Sarah tells you," G-d told Abraham, "listen to her." (Genesis 21:12)

Sarah is the embodiment of the cosmic power of purification and healing of souls. What Chava (Eva) confused and stirred together, Sarah sifts and refines; where Chava entered in darkness, Sarah switches on the light. Her work continues through each generation: As the soul of Abraham draws souls in and holds them close to the Infinite Light, the soul of Sarah discerns the stains that must be cleaned and the dross that must be rejected. When any soul or spark of light is healed and returned to its source, you will know that Sarah's touch was there.

Just as EACH great woman asked our Creator to have her bring forth life, so Sarah had to ask also, as did Rachael Leah, Zipporah, Ruth, etc. Because the blessing to be fruitful and multiply applies only to men, a woman is not asked to marry and bear children because of the danger it can bring to her own life and soul. Thus, a man draws up a contract that only he promises to keep in providing for his wife, children and even provision of divorce (God forbid), and she can leave with all she inherited or brought into the marriage, including earnings of her own. A man must please his wife before himself--and when they didn't the consequences have been told in stories of the Bible. Actually, if a man denies his wife, she can ask for a GET (divorce). A man cannot rape, abuse, misuse, or force a wife to do what is unethical or immoral and when men have dragged themselves through the mud to seek out their own pleasures and not concentrate on their own commitment to a marriage, we have read the consequences over and over again. Even today, the Soap Operas on TV would not exist if the people followed either the Noah Covenant for righteous God-Fearers or the Mosaic Covenant for Jews.

Thus, for Sarah to be able to have a child by the old fashion means of martial relations (which is holy in Judaism), she had to ask for a child. Since she was approaching an age where women no longer conceived, she womb maintained the fertile ground for the future birth of Isaac. And it was also Sarah that was able to see the problems with Ishmael and his return to pagan and eventual denial of his father's words of righteous and marry a pagan. It was the wife of Moses that saved Moses by circumcising their son, and this wisdom and knowledge from the Creator was repeated through the women of the Bible.

And the beauty of Rebecca is so important, "Drink…and I will also draw water for your camels to drink." (Genesis 24:17-18)

With these words, Rebecca betrothed herself to Isaac and rose to become mother of two great nations. Not for her act of giving, alone, but for her eagerness, because she chased after any opportunity to do good, seeking it out with joy and delight, with all her soul and being.

And she implanted this within us as our inheritance. We only need awaken it and we will find the Rebecca within.

There are few stories as detailed in the Bible as the telling of the union of Rebecca and Isaac -- it is told and retold three times. For in this tale lies the birth of our people and our purpose. In it lies the inner secret for which all the cosmos was created: the fusion of opposites, the paradox and beauty of life. For this, we are here -- to unite heaven and earth. And in the union of Man and Woman is found all these.

And who is the matchmaker in this cosmic drama? It is the simple servant of Abraham, who speaks to the Master of the universe from the sincerity of his heart, who is obsessed with his mission and delights in its every step. It is each and any one of us.

But in no case was a "miracle" of a child given without the consent of the woman. It would have been inhumane of our Creator to counterattack His own laws He gave mankind.
Caligula Cæsar
2010-08-02 02:28:22 UTC
Why can't he heal amputees?
2010-08-01 23:25:16 UTC
Pam Anderson is a virgin
2010-08-01 22:55:51 UTC
Yes, anything that is not against His nature, God can do.
Mr. Durp
2010-08-01 22:33:57 UTC
Can God create a rock that is too heavy for Him to lift?

Yes: then what He cannot do is lift the rock.

No: then what He cannot do is create such a rock.

Either way, God can't do everything.
2010-08-01 22:20:51 UTC
Just hilarious, that's why I like R&S.

Lot's wife becomes a pillar of salt, Jesus casts demons into a herd of swine, I could probably go all day, walking on water, on and on.

Are you saying Jesus had children? Now that sort of thing would leave behind some evidence.
2010-08-02 02:47:27 UTC
Atheists dont think that way
2010-08-02 02:40:35 UTC
Darwin loves you.
2010-08-02 01:41:20 UTC
Yes he can that's why im calling him God...
2010-08-01 22:58:44 UTC
Can he stop his priests from molesting and raping young boys?
2010-08-02 00:13:33 UTC
2010-08-01 23:32:51 UTC
Can anyone see new questions right now?
2010-08-01 22:41:39 UTC
yes i am aware of this and was always aware he is god and the one thing he can do more is love you more
2010-08-01 22:12:36 UTC
Why yes, I am...

But, I'm curious... was this in the Old or New Testament? Because God made people live MUCH longer in the Old Testament. People could live for up to 600 years early in the Old Testament.

I am Christian, and I do believe you, but it's more impressive that some people in this age have been pregnant at 50, 60, and 70.
Dr(Mrs). DIVYARANI श्रीमति दिव्यारानीديفيا راني
2010-08-02 03:12:41 UTC
2010-08-01 23:41:54 UTC
2010-08-01 22:16:25 UTC
Actually most of the Old Testament cannot be considered literal history. Archeologists have figured out that there was no Egyptian slavery, no exodus, no eradication of the Canaanites (in fact, DNA shows that the Jews ARE the Canaanites) and so forth. In other words, no your verses don't show that "God" can anything because the book itself is false in the main.
mechanically challenged
2010-08-01 22:36:03 UTC
I'am quite aware.

Thanks for asking
2010-08-01 23:36:38 UTC
May he strike you with lightning then...
2010-08-02 03:19:52 UTC
God is not real...... if you believe this you are an idiot.
Fake Genius
2010-08-02 01:15:35 UTC
he can't see behind is head
2010-08-02 01:12:35 UTC
Do you really buy into that story ?
2010-08-02 00:43:40 UTC
yea i am aware...that is how miracle born =)
2010-08-01 23:29:00 UTC
i love michael jackson lol
2010-08-01 23:22:48 UTC
If he can do anything, why doesn't he fix my credit?
2010-08-01 22:25:27 UTC
One thing that God cannot do is ( save ) you without you receiving His son Jesus.
2010-08-01 22:51:32 UTC
That poor women.

sounds like the work of SATAN if u ask me...
2010-08-01 22:04:32 UTC
When you believe everything, no matter how unlikely it sounds, you be will disappointed many times.

You also have a mistaken belief about what the Bible says about Jesus... you said "he will never leave". According the New Testament, Jesus left. He's gone now. He promised his apostles he would return. There are over 200 mentions of this in the New Testament. He didn't fulfull that promise to them, and 2000 years later, he still hasn't returned, despite every single generation since then insisting he will.

John 14:3

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

(This was said to his apostles. That is why they believed he would come back in THEIR lifetime.)

Also read Matthew 24, especially verses 9 and 33, to see why they would think that.
2010-08-01 23:32:49 UTC
You're so gullible.
2010-08-01 22:56:18 UTC
except heal amputees
2010-08-02 01:23:25 UTC

Very much so.

Although, sometimes I forget.

2010-08-01 23:04:17 UTC
yes he could
2010-08-01 22:40:17 UTC
Nut bar!
Johnny Y
2010-08-01 22:25:00 UTC
Yeah, all except convince me of his existence. And trust me, I'm VERY open to logical reasoning.
2010-08-01 22:34:31 UTC
Actually there is one thing God cannot do - sin!
Vlad III the Impaler
2010-08-02 02:20:34 UTC
quite??? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!? what do you want
2010-08-01 22:21:38 UTC
yes. i am 100% aware that he can do ANYTHING. that is why i ask for miracles all the time!
2010-08-01 22:14:35 UTC
God cannot deny Himself... God is the same today, tomorrow, and forever...

That means that God is truth and true 100% all the time, He does NOT change.
2010-08-01 21:55:42 UTC
Well if u give him credit for the good, and seeing that he can do anything you must also give him credit for the bad. and Jeeeeeeeesssuuuusss does the bad way out the good lol
2010-08-01 21:59:33 UTC
but for people that don't believe in God won't believe the events in the Bible as well. So it's a lost cause to tell them about it the miracles.

I like when Gabriel told Mary and Joseph about Jesus. I've always wondered what their faces looked like.
2010-08-01 22:25:17 UTC
can he beat Red in pokemon gold, silver, and crystal? i think not. he has a level 84 pikachu!
2010-08-01 21:57:58 UTC
Micah 1:12

EVIL came down from the LORD

Ezekiel 23:19-20

19 Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.

Psalms 137:9

How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones against the rock.

Hosea 13:16

Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.

Luke 19:27

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
2010-08-01 23:34:03 UTC

God is almighty
2010-08-01 22:15:12 UTC
Yes. Is this a question?
2010-08-01 22:13:35 UTC
Hebrews 6:18

"It is impossible for God to lie."
2010-08-01 22:01:57 UTC
Good that you know this. How about I give some knowledge to you. Many do not know these things so feel free to pass them along as well. For they both work well when we do them.

Only God can reveal the meaning of his word, the bible. So if we want to know the truth we must ask God to show us meanings and give us understanding or we just guess. Before we start reading the bible ask God for knowledge and understanding, then we can know and understand it as God gives it to us.

If I wanted to know something written is Martian, I would go to someone that speaks Martian and ask them what it means so that I may understand what it says. Or I could look at it, not understanding, then say it means this or that: not knowing Martian, I could try to make it mean whatever i wanted, though this would not be the right interpretation.

Many do this with the bible, it is God's word and only God can tell us the meaning of things and give us understanding too. Or we just guess or make something up. So go to God and ask him directly for the truth of his word. And God can do this through any bible, not just some but all.

Know this about prayer, it is a three step process. God likes the number three.

1. We pray or ask God for help/something.

2. God prepares us to handle this so once we get it we will not fail with it. So God teaches us how to handle what we ask for. God is good, so he prepares us and then gives it. How great is that?

3. God gives us what we asked for.

Many ask and while #2 is happening they give up. So they do not get to #3.

So try praying again, now that you know how it works. And the more you ask for the longer it may take to prepare you for it.

I know I did not know these things when I began knowing Jesus, but these are good to know. this is how it works as well. Pray and read, and pray and get. Just remember the bigger the prayer request the longer it usually takes. So do not give up and keep praying it is coming, and once we are ready we get it. God will not make us wait any longer than needed as well.

So ask for knowledge, understanding and wisdom: and for help and other things in your life. Once we ask Jesus goes into motion doing these things.

bless you and have a great life using these things.
2010-08-01 22:34:46 UTC
user, sadly no. my vagina has not (probably never will) recovered.
2010-08-01 22:05:34 UTC
Romans 8:31

2010-08-01 23:30:28 UTC
he can but he doesn't :(
2010-08-01 22:17:18 UTC
I want to see him heal an amputee.
I Like Mumford and Sons
2010-08-01 22:13:23 UTC
I am proud to say that I am. :)

Philippians 4:13

I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.

Luke 18:27

What is impossible with man is possible with God
2010-08-01 22:23:12 UTC
okay, are u asking...or you are TELLING...

this is yahoo answers! we ask questions
2010-08-01 21:56:55 UTC
Sarah was from the Old Testament, which was the Jewish part, so Jesus has nothing to do with her. also, could you repeat your original question?
2010-08-01 22:05:47 UTC
At 90 ! WOW - Well I knew already we have an awesome God !
2010-08-01 22:04:27 UTC
I agree.

For the person who thinks people lived to only 35 then - errrr, wrong.

The infant mortality rates were higher, but people often lived to over fifty even back then. Pick up a book.
2010-08-01 21:59:33 UTC
dont remember where it is found in Bible but it says that where two or more are gathered together there will I be.
2010-08-01 21:58:29 UTC
Yes I am aware...but you must have faith for it to happen.

"And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith." Matt 13:58

Maybe that's why we don't see them often enough today.
2010-08-01 22:03:06 UTC
God, it seems, can do just about everything except;

#1 - prove that He exists


#2 - fix YAHOO.
worker4IAM <'><
2010-08-01 21:58:40 UTC
Quite aware !

: )
2010-08-01 21:58:03 UTC
can you ask your god to replicate these "miracles" for the present day?


well then i guess its just your opinion that your god can do anything
In The Image Of DNA
2010-08-01 21:57:23 UTC
Too bad he doesn't exist.
2010-08-01 21:56:52 UTC
Can he win an Academy Award?
2010-08-01 21:56:31 UTC
2010-08-01 21:56:27 UTC
You know the lifespan in the Bronze age was 35, right?

Genesis says Noah was 950 years old in Gen: 9:29

It says Methusulah was 969.

The numbers aren't literal.

Why don't any 90 year olds get pregnant now?

Did God forget how to do it?

Sarah didn't become pregnant at 90. Biblical scholars realized the numbers were mistranslated, of course. People lived much shorter lives in the Bronze and Iron ages due to lack of medical care and lack of sanitation. Certainly you don't think people lived to be almost 1000 years old, do you?
2010-08-01 21:55:16 UTC
Yes, I'm well aware that mythical superbeings are capable of anything within the confines of the myths they inhabit, and related fiction.
2010-08-01 21:55:08 UTC
God can do ALMOST anything. The one thing he can't do is LIE.
2010-08-01 21:54:45 UTC
Way past the age of menopause, huh? How long did people live back then, again?
Shut up I'm Meddy
2010-08-01 21:54:10 UTC
Didn't sarah have to have menopause at some time in her life?

If God gave every other woman menopause, what makes sarah so special?

**edit: Is R&S on it's period? Wheres the fresh batch of Q's?
2010-08-01 22:02:23 UTC
Ok, you telling me everyone else is wrong? i find that mean but ill respect you and say maybe that didnt happen, it has been proven that the red see actually does go down very far to the point that you can walk through it! The child in me is saying IF THERE IS A GOD STRIKE ME DOWN NOW!!!.................................... 30 sec l8r ummm well im still here sorry but then why doesnt he stop cancer the death of a baby the murder and rape of women and if he made each one of us then why did he make sinners? how bout them apples
2010-08-01 22:01:22 UTC

I was near death at one point in my life...perhaps days or even hours. And He sustained me through it.

Matthew 17:20 says, Jesus is speaking - "Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you."

Now what is faith? "Faith is the essence of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen."
2010-08-01 21:58:50 UTC
" Come to Me, all yu who are heavily burdened and I will give you rest. Learn of me, for I am meek and humble of heart."
2010-08-01 21:57:03 UTC
We've invented the concept of "God" and given it the attributes of being perfect and omnipotent We don't know if such a being exists. However, it has been shown logically that such a being would actually have self-contradicting attributes.
2010-08-01 21:56:42 UTC
I believe it he is so amazing!!

“If God is for us, who can be against us?"

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.