You'll have to be specific.
The list of difficult topics for mormonism is found at I suggest you go through that site, and focus the majority of your study on the information found there, instead of some simplistic evangelical apologetic site which lists up a couple simplified questions for mormonism to try and show the truthfulness of evangelical christianity against mormonism. Mormonthink lists the criticism, it lists FAIR's response if they have one, and then it investigate's FAIR's rebuttal. If you believe any information found at Mormonthink is inaccurate, then you are tested to find that information, and I bid you good luck. A site which lists the arguments of the other sides and is willing to address both sides back and forth to stay up to date with apologetics is one that analyzes the argument fairly.
I will address this, "(not something that may or may not have been taught 175 years ago)". Why should things that were stated by your leadership beforehand be exempt from relevancy because it's old? Does the doctrine change? Picture the membership of your church back in the 1800s. And they listened to sermons from the prophets and believed what they were saying because they believed when the prophet spoke, it was from God. Not in all things, a prophet is a man, but he is accountable for what he teaches to his church because apparently, people aren't capable of discerning doctrine from opinion, which is why we have had mormon leaders trying to make books on what mormon doctrine is and have failed. Your own leadership, failing on describing what really is mormon doctrine.
So I would tread lightly on criticizing others for not knowing mormon doctrine, even your leadership has been trumped in that department.
If you're disappointed in the quality of argument that mormonthink provides, then I have to say, your faith is in great shape my friend. You do not believe based on the rational argument that solidly proves to me mormonism's falsity, you believe because the feeling you have is more powerful than succumbing to the rational reality of the truth. Which is just fine, I'd rather you believe that way, instead of reaching out to poorly constructed apologetics and false evidences to solidify your spiritual faith.
joshsy, every site has an agenda. "...and then ram an conclusion into their mind." Mormonthink will present the facts, the position of believers, and the position of the critics. They aren't ramming a conclusion to the reader, it's up to them to discover if Mormonthink is presenting facts or not. That's the test, if Mormonthink is presenting things that aren't factual, then anyone can call them out on it, and they will have to answer. Where are mormons going to go to try and figure out if what they are presenting is factual though? Where on Where on They can go to FAIR, unaffiliated with the church or so they say, so even FAIR can't be trusted by mormons who place an overall faith system in the church to answer the tough questions. The essays are the first step in giving an official answer, and it's very interesting how it's 2014 and we're just now having a church sanctioned answer to topics in mormonism that cause a level of doubt. That's not to say that the essays can't be examined critically, they are, and for good reason.
"then hypocritically do the same thing teaching only an anti-Mormon point of view to others. That's sort of ridiculous to consider as valid."
Why list FAIR's rebuttal then in the same article? Why link to FAIR's site to give their point of view? The site will give the position of the critics so mormons know exactly what our argument is.
How can you be neutral on mormonism? The only way you can do that is if you're ignorant of the topics. There are the facts, which should be known, and there are the lies, mistruths, half-truths, sugarcoated stories that should be examined through a proper process. To me, a survey of Mormonthink presents the real criticisms against mormonism, now mormons know what our position really is. Not some evangelical apologetic nonsense, if you think your critics are evangelicals, you haven't done your research. If you think our best argument against mormonism is the claim that you're adding to Revelation, you must be joking. For me, it just so happens that the critical position against mormonism is an argument of rationality and factual truth. Ignorance of our position is no excuse anymore, now test the real quality of our arguments.
"And yet, the same people saying this have no problem with Noah building this huge boat and then guess what? The animals marched onto the boat all by themselves! 2 by 2 and 7 by 7! "
No, as I've said before, we don't argue from an evangelical position. We argue from a rational one. And since we're debating the Book of Mormon, then we will argue the things that are relevant to the Book of Mormon.
"God can do this miracle with Noah and his boat the the animals, but God is not capable of telling the Jaredites how to build a boat? Bah...hypocrites....their BofM "problems" have been thoroughly rebutted and are no better than the rest of the "difficult" questions out there."
Great, I'm glad our arguments were decimated by the "Goddidit" position. And I'm glad you were able to sum up the entirety of our arguments into one position about the Jaredites and their submarines. Is this the type of rationality you're proposing? No wonder I'm a critic, your position as evidence of what you just wrote, is absolutely ridiculous. Keep reading though, the more you know about my position, the less ignorant you are.