Why do people hate Jews?
2009-01-13 22:19:52 UTC
I grew up in a mainly Jewish town, but now I am a freshman in college and I realized that most people in the world don't really know much about the Jewish religion or people... and alot of people really do hate Jews. but why?
21 answers:
2009-01-14 05:28:15 UTC
It has been said that the history of almost all of the Jewish holidays can be summed up succinctly: "They wanted to kill us; we won. Let's eat." Why has anti-Semitism been so pervasive in so many countries, in so many time periods and for so many reasons? (One begins to wonder. Perhaps there is something wrong with the Jews and Judaism? After all, there is an old Yiddish saying -- "If one person calls you a donkey, ignore him; if two people call you a donkey, buy a saddle.")

Between the years 250 CE and 1948 CE - a period of 1,700 years - Jews have experienced more than eighty expulsions from various countries in Europe - an average of nearly one expulsion every twenty-one years. Jews were expelled from England, France, Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, Bohemia, Moravia and seventy-one other countries.

Historians have classified six explanations as to why people hate the Jews:

Economic -- "We hate Jews because they possess too much wealth and power."

Chosen People -- "We hate Jews because they arrogantly claim that they are the chosen people."

Scapegoat -- "Jews are a convenient group to single out and blame for our troubles."

Deicide -- "We hate Jews because they killed Jesus."

Outsiders, -- "We hate Jews because they are different than us." (The dislike of the unlike.)

Racial Theory -- "We hate Jews because they are an inferior race."

As we examine the explanations, we must ask -- Are they the causes for anti-Semitism or excuses for Anti-Semitism? The difference? If one takes away the cause, then anti-Semitism should no longer exist. If one can show a contradiction to the explanation, it demonstrates that the "cause" is not a reason, it is just an excuse. Let's look at some contradictions:

Economic -- The Jews of 17th- 20th century Poland and Russia were dirt poor, had no influence and yet they were hated.

Chosen People -- a) In the late 19th century, the Jews of Germany denied "Choseness." And then they worked on assimilation. Yet, the holocaust started there. b) Christians and Moslems profess to being the "Chosen people," yet, the world and the anti-Semites tolerate them.

Scapegoat -- Any group must already be hated to be an effective scapegoat. The Scapegoat Theory does not then cause anti-Semitism. Rather, anti-Semitism is what makes the Jews a convenient scapegoat target. Hitler's ranting and ravings would not be taken seriously if he said, "It's the bicycle riders and the midgets who are destroying our society."

Deicide -- a) the Christian Bible says the Romans killed Jesus, though Jews are mentioned as accomplices (claims that Jews killed Jesus came several hundred years later). How come the accomplices are persecuted and there isn't an anti-Roman movement through history? b) Jesus himself said, "Forgive them [i.e., the Jews], for they know not what they do." The Second Vatican Council in 1963 officially exonerated the Jews as the killers of Jesus. Neither statement of Christian belief lessened anti-Semitism.

Outsiders -- With the Enlightenment in the late 18th century, many Jews rushed to assimilate. Anti-Semitism should have stopped. Instead, for example, with the Nazis came the cry, in essence: "We hate you, not because you're different, but because you're trying to become like us! We cannot allow you to infect the Aryan race with your inferior genes."

Racial Theory -- The overriding problem with this theory is that it is self-contradictory: Jews are not a race. Anyone can become a Jew - and members of every race, creed and color in the world have done so at one time or another.

Every other hated group is hated for a relatively defined reason. We Jews, however, are hated in paradoxes: Jews are hated for being a lazy and inferior race - but also for dominating the economy and taking over the world. We are hated for stubbornly maintaining our separateness - and, when we do assimilate - for posing a threat to racial purity through intermarriages. We are seen as pacifists and as warmongers; as capitalist exploiters and as revolutionary communists; possessed of a Chosen-People mentality, as well as of an inferiority complex. It seems that we just can't win.

Now we know what are NOT the reasons for anti-Semitism.

2016-04-10 09:38:00 UTC
you got it wrong. its not muslims, it's people from palestine that hate jews. Palestine was an MuslimArab/ChristainArab country. When Jews came to Palestine, they moved the Arabs away to literally a small line strip of the country only. Jews took over the majority of the country and renamed it Israel/changed the flag to the jewish symbol. Til this day, Arabs(palestine) and jews still fight over the land. Palestine doesn't have anything to protect themselves, since jews are still planing to take the WHOLE country. So you can't really say Muslims hate Jews. you have to break it down
2016-01-04 03:24:26 UTC
Historians have classified six explanations as to why people hate the Jews:

Economic -- "We hate Jews because they possess too much wealth and power."

Chosen People -- "We hate Jews because they arrogantly claim that they are the chosen people."

Scapegoat -- "Jews are a convenient group to single out and blame for our troubles."

Decide -- "We hate Jews because they killed Jesus."

Outsiders -- "We hate Jews because they are different than us." (The dislike of the unlike.)

Racial Theory -- "We hate Jews because they are an inferior race."

Every other hated group is hated for a relatively defined reason. Jews, however, are hated in paradoxes: Jews are hated for being a lazy and inferior race - but also for dominating the economy and taking over the world. They are hated for stubbornly maintaining their separateness - and, when they do assimilate - for posing a threat to racial purity through intermarriages.They are seen as pacifists and as warmongers; as capitalist exploiters and as revolutionary communists; possessed of a Chosen-People mentality, as well as of an inferiority complex. It seems that they just can't win.

So there are various reasons for why Jews are hated and they differ from culture to culture. One of the more famous and relevant is the false story of how the Jews killed Jesus, even though historically there is no truth to this. Today anti-semetism is rampant mostly through-ought the Muslim world and is fed by false blood libels and the demonetization of the state of Israel. Anti-semetism is based on irrational and false accusations on how a group of 13 million people claim to take over and corrupt the world. Most cultures who have harbored anti-semetic leanings have done this to scapegoat the Jews as an effort to create a common enemy and blind the masses to the true troubles of the country. In short Jews are hated because they are an easy target and many cultures still have an irrational hate and loathing of Jews from generations past.
2009-01-13 22:29:53 UTC
Different people for different reasons, but most reasons are lame. Some believe they are behind the more major money families and thereby control nations in a way that keeps them down. I disagree with this, though a small number of huge money families do have much more influence than most people think. Some like the Arab Islamic hates them for reclaiming land from them (Israel) and the USA for supporting it because it discredits the Islam religion and Muhammad who (I have heard) believe that anything possessed by an Islamic people CANNOT be taken from them. Arabs are also jealous of their success, as are many other people. Some people are just racist and don't like anyone of a different race having high positions in their country. Me, I love them and admire them.
2009-01-14 04:41:11 UTC
I don't know. Maybe the Jewish religion goes against some of their beliefs? But like I said, I don't know.

I've seen a Jewish guy get kicked because of who he was but I didn't understand why either.

☼ Darksongbird ☼
The angels have the phone box.
2009-01-14 01:35:58 UTC
Yes, a lot of people hate Jews. And that's still true regardless of how many people write in saying that they, personally, don't. :-)

It's not so much what people don't know about Judaism and Jews, as what they think that they do know. Unfortunately, from its early stages, Christianity got embroiled in Roman efforts to squelch Judean attempts at regaining independence and self-rule.

And thus 2000 year old political propaganda has taken on the aura of 'Gospel truth'. The rest follows from there.
2009-01-13 22:23:45 UTC
Well I'm the exact opposite. I love Jewish people from some strange reason. I feel such a connection to Jewish people, and I'm atheist, lol.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to marry a Jewish guy.
2009-01-14 01:58:06 UTC
Continuing Muslim antisemitism. Don't believe me ? Mein Kampf and Protocols of the Elders of Zion are some of the most popular reading in the Middle East.
2009-01-13 22:24:16 UTC
Do you have statistics to back the claim that people who don't know much about Jewish people, hate them?? That doesn't sound right to me. I've never experienced any sort of discrimination towards Jewish people. Unless you count immature jokes. But everyone gets those. I think the only people that can truly hate them are extremists who disagree with their beliefs. And Nazis.
2009-01-13 22:33:36 UTC
I hope you're meaning "Some People" because I have Jew friends, and they are just like you and I, and love them as much as the rest of my friends.

Let's not confused "Jew" with "Israelites", they're two very different things: A religion, and natives of Israel.

Answering more clearly your question:

I think "some people" dislike (not hate) Israelites as some others dislike other races, other genders, other sexual orientations, other social statuses, other religions, other nations, other political views, other, other, other...

Unfortunately it is human nature for some to be too competitive to the point of stepping others for them to succeed.
2009-01-14 08:57:11 UTC
i suspect that there is no one correct answer to your question.

however, let's look at some points: firstly, jews don't proselytize. that is to say, we don't ever try to convince anyone that our religion is 'the one' for everyone. if anything, we discourage converts, we make it extremely difficult to convert. and, we, historically, have discouraged intermarriage. (i know, at this point, intermarriage is more common) so, we don't marry outside our group, we don't look to expand our group, and we make it difficult to join. there are those who will adopt a 'sour grapes' attitude, 'who wants THEM?"... there are those who feel that if they aren't 'good enough' then, conversely, we aren't 'good enough'.

there are stereotypes, that jews have money, attract money, only care about money.... none necessarily true, but pervasive anyway.

and, there's the one from the muslim camp, blaming jews of everything that muslims do - atrocities, murder, brutality, double-dealing.... in their case, their koran tells them that it's permissible to do anything, to say anything to non-muslims in order to get the muslim agenda accepted.

we're different. we believe differently, we practice our religion differently, many of our values are different. and, we're not ashamed of that difference. we're proud of it, and there are people who feel if you don't conform to their worldview, to their belief system, then, perhaps their beliefs are wrong.. their cosmology is wrong... and they can't stand that, so they demand conformity, to their beliefs, in order to validate their beliefs.

sick, isn't it?
2009-01-13 23:08:39 UTC
yeah. alot of people said that they hate jews too.

jews mouth wide.
2009-01-13 22:29:08 UTC
hateful people's their nature, usually born of insecurities.

They will pick some group, Jews, Gay's, Blacks, Christians, Atheists, Pagans, whatever....and then go on a role.

They are broken people who do not know how to act honorably, because they have never been taught how to act honorably, and more often than not have not been treat honorably themselves.
2009-01-13 22:26:26 UTC
It's generally a stereotype but.......

If a person says they hate jews, it is probably because they have a perception that jews are only interested in money and the prospect of cheating you.

This goes back to the days where jews were the moneylenders and since they were not noted for their generosity or philanthropy, they made a lot of enemies
2009-01-13 22:24:17 UTC
Your question is invalid. I am a "people" and I do not hate Jews.
2009-01-13 22:23:36 UTC
Because people can be stupid idiots, just like those who hate muslims.
2009-01-13 22:23:04 UTC
It is easy to go along with the crowd and make fun of a minority.

It's too bad. ):
2009-01-13 22:25:25 UTC
this is why this answer since 1450 years

Therefore, for their breaking their covenant and their disbelief in the communications of Allah and their killing the prophets wrongfully and their saying: Our hearts are covered; nay! Allah set a seal upon them owing to their unbelief, so they shall not believe except a few. (155) And for their unbelief and for their having uttered against Marium a grievous calumny. (156) And their saying: Surely we have killed the Messiah, Isa son of Marium, the messenger of Allah; and they did not kill him nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them so (like Isa) and most surely those who differ therein are only in a doubt about it; they have no knowledge respecting it, but only follow a conjecture, and they killed him not for sure. (157) Nay! Allah took him up to Himself; and Allah is Mighty, Wise. (158) And there is not one of the followers of the Book but most certainly believes in this before his death, and on the day of resurrection he (Isa) shall be a witness against them. (159) Wherefore for the iniquity of those who are Jews did We disallow to them the good things which had been made lawful for them and for their hindering many (people) from Allah's way. (160) And their taking usury though indeed they were forbidden it and their devouring the property of people falsely, and We have prepared for the unbelievers from among them a painful chastisement. (161) But the firm in knowledge among them and the believers believe in what has been revealed to. you and what was revealed before you, and those who keep up prayers and those who give the poor-rate and the believers in Allah and the last day, these it is whom We will give a mighty reward. (162)
2009-01-13 22:23:01 UTC
The Jews are God's chosen people. The world hates God and so will hate His chosen people.
2009-01-13 22:23:03 UTC
A lot of stereotypes, but maybe ....
2009-01-13 22:22:49 UTC
people hate Israelis not Jews, they hate them because they are baby-killers

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