I just asked a question about the Bible?
2006-07-17 06:56:36 UTC
and I got like maybe 2 answers to my ACTUAL QUESTION. I did not ask if I should personally be good or anything. I asked and will ask again -- the Bible states that at the end of the world there will be war, etc. - bad stuff happeing (you all know what I'm talking about). My QUESTION IS -- this is supposed to be the Word of God --- meaning that (yes I know men wrote the bible)....THIS IS THE WAY IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE --- THIS IS WHAT GOD HAD PLANNED OR IT WOULD NOT BE IN THE BIBLE, RIGHT? SO WE CAN'T CHANGE A DARN THING, CORRECT? If this is "satan's doing" -- then WHY DID IT END UP I THE BIBLE? Did they have a meeting and discuss WHAT was supposed to happen? I'm not worried about nor care when the world it going to end. So that is not the question. You do not need to tell me to Follow Jesus ----- I JUST WANT A GOOD ANSWER TO MY QUESTION (LIKE I SAID, A COUPLE OF YOU READ THE QUESTION AND THANK YOU). A ?? ONLY--NOT A REQUEST ON HOW TO BE SAVED OR ANYTHING. I KNOW THAT STUFF.
37 answers:
2006-07-17 07:02:26 UTC
No, we cannot change what is going to happen. I don't think anyone knows for sure who's doing it is. Wish I knew the answers but I don't. I just have faith.
2006-07-17 07:18:37 UTC
If you are using the Bible for a chrystal ball or tarot cards you are using it for the wrong reason.

The Bible also states the end will come like thief in the night. Which means you aren't going to know when the end will come.

And I don't have to completely understand EVERYTHING in the Bible to know how I need to live. I don't need to know whether something is Satan's doing or just man messing up again to know what is right and wrong.

In the end there probably will be war. War was going on somewhere before Moses and war is still going on today. So is the Bible wrong when it says there will be wars and rumors of wars?

OBTW If you ask a real question with real specifics you will get better answers. *LOL* don't try an instigate.
2006-07-17 07:05:09 UTC
Well, the good news is that all that stuff signals the end of the age, not the end of the world. Jesus will come back to Earth and rule for a thousand years, then much else happens, but that's another story.

God is all knowing, what has happened, is happening, and will happen. So he knows how the end of the age will occur, and while men have free will, it doesn't mean they will change what is coming. Does that mean we are at that time? Don't know. There are a lot of things foretold in the Bible that have to occur before Jesus returrns, and I think those have pretty much happended.

So,God foretelling the end of the age, and knowing the end of the age, may be more like watching a recording of a ball game. You may already know how it turns out, but it doesn't mean you are doing anything to affect the outcome.
2006-07-17 07:13:52 UTC
The end times are full of war... this is correct. The Bible tells that this will happen. This does not mean that this is God's will, just that this is what will happen.

An analogy, poor as it might be, would be if your girlfriend started dating a guy that you knew was a cheating, lying jerk. You could tell her that the relationship would end in disaster and pain for her but does this mean that you wanted it to happen? No. You just know what the end results are likely to be.

The difference between this analogy and God is that He sees the end from the beginning perfectly. This knowledge does not usurp our free will. Why? Be cause we do not know what the end will be. It is still our choice. This ending is not the way it is "supposed to be". The will of God was that we would walk in a close, perfect relationship with Him.

In our pride and rebellion we, not Adam and Eve, have chosen to go our own direction which is a path filled with loneliness and pain. No, the end of things is not the way God wanted it from the beginning. It's just the way that it will be and how He will finally put things right.

To answer a second component to your question (If this is "satan'g doing" then why did it end up in the Bible)? The Bible speaks to many issues including what God's thoughts are toward us (Jer. 19:11), the relationship that God wants to have with us (John 3:16 - 18); how we are to treat others (Love your neighbor as yourself), and what interferes with all of that (sin). The Bible is historical, poetic, prophetic, anectotal, and personal. It encompasses all that God wants to share with us regarding our relationship to Him.

Satan and his desires, actions born out of rebellion, pride and sin are part of that history.
2006-07-17 07:09:44 UTC
You seem to be confused as to what the Bible actually is. It is God's Word but it does not just deal with what He said and didn't say. He sees exactly what will happen from both sides - good and evil. So the war and all the bad stuff happening (as you so aptly put it lol) is revealed to John as it is going to happen from both sides. Where did you ever get the idea that because it "was satans doing" it won't be in the Bible. The whole Bible explains God's love for mankind and satans hatred. It's a book about the forces of Good and evil. "satan's doing" is splattered all over the Bible.
2006-07-17 07:08:44 UTC
Too many children playing here today. Okay. To answer your questions: Yes, this is the way things are GOING to be. It's in the Bible because Jesus had a conversation with John while he was living on Patmos Island. God doesn't have to discuss anything with his chained dog, Satan. At this point in time, Satan is quite insane, and cannot do much that can't be predicted, even by men. Satan is getting this shot only because men really are desperately wicked in their hearts. (you might have noticed some of the other answers here) God wanted to give everyone as many chances to change as possible. This is the result. It couldn't be helped. The good news is, God wins!
2006-07-17 07:14:38 UTC
Marie, first of all your question is very good. Yes, the Word of God says in the Bible that this world like it is now will be destroyed, just because it´s not God´s plan for humans to suffer. He created us to be happy. But he also gave us free will to decide, and we decided not to follow his laws. When the first man decided not to obey him, we all inherited the sinful nature. When Satan - who was an angel - was rebelious against God and banished from heaven, came to this earth and this became his Reign. So this world is governed by Satan. However, God never abandoned us and is present everywhere, and He sent his only son to save humans and the ones who accept Him as the only Savior are born as new creatures. Then the sinful nature inherited from Adam is erased, as long as we recognize Jesus as our only Savior.

The prophecies are in the Bible to proof that we were warned of what would happen through the ages, and to help humans recognize God´s truth and words.

Study the Bible and have an experience with God.

Hope it helps. Go ahead with your questions, you do good wanting to learn more and more. Just don´t sit there like most people do. You only have to gain.
Angry C
2006-07-17 07:14:54 UTC
The bible is supposed to be the word of god. But, it was physically written by human beings. Then it was translated by human beings. Then other humans wrote different versions of the bible. The only constant in all of this is that humans are not perfect. Therefore, I believe that the bible is not perfect. It would have been so easy for the writers to leave out an important word, or to insert an extra word, that would completely alter what was allegedly spoken by god.

And because the bible is not perfect, questions such as yours cannot be answered with absolute certainty. That's why people who believe in the bible selectively pick and choose what they want to adhere to and say things like, "That's not what the bible means" when you point out inconsistencies.

Hope this answers your question.
2006-07-17 07:11:08 UTC
I think that is a good question if I understand your ultimate question that is. You want to know if this is the way it is supposed to be or can we do something about it?

Here's my response. I really believe that the Bible - God's Word tells us what's going to happen. There are a number of prophetic words, phrases, chapters, and books contained within it. I believe that ultimately we cannot change the course for God Himself said he didn't send His Word out for it not to come true. There are situations that take place that we have NO control over but God does. I believe that while the tsunami that killed thousands of people was nothing we could do about, we can pray for the lives of those affected by it. We can pray for those children that are missing that they may be found healthy. We can help with our giving or time, money, or talent (perhaps you're a counselor, or contractor of some sort).

I believe that when things like that happen we are called to do things and not sit back with the mindset, "oh well" it was God's plan. Every bit of destruction is NOT God's plan but every bit of destruction God knows about and allows for one reason or another. We may not understand the reason but the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is a fair God.
2006-07-17 07:12:12 UTC
After reading your first question and now replying to it: (1) we are not saved by deeds/behavior. (2) We can't control what others do. God knew these things would happen because we have all inherited sin and Satan is the ruler of this world. (3) Since God knew we couldn't fulfill the law of Moses and we needed a savior, this is why He send Christ as a living sacrifice for us.(4) Satan knows what is going on, why do you think he's out here deceiving people, so he won't be alone that's why.
2006-07-17 08:09:20 UTC
Satan does have a lot to do with the evils of this world, but no, they didn't get together on it or anything lol. God knew how it was going to be because of Satan's influence, that's all. He knows everything :)

Not only that, but think of it this way: If God has given someone a prophecy, He will make certain that specific prophecy comes to pass. So technically, it might not all be Satan...if that makes any sense.
2006-07-17 07:09:46 UTC
This world belongs to Satan we are in the world not of it the message of wars and rumors or wars and all these things that have come to pass are warning signs letting us know we better get ready the end is near not to worry the ending is just the beginning we have almost made it home.

the bible is full of stories of things done by Satan we battle not against flesh and blood but against the prince of powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. The bible is the whole story And is the inspired word of God and God knew you before you were in your mama's tummy He knows all that's why it is in the bible because he wrote he created everything he knew the ending of the story before he wrote the book
2006-07-17 08:31:57 UTC
God created Satan as she created everything. Therefore, what is Satan's words is also God's creation. Therefore, God, who is all knowing, is able to put this in the book which is allegedly The Word of God, The Bible. I don't believe in The Bible but do believe in God. Not the Christian God per se but a God just the same who is likely the God the Christians refer to but not necessarily the way they have used him to create their dogmatic theories and philosophies. This goes the same for all organized religions.

I feel people should study all religions in order to understand others and formulate their own belief system. This would generate more compassion for others and hopefully result in spiritual, non-dogmatic systems of belief in the process.

I understand your frustration with answerers but remember, you are speaking to the masses which are largely ignorant and largely unable to follow simple directions. Good question though.
2006-07-17 07:05:00 UTC
Its in the Bible because GOD knows all things, past, present and future... We have a will of our own to decide which side to be on.

Men wrote the Bible with Gods help...they did not make it up. Their interpetations were with the help of understanding from God. We can not change anything but we can pray that God will help us through this. God does not need a meeting on anything because he knows all now. Satan is powerful but not as powerful as God and we should pray that God be With Us through this.
2006-07-17 07:17:55 UTC
What no one is going to tell you is the truth that is hidden unless you truly seek God.

Jesus said in the 24th chapter of St John that all these things are the beginning of sorrows,not that it is the end of the world.Also it was Peter,James John and Andrew that he was talking to and the time was for them,34th verse

Verily I say unto you,This generation shall not pass,till all these things be fulfilled.Of course I don't expect you to receive this truth unless you are one of the chosen ones that God has opened your mind to the truth,you'll just think I am another nut case.As far as changing things that is what we are to be doing,Jesus gave us power to

do what he did heal the sick,deliver the oppressed,give light to ones in darkness,etc.

Why do you care what man has to say anyway by the way you described the answers you got it should let you know not to trust man or woman if that be the case .
2006-07-17 07:08:45 UTC
I guess people who believe what the Bible says, believe that the course of events can't be changed.

Why is it in the Bible? only answer I can think of is that God wants His people to know what to expect and be ready for it. After all, if you see those things happening, and you know that the Bible has already prophesied it you have to make a choice; believe or disbelieve. Or it could just be scare tactics, believe or ELSE!

But it seems to me that the way God works, nothing is ever clear-cut certain if you only look at the evidence of the world around you. You have to choose to believe or not believe.
2006-07-17 07:02:24 UTC
Revelation and the related texts that go with it is prophesy. Satan was never consulted, as he is God's enemy. Men did not write the Bible---God did. It is his revealed word to mankind. Men were assigned to record in writing God's word through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Yes, this will all occur, just like previously recorded prophesy in the Bible has come about. Jesus loves you.
2006-07-17 07:11:05 UTC
I assume you're referring to the Revelation to John. If it is in The Bible then it is accepted as the Word of God and it is accepted as something that has already happened or something that will happen in the future. Some people believe that the account of "war" referred to in the Revelation to John has already happened, others believe it hasn't happened yet. According to The Bible, there will be no peace on Earth until Jesus returns to claim His own and Satan and those whose names are not written in the book of life are cast into the lake of fire for eternal punishment. Yes, the war IS Satan's doing, but nothing happens in Heaven or on Earth unless God allows it.

This goes back to the old question "Why does God allow (fill in the blank: children to die, people to kill each other, terrorism, serial murder, etc."? One of the ways God shows His love for us is He gives us freedom of choice. He WANTS us to do things His way, but He doesn't FORCE us. Think about it: If someone said they love you, but they made you do their bidding, would you believe them? God is hurt by hatred, war, death of children, etc., every bit as much as you or me, but He insists on letting people choose, and He wants followers that love Him and obey Him because they want to, not out of fear or a sense of duty or force/threat/coercion, etc. Because of this, He lets Satan do his evil work, and He knows that Satan will turn people away from Him and that some may even follow Satan. That is how the war is possible -- God the Father Almighty loves His children enough to let them choose, even though He knows many of them will rebel.
David P
2006-07-17 07:07:23 UTC
God decided before the world ever began the things that would take place and the events that would transpire. For a person to say they have no choice though is quite wrong because you do not know what God's role for you is. Look at Job I don't think I could ever withstand all that man went through.
2006-07-17 07:06:31 UTC
Yes he knew and he knows what will happen. The last book of the bible is just what it was called. A Revelation about the future. It is not that he "planned" it. Our actions bring this about. Yes in a round about way I guess you could call it "satan's doing". The truth is, it's man's doing through sin.
2006-07-17 07:03:04 UTC
The standard cop out to the problem of god being responsible for evil is to utter the magic words "free will", as if that fundamentally changed anything.

If god has knowledge of the future, and the power to change it, then he shares culpability even if he is not directly responsible. It's like knowing a terrorist attack is going to happen and not doing anything about it because you don't want to interfere with "free will". You're still guilty.
2006-07-17 07:17:13 UTC
God has told us that bad things are going to happen because he knew what men were going to do, He planned for these things happening, and is working His will to come about despite the evil and the wicked intentions of man. other than that, i'm not sure what your question is. yes, God does allow some bad things to happen in order to get us to where we need to be in his will, but he has promised that it will all work out for the ultimate good of those who love him. (Romans 8:28) we can't change how all things are ultimately going to end, but i do think we can change how things will happen locally, and how bad they get and how quickly they get bad. we can't change when the end comes, but I think we can change the quality of life, etc. until the end gets here.
2006-07-17 07:00:14 UTC
First of all the Word of God was written by God. He gave us choices.....which is why there is war, hunger, etc. Man has not followed the Word of God but rather gives in to temptations placed before him by the devil, therefore, there is chaos....Every step that brings you closer to God makes satan angrier.....resistance to temptation is the hardest choice God gave us....but He gave us free will and loving Him and living His Word is the only way to defeat the devil.
2006-07-17 07:08:27 UTC
Well the reason it is in the Bible is becasue The Lord is warning us to come to repentance now and ask for forgivness.

2 Thessalonians 3:3 The Lord is Faithful. He wll strenghten and protect you.
2006-07-17 07:04:03 UTC
First, stop yelling a tme; I can hear you fine.

Second, the Bible only represents the Word of God, owing to too many "interpreters" as to what they think it should mean.

Third. questions are funny in that some garner loads of answers and others few
The_Cricket: Thinking Pink!
2006-07-17 07:49:40 UTC
No, we can't change it. What I believe Revelations describes, is the world growing more and more sinful, until a battle between the two sides is inevitable.

I don't think it was necessarily a "plan", just a prophecy of what's to come.
2006-07-17 07:09:49 UTC
to answer your's not actually what God planned for us, it's sort of like a prophecy of the consequences of our present doing and what will happen inevitably if we don't change our's like saying that war or etc, will be the outcome if we let Satan rule our lives or motivate our ways...
2006-07-17 07:12:26 UTC
when "Gods Word" has been spread to all nations and all have had the oppurtinity to use their free will ( weather they believe or not) God will destroy the world and all its evil and he has prepared a home for all that believes in Him and His Son.....Hence...For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, for whosoever believeth in Him, Shall not perish , but have everlasting life....

No one knows when this event will take place..only the Father Himself. but when this does happen all that believe will be gathered and given a home and everlasting life in new bodies and there will be no more pain or death.
2006-07-17 07:11:35 UTC
I have no idea what your question was, but if you are able to ask it in such a manner that it is clearly understood you have a better chance of recieving an answer, both from Christians and haters.
2006-07-17 07:08:26 UTC
OK...HERE IS OUR ENTIRE HISTORY ON ONE BRIEF MESSAGE: GOD created Lucifer and the Angels to beautify and rule over the Earth--THEY FAILED MISERABLY! THEN GOD created MANKIND to REPLACE Lucifer (NOW SATAN) over this Earth and the Universe! But FIRST,we have been given 6,000 years to PROVE to the Loyal Angels and to mankind that GOD'S WAY ARE FOR OUR OWN GOOD! Satan and his demons are stil here for now to TEST us to show GOD if we will RESIST him--and in the process develop GOD'S CHARACTER--something Lucifer and his followers FAILED to do! This was ALL planned millions of years ago! GOD is reproducing Himself in US! We are to become His Royal Son/Daughter and REPLACE SATAN over the Earth's Throne! CHRIST came to START THE PROCESS! He OVERCAME the devil--and so must we.
2006-07-17 07:18:39 UTC
this stuff is in the bible because of the choices that we as the human race have made. we dont know when it will happen or exactly what will happen but it will because of what we have done.
2006-07-18 01:35:21 UTC
The answer is as simple as this... God is the almighty One and knows all things to come and all things that have come to pass.
2006-07-17 07:09:20 UTC
Everyone has choice. The book of Revelations is complete bs!
2006-07-17 07:02:28 UTC
Well when you open up a can of logic on christians, they don't know what to do. Barely able to think for themselves, they immediately run to an outdated book of bronze-age jewish mythology.

So please, don't expect intelligent or even coherent answers from them.
2006-07-17 06:59:23 UTC
Maybe your questions need to be a little clearer and more concise
Catherine R
2006-07-17 07:03:23 UTC
Your question doesnt make sense
2006-07-17 07:00:44 UTC
My head hurts.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.