Do you believe the world is about to end?
2007-10-09 21:19:25 UTC
Jesus said these things will happen near the end. Matthew 24:4-5 “And Jesus answered and said to them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many will come in My name, saying, I am Christ, and will deceive many."

Klaus Kinski - Famous Polish-German actor who developed the idea that he was Jesus after performing as him in a monologue. Jim Jones – Claimed to be the reincarnation of Jesus, Akhenaten, Buddha, Lenin, and Father Divine. Matayoshi Jesus - In 1997 He established the World Economic Community Party based on his conviction that he is the God and Christ. Marshall Applewhite - Applewhite posted a famous Usenet message declaiming, "I, Jesus—Son of God—acknowledge on this date of September 25/26, 1995.... Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh - He claimed to realize he was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Hogen Fukunaga - He claimed to realize he was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and the Buddha. Apollo C. Quiboloy- A Cebuano pastor who claims to be the Christ.

There are many others.
25 answers:
Virginia B (John 16:33)
2007-10-09 21:39:35 UTC
I believe Christ could return any moment to rapture His church which are all the people who have truly been born again by His Spirit. There are many signs He gave us, including the one you mentioned, that would happen before He returns. Like a woman who is in labor, the birthpains (events) are increasing in intensity and are happening more frequently than they ever have. God bless you!
2016-05-20 08:00:27 UTC
The theory of the world ending in 2012 isn't true, it's just a silly hoax. The world isn't going to end on December 21, 2012, just the Mayan Calendar ends. One of several Mayan calendars is the Long Count calendar, which is reset to day 0 every 1,872,000 days or 7057.5 years. The next reset date, by some calculations, is December 21, 2012. This is not a prediction of the end of the world. The Mayan Calendar has to end sometime and did you know when the Mayan Calendar ended the Mayans would celebrate? Besides, nobody can't predict when the end of the world is. You shouldn't always believe what you hear from other people. The scientific evidence about 2012 doesn't go together. Those who spread rumors about 2012 should be punished. You know what is sad, people may commit suicide over this thinking its the end of the world. Or maybe some people would get unwise with their money and spend it all like crazy and be in thousands of dollars in debt, just because they thought the world would end. Then they have to pay it off later and deal with the stress of those bills. That's why those who spread rumors about 2012 should be punished. You know what else is false about this 2012 garbage? • Planet X (Nibiru) isn't going to hit the Earth it doesn't exist. • Poles are switching everyday, this isn't going to happen all in just 1 day. This process takes thousands of years. Throughout geological history there has been may pole switches and life has still survived. • Also people are saying these poles will switch in one day due to a black hole. That's NOT true. The nearest black hole to our galaxy is 1600 light years away. • Sun will be lined up with a sunspot, but it doesn't mean it will wipe out all life on Earth. One time ago, Earth was lined up with a sunspot and people were on it and everybody didn't just die. • There is not going to be catasphoic earthquakes. • In the Bible there is nothing that says the world will end in 2012. They say they got their proof from Revelation 13 and you see the number 666 and that number is just a number in God's book that represents human imperfection. So, 3 of those 6's mean humans are extremely imperfect. • Just because certain cultures predict it like the Chinese, Japanese and all of them doesn't mean their predictions are correct. As I said, nobody can predict such a thing. • No comment will hit Earth. Each time the end the world is predicted. They are always wrong. Here are all the predictions of when the world would end and each time they where wrong. Before 2012 it was 2006. Then 2000. And 1990, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1982, 1980, 1975, 1974, 1970, 1967, 1960, 1957, 1953, 1948, 1940, 1936, 1919, 1915, 1914, 1891, 1856, 1850, 1844, 1832, 1830, 1794, 1792, 1736, 1689, 1669, 1533, 1524, 1496, 1346, 1284, 1205, 1033, 1005, 1000, 992, 968, 500, 375, 365, 200, 90, 60, 30. SEE!! The end hasn't came and all this shows they are wrong!! Through out history the end has been predicted but has never happened so, whats the point of worrying? Don't live your life in fear. Just live your life be sucessful in your life by getting good grades, staying in school, going to college, getting promoted at your job, and achieving lots of goals. Don't worry about something this silly. It isn't going to happen! Every few years these silly predictions about the world ending happen. It has happened throughout Human history. Anyways, as from what I just said, you can't predict the future. What if tommarow were the end? What if tommarow you died in car accident, or something else went wrong which costs your life?
2007-10-09 21:51:59 UTC
Yes, absolutely, the end is nearer now than we could have ever believed or imagined. The world is on the move, socially, morally, politically, materially, scientifically, and religiously. The pace is so rapid, the trends so radical, the abandonment of the old moral values and standards so irresponsible, defiant, and carefree, that there is every justification for seeing in all this the harbingers of that final disaster which will bring about the end of the world.

To the true believer, enlightened by the word of God, the end of all things, as far as this present world is concerned, is the ushering in of the Kingdom of glory! Christ will return in the clouds of glory but He will not set foot on the earth this time. The believers in Christ will be raised from their graves and those who are alive will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye and will go meet Him in the air to begin the ascent to the throne of God! See 1 Thess.4:13-18.

I am not talking about a secret rapture here. There is nothing secret about the return of Christ. First the whole earth will be lightened with the light of God's glory. His character is to be made known. It has been misunderstood, misinterpreted.

The light will shine through consecrated human agents. The indwelling of the Spirit of Christ will be shown by the outflowing of heavenly love. There is nothing that Christ desires so much as agents who will represent to the world His Spirit and character. There is nothing that the world needs so much as the manifestation through humanity of the Saviour's love.

"And the earth was lightened with His glory." Rev.18:1.
2007-10-09 21:25:15 UTC
No, The Fifth Trumpet of God sounded when Saddam Husein lit the oil wells on fire during the first Gulf War. No Lie true story. This means the second coming is about to take place and the 1000 year reign.
water lily
2007-10-09 21:28:03 UTC
well, the radio keeps playin this song that's like 'this world is comin to an end' and it's like a rock song or something. but anyways, back to your question:

i think that it is coming to an end, just not yet. everything that lives has a beginning and has an end. the earth is a creature and has its own life cycle. so, it's coming to an end, just like everything else alive...

o, and many people claimed to be jesus throughout histroy. it's just every once in a while the person happens to be famous. if you don't believe, walk around in the streets and see how much of a variety this beautiful world has to offer. :)
2007-10-09 21:34:58 UTC
Yes, I believe the end is near...but not imminent. Every day is one day closer to the return of Jesus. Of course time is nothing to God and it could be many years away. Our job is to be ready as though He will return at this very moment but live as though we will spend our lives here on earth. We just don't know.
2007-10-09 21:41:09 UTC
I know Jesus will return, but I would not be foolish enough to venture a guess at when. Too many others have tried to pinpoint a specific time and were wrong. But yes we seem to be getting close to that great day of His return.
2007-10-09 22:37:07 UTC
I assume that In mentioning the above people that your referring to the false anti-christs that have claimed to be Christ.

In answer to your question.

YES I do believe the Rapture of the Church Is A breath away. Look up your redemption draws nigh...Jesus Is coming...Are you ready ?
2007-10-09 21:39:40 UTC
Why don't you read some more of what Jesus said and quit listening to the "world." Didn't he say that there would be many proclaiming to be him and NOT to believe them? One of the very important facts he told about the end of times is and has not been accepted. The "Jews" accepting him as "their" messiah too. Quit worrying about the end of the world as it will never HAPPEN, at least not as long as there is a Jewish person ALIVE....
Betty Boop Oop A Doop Atheist
2007-10-09 21:26:46 UTC
No but it is about to have severe seasonal changes. Floods and famine. The next hundred years will be much harder than the last. Glad I wont have to we around for it.

Good Luck Kisses.
2017-02-19 22:15:56 UTC
no its just another hoax like most things in religion. If Christ is coming back, he must be flying Southwest Airlines. Their schedule is always off.

2007-10-09 21:32:47 UTC
Of course it will.....there even astrological evidence for it.....

1) a big meteor could hit us....

2) we could get pushed out of our solar system....due to the even now decreasing magnetic forces....

3) or our Sun could die out....

4) or we could lose our lives in the andromeda impulsion....

of course all these things WILL happen in the future accoding to the ordaned time billions of years....

not to mention the increase in gobal warming.....its INEVITABLE.....

EDIT: I cannot say...BUT....whoever this JEbus charcter he won't come...but PRophet Isa will come back naer to the Day of Judgement.....only God knows the day and time.....
2007-10-09 21:38:29 UTC
Jesus is comeing back soon
2007-10-09 21:24:26 UTC

For more on this go check out and the ebook download is even free.
2007-10-09 21:27:02 UTC
The world will end, but not today. So i would advice you not to spend all your time worrying or wondering about it- go live your life.
2007-10-09 22:25:16 UTC
Yes, the return of the Messiah is very near. Nearly all the signs foretold by prophet Mohammad 1500yrs ago have coming of the Messiah is very near, when he comes all Muslims and true Christians will join him and fight the anti-christ.

In a hadith (recorded saying of the Prophet Mohammad):

"Prophethood (meaning himself) will remain with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain, then Allah will raise it up wherever he wills to raise it up. Afterwards, there will be a Caliphate that follows the guidance of Prophethood remaining with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, He will raise it up whenever He wills to raise it up. Afterwards, there will be a reign of violently oppressive [The reign of Muslim kings who are partially unjust] rule and it will remain with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, there will be a reign of tyrannical rule and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, Allah will raise it up whenever He wills to raise it up. Then, there will be a Caliphate that follows the guidance of Prophethood."

And from the above we can see the 1500yr old prophecy coming true. First there was Prophethood, then there was caliphates, then the muslim kings came and now we are in times of tyrants and dictators (west and east), and their time draws near. Then Jesus (caliphate) will come soon.
2007-10-09 21:23:31 UTC
It would be nice, but probably not.just b/c the world is down now doesnt mean the world is ending.
2007-10-09 21:31:06 UTC
"Why does my heart go on beating

Why do these eyes of mine cry

Don't they know it's the end of the world

It ended when you said goodbye"

-Lyrics: Nina Gordon

"The End of the World"
aZn TeAsE
2007-10-09 22:03:33 UTC
nope i dont believe in any of that bull. there is absoultely no solid proof of the existence of god or the devil. there fore there is no jesus or hell or heaven. get real here
2007-10-09 21:23:12 UTC
I do not one knows. The Bible says that not even Jesus knows.
2007-10-09 21:23:43 UTC
Haven't people been doing this for the last 2000 or so years? *Yawn*...any day now. Anyway, if it does end we only have religion to thank for that.
margaret moon
2007-10-09 21:31:59 UTC
No, most will die like the dinosaurs,but there will always be life on earth.
2007-10-09 21:23:10 UTC
We pollute, our governments suck. We don't need a god to mess up the world.
2007-10-09 21:22:40 UTC

Here's another list.
Lost. at. Sea.
2007-10-09 21:22:32 UTC
Is already ended and we are living on HELL.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.