Question about forgiveness for Christians?
2007-04-14 19:36:29 UTC
Say you have sinned against God and someone else by lying. If you ask God for forgiveness but not the other person, are you still forgiven by God or do you need to make it right with everyone before you can experience true forgiveness?
35 answers:
2007-04-14 19:45:25 UTC
I like that last one--he won't be in heaven to kick anything, tho, so that's not a worry.

To your question: God forgives all who ask forgiveness based on trusting Jesus Christ's sacrifice is sufficient for them. His forgiveness is free (hence, the great horror of the Catholic church actually selling forgiveness). The Father forgives based on your trust in His Son. This is what we mean by "saved by faith, not by works, lest anyone would boast" (Philippians 2:8-10).

So, do you need to go to the person to ask their forgiveness? Is that a work to be done to be forgiven by God? If so, then no, you don't. I'd say that God will not require that of you to be forgiven by Him. His forgiveness is free. However, as you have accepted His Holy Spirit with His forgiveness, the Holy Spirit will then tell you to go make it right between you and the other person. The difference? The only "good" work is one God specifically tells you to do. But the first thing He's telling you to do is to come to Jesus Christ and be saved.
2007-04-14 19:59:15 UTC
You should really talk to the person you have wronged, and make amends somehow. Nobody says it will be easy, but the action of seeking forgiveness and making amends (on a human level) is quite an action of humility. It is a good exercise in destroying the sinful pride that led you to lie in the first place. It will also give your victim a chance to work through their injury, and give them an opportunity to forgive you.

Forgiveness should be sought at any level possible. Just apologizing "to God" is the easy way out: no risk of human emotional pain or embarrassment!

If you are truely penitent, then this is the natural way to show it: by making things right. Not just with God, but with humans as well.
Weird Darryl
2007-04-14 19:42:29 UTC
"If you ask God for forgiveness but not the other person, are you still forgiven by God or do you need to make it right with everyone before you can experience true forgiveness?" - As opposed to false forgiveness?

Imogen Sue: You wrote, "If the human will not forgive you then you will go to God's presence unforgiven." Where do the scriptures teach that God's forgiveness is contingent upon the forgiveness of another person?

2007-04-14 19:45:17 UTC
You should always try to make things right with the ones you sin against, no doubt. However, only God can grant absolute forgiveness for all your sins; through Jesus Christ his son. All you must do is believe in what Jesus came to earth to do for you. You do not need to be forgiven by the other person in order to obtain forgiveness from God.
2007-04-14 19:40:22 UTC
I think for closure both need to be done....God's love is unconditional. There have been things I've asked God for forgiveness as well as the person I transgressed. I feel the wrong was forgiven, but, alas, I still think about those "mistakes" today and beat myself up for it.....we won't have true understanding in this life. I'd say do the best you can and try to get the forgiveness on both fronts.

Peace, Love and Blessings,

2007-04-14 19:48:43 UTC
If you are forgiven by God, that is all that counts! People don't have to forgive you. Their choice to forgive you is between them and God. It's not necessary to ask the forgiveness of the person if it will cause strife by bringing it up, however sometimes God will lead us to ask forgiveness in order to heal a relationship. True forgiveness comes through Jesus Christ and is not dependent on whether someone you wronged forgives you. Its God's mercy and grace that Forgives.
2007-04-14 20:01:19 UTC
Salvation and forgiveness are free from God. If you ask Him, He is sure to forgive. If you have the love that comes from God from a relationship with Him, you will ernestly pursue forgiveness. That does not mean giving up just because the other person refuses to forgive you. You are not dead. They are not dead. There is still hope. The Christian God, however, does not sell His forgiveness. You cannot earn it. You live it.
2007-04-14 19:48:31 UTC
Good Question!

I don't think it is always possible to go to the person and ask forgiveness, although it would be ideal.

You may get yourself into more trouble by approaching someone who is angry at you than by just praying God will forgive you and move on.

Yes God still forgives you, he always forgives you.
2007-04-14 19:41:10 UTC
I was taught as a child that you must make it right. But the bible clearly states that you only need to be truly repentant and ask God for forgiveness. Sometimes a sin cannot be made right. Best wishes.
2007-04-14 19:43:21 UTC
Jesus said that if someone has something against anyone, you should be reconciled to them:

Matthew 5:23-24 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.

There are times when you can't ask someone's forgiveness, either due to death, disability, or some other reason. In that case, God understands and will forgive you.

But on the whole, it's best to be reconciled with the other person directly, as well as with God.
2007-04-14 20:00:10 UTC
God is forgiving..but he also gave us a soul and true forgiveness comes from within. If you want to make something right to set you free and it will hurt another person that is wrong.
Eye of Innocence
2007-04-14 19:44:50 UTC
I think you ask God to forgive you for the act of sinning against your brother/sister. You ask the person for forgiveness of the act itself.
2007-04-14 19:50:14 UTC
Great question. It would be nice to make amends with your friend but it would be better to talk about this with a priest.

Baptism is the first and chief sacrament of the forgiveness of sins: it unites us to Christ, who died and rose, and gives us the Holy Spirit.

By Christ's will, the Church possesses the power to forgive the sins of the baptized and exercises it through bishops and priests normally in the sacrament of Penance.

"In the forgiveness of sins, both priests and sacraments are instruments which our Lord Jesus Christ, the only author and liberal giver of salvation, wills to use in order to efface our sins and give us the grace of justification" (Roman Catechism, I, 11, 6).

For more information go to this linak and look for section 976 and following.

Peace and every blessing!
bonsai bobby
2007-04-14 19:41:05 UTC
Often times God would have us to make thing right with one who we have offended first,then approach the throne of Grace for God's forgiveness.
Imogen Sue
2007-04-14 19:39:06 UTC
If you sin against another human being then you must be forgiven by both God and that human. If the human will not forgive you then you will go to God's presence unforgiven.

2007-04-14 19:42:47 UTC
You ought to make things right with both God and the other person, if it is possible for you to do so.

Obviously sometimes its not possible.

Like when you sin against someone who has since died.

Pastor Art
2007-04-14 19:40:46 UTC
Sometimes it is more hurtful to ask for forgiveness from the person you've offended. There are times when it is good to leave well enough alone.

But you should always ask God's forgiveness, and then repent (go in the other direction from your sin)
an ambassador for risen Christ
2007-04-14 19:47:38 UTC
In order for one to repent, he/she needs to first acknowledge the sin. If you confess with your mouth, God is faithful and just. He will cleanse you if you truly repent. TRUE forgiveness is from God. Forgiveness from another human is not important, because he/she may not forgive you anyway.
2007-04-14 19:40:24 UTC
i think so but its best to ask the other persons forgiveness too if they don't forgive you your forgiven by God
2007-04-14 19:40:22 UTC
We should try to make amends but in the end we have no control over another person's decisions and none of us can prevent another person from being forgiven by God.
2007-04-14 19:41:11 UTC
You need to own up to the lie, and try to fix any wrongs it caused. But God will forgive you if that is what you truly want.
2007-04-14 19:40:56 UTC
The bible tells us not to let the sun go down on our wrath. The way you treat others is a clear example of how your heart truly feels toward God. In other words, make it right between God and the one that you have hurt.
2007-04-14 19:39:30 UTC
It is not just asking for forgiveness.. you must repent.. which also entails making it right with the person if you can.. in this case.. telling them the truth...

WE are to forgive all who ask us to forgive them.. over and over if need be.. and even to forgive those who do not ask even more.
Gardener for God(dmd)
2007-04-14 19:46:29 UTC
You need to make it right. Why, if you can not find it in yourself to make it really right with the person offended when you have the opportunity, would you not, if you are really sorry? If you purposely do not, then you are not really sorry. If it isn't possible to reach that person for some reason, then God knows this.
2007-04-14 19:58:46 UTC
Jesus taught that you must first make it right with your brother before you ask God for forgiveness.

Read Matthew chapter 5 / especially verses 23 and 24
2007-04-14 19:46:23 UTC
Firstly, God will forgive if you /we forgive others.

And try not to lie, sometimes it's easier to tell the truth, you don't have to keep lying.

If you tell the person that you lied, they will not believe you next time.
OLD SKOOL ( discreet )
2007-04-14 19:57:15 UTC
God forgives you the minute you confess to him, if you mean it.
2007-04-14 19:39:24 UTC
Good question.What does the Bible say about TRUE Forgiveness.
Hannah's Grandpa
2007-04-14 19:42:34 UTC
if I forgive you for being mean to me, then God also forgives you.

so if you have ever been mean to me, then i forgive you.

may the blessings of God be upon you.
2007-04-14 19:42:53 UTC
If you are truly repentant you will desire peace with everyone. Especially those you have offended

"To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin"
2007-04-14 21:28:28 UTC
If you're Catholic, and you avail yourself of the sacrament of reconciliation, God takes care of making things right.

If you're not, then it's your responsibility.
Jan P
2007-04-14 19:47:07 UTC
If you have anything against your brother, you go to him first, is what the Bible says.
Nuff Said Sis
2007-04-14 19:42:56 UTC
I don't know for sure, but you should try to make things better if you can.
2007-04-14 19:40:47 UTC
confession is good for the soul!
2007-04-14 19:39:38 UTC

I will never forgive or forget!





Well be nice to your mom, dad, sisters and brothers. Try to live heaven here and now instead of hell here and now..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.