A question for Christians.....?
2007-09-02 05:39:15 UTC
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (Gensis 1, The Creation)

Scientists have now proven that the earth and all the other planets in the solar system, and even the Sun, formed after a star exploded at the end of its life and left behind a nebula, because otherwise, heavier elements such as gold could not be present in the earth's crust.

What would you say to someone who pointed this out to you? Please don't feel I'm attacking your religion, I'm just a very curious person. I asked my Christian friends. They're regular church goers and said they'd try and find out an answer but they haven't so far.

I just want to be more informed about your religion, that's all, so if any Christian brother or sister can provide a good response to this, I'd be very grateful. No atheists etc please, I don't want answers insulting Christianity or any other form of theism.

34 answers:
2007-09-02 06:43:40 UTC
I'm not a christian, but I had to answer this, due to the fact that I am stunned by some of the answers so far, and on another similar question, one 'alleged' christian said scientist are f****ng IDIOTS.(his words not mine) and hadn't proved anyrhing. I have great trouble accepting people can be so blinkered in their thinking in this day and age. how can anyone ignore medical advances, fossils, carbon dating, the list goes on. I don't se why religion and science can't work along side each other. as a personal view, a christian who would slate scientific advances, are in fact slateing the products of their own god. unless all these advances are in fact the work of the devil/satan to cause confusion and disorder.
Martin S
2007-09-02 05:56:35 UTC
Scientists have now proven that the earth and all the other planets in the solar system, and even the Sun, formed after a star exploded at the end of its life and left behind a nebula, because otherwise, heavier elements such as gold could not be present in the earth's crust. What would you say to someone who pointed this out to you?

I would tell them two things. First I would tell them that the Bible doesn't give the age of the earth or this universe. The idea that it does comes from around the fourth century AD when a monk added up some lists in the Bible and used his own method of interpretation to come up with what he thought that the Bible taught about how old the earth is.

Here's a link that examines 7 different ways of interpreting Genesis chapter 1 and the 3rd way which says that the 7 days mentioned were 7 days of God revealing his creative work to the mankind and not the days when God was doing the work of creation seems to have a lot of support.

The second thing that I would tell them is that they were mistaken about thinking that scientists had proved how the earth had been formed. I would point out that scientists who have come up with theories down through the centuries to explain things have found their theories replaced by new theories as new discoveries are made.

The claim that the earth had to be formed a certain way in order for gold to be present in the earth's crust assumes that the model the theory proposes is the only viable model. It's like when scientists used to say that it was impossible for anyone to construct a high powered laser because the heat loss from the beam leaving the machine would melt the barrel that it was exiting from.

After that I would tell them about God's love for them and walk them down the Roman Road as found on the Get Saved button @
2007-09-02 05:53:45 UTC
Perhaps I'm miss understanding the question, but remember it says that god created the heavens (stars/planets/galaxys/etc.) and -than- the earth. So the creation of the celestial bodies, namely the stars, and planets would have mostly been finished before the earth was created.

The Genesis account was no doubt written in the perspective to a person if they were watching from the earth, so Genesis 1:14 doesn't necessarily have to mean that god created the celestial bodies than, (after the earth was formed) but could have just went along with the increasing of light, from god removing the thick cloud cover from the atmosphere outlined in 1:3. At this point, it cleared up enough to fully see the stars, moon, and sun, and the clearing process was finished and the atmosphere was balanced enough for animal and plant life.

(Don't forget this goes along with the idea, of how the bible expresses 'days' as being 'godly days' of thousands/millions of years, so these things described in the bible took place over long periods of time. Thinking about it, the genesis account, actually says how the earth was formed, and how creation came upon it, in practically the same order it took scientists years to figure out.)

Hope that answered your question, if you have anymore questions or concerns, feel free to IM me.
2007-09-02 05:52:05 UTC
Scientists have now proven that the earth and all the other planets in the solar system, and even the Sun, formed after a star exploded at the end of its life and left behind a nebula, because otherwise, heavier elements such as gold could not be present in the earth's crust.

Where did the star come from? LOL! So scientists believe in creation ex nihilo! Love those scientists. Fortunately God does too - they just can't handle the truth.

Try this -
Random Guy101
2007-09-02 05:50:45 UTC
While I may not be the most devout Christian, I actually swing on the agnostic/Christian pendulum, from what I can summarize, scientists have had the Big bang theory out for quite sometime. And it certainly seems very credible. But no more or no less than any other origin theory.

What you're describing is not actually the Big Bang theory, in fact the formation of the solar system has nothing to do with the big bang theory. Exploding supernovae could simply be God creating the stars and the planets.
Iron Serpent
2007-09-02 09:52:16 UTC
I would say to the person: "How does that discovery, assuming it won't be revised in the next few years, disprove Genesis 1:1?"

Our Solar System might not have been created directly by the Big Bang, but that does not mean that God did not cause the Big Bang, then millions of years later cause a star to explode, then form planets to revolve around the Sun and then focus on one planet in that Solar System.

The Bible does not give a time period for "In the beginning". That "beginning" could easily have been millions or billions of years.
2007-09-02 06:56:55 UTC
OK I can live with that, but where did that star come from? Where did the rest of the stars come from? Where did the very first atom come from? I could go on and and on.

Science hasn't dis proven the existence of God at all, actually most scientist will admit that their has to be some greater force out there than their being nothing. Stephen Hawkings the great professor would agree with this too. Even Darwin who started the idea that we all came from apes even knew in his heart that God was at the source of it all.

People who refuse to believe that God is the creator are fools, the bible says so. even without the bible to deny God is the creator is to deny the very essence of life itself. Now that sounds like a real fool to me.

Look in the mirror, what do you see? You see you of cause. But you also see someone who is unique. their is nobody like you in the entire planet. That mean their are over 6 billion people on the planet and they are all different from you. Thats astonishing. More than that, their has never been anybody like you ever in existence. Science would agree with that. their never will be like are amazing because you sooooooooooooo unique. Your eyes, your finger prints, your charactor and so much more makes you so unique. You prove that God created you.

Look at the sky, the trees, flowers, other people, the stars, the hills, mountains, the sun, moon and the other planets. Are they all here just by chance? How come they all are unique? How come every snowflake is different from all the others? Are they by chance? Chance would repeat itself at some point.

You know the amazing thing about the God who created all this and more is my best friend. He loves me so very much and I know him in my heart. He is my Creator,Saviour, King, Lord, Redeemer, Master, Brother and Friend...He is Jesus. The beautiful thing is, you too can know Him too. Can you imagine knowing the one who created all the world and beyond as your best friend? Come on now that has to be really the best temptation you have ever had. Contact me if you have any questions.
2007-09-02 06:37:21 UTC
As a Christian and a scientist I believe God created neurons, protons and electrons. These three were put together by God creating a big bang thus the heavens are born.

Neurons, protons and electrons are not clever, they did not think to themselves, lets collide and cause an explosion.

In the bible God created the heavens first (the universe), there is no time with God because he was, is and is to come. De-terming how old the sun, earth etc. is a speculation.

Also, the old testament is important to Christians, but the new testament is much more relevant for a Christian. It's all about Jesus, and His love for us.
michael m
2007-09-02 06:10:38 UTC
Science is theory until it can be experimented, observed and documented. None of this criteria has been met. Before the "Big Bang" there was nothing. Nada, zip, zilch, nill. Completely empty. then it all exploded and created an orderly universe. Where did the energy come from? Has anyone ever witnessed an explosion create order of any kind? There are explosions everyday, in many different forms. They can only create disorder. Why would the beginning of everything be any different? It just doesn't reason out. There is to much order in everything to believe that it all came about by time and chance. 9 billion cells in the human body working harmoniously together. The DNA is a work of art to say the least. Everything points to the Creator. It is all so intricate to even think that it just came together.
**Dr. Ted**
2007-09-02 05:48:30 UTC
Scientists haven't "proved" it, first of all.... If they really proved it, it'd be ALL over the news. Science does not venture as far as to say it knows or has proved it. Science just takes into account the facts we've gathered and attempts to explain it.

Second, I'd say there are other ways God can be present. Why can't it be that God caused that star to explode.....

(((how would the star come into being in the first place, by the way?)))

I wish I could give a better answer but I'd 100% recommend reading The Case For a Creator by Lee Strobel. It covers a LOT of topics, all within the general subject of creation (evolution, planetary theory, science, stars, etc). It'd answer your question better.
2007-09-02 06:18:08 UTC
The Bible says that a woman came before a baby; this is a proven fact now you theorize thusly:

"Scientists have now proven that the earth and all the other planets in the solar system, and even the Sun, formed after a star exploded"

according to your theory (no, this is not proven) ... which came first, a woman or a baby?
2007-09-02 05:57:29 UTC
Go to the creation museum in Kentucky all your questions will be answered. Just because school or a scientists say it is so, is it? I think not Science has been proven wrong on many points time and time again. Jesus Christ said you have to go through him to know the creator of the universe if you ever want the truth I suggest you accept him as Lord before it is to late. Besides God says in the Bible for us to have dominion over the Earth and learn all we can so what is the point of your question, has it ever occured to you that Science is from God and all man ever did was labled and studied it? The biggest beef scientist have is that God created all things in Seven days but our days are measured by the earths rotation but God's day's are measured by the whole universe so how long are they do you think his days are? maybe say 500.000.000 years?
2007-09-02 05:47:23 UTC
It could be said that God caused the star to explode and therefore set in motion a chain of events that lead to the creation of earth. Thats the thing with faith, you will never have the "correct" answer because that would be fact, you have to take a leap of faith and believe that God may have created the Earth in a way that supports scientific knowledge. I'm not religious but i would never put people down for having the faith to believe in something.
Friend of Jesus
2007-09-02 08:22:41 UTC
Ask yourself the question, "Why do scientists try to explain the origin of the universe and life?" What are their MOTIVES? What will we gain by knowing how it happened, how will it affect our daily lives?

Isn't the reason to find a NATURAL cause so you don't have to believe in a SUPERNATURAL one? Isn't it a desire not to be held accountable by God and therefore you can do as you please?

I was taught evolution in school and creation in religion classes and wrestled with the issue for a long time until I came to the conclusion: "I believe God did it and I don't care how people explain how it happened."

After entering into a relationship with God through Jesus, and seeing how powerful He is, I have no problem believing the Bible record.

I still enjoy science and especially medical research, but I don't busy myself with theories that have no value for my practical life and for those I love.
2007-09-02 06:11:02 UTC
We all make an apple pie differently don't we? I'd tell them they haven't found God. When the individual truly wants to find God, He will revile Himself to them. Why do you non believers insist that us believers prove to you that God exists? God doesn't even show all Christians proof of His existence. This is where Faith enters in. Faith is believing in something that is not yet tangible. I think you watch too much T.V. Here's a question for the science community. If all creation began with the Big Bang then all mass in the Universe originated from a central location and is moving away from that central location in all directions. Physics demands that unless acted upon by an outside force this mass must continue expanding at the same rate of speed away from the rest of the originating blast. Why then does the scientific community entertain us with the notions that galaxies and stars collide with other galaxies and stars? God bless you and keep you on your journey.
good tree
2007-09-02 09:38:04 UTC
I'm not a scientist so I can't disprove anything scientifically, however I have a problem with scientists stating theory as fact. The big bang, if it happened, was not observed, and as any true scientist knows, to be true to science, a proposed theory must be observed to be proved. Nobody has ever seen evolution happen either! I have to say I'm more inclined to believe the Bible, it makes more sense.
2007-09-02 05:49:55 UTC
Scientists have proved nothing of the kind. It is impossible to prove that.

But it maybe true. We will never know for sure. Surely there is a scientific explanation for everything that has ever happened and ever will happen.

My question is and always will be, why do so many people think that science disproves religion? And why do many think that, that is the point of science?

If God caused a miracle to happen would there still be a scientific reason that could be shown? Of course there would be.
Chaplain Dr. Ken D.D.(hc)
2007-09-02 05:55:59 UTC
If i may be permitted: Your quest for answers has been since creation often asked. If scientist have proven then who created the star that exploded? The word is the source of all truth.
Allan C
2007-09-02 05:55:28 UTC
These are theories that you refer to as proof, but lets just say there right and there was a big explosion. Who's to say that wasn't the work of God and the starting of "our time". You have to remember that we as humans cannot even fathem what God Is capable of. That's why It's funny when people ask us why God did this or God did that. We don't know! All we can do is go by what he says in the Bible and our faith in him. What we do know is God has never lied to us and he never will.
2007-09-02 05:45:45 UTC
No where does it say HOW God created the if he chose to have a cloud of gases form into a ball of dust, and then eventually form into the planet Earth, over millions of years...then so be it.

Scientists say the Big Bang did it....I say God pulled the trigger.
2007-09-02 14:39:32 UTC
God made use of that star explosion to create our solar system. He called all the universe, the planets and their life forms into being and left them to develop and evolve in their various habitats.
2007-09-02 05:45:52 UTC
The creation story is a metaphor, an allegorical way of description. Scientific theory (and that's all it is - there is no "proof") does not negate the fact that God is the Source of all...

St. Thomas Aquinas said that we should NEVER discount the allegorical in Holy Scripture.

I agree.

Never forget...the Scriptures are a collection of books...and none of them are, or have they claimed to be, science books or astronomy books.
Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed!
2007-09-02 05:44:24 UTC
If a star exploded and the debris formed our sun and solar system, then God is the one that caused the star to explode.
2007-09-02 06:01:59 UTC
If scientists were good enough they'd find out the cure for cancer or HIV by now. We're all very limited. God is great and no men is able to fully understand HIM.

All the best!
TCC Revolution
2007-09-02 05:51:41 UTC
So , you are saying that they could see 65 million yrs ago. Is it a looking glass, that shows that past. They must have seen Jesus too.

If you believe the small group of Astronomers ,then you should believe the Gospels.

2007-09-02 05:44:56 UTC
In the first place the scientists have not proven that a star exploded. This is their theory, but where is their proof. They have none. Theories and proof are 2 different things.
2007-09-02 05:49:52 UTC
Since Scientist weren't around back then. All they can do is guess. Since God was, he knows.
2007-09-02 05:52:49 UTC
SCIENCE..... HAS .... " proved.... NO SUCH THING ! "

Where is the... " Physical EVIDENCE "....they would NEED to Prove such a thing? When DID THEY Sample all the Material.... Etc.

YOU are believing.... Only THEORY...! OR... you have watched MANY... of those PSEUDO SCIENTIFIC Programs.... that has POSTULATES.... THEORIES!

THEY [ Most of the SCIENTISTS ] have to POSTULATE and SPEAK about things... THAT ARE.... STILL... ONLY... THEORY!


SILLY.....RABBIT.....TRICKS....ARE.... FOR....KIDS....!

Thanks, RR
Brendan G
2007-09-02 05:46:10 UTC
I would say you were wrong and that the issue was settled circa 1630 when Galileo was put under house arrest for such blasphemy!
2007-09-02 05:46:33 UTC
the earth is 6.5 billion years old

if you take that length of time as your arm, humans have only been around for no longer than the thickness of the tips of your fingernails

creationism is absolute garbage and it is a disgrace that this is not taught in all schools
jasmine w
2007-09-02 05:49:22 UTC
the question was what do or did u want from your parents
2007-09-02 05:44:03 UTC
Proven!!?? Holy crap! I didn't know that scientists had any sort of tools to tell what happend that long ago!!

... Grow up and stop bashing people. Meybe then you can find some actual answers and not resentment.
2007-09-02 05:45:25 UTC
Don't tell me not to answer your question just cause I'm not one of the church folks; I can answer it if I want to.

I don't want to.

Furthermore, I pee in your general direction.

2007-09-02 05:44:26 UTC
*smile* "scientists" have proved nothing of the kind, so I don't really need to respond.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.